Chapter 240 Give up the competition
In her opinion, the origin of this soul crystal vein is indeed very precious, but it is also dispensable.

What she fancy is nothing more than the origin of this soul crystal vein, which can speed up the speed of cultivation.

As for producing soul crystals indefinitely, for her, there is really no need.

With their strength, it is too easy to condense soul crystals, and it does not need to spend too much time.


After hearing Gu Yuena's words, Ditian thought for a while, and probably agreed.

So decisively terminate the price increase.

"170 soul crystals!"

At this moment, Bo Saixi continued to add 170 soul crystals, competing for the source of this soul crystal vein at a price of [-] million soul crystals.

"170 soul crystals!"

At this moment, Bo Saixi continued to add 170 soul crystals, competing for the source of this soul crystal vein at a price of [-] million soul crystals.

"Great offering, the soul crystals we brought this time are almost running out. If box No. [-] makes another move, can we only miss the origin of a soul crystal vein?"

Seeing this situation, Witch Douluo at the side asked Bo Saixi with a worried expression.

She also didn't expect that box No. [-], after the previous three competitions, could still produce so many soul crystals, it was incredible.

The soul crystals they brought from Sea God Island this time were most of the soul crystals in Sea God Island.

Even so, it is still not very sure to win the origin of this soul crystal vein.

The prices that followed them in box No. [-] made Bo Saixi and the two of them suspicious for a while.

They have a great chance that they will miss the origin of this soul crystal vein.

"It seems that the origin of the forces in Box No. [-] is not simple. I didn't expect Douluo Continent Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. It seems that Sea God Island must have been hidden for a long time, and my understanding of Douluo Continent is still too shallow."

Hearing this, Bo Saixi shook his head secretly, feeling endlessly curious about the soul master in the tenth box.

It is not easy to take out such a huge soul crystal.

Let Bo Saixi realize the strength of Douluo Continent.

"Continue to follow, if we really don't have more soul crystals to increase the price, then we can only miss the source of this soul crystal vein."

Afterwards, Bo Saixi let out a leisurely sigh, and the last auction item could only be left to chance and luck.

The next surprising scene appears!
Until this price appeared, box No. [-] did not continue to increase the price, and the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion fell into silence.

Such a quiet atmosphere naturally attracted the attention of Bo Saixi and Witch Douluo.

"Great offering, is it possible that there are no more soul crystals in the hands of the tenth box, and the price continues to increase?"

An incredible idea emerged in Witch Douluo's mind.

Box No. [-] had been following their prices closely before, but now after a while, there was no sound.

Could it be that the final winner will really be their Seagod Island?
"Waiting for the final result!"

Bo Saixi also became very disturbed in her heart, but she didn't say anything, her eyes fell on Xuanshuang, hoping to hear her next announcement.

As for the other soul masters, they also held their breath and listened to the next result.

"170 soul crystals once!"

"170 soul crystals twice!"

"170 soul crystals three times!"

"If no one continues to increase the price, then the last auction item, the source of the soul crystal vein, will eventually go to the third box."

Xuanshuang looked at Box No. [-], and raised her eyebrows after unexpectedly not increasing the price.

According to the rules of the auction, when the time is up, double check to see if anyone continues to increase the price.

No one raised the price and announced the origin of the soul crystal vein, which was successfully taken by the third box.

Xuanshuang naturally knew who was in the tenth box, and he was the top powerhouse of the soul beast family.

To them, Soul Crystal is really not worth mentioning.

But what Xuanshuang couldn't understand was, why did Box No. [-] give up the competition at the last moment?

The origin of this soul crystal vein is also very precious. With the current background of the soul beast family, they should not reject the origin of this soul crystal vein.

After a while, Xuanshuang ignored the matter, paid the money and delivered the goods.

After getting 170 million soul crystals, he handed over the source of this soul crystal vein to Bo Saixi, and told them how to use it by the way.

In order not to cause damage to the origin of the soul crystal veins during the process of putting them into the ground, the final consequences are unimaginable.


At this time, Lu Yun, who was on the third floor, naturally and clearly saw the process of this auction.

"Interesting, it seems that this time I have to thank you soul beasts for contributing so many soul crystals to me."

At this time, Lu Yun looked at Di Tian and the others inside the tenth box, with a calm smile on his face.

In my heart, I am very grateful to Gu Yuena and the others.

If Box [-] hadn't participated in the competition, he would definitely not have won so many soul crystals this time.

Especially the finale auction item.

According to his constant observation, if Box No. 120 is not sold, I am afraid that the final transaction price of the source of the soul crystal vein should only be a little more than [-] million.

Apart from Sea God Island, among the top powers in Douluo Continent, Bibi Dong had the most soul crystals, probably only 120 million soul crystals.

It was precisely because Box No. 170 participated in the competition that the source of this soul crystal vein was finally taken by Sea God Island with [-] million soul crystals.

To some extent, Lu Yun didn't pay much attention to whose hands the auction items would end up in.

Even if all five auction items fell into the hands of soul beasts, he would not say anything.

After all, all he has to do is to maximize the benefits of the auction, so that he can earn more soul crystals.

As long as there is a force with enough financial resources to buy all the auction items, Lu Yun is also very happy.

It's a pity that Gu Yuena gave up the competition at the last moment.

This made Lu Yun feel a pity, if not, when Bo Saixi and Gu Yuena continue to compete, the original transaction price of this soul crystal vein will definitely rise to another level.

"With the powerful effect of the Juyuan tree, combined with the soul power situation in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, it is indeed far better than the source of this soul crystal vein to a certain extent."

"What's more, the concentration of soul power gathered by the Juyuan tree at the peak moment of growth cannot be underestimated!"

After a little thought, Lu Yun knew why Gu Yuena asked Ditian to stop auctioning the source of the soul crystal vein.

It is nothing more than having the Gathering Tree, a treasure that can assist in cultivation.

(End of this chapter)

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