Chapter 242 Seal
"not good!"

The three of Bibi Dong kept using their soul power, trying to expel the silver light spot in their body, but no matter how they searched, they couldn't find out where the light spot went?

After a while, they themselves did not suffer any loss.

It's just that there is a hunch in the dark that this silver light spot is very unfriendly to them.

But with their mental strength, they couldn't detect where the silver light spot was.


"This is the price you paid. Don't worry, this power of time will not harm you in any way. It will only seal your strength, so that you will not be able to improve your strength within three years."

Gu Yuena said it in an indifferent tone.

When these words came out, to Bibi Dong and the others, it was like a bolt from the blue.

Within three years, the strength cannot be improved?
How is this possible?
At the same time, there was a trace of despair in the hearts of several people.

Originally, they didn't believe Gu Yuena's words, but when they absorbed the soul power around them, they found that these soul powers were rejected by a powerful force.

No matter what methods they use, there is no way to absorb the soul power, and then increase the level of soul power.

This made the three of Bibi Dong truly realize the seriousness of this matter.


All of this is true, how hopeless it is for them to be unable to improve their strength within three years.

Especially Bibi Dong, originally she planned to carry out the plan of self-proving and becoming a god after this auction.

But this accident completely disrupted her plan and made her unable to become a god within three years. How could this make Bibi Dong calm?

In the past three years, the situation in Douluo Continent has changed completely. If she can't become a god, then the future situation can't be controlled at all.

She is no match for the woman in front of her, how can she get rid of this seal?
"However, if you have a way to weaken the seal, you may be able to shorten the time of the seal."

Gu Yuena's playful tone continued.

The three-year seal is just a conservative estimate, if Bibi Dong has the means to break her seal, it will be considered a very rare thing.

Unfortunately, this is doomed to be in vain!

With her power comparable to that of a god king, it is a breeze to ban a soul master who is not even a god.

The other party obviously had no choice but to break the seal.

"This is a small punishment. If there is another time, the three of you will not be so lucky!"

Gu Yuena continued.

Under the gazes of Bibi Dong and the others who dared not speak out, with a big hand wave, a wave of spatial fluctuation instantly transported the three of them outside the Star Dou Great Forest.

Di Tian, ​​who was standing there, was obviously puzzled by what Gu Yuena did just now.

"My lord, why did you take the initiative to seal the breakthrough of the soul power of those three soul masters?"

Di Tian expressed the doubts in his heart, the strength of those three people is not worth the lord's power to set a seal.

"Originally, I didn't intend to pay attention to this matter, but I noticed that the woman in the lead has already touched the realm of gods. Perhaps in less than a month, she will become a god!"

"Although there is my existence, the soul beast family must be safe and sound, but it is absolutely not allowed for a god to appear first among the human soul masters."

Gu Yuena's indifferent tone came out.

What Gu Yuena said was correct, she just sensed the aura on Bibi Dong's body, she already had the aura of God.

The soul power has almost reached saturation, and in less than a month, he will definitely become a god-level powerhouse.

This scene was not what she wanted to see, so Gu Yuena had no choice but to take action, sealing Bibi Dong's strength for three years.

Originally, she wanted to kill Bibi Dong and the others, but after all, this place is within the range of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, if she makes a rash move, she might cause unnecessary trouble.

That's why the strength of Bibi Dong and the others was sealed.

As for the Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo beside Bibi Dong, it can be regarded as suffering an innocent disaster.

In three years, with the Juyuan tree and other treasures, the cultivation speed of the soul beast family has been greatly improved, and it is even possible to give birth to a real million-year soul beast.

During this period of time, the soul beast clan will definitely change drastically. Even if that woman becomes a god, it will not be able to influence the soul beast clan's plan.

"What, that woman is about to become a god!"

"No, my lord, do you want me to go now and kill it, so as not to bring hidden dangers to the follow-up soul beast family."

After hearing this shocking news, Di Tian and the other ferocious beasts were shocked.

Immediately, Di Tian asked Gu Yuena with killing intent in his eyes, should he take action to get rid of Bibi Dong.

Otherwise, when Bibi Dong becomes a god, there will be a big crisis for the soul beast clan.

Although there is the presence of the Lord, all crises will be easily resolved.

But a god-level powerhouse will inevitably pose a greater threat to the soul beast family.

"No need, under my seal, that woman has almost no chance of becoming a god within three years, and within these three years, our soul beast clan will work hard to develop, and one or two gods will be born in the future."

Gu Yuena waved her hand and said.

"On the other hand, now that you have the Juyuan tree, and you have used all the foundation of the soul beast family, Di Tian, ​​I hope you will step into the boundary of a million-year soul beast as soon as possible."

"As for the catastrophe you will face after becoming a god, you don't have to worry. I will seek the help of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to see if there is a way to avoid the detection of those gods in the God Realm, so that you can be successfully promoted to God."

Gu Yuena said slowly, urging Ditian to seize the time to practice and break through the limit of a million-year-old soul beast as soon as possible.

As for the crisis faced at the moment of breaking through the million-year soul beast, Gu Yuena also thought of a countermeasure.

Her existence cannot be revealed yet.

If he wanted Ditian to survive the catastrophe intact, he could only seek help from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"Yes, my lord!"

Hearing this, Ditian replied with a firm face, and at the same time, he had the desire to practice quickly.

A million-year soul beast is the realm he yearns for.

Now with the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, if it is really willing to make a move, it will be very sure to survive the catastrophe of a million-year soul beast.

"It's the same for you, break through as soon as possible, not to mention breaking through the million-year soul beast, at least everyone, give me a breakthrough of the 20-year soul beast within three years."

Afterwards, Gu Yuena also said to Bi Ji and the others beside her, telling them not to stop practicing.

"Yes, my lord!"

Brigitte and the others nodded slightly.

Gu Yuena's words inspired their determination to practice.

Soul masters develop extremely rapidly, and they cannot be left behind.

Now with the assistance of Juyuan Tree, they will get twice the result with half the effort when they practice.

Just like that, Gu Yuena and the others also left this place.

(End of this chapter)

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