Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 576 The second chapter of the finals (7)

Chapter 576 Second Round of the Finals ()


This is the final damage Fengcheng Yanyu caused to Lord Grim. This result is acceptable to Baihuafen. After all, Fengcheng Yanyu's state was not full at the beginning. She can do this. It was pretty good, knocking out nearly half of Lord Grim's health.

Next, Baihua’s fifth pick will be Tian Sen.

All the important tasks are now given to him. The same goes for Xingxin, the heavy responsibility fell on Ye Xiu.

Both sides have to fight hard to determine the winner. This is undoubtedly very fierce.

However, for Happy, it is very good that they can control the score to this point. After all, facing the league dominance, other teams may not be able to force them to defeat the generals to determine the winner.

And Xingxin did this.

Tian Sen, can you help Baihua stabilize the situation?

The answer is yes!

Ye Jinyixing, who is full of health and blue, plays steadily and steadily. On his own territory, on a map he is familiar with, if he can't defeat the half-health Lord Grim, then Baihua really paid for him in vain.

5: 4!

The score of the singles match was fixed here, and this scene also made many viewers seem to have seen the first round, when Baihua and Xingxin also tied at 5:4.

Stable, so stable!
Everyone couldn't help but sigh that Baihua's status as the league's hegemon was not for nothing. Whether it was at their own home court or someone else's home court, they could guarantee a stable performance.

After the single match, there was only a short break for players from both teams to prepare for the next team match.

Ye Xiu and Tian Sen also returned to their respective players' seats.

Happy's side.

Chen Guo was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on her head.

Another head point behind! This familiar scene made her feel flustered.

This means that if they want to win today's game, Xingxin must not only win the team competition, but also win in a very crushing manner. They must ensure that after everyone in Baihua falls, their own There are still two people standing on the field, so that the final victory can be achieved with a one-point advantage.

It's so hard.

Although Chen Guo was not very accomplished in Glory, she still had a certain understanding of the strength difference between the two teams. If it was just for Xingxin to win this team match, then she felt that she still had the strength to fight.

But if you want to win the game with a crushing attitude, it is too difficult.

Even Yu Wenzhou and Zhang Xinjie are not optimistic about this point.

In the box.

"I want to defeat Baihua with a two-head advantage in the team competition..." Yu Wenzhou said this and did not continue, but everyone knew what he said next.

"And it's still in Baihua's home field map selection." Zhang Xinjie added.

yes! The time, place and people are favorable, and neither Xingxin has an advantage.

Only that one item, "timing", remains in a neutral state.

Is it possible that Xingxin can only strive for victory in this game with the attitude of "praying for God's blessing"?

There is no way of knowing this.


Soon, the short break ended and the team competition officially began.

Baihua sent out the same lineup they have commonly used this season: Yi Tianming leads the team, followed by Chu Yunxiu, Tian Sen, Mo Chuchen, and Song Xiao. The starting lineup of these five is the most common, and the sixth People arranged for Zhou Guangyi to play today.

"Oh! Baihua has arranged an assassin player as the sixth man. Zhou Guangyi's character is the legendary assassin character Ji Leng. I wonder if this character can continue to display his legendary glory today!" Li Yibo laughed. road.

He and Ji Leng were once teammates, and during the commentary, he couldn't help but recall every detail of those years in his mind, and a smile appeared on his face. After all, those were Tyranny's glorious years! !
"Look at Xingxin's personnel deployment..." Pan Lin continued: "Ye Xiu leads the team, followed by Tang Rou, Su Mucheng, An Wenyi, Bao Rongxing, and the sixth person... Fang Rui!"

"Hmm... This set is pretty much the same, but Fang Rui was placed as the sixth man, and his replacement was Baozi," Li Yibo said.

"Yes, let's see how the two teams will perform in today's game." Pan Lin said.

Soon, the two sides ended the handshake session and entered their respective war rooms.

As the account cards are inserted into the card reader one by one, the selected pictures for the second round of the team competition gradually appear in front of the public.

Li Yibo and Pan Lin were also particularly serious in their explanation of this map. After all, this is likely to be the last team competition map of the season.

"The name of the map is called Lost Jungle!" Li Yibo said enthusiastically, "Judging from the name of the map, this should be a relatively complicated map."

"Yes, it is obviously not an advantage for the visiting team if it is complicated, because they do not know this map as well as Baihua, so when faced with some emergencies, the visiting team will easily suffer on such a complex map and be defeated. Baihua found a flaw," Pan Lin said.

"That will test Happy's adaptability, but I believe they can still do a good job in this area. After all, they have a master tactician in their formation." Li Yibo said with a smile.

A team with a tactician master and a team without a tactician master are naturally two different teams. There is a big difference in the combat effectiveness a team can display with a tactician master and without a warrior master.

Soon, a total of ten characters from both sides were loaded onto the map.


Game start!
As the countdown ends, the characters of both sides are refreshed on the map at the same time.

The five Baihua people were refreshed in the upper left corner of the map, while the five Happy people appeared in the lower right corner of the map.

Generally speaking, the refresh locations of the two teams in team matches are symmetrical, and today is no exception.

The five Baihuas started taking action as soon as they entered the map. Unlike in the past, they did not separate individual team members individually, but hugged each other very tightly.

The five people were like an inseparable whole, maintaining a similar moving speed and starting to move forward.

At the beginning, the audience was still confused about this, but it soon became clear to them.

Not long after leaving the resurrection point, we entered a forest covered with mist.

To describe how thick the fog is, let's put it this way: In an area with a high concentration of fog, two characters may not be able to find each other even if they are only one body apart.

Because there is not only heavy fog here, but also some strange sounds of birds and insects. These sounds cover up the sounds of the characters moving very well.

Coupled with the intricate green plants, entangled old tree roots, half-cut large tree stumps, and hanging rattans that appear in mid-air from time to time, these scenes are very confusing.

This is exactly why Baihua chose to huddle together for warmth as soon as the game started.

In such a complex forest, if you don't stick together, you will accidentally get separated from your teammates, and it will be difficult to find them back. This also well confirms the name of this map - Lost Jungle.

If you are not careful, you will get lost in this jungle! ! !

Happy had no idea about this, and they adopted the very common "41" play style.

Lord Grim left alone, and then the other four joined the group.

Immediately, Lord Grim plunged into the fog, but soon Ye Xiu discovered something was wrong. He originally wanted to explore a section of the road forward, and then return to the original route to find his teammates.

He completed the previous task very well. Ye Xiu observed part of the scene in the jungle and deduced the main characteristics of this map.

However, when he wanted to go back the same way, he realized something was wrong.

Even with Ye Xiu's terrifying memory, he couldn't join up with his teammates.

"You four, stand still." Ye Xiu, who noticed something was wrong, immediately reminded his teammates on the team channel.

"Understood." Su Mucheng responded.

"Coordinates 193, 227, meet here." Ye Xiu then threw out a coordinate. This was a point he had just passed, and it was also a point he found with a pretty good geographical location.

"Let's go." Su Mucheng said, and then Su Mucheng took the other three teammates to the coordinates Ye Xiu mentioned.

Lord Grim also started to take action.

But before he could reach the coordinates, he heard the sound of gunfire not far away.

boom! boom! boom! !

"Is there a firefight? How many people are on the other side?" Ye Xiu asked.

"I don't know, at least two." It was Tang Rou who responded to him, indicating that Su Mucheng could no longer free her hands.

"Two..." Ye Xiu began to think deeply.


On the other hand, the reason Tang Rou was able to conclude "at least two" was because she saw a spell ball and a war scythe in the fog, which meant that at least Baihua's Fengcheng Yanyu and Ye Jinyixing were nearby. , as for the others? That is not known.

Happy and the four of them happened to be in an area where the fog was not too thick, so they were seen by Baihua's people.

Afterwards, An Wenyi typed the coordinates here into the team channel, and Ye Xiu controlled Lord Grim to rush here.

"Force them to the southwest!" Yi Tianming issued the order.

The first effect of Baihua's choice of this map was revealed.

He just wanted to take advantage of the thick fog to take cover and force his opponent to constantly change positions. As long as Xingxin changed positions at this time, even if it was a small distance, it would be difficult for Ye Xiu to see it with the naked eye. He had to Only by telling your teammates the coordinates can you get to the scene as soon as possible.

What Baihua has to do is to force Xingxin to constantly change positions through active attacks. In this way, if Lord Grim wants to meet up with his teammates, he can only rely on his teammates to provide coordinates, and twist and turn in this heavy fog. It's ridiculous. If you're not careful, Lord Grim might be intercepted by Baihua's people before he meets his teammates!
"There should be five people on the opposite side, please be careful." Ye Xiu said on the team channel, "But you don't have to worry about the opposite side spreading the attack. Just concentrate on resisting the front."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but admire Ye Xiu's judgment from the bottom of their hearts!

All right!

Yes, Baihua still maintained a five-person group, but only Fengcheng Yanyu and Ye Jinyixing showed their heads, and the other three were still in a looming state, making it impossible for Xingxin's people to judge whether they were here.

However, with Ye Xiu's reminder, Happy and the other four people already knew this.

Who is Ye Xiu? He just spent two minutes on this map and roughly guessed Baihua's play style.

Since the heavy fog here has an inhibitory effect on Xingxin's people, it also has an inhibitory effect on Baihua.

If Baihua disperses his team to attack from all directions, he may get lost in the fog if he is not careful.

Therefore, Baihua will only attack from one direction! !

After learning about this situation, the four members of Happy quickly adjusted their angles. Originally they were wary of Han Mist Rouge from the side, they also adjusted their direction to the front, and cooperated with Mu Yu Chengfeng to defend together.

With the cooperation of teammates, the difficulty of frontal defense has dropped a lot.

However, one thing remained the same. The four of them were beaten and kept retreating.

"The other side has been forcing us to change our location, and the coordinates have changed again." An Wenyi informed Ye Xiu of the situation.

The morale of Xingxin's army is not stable now. After all, in this vast fog, five people on the opposite side beat four of them. First of all, they are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. What's more, their backbone Ye Xiu is not present yet, so Xingxin Everyone would be a little unsure.

"It's okay, you just need to inform me of the coordinates in time." Ye Xiu said.

"Okay." An Wenyi said, and then he provided the latest coordinates.

On the big screen, Lord Grim's avatar kept changing, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right.

"It seems that it was an unwise choice for Xingxin to let Lord Grim go off alone at the beginning." Li Yibo said.

"Hmm... Now if Lord Grim wants to join the large army, it will be quite difficult. In this vast fog, it is very troublesome to judge the direction." Pan Lin said.

"Hey, looking at the direction of Lord Grim, it doesn't seem like he is heading towards his teammates." Li Yibo said doubtfully.

The audience also noticed this. Although Lord Grim kept moving, he did not choose the shortest straight path, but kept twisting and turning.

"What Xingxin needs most now is time!" Li Yibo said, "Does Lord Grim have any other intentions in wasting so much time on the road?"

"It's hard to say...!" Pan Lin didn't answer the question wisely. The past scenes of premature judgments were still vivid in his mind, not to mention that it was still a key finals, and he would not be in the live broadcast room with so many people. Jump to conclusions.

Li Yibo also knew what his partner was thinking, so he did not continue the topic.


The perspective is given to Baihua's side.

"We have to speed up the attack rhythm." Yi Tianming said.

Tian Sen and Chu Yunxiu understood.

Ye Jinyi Xing pointed with his right hand, and a mysterious piece of talisman paper stayed in his palm, the Hard Body Talisman! !

Bird of Fire!
Fengcheng Yanyu also started to read the article, but the skill area progressed and read it directly in an instant. It was obvious that he used the skill to concentrate.

"Is Baihua about to attack?!" Li Yibo exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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