Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 577 The first chapter of the finals (8)

Chapter 577: First Round of the Finals ()

In the past period of time, although Baihua had a numerical advantage on the front, they did not show this numerical advantage in the eyes of their opponents. To be precise, they did not reveal their field of vision.

Only Ye Jinyixing and Fengcheng Yanyu missed their field of vision. This person was in charge of the offense, so his offensive efficiency was not too fast. It was like boiling a frog in warm water.

The remaining three people from Baihua planned to intercept Lord Grim on the way.

However, tactics are not rigid and unchangeable, and you have to learn to be flexible.

"Speed ​​up the attack tempo!" Following Yi Tianming's instructions, Luo Hua Luoshan and Qi Chong Yunshui stopped being secretive and started attacking one on the left and the other on the right.

Blood-red sword energy and white energy waves also appeared on the big screen. With the addition of these two people, Baihua's offensive efficiency quickly improved.

Fortunately, in the heavy fog, even the host Baihua did not dare to spread their formation too widely, so their attack points were concentrated on Xingxin's Han Yanrou in the front row.

The result of this behavior was that Han Mistrou's health dropped significantly during this period, especially after she had just eaten Fengcheng Misty Rain's Fire Bird, a high-damage skill, so Hanyanrou's health It soon dropped to below 60%.

The difference in overall blood volume between the two teams was also reflected at this moment. The HP of Han Mistrou on Xingxin's side dropped by nearly half, while the HP of the five people on Baihua's side remained above 90%.

As Happy's temporary commander, Su Mucheng couldn't just watch Han Yanrou's blood volume continue to drop. Now that Ye Xiu was gone, she had to take up the banner and command the overall situation.

"Baozi, hold on for a while." Su Mucheng decided immediately.

Han Yanrou immediately leaned to the side, and then a gangster came to the front. This person was Baozi Invasion.

Iron bones! ! !

This skill can increase the physical defense value of Baozi's invasion, which is why Su Mucheng can rest assured that he will be at the front.

The next second, Ye Jinyi Xing, who had a hard-body charm attached to his body, rushed up instantly.

The tiger dances wildly!

As soon as Baozi came up, he waved his hands, and a roar of tigers echoed throughout the audience.

Everyone was a little surprised. Was Baozi affected by Tang Rou's playing style? How can I imitate her and use her ultimate move right from the start?
However, from an objective analysis, Baozi's approach was not wrong, but it was very correct.

After all, Ye Jinyi Xing has come close to him now. If he doesn't have to use some hard moves to force him back, if his large force is scattered, it will be very difficult to win the next game.

Seeing this, Tian Sen naturally would not insist on using this skill.

Although Ye Jinyi Xing now has a defensive blessing effect with the blessing of the Hard Body Talisman, the damage of Tiger Flurry is not low. If you use this skill forcefully, what you gain will not be proportional to what you lose, and you will obviously suffer a loss.

Tian Sen's palm moved slightly, and Ye Jinyi Xing randomly moved two positions sideways to avoid the fierce tiger.

When Xingxin fans saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a pang of pain in their hearts...

A big move only had the effect of forcing them to retreat, but it did not achieve the desired output effect, which made them feel a burst of pain!
At this moment, Su Mucheng gave Happy fans a mouthful of blood.

boom! boom! boom!
Armor-breaking bullets!
Heat missile!

I saw a missile flying towards Ye Jinyi Xing's foothold. This was an attack from Su Muchengfeng.

The missile got stuck at the moment Ye Jinyi Xing stopped, so even players like Tian Sen couldn't react in time to avoid this skill.

Ye Jin Yixing's body was blown up by the huge impact of the missile, and his blood volume dropped!
Xingxin fans were overjoyed, it hit the opponent and it was not a loss! !

This situation just now is a bit like the "refill" link in FPS games.

To put it simply, when the lurker breaks through, let one teammate take the lead, and the other teammate will follow closely behind. Once the teammate who takes the lead fails to kill the opponent's sniper in the first time, the teammate behind him will follow closely. The teammate following will complete the kill.

Also called "refilling".

Obviously, the cooperation between Su Mucheng and Baozi just now was similar to this. Mu Yuchengfeng's artillery bombardment is a "replacement shot"! ! !
However, everyone is still confused. How did Su Mucheng make accurate judgments when the scene was so foggy? ?

The director seemed to have heard everyone's doubts, and quickly played back the short video recording and placed it on the big screen at the scene.

"So that's it!" After looking at it, Li Yibo also showed a look of realization. It was obvious that he didn't understand why Su Mucheng's judgment was so accurate just now. It didn't seem to be justified by luck.

Pan Lin also nodded and explained: "This is all thanks to the Tiger Flurry that Baozi invaded just now. Although his Tiger Flurry failed to hit the opponent, he indirectly helped his teammates to defeat the opponent in front of him by waving his arms. The heavy fog was swept away, and Su Mucheng's vision was so accurate!!"

"Is this an intentional cooperation between the two?" Li Yibo laughed. This was something that the audience was more confused about. When did this neurotic Baozi and Su Mucheng cooperate so closely?
Obviously, there will be no answer to this question in a short period of time, but the reporters who were prepared wrote this question down in a small notebook and prepared to ask it in the post-game interview.


With the blessing of the hard body talisman, although Ye Jinyi Xing was not blown away, his health volume dropped a lot.

Because the armor-piercing bullet broke through 60% of his defense value, it was a perfect preparation for the heat-sensing missile that followed. The heat-sensing missile almost did double the damage, which was very impressive! !

However, Tian Sen did not give up because of the setback in front of him. He controlled the keyboard, and Ye Jin Yixing rushed forward again!

Ascension Formation!
At the moment when the effect of Baozi's invasion of steel and iron bones disappeared, Ye Jinyixing aimed at his feet and threw an Ascension Formation.

Baozi Invasion couldn't dodge and could only watch his body fly into the air.

At this moment, a blood-red figure fell from the sky, it was Luohua Haoshan!
Mountain collapse! This is a very common starting skill for mad swordsmen. At this moment, it happened to hit the bun invasion suspended in mid-air.

boom! ! !
Baozi's invaded body was uncontrollable again, but it was different from before. Before, it flew into the air uncontrollably, but this time it was smashed to the ground uncontrollably.

How embarrassing!

His body was thrown around like a ball by Luohua Langshang and Ye Jinyixing.

The Baihua fans in the audience began to cheer. Such a strong attack is what Baihua is most common and best at! If you continue to fight at this pace, victory is right in front of you! !
However, Yi Tianming felt something fishy about this scene.

"No matter how bad An Wenyi's operation is, his operation is still very accurate when no one is oppressing him. When Baozi Invasion was charged just now, he had every chance to throw out a purification, but... why not use it? ?”

Yi Tianming began to think deeply in his heart. He still didn't know whether An Wenyi deliberately held Purification in his hand and didn't use it, or...

Suddenly, Yi Tianming thought of another result, a very terrible result.

My hands are cold, are you still there? ?

Some of the shortcomings of Baihua's picture selection are once again reflected. This heavy fog interferes with the opponent's line of sight, but it also interferes with one's own line of sight.

Yi Tianming knew that the most direct way to know the answer to this question was to rush forward and check.

Just do it.

Cross cut to clear the way!
Luohua Langxian moved forward to test, but Han Yanrou and Baozi's invasion would stick to him like a dog-skin plaster. Even Yi Tianming would find it difficult to break through the defense of these two men in a short period of time.

Baozi's invasion and Han Yanrou's abnormality further aggravated Yi Tianming's uneasiness. Of course, if this causes Qi Chong Yunshui and Ye Jin Yi Xing to come forward to help, there is still a high probability that they can directly break through the opponent's defense.

However, Yi Tianming does not plan to use this method anymore because it is a bit time-consuming.

He thought of a more time-saving method.

"Cloud Catcher!" He immediately commanded over the team's channel, "Han Mist Soft."

Song Xiao carried out the captain's orders without hesitation.

Han Yanrou has the lowest health among the ten people on the field at the moment, so grabbing her and then taking her away in a wave of fire is obviously beneficial to the enemy, and it is also the fastest way to break the situation.

This is Song Xiao's idea.

Obviously, his and Yi Tianming's ideas have different starting points, but this is not important, as long as the goals of both parties are the same.

Song Xiao would not stupidly ask the captain what he thought on the team channel. What he wanted to do and what he was about to do was to do his best to carry out the order! ! !

This is enough.

The next second, a pair of white giants took shape in mid-air, and then flew towards his target.

However, at this moment, Song Xiao hesitated, not because he didn't know who to catch. Yi Tianming had just told him the target he wanted to catch on the team channel, so there was no such thing as not knowing the target.

What really made Song Xiao hesitate was that he didn't find his target right away.

Yi Tianming understood in his heart and slashed the path with a whirlwind. The blood-red sword energy rolled up the white mist in mid-air. In this short time, Song Xiao's vision suddenly became clear.

"Found it!" Song Xiao's eyes lit up after seeing Han Yanrou's body.

Immediately, the Cloud Catcher flew towards Han Yanrou.

"Be careful to avoid." Su Mucheng immediately reminded on the team channel.

Again, the views in this area are mutual.

When your career is blocked, the other person's view is also blocked. When you can see the other person, the other person can also see you.

Su Mucheng saw this cloud catcher immediately, so she quickly reminded her teammates on the team channel.

At the same time, Su Mucheng was also ready for another move.


Mu Yu Chengfeng adjusted the muzzle and aimed a Gatling gun at Qi Chong Yunshui.

Ta da da...ta da da...!
A yellow beam of light flew towards Qi Chong Yunshui.

high speed!

Su Mucheng's experience is evident. She made the most correct choice in a very short period of time. In such a tight time situation, it was already too late to read the high-damage skills. By the time you finish reading, your own Han Yanrou has been taken away by one hand, so all this has lost its meaning.

And low-level skills like the Gatling Gun are particularly suitable at this time.

Although the damage is low, the skill is released quickly. As long as it hits the opponent, it will definitely interrupt the opponent's spell casting.

Can it hit? !
The eyes of everyone present were attracted by this situation.

Everyone held their breath at this moment.

Blood flowers bloomed in mid-air, but they did not come from Qi Chongyun Shui, but from Fengcheng Misty Rain! !
The Baihuafen people let out a sigh of relief and blocked it! !
At critical moments, you have to look at the key players.

For Baihua, Chu Yunxiu is undoubtedly this key player.

If she hadn't just helped Qi Chong Yunshui block the string of bullets, Yun Catcher's spellcasting would have been interrupted! ! !
But now, the deal is done, Han Yanrou's body flew into the air uncontrollably, and then continued to fly towards Baihua Ruinuo.

"Use it!" Yi Tianming said in his heart.

At this moment, he actually hoped that his opponent would use purification to help Han Yanrou release control.

Because Yi Tianming’s purpose from the beginning was not to capture Han Mist Rouge and then focus her fire to send her out.

He wanted to determine whether the other party's treatment was still present.

However, as Han Yanrou landed here, Yi Tianming already had the answer in his heart.

My little hands are no longer cold...!
To be precise, he most likely lost his substitution point.

"Be careful around you, there may be a substitution on the opposite side." Yi Tianming immediately expressed his judgment on the team channel.

However, the next second, his judgment was verified.

Ta da da...ta da da...! !

From a different direction behind him, gunfire sounded, and it didn't take much thinking to know that it came from Lord Grim.

The yellow beam penetrated the thick fog, and the person next to Lord Grim made everyone at the scene stunned.

Boundless Sea! ! !
"Xingxin actually completed the substitution!!" Li Yibo exclaimed.

The audience looked at this scene in disbelief. Apparently they didn't even notice this just now. Happy made the substitution quietly.

However, at this time, everyone will not focus too much on the superficial statement of substitution. They will pay more attention to the upcoming results of this behavior.

Happy, five attackers are here! !
So, in this case, what will Xingxin do?


There is no doubt about this.

As a result, Han Yanrou, who had just been captured in the formation, became extremely troublesome at this moment, because she happened to form an internal and external echo situation with her own large army. Han Yanrou was echoing inside, and the other four Xingxin were outside. storm.

In this case, even if it is as strong as Baihua, it will be difficult to withstand it!
After all, they still have to protect their own treatment, but Xingxin has no such worries at all...!
The next second, the attack began.


(End of this chapter)

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