Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 575 The second chapter of the finals (6)

Acid rain dry ice!

Fengcheng Yanyu aimed at the speeding Lord Grim and released this skill.

You can't let your opponent get close, that's for sure.

A purple dark cloud stayed in the mid-air where Lord Grim must pass, and soon small yellow raindrops fell from it.

Ye Xiu would naturally not use this skill forcefully. Acid Rain and Dry Ice was not weak in terms of control or damage. If he used it forcefully, it would obviously be detrimental to him.

Lord Grim dodged to the left and chose another path.

However, Chu Yunxiu was obviously wary of this.

Before Lord Grim could move any further, a wall of ice formed in front of him.

Obviously, this is also the skill from Fengcheng Yanyu - ice wall! !

The meaning is already obvious.

Either you continue to take a detour at the military trade school, or you waste time breaking this ice wall.

"Difficult." Ye Xiu muttered.

Immediately, the Thousand Chance Umbrella in Lord Grim's hand transformed directly into the form of a war spear.

Dragon Tooth, Ba Rui!
The two low-level skills were used one after another, and some small cracks could soon be seen on the ice wall.

"It seems that player Ye Xiu is preparing to break this ice wall forcibly. She does not intend to take a detour." Li Yibo said.

Seeing this, Chu Yunxiu immediately read the skill Blizzard and aimed at Lord Grim's head.

However, at this moment, Lord Grim seemed to have expected it. The moment the blizzard fell on his head, he rolled to the left and immediately bypassed the ice wall!
Fengcheng Yanyu began to retreat. The blizzard just now had caused her to lose the best opportunity to attack. Chu Yunxiu knew that if she forced the skill to be read now, it would probably not be possible to completely suppress Lord Grim. The hidden danger was huge!

So she chose to avoid its sharp edges first.

"Ye Xiu just fired a smoke bomb!" Pan Lin said with a smile, "He pretended to want to break the ice wall, but in fact he had already done it. The distance he rolled to the left could directly bypass the ice wall. At the same time, he also While waiting for his opponent to make the first move, as evidenced by the misty snowstorm in Fengcheng, Ye Xiu chose to roll to the left at the moment his opponent made the move, bypassing the ice wall that was blocking him and allowing Chu Yunxiu to move. The opportunity was lost.”

"What a great fight!" Li Yibo couldn't help but praise.

However, for Ye Xiu, it is far from the time to relax. This is the first step of the long march. Among other things, Chu Yunxiu still has the life-saving skill of teleportation in his hand. , this skill is enough for Ye Xiu to spend time and energy to trick him out.

Soon, the Thousand Chance Umbrella transformed into a gun form.

Ta da da...ta da da...

The Gatling gun was thrown out, and a yellow beam flew towards Fengcheng Yanyu. However, Chu Yunxiu had no time to dodge these bullets at this moment. If she wasted time on this, then Lord Grim's next step would be You can kill him in front of her.


A layer of blood appeared on Fengcheng Yanyu's body, but luckily, she finally succeeded in reaching the "second line of defense" originally planned by Chu Yunxiu.

After ensuring his short-term safety, Chu Yunxiu let go of his attacks.

The next second, a wall of fire appeared at Lord Grim's feet. The timing of this wall of fire appearing was just when Lord Grim was completing a jumping action.

Good opportunity!

Ye Xiu had to transform the Thousand Planes Umbrella into a "propeller" form and use the mechanical rotors to lift Lord Grim's body into the air to avoid being engulfed by the flames.

However, just then!

Lightning chain! !
Fengcheng Yanyu held her right hand into the void, and immediately she could hear bursts of lightning crackling, and the last chain with lightning appeared in her hand.

The next second, the chain flew towards Lord Grim's ankle.

At this moment Chu Yunxiu's plan was also revealed.

First, he used the wall of fire to force Lord Grim to fly into the air, and then used the powerful control skill of Lightning Chain to force him to grab him!
The connection between these two skills is very high, and the timing is very tight, one link is linked to the other.

Will Lord Grim fall for the trick?
Yes, but no.

I saw Lord Grim's body in mid-air turned into a pile of powder the moment it was caught by the lightning chain, and then scattered in the wind.


"Where is Lord Grim's true form!?" Li Yibo exclaimed.

Immediately, a burst of eagle cry sounded, and Lord Grim's body was like a dragonfly touching water. He used the buildings on the ground to move quickly, and quickly closed the distance between himself and the windy city's misty rain.

Eagle treads!

This skill is used as a displacement function at this moment. Of course, not everyone can do this. This skill requires a lot of skills and experience. Ye Xiu used his own skills and experience to forcefully break through Chu Yunxiu's defense. .


Before Chu Yunxiu could respond, Lord Grim knelt and closed the distance again.

The advantages of individual people are evident! Although there are not many high-damage skills, the number of these small skills is really confusing.

next second.

A cold light appeared on Chu Yunxiu's computer screen,

Arc flash! ! !
Bright red blood burst out from Fengcheng Yanyu's neck. Although the scene looked a bit scary, the actual damage of this skill was not high, it was just a common low-level skill.

Therefore, Chu Yunxiu did not throw out the life-saving skills that were at the bottom of the box.

Fengcheng Yanyu's body flew backwards uncontrollably. Just when Lord Grim was about to launch a further attack, his body flipped back 180 degrees uncontrollably.

Elemental Mage Skill - Dark Night Flying Shadow!
Immediately afterwards, a beam of ice burst out from Fengcheng Yanyu's staff,

Ice line! This is a strong control skill. If it hits, it can freeze Lord Grim for four seconds.

Another combo!

Everyone present couldn't help but exclaimed: Chu Yunxiu's skill level is really eye-catching!
Four seconds is already a long time. If he is fast, Chu Yunxiu can use two high-damage skills, which can knock out about 30% of the opponent's health.

Of course, the premise of this assumption is that this is an ice line hit.

If it were another profession, such as a boxer or a gangster, they would most likely be helpless in the face of Chu Yunxiu's wave of combos, and in the end they would have nothing to do but watch themselves lose blood.

But Sanren are obviously different...!
The second before he was about to be controlled by the ice line, Lord Grim's body turned into the image of a scarecrow.

Obviously, Lord Grim escaped again.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yunxiu naturally chose to cancel the skill release.

The opponent has already used the Substitute Technique, and using the skill again will only make him a living target, because Fengcheng Yanyu cannot move when releasing the ice line, and Chunchun is a living target.

The next second, a shield appeared in Fengcheng Yanyu's sight, and soon took up most of her computer screen. Shield Bash!

At the same time, it also creates a shield blind effect! !

Fengcheng Yanyu was forced into a brief state of stiffness by this shield attack, and Ye Xiu's move was indeed very "sinister". Using the shield status of the Thousand Chance Umbrella to affect the opponent's sight, Chu Yunxiu If you want to counterattack, the difficulty will increase a lot.

Firstly, it is because it is difficult for her to cross the Thousand Planes Umbrella and directly attack Lord Grim. Secondly, she does not know where exactly Lord Grim will be behind the shield. If she throws the skill blindly, the probability of hitting it will not be too high. If it is low, it will only end up wasting its own mana.

Lord Grim also took advantage of the effect of this shield attack and quickly launched an attack.

Round dance stick, falling flower palm, and collapse fist.

Although the Sanren's signature low-level combos are not very explosive, Chu Yunxiu knew that it would definitely not be an option if the opponent continued to be consumed like this.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Facing the opponent's special defensive state, Chu Yunxiu quickly found a way to counterattack.

Group attack skills!
A ball of bright red light quickly formed in Fengcheng Yanyu's hand. This ball of light burst out with eager flames from the inside out.

The next second, the ball of light was thrown to the ground by Chu Yunxiu. Although the trajectory of the ball of light bounced a little due to the obstruction of the shield, for Chu Yunxiu, this was enough! ! !
Elemental Mage Skill - Flame Storm! !

The next moment, flames full of high temperature quickly spread under the feet of the two people. The damage value of the elemental mage's level 60 skill is naturally not low, and as the master of the skill, Fengcheng Yanyu naturally does not need to suffer the damage of these flames.

But Lord Grim is different. To Flame Storm, he is an enemy, an enemy that needs to be devoured.

"Not good!"

Ye Xiu secretly screamed in his heart that it was not good, but now the Shadow Clone Technique and the Substitute Technique were on cooling. The mechanical rotor was used just now, and the CD has not been restored yet.

It would be nice to have an Eagle Step!
Ye Xiu couldn't laugh or cry in his heart, but Lord Grim's skill tree clearly showed that the skill Eagle Step was currently unavailable and was on cooldown.

At this moment, the consequences of Lord Grim's rapid approach were also revealed, that is, many of his skills were in the process of cooling down, which made it impossible for him to break out of the predicament in front of him for a while.

"Then we can only exchange blood."

The next second, Lord Grim put away his shield form, and then transformed into the gunner form. Then an anti-tank cannon was used, and two missiles flew towards Fengcheng Yanyu's body as if they had eyes.

But for Chu Yunxiu, it is not a problem to dodge such an attack. The opponent's shield blind effect is gone, and she has time to react and make evasive moves.

Fengcheng Yanyu moved two spaces back and easily dodged the anti-tank gun.

However, Ye Xiu obviously didn't expect the anti-tank gun just now to hit. His real purpose was to take advantage of Fengcheng Misty Rain to avoid the anti-tank gun and get close to him again! ! !

Jun Moxiao's body flashed, and then two sword energy flew out horizontally and vertically.

Cross cut!
It was difficult for Fengcheng Yanyu to completely dodge this time, because the gap between the cross slash and the anti-tank gun just now was very short, and the angle was very tight.

Therefore, Chu Yunxiu could only dodge one of the sword energies in the end and was hit by another sword energy.

Fengcheng Yanyu suddenly raised her head, but she saw Lord Grim looking down at him. Soon Lord Grim came down from above with a "sword" in his hand.

Silver light falling blade! ! !

This time, it would be difficult for Chu Yunxiu to dodge, even half of it. She would most likely have to use all of this skill.

Of course, the damage of a falling silver blade is not a concern. What really worries Chu Yunxiu is Lord Grim's follow-up offensive supplement. Sanren has many more displacement control skills. If he is not careful with one move, he may be hit by others. The combo kills a lot of blood.

This is what Chu Yunxiu is really worried about.

"Ye Xiu started to fight back!" Pan Lin said.

"To be precise, it's a blood exchange!" Li Yibo said with a smile. He is worthy of his professional background, and his understanding of the game is obviously higher than Pan Lin's.

Ye Xiu was indeed switching his tactics, but he was using this style of play in a passive situation, because Lord Grim was already surrounded by the sea of ​​fire summoned by his opponent, and he wanted to rush out in a short time. This sea of ​​​​fire is not realistic, so we can only make this decision.

The skill "Reinforced Iron Bone" can be used, but this skill mainly improves physical defense. Fengcheng Yanyu is an elemental mage, and its main focus is spell damage, so using "Reinforced Iron Bone" is of little use.

Therefore, since you are going to lose blood no matter what, it is better to choose to let your opponent lose more blood.

The falling silver blade hit, and Fengcheng Yanyu was once again held close to Lord Grim.

The next second, Lord Grim pierced the heart with an angry dragon. Although it only added a little bit, the damage was still much higher than the previous low-level skills.

Fengcheng Yanyu lost blood, but even so, she still did not choose to use teleportation.

"Don't you need to teleport...?" Ye Xiu was thinking about this problem in his heart. He was a little surprised that Chu Yunxiu played so securely today. Even though he was already close to his body, he still had the life-saving skills in his hands. No use came out.

Bird of Fire!
Chu Yunxiu's hand speed increased. If he wanted to spell this skill, the effects of Fire Bird and Fire Sea could be superimposed. To be precise, they could be increased. If he could spell this skill, Lord Grim would have to drop another one. layer of skin.

But unfortunately, her intention was noticed in advance by Ye Xiu.

Two clicks.

Fengcheng Yanyu's spellcasting was interrupted, and then Lord Grim drew his sword and slashed in front of her.


Fengcheng Yanyu continues to lose blood.

This situation is not good for her, after all, her blood volume was not full at the beginning of the game.

"Do you want to concentrate on it?" Ye Xiu said in his heart.

Full concentration, another trump card of Fengcheng Yanyu.

However, this trump card is not a life-saving skill, but a skill that allows the reading of the next skill to be completed instantly, which is equivalent to an explosive skill.

Concentration and teleportation, these two skills, Fengcheng Yanyu, were not used. This was what Ye Xiu was currently worried about.

The skills that are not used are the most threatening skills.

These were Ye Xiu's own words, but today he was "restricted" by his words.

Of course, Ye Xiu had his own way.

Since the opponent has been suppressing these two skills, then I have to force her to use them!

Use it now or be out!

The next second, Lord Grim's hand movements accelerated sharply, and low-level skills were released from his hands one after another...

Fight quickly!


(End of this chapter)

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