Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 563 The first chapter of the finals (7)

As the singles match came to an end, the scene temporarily entered the commercial break.

Honor officials have secured many new investors for this finals. This is also a must-have project every year. After all, there must be enough funds to promote the development of the entire league, and funds rely on these investors. to provide.

These advertisements are generally endorsed by players in the league, which is a mutually beneficial project. Firstly, it can help the development of the alliance, secondly, investors can make money, and thirdly, the corresponding players and teams can also increase a certain amount of popularity. .

among professional players.

"Who endorsed the advertisement in last year's finals?" Huang Shaotian tilted his head and asked.

"It's not yours, Mr. Huang anyway." Li Xuan joked.

"Okay, okay, let's go." Huang Shaotian rolled his eyes at him.

He looked around, but no one gave a concrete answer.

In the end, it was his captain who recalled it and then said:

"Is it from Yi Tianming?"

"Oh! I remembered it." Huang Shaotian suddenly realized.

Coincidentally, at this time, a new advertisement for this year's finals appeared on the big screen.

I saw a familiar figure appearing on it.

When all the professional players saw this man's face, they couldn't help but be startled at first, and then they all smiled. Huang Shaotian even burst into laughter:
"Two goals! It's this kind of abstract advertisement again, hahahahahaha!"

At this moment, Yi Tianming, who was sitting at the Baihua Seat, froze and covered his face.

Because what was playing on the big screen right now was the commercial he shot, and in the commercial she was wearing a very weird outfit, with her whole body wrapped in a chicken leg holster, a large chicken leg on her left hand, and an Orleans roast leg on her right hand.

Two words,

"Kenjiji's big chicken drumstick, how can you own it if you eat it!"

When the lines of this advertisement were spoken, Huang Shaotian among the professional players was laughing from ear to ear.

"Hahahahahaha! My stomach hurts from laughing."

The other professional players couldn't hold it in anymore. Originally, they wouldn't smile openly out of sympathy, but they couldn't bear it because Yi Tianming's dress was too abstract.

Even the meticulous Han Wenqing would raise the corners of his mouth.



This is the second time that KFC has cooperated with Yi Tianming. The previous time was in the eighth season, when they endorsed French fries products.

This time, the endorsement was for chicken legs products. Kenjiji cooperated with Yi Tianming again after two years. The difference is that the contract amount this year is obviously much larger than the contract amount in the eighth season. After all, Yi Tianming was just a one-hit wonder at that time. A popular newcomer, and now he is already the number one player in the league. Depending on his position, the amount of money you have to pay to shoot an advertisement with him will naturally be different.

Of course, Kenji is very happy to have this in-depth exchange. After all, being able to advertise with people from the league is definitely a profitable business, not to mention that it is now scheduled to be broadcast during the break of the finals. Naturally Even more happy.

But... Yi Tianming's advertisement is hard to describe in one word.

"If I had known that I would wear this outfit for an advertisement, I would not have accepted it at that time." Yi Tianming said in his heart, dumbfounded.

It turned out that when Yi Tianming signed the advertising contract with Kenjiji, he signed it with his eyes closed. Because the offer was too much, he didn't think much about it and quickly accepted the cooperation.

Then, this is the situation now.

However, there were still some Baihua female fans at the scene, Yi Tianming's personal female fans to be precise, who kept cheering.

"So cute, hubby!"

"I love you!"

"Can Big Chicken Legs come home with me tonight?"

Unsurprisingly, these words were heard by Huang Shaotian who was very close.

"Hey, hey, isn't it? Isn't it wrong? Are you making a mistake? Female fans can scream like this?" Huang Shaotian asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Haha, Mr. Huang, are you jealous?" Xiao Shiqin glanced over and asked.

"No, no, I don't have one!" Huang Shaotian crossed his hands on his chest, looking arrogant.

"Yeah." Zhou Zekai smiled, but there was still only one word in his words.

"Hey Zhou Zekai, you're laughing at me too." Huang Shaotian muttered.

"Huh?" Zhou Zekai still responded with one word, but the expression on his face changed to one of disbelief, as if he was saying, How could I not laugh at you?

"I think you're just jealous, Mr. Huang~" Yu Feng also came to join in the fun. Although he is no longer a player of Blue Rain, he still has a good relationship with former Blue Rain players, and they get together offline from time to time. , chatting or something.

Business cannot be done without righteousness! After all, they were the golden generation of Blue Rain that blossomed in the league that year!

Other professional players also started making noises, saying that Huang Shaotian was "jealous".

Finally, the well-known peacemaker in the alliance stood up and spoke.

Jiang Botao smiled and said, "If I want to talk about female fans, I'm sure Mr. Huang has more female fans!"

"Hey, that's right!" Huang Shaotian immediately got down the slope as soon as he heard someone offered him a step.

The other professional players also stopped joking at this time and chatted with the people next to the author about their own topics, waiting for the team competition to begin.

What they don't know is that the scene that just happened here has been captured by the keen director.

When the commercial for Kenji's big chicken legs ends, the live screen will instantly give up the scene of the professional players having fun.

"Oh, Mr. Huang is also watching the game today. He is laughing very happily!" Li Yibo joked.

Although the relationship between him and Huang Shaotian is not that close, they have competed on the same platform, although Huang Shaotian has a higher status and the pinnacle of his career is also higher.

But Li Yibo debuted earlier than Huang Shaotian, and he can be said to be a senior, so he doesn't have much burden in joking.

"Haha, not only him, but also many professional players are here!" Pan Lin also helped to boost the atmosphere. Now that the game is in a short break, their commentators are needed to boost the atmosphere among the fans.

Although most of the audience were Happy fans and Baihua fans, these fans also liked some other well-known players in the league. Only when they saw the faces of star players flashing by on the big screen, the scene also started. There was a brief scream.

"Han Wenqing!!!"

"Master Huang!!"

After hearing his own cheers, Huang Shaotian hurriedly stood up and responded. He smiled and waved to the audience. This scene was also captured by the camera, and the fans at the scene responded even more enthusiastically.

No, the most popular one has to be Zhou Zekai. "Zhou Zekai! Zhou Zekai! Zhou Zekai!!"

Huang Shaotian coughed lightly, trying hard to hide his inner embarrassment. Just now, Jiang Botao praised him for having the most female fans, but now Zhou Zekai's cheers are obviously even stronger!

But this is normal. Although Samsara's performance in the past few years has been worse than the previous year, Zhou Zekai's appearance has remained unchanged, and there are even signs of slight improvement. Therefore, nine out of ten of his fans are female fans. "Wife fan".

Facing these enthusiastic fans, Zhou Zekai also stood up slightly and waved.

He is not good at words, but he still needs to be polite. Although these fans did not buy tickets specifically to see him, they still cheered for you. This is to express their love for you. It may be said that not even a single recycling action is performed.

But having said that, the appearance of Zhou Zekai and Huang Shaotian is actually not very different. In the final analysis, they are just different types of handsomeness.

It’s just that Zhou Zekai’s looks are more popular among female fans, and Huang Shaotian is not bad either! Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many female fans who like him.

However, Huang Shaotian felt a little embarrassed at this moment. Before he could sit down, the cheers belonging to Zhou Zekai were louder than his own, which made him feel like he was riding a tiger.

Fortunately, I took a short break at this time to end the game and get back on track.

"Okay, the team competition is about to begin, please players from both sides!"

The sound of the broadcast ended and Huang Shaotian returned to his seat.

Immediately, two pairs of players walked out of their respective player seats.

On Baihua's side, Yi Tianming leads the team, followed by deputy captain Chu Yunxiu, followed by Song Xiao, Zheng Chengfeng, Mo Chuchen, and the sixth person Tian Sen. This lineup is Baihua's most commonly used lineup this season, and it also helped Baihua reach the league finals for the sixth time.

Six finals! This is currently the highest record in the league.

But the difference is that today Tian Sen was placed in the sixth man position, and Zheng Chengfeng took the starting position. This is a signal.

The double-shield knight started in Hundred Blossoms. This situation has not happened before, but it is very common. In previous games, this shows that Hundred Blossoms can play defense and consume.

As for whether this style of play and lineup can win this crucial team match. We'll have to wait until the game to find out.

The lineup given by Xingxin is: Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Fang Rui, Tang Rou, An Wenyi, and the sixth person Wei Chen.

Wei Chen appeared on the starting list. This result was both unexpected and reasonable.

Wei Chen had a bye in the last game, and he did not appear in the important position of the general guard today. All of this seemed to preserve the veteran's strength.

And the facts prove this!
Wei Chen appeared on the stage of the finals!
Happy queue.

Wei Chen was in a daze. Although he had gone to the toilet to smoke a cigarette to refresh himself, he still did not completely recover.

"Can you really play in the finals?" Wei Chen said in his heart. He looked at the figure in front of him. Ye Xiu, who once told him to "fight in the league again", is now really leading him and leading this team. The team made it to the finals.

Moreover, he did appear in the finals!
Three days ago, in a casual chat between Ye Xiu and Wei Chen, he explained that he would play in the finals. Wei Chen didn't take it seriously at the time and thought it was just a word of comfort to him, but he didn't expect that he would actually have a chance to play!

This made Wei Chen feel energetic.

This is the stage of the finals!
I have really made my way through the league again.

Although he has not played many games in the league this season, he has made a lot of contributions to the team. He won the games when he should and left several famous scenes.

Winning this championship, even though the opponent is not Lan Yu, can still be regarded as a successful retirement! That guy must be watching this game too, let him see my warlock!
Wei Chen clenched his fists. He was so focused on his own spiritual world that he forgot to move forward, and unknowingly he had distanced himself from his teammates.

"What are you thinking about? You haven't caught up yet." Suddenly, a calm voice brought his thoughts back to reality.

When he looked up again, he found that his teammates were looking at him.

"Oh, here we come!" Wei Chen hurriedly caught up.

"Are you nervous, Old Wei?" Fang Rui asked.

"A little bit." Wei Chen did not laugh and joke this time, but told the truth. The expression on his face was not even the usual joke, but serious and serious.

Obviously, Fang Rui was also stunned by Wei Chen's serious expression.

"Oh, to be honest, I'm a little nervous too." Fang Rui said, "After all, this is my first time entering the finals."

"Me too." Wei Chen sighed, "If only I had a cigarette at this time, I would definitely be able to defeat my opponent!"

"Haha, Mengke will fine you that day." Fang Rui laughed.

"It's worth the fine in exchange for a championship trophy." Wei Chen also smiled.

The conversation between the two ended here, because the team had already shaken hands with their opponents and entered the war room.

He didn't talk trash before the game?

Wei Chen didn't talk trash before the game?

These two questions appeared in the hearts of Wei Chen and the Baihua team members respectively.

Wei Chen himself was a little surprised. He always talked trash, but during today's pre-match handshake, he didn't say any trash. Instead, he ended the handshake in a fugue state.

"No, no, no, you have to get excited!" Wei Chen patted his thigh, and then inserted the account card in the wind formation into the card reader.

It used to be Soxar, but now it's Windward Formation. Although the account cards are different, the card holder remains the same, and that's enough.

Wei Chen was still very happy to be on the stage of the finals.

"bring it on!"

With a flash of white light, the team competition officially begins.

"Fight as planned." Ye Xiu said.

"Understood!" Everyone in Xingxin responded in unison.


"Okay, the team competition has begun, now look at what this map looks like." Li Yibo continued, "Xingxin's home map is chosen, and the name of the map is Ocean Museum. As soon as you hear the name, you know that this map has something to do with the ocean. "

Pan Lin hummed, and then continued: "Yes, we can see many large glass tanks placed on the map, and there are all kinds of marine life in these glass tanks. I don't know whether these glass fiber reinforced plastics belong to Is it an indestructible building or a destructible building? If it’s the latter, the tactical space will be huge!”

"Well! After all, there is a lot of seawater in the glass tank. If the fiberglass is broken, it will definitely cause some chaos to the scene." Xiao Yu'er said.

"Okay, both players rushed out..."


(End of this chapter)

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