Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 562 The first chapter of the finals (6)

The heavy sword buries the flowers, and the Thousand Chances Umbrella.

The two weapons intertwined on the field, stimulating the emotions of fans on both sides. People naturally wanted the team they supported to win. Baihua wanted to win, and Happy also wanted to win.

As for who will win in the end, it depends on the performance of the players on the field.

The distance between Luohua Langshi and Lord Grim was sometimes far and sometimes close, sometimes using normal attacks to collide, sometimes using skills to collide, but no matter which method they used, they had only one purpose, to drive their opponents off the stage. , win the fruits of victory yourself!

There is always only one winning car on this stage, and only one person can stand at the end. This is the charm of this game.

I want to win!
Fans on both sides were staring at the battle between the two characters on the big screen. At this stage, Lord Grim and Luo Hua Luoshan no longer had too many tactical traps or moves, and only had technical and tactical ones. Collision, because the hand speed of the two operators has been fully improved. Yi Tianming is very aware of how tricky Ye Xiu is and the technical level of Jun Moxiang's early powder, so at this time too many tactical moves are eliminated. It is redundant. Not only will it not have the desired effect, but it will put yourself in danger.

Ye Xiu also understood this truth, so Lord Grim did not engage in any more fancy operations.

The two of them clashed with each other, showing their skills and tactics to the extreme.

And all the spectators will devote themselves wholeheartedly to this game. They don't think about anything else. They only think about who can win this game.


This is a word that can never be avoided in competitive events. Who can win is the most important thing in competitive events. Everything else seems less important at this moment.

Let’s go to the special numbers for seniors, seniors, and worldly connections. Win first and then talk about these things.

On a huge chessboard, Yi Tianming's chess pieces and Ye Xiu's chess pieces collided back and forth. One of the two always had the advantage, but this advantageous position was not safe. It was often taken away by the other person before they occupied it for a long time. .

The two sides chase each other like this until the game is about to end, until one side's health is almost bottomed out.

Luo Hua Lang Chai only had the last 2% of his health left, and Lord Grim only had 60% left.

You know, Luohua Langshi, who had already experienced one game, entered this game with only a little more than 30% health.

In other words, Luohua Langxi used less than 40% of his health to knock out 40% of Lord Grim's health!
This result seemed to be Lord Grim's loss, but for Yi Tianming, he was the one who suffered the loss.

You must know that the passiveness of the mad swordsman means that the lower his health volume, the higher his attack value. Even though he entered the game with Lord Grim with his passiveness, he only lost 40% of his health volume. If it were any other opponent, they might have lost more than half or even more of their health, but Ye Xiu's ability to achieve such a result is already very good.


at last.

After the final collision between the two sides, the game also came to an end.

Did you win?
Happy fans opened their eyes and looked at the big screen. When they saw Lord Grim still standing on the field, their hanging hearts finally relaxed at this moment.



"It's not easy to win this one!"

"Yes, after all, the opponent is Yi Tianming. I have been watching with a sigh of relief."

"Hey... Fortunately, I won in the end, but the pressure from the opponent was really great. I was still worried until the last moment."

The Xingxin fans let out a sigh of relief, venting the pressure they had just watched the game.

"Jun Grim still has 54% of his health left. He will fight the next opponent with this health," Li Yibo said.

"This showdown between the old and new Glory leaders has finally come to an end, but I think it won't be the last showdown between the two of them. Judging from the state Ye Xiu showed just now, he can definitely compete again. Fight. Not to mention Yi Tianming, the year of fighting!" Pan Lin also said.

"Yes, the two players gave us a wonderful game." Xiao Yu'er said.

Yes, judging from the current state of Ye Xiu and Yi Tianming, no one would believe that they can't fight. Especially Ye Xiu, with his rich experience and strange and changeable weapons, some people even think that he can once again challenge for the title of the first person in Glory.

It really makes people dumbfounded. The person who is qualified to attack the number one player in Glory is not a young general. I am a veteran in his thirties. This thing may sound ridiculous, but if it happened to Ye Xiu, That's really understandable. After all, the title of Glory Textbook is there. No one will question his strength. Some people will question his experience and qualifications.

Back to the game.

"The score returned to the same starting line again, 3:3, and the two sides fought to a tie." Li Yibo continued, "But I think this score will not last long, because the game continues, and Baihua sent Song Xiao! He Appeared as Baihua’s fourth overall pick.”

"In this case, Baihua's general guarding today will be Chu Yunxiu!" Pan Lin guessed.

"Well, it's very possible." Xiao Yu'er and Li Yibo both nodded.

Song Xiaohe and Qi Chongyun Shui are in 100% condition. Can he win the next game? This is what everyone is concerned about, because the next game will determine who can take the lead.

And now the single match has reached the final "countdown" stage. After the fourth pick, there is only the last teammate left, so no mistakes are allowed at this time. Any mistakes will put huge pressure on the teammates behind.

However, the players who appear in the fourth and fifth picks usually have to endure huge pressure, because they know very well that there is no retreat behind them, and only by winning can they strive for a chance of survival.

Mentality is particularly critical at this stage. If you can grasp your mentality well, you will have greater hope of winning.

On the contrary, if the mentality is unbalanced, it is likely to make mistakes in this position, and more seriously, the entire team's efforts throughout the season may be in vain.

Overall, the pressure on Xingxin's side is greater, because Lord Grim's state has already suffered a lot in the duel with Luo Hua Luoshang, losing nearly half of his health. This has not even affected Lan. Bright loss plus.

The Qi Chong Yunshui on the opposite side is full of health.

In such a comparison, Baihua's advantage becomes even more obvious.

"It would be great if...the Leafs could complete 1 vs. 2." Someone was thinking in their hearts.

Of course, the idea of ​​one versus two also flashed through Ye Xiu's mind.

If we can complete a one versus two match at this point, the subsequent games will be much easier to play.

No matter what, give it your all!
Thinking of this, Ye Xiu entered the duel with Song Xiao.

It was another move-for-move duel, but this time Ye Xiu did not choose to directly confront his opponent, but added some tactical moves.

Facing different players, there are different playing styles.

Facing the mad swordsman who was already below half health, it was obvious that the tactical positioning did not have any good effect. Instead, he shot himself in the foot.

But when facing a full-blood Qigong master, you can switch to this style of play.

Soon, Lord Grim and Qi Chongyunshui's blood volume dropped one after another in the exchange of moves. Who can win?
This key question pops up again. Of course, everyone wants their player to win.

However, the game really developed according to the trend that Xingxin fans had most expected.

He fell down in anger, but Lord Grim still stood on the field.

One versus two, success!
Ye Xiu in the war room let out a long breath, "I finally completed this simple task."

Looking back at the match between Song Xiao and Ye Xiu just now, the former still lost due to experience and mentality. Although Song Xiao is not a newcomer, he has been playing in the professional league for 4 or 5 years, but compared to the latter For Ye Xiu, the "old fried dough stick", it's still a bit worse.

Ye Xiu used trash talk to disrupt Song Xiao's mentality while using his rich experience to gradually master the rhythm of the game.

Finally won the game.

At this moment, all Happy fans stood up and shouted. They seemed to see the goddess of victory calling them to wave, not only for victory in the single match, but also for victory in the entire game!
Although it is only 4:3 now, even though Lord Grim has knocked down his opponent, he only has 5% of his health left, and his mana has bottomed out.

But Happy fans still couldn't contain their inner excitement.

Want to win!

Must win!
Another win!

Pile of professional players.

"Xingxin is really tenacious today." Li Xuan said with emotion.

Void did not enter the playoffs this year and started their summer vacation early. However, when the finals started, they still came to the game site to watch the game together.

After all, it is the annual finals!

"It seems that both sides have to fight to the fifth position to determine the winner." Jiang Botao said calmly. Samsara also did not enter the playoffs this year.

"Yes." Zhang Xinjie nodded. Tyranny also started their vacation a few days ago.

Although all the professional players here have been eliminated or have not entered the playoffs, they all have a common goal, which is victory!

There is no professional player who does not desire victory, and no player who does not desire the championship.

But it is a pity that none of the players here have the opportunity to touch this year's championship trophy. They can only look at the ownership of this year's championship as spectators.

Some of the people here have touched the championship trophy, and some have never been to the finals. They can sit together and watch the game happily today because they have no competitive relationship, at least at this moment.

But next year, the year after that, or even beyond, that’s uncertain.

And whether these people will have the opportunity to win their own championship trophy, let time prove it!


Back to the game.

Chu Yunxiu appeared as the fifth overall player of Baihua. This finale was Baihua's last trump card. Tian Sen and Yi Tianming had already appeared in previous games, but today Baihua seemed to be lacking a little luck. They were currently one behind. Human head powder.

As the "defensive general", can Chu Yunxiu help the team reverse its decline?
Then we have to find out on the playing field.

The game soon resumed.

Chu Yunxiu's first game went very smoothly. She won a point with lightning speed because Ye Xiu took the initiative to play "gg" and exited.

Ye Xiu will not be blamed for this move, because he has already done a good job before. First, he sent Luo Hua Luoshan, who was below half health, out of the game, and then eliminated Song Xiao's Qi Rushing Yunshui. This challenge Second, although it is not a challenge to two full-blooded opponents, it is still very valuable.

Don't forget, this is on the stage of the finals. Who can criticize Ye Xiu for being able to withstand the flood of pressure and perform like this?

Although Lord Grim still has 5% of his health, but!
"Save your energy and play team competition." Yu Wenzhou said with a smile.

Xiao Shiqin gave a more specific explanation: "With Ye Xiu's strength, using 5% of his health can cause certain obstruction to the opponent, but this will undoubtedly be a huge drain on his mental and physical strength. The two are not directly proportional at all, so taking the initiative to withdraw has become the most correct choice at this time."

Other professional players also nodded. The two tactician masters had analyzed it so clearly, although no one could not understand it.

In this way, Chu Yunxiu won the first victory without any blood, and what he wanted to do was win the second game.

Only by winning both games can Baihua gain a rational advantage of one head point in the team competition and be in a better position to face the next team competition.

And Chu Yunxiu’s next opponent is—Baozi Invasion! !

"The final player on Xingxin's side is actually Bao Rongxing!" Li Yibo said in surprise.

"This choice is a bit surprising." Pan Lin laughed.

Yes, no one would have thought that Baozi would actually become the defending general here. Is this neurotic player capable of holding up Happy's last hope?
Originally, most people thought that Wei Chen would take this position. After all, guarding the general position is not only a test of skills, but also a test of mentality and experience, and Wei Chen has all of these.

But the reality is that Xingxin sent Baozi to guard the ring.

Although most people are puzzled by this game, they can only continue to watch the game and take it step by step.

With Baozi on the scene, Baozi Invasion entered the game with full status.

Can Baozi win?
Xingxin fans really don't have the confidence to do this. After all, they are facing Chu Yunxiu. If they are facing some average players, then they still have the confidence to trust Baozi.

But when facing Chu Yunxiu...

It's hard.

And the reality is indeed the worst outcome they expected.

Baozi lost to Chu Yunxiu, and Happy ended the singles match with a score of 4:5.

After the single match, Xingxin fans gasped as they did not gain a score advantage at their home court.

Next we can only hope for the next team competition!

(End of this chapter)

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