Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 564 The first chapter of the finals (8)

"What tactics will both sides adopt?"

"Let's keep watching!"

As soon as the words fell, the formations of the two teams on the field began to change.

On Xingxin's side, Han Mist Rouge is at the forefront. This is their usual style of play. They use tactics to open the way. No matter they encounter a situation they want to fight or don't want to fight, they can have a good way to deal with it.

Lord Grim is located on the flank of the team, a support position. This is also Xingxin's regular play style, using the high mobility of Sanren to deal with some emergencies.

Xiaoshou Bingliang and Mo Yuchengfeng were protected between the two, followed by Fang Rui's Boundless Sea queen.

A very conventional position. Judging from Xingxin's position, it was impossible to tell whether they wanted to focus on attacking today or what.

This is why people often say that the finals are unknown and unsightly. Everyone wants stability in the finals, so the enjoyment of the finals will naturally not be too high.


In comparison, Baihua's stance was even bolder.

Luo Hua was in disarray and anger was rising at the same time. The two "sharp knives" vowed to pierce each other's abdomen. Such determination directly shocked everyone.

Dare to play so openly in the finals, Baihua is completely open to play!
But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with Baihua playing like this. After all, they are already one point ahead and have more room for trial and error. On the contrary, their opponent Xingxin is a small point behind, so they will probably play more cautiously. Taking advantage of this mentality, Baihua's proactive attack may really catch them off guard.

And this is not what surprises everyone the most. What surprises everyone is Baihua's rear arrangements.

Tide, Fengcheng Misty Rain, and then their priest, Aofeng Canhua!

Everyone was stunned.

Mo Chuchen's Aofeng Canhua was actually placed at the back of the team, at the bottom!
"To put the pastor at the bottom is no longer bold, it can be said to be crazy!" Li Yibo said in surprise.

"Isn't Baihua being too unrestrained when he fights like this?" Pan Lin asked doubtfully.

Li Yibo's face changed, as if he had thought of something, and he quickly said: "Oh? It's not necessarily true. Baihua has made many bold moves before, and they can indeed win!"

Pan Lin also closed his mouth knowingly. He heard the meaning of Li Yibo's words:
Do you still think you haven’t been slapped in the face enough times before? Shut up now! To avoid getting slapped in the face again later!

Pan Lin cast a grateful look at Li Yibo.

Li Yibo replied with a "no need to thank you" expression.

Indeed, these two buddies had a lot of face-slapping scenes before, all because of Baihua's competition.

Hundred Blossoms going crazy? Maybe other teams would think they were crazy if they played like this, but if it was Hundred Blossoms, it would be understandable.

Totally understandable.

Artists are bold! That's all I can say.

"According to the current movement speed and direction of both parties, it won't be long before they meet on the map." Xiao Yu'er analyzed carefully. She did not hear the implicit communication between the two seniors and was still explaining the game seriously.

The match was just as she analyzed. Baihua and Xingxin's people soon met on the map, a little bit in the upper right corner of the middle of the map.

However, the numbers on both sides were uneven.

There are only four characters from Xingxin and Baihua appearing on the big screen!

This means that the two teams separated a character in unison!
"Is this... a substitution method?" Li Yibo asked doubtfully.

What made him even more confused was when did the two parties separate their roles? Even he didn't notice.

Not just Li Yibo, most people at the scene didn't notice when there were fewer people.

But one thing they know is that there is only one substitution point on this map, and substitutions cannot be made at the same time.

In other words, if both teams want to play "substitution play", according to the current time point, the characters of the two teams are likely to meet at the substitution point!
"It would be interesting if... the two separated people met at the substitution point!" Li Yibo laughed, as if he was just watching the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

Pan Lin, on the other hand, showed a nervous expression, because it was his own pastor who separated from Baihua! what does that mean? The intention of separating the priest from the team is very obvious. Isn't it just to play a substitution game?

Pan Lin supports Baihua! By now he was so nervous that he was breaking out in a cold sweat!
Let the pastor go to the substitution point alone? This style of play is indeed not uncommon, but it is the first time on the stage of the finals! And this time it happened to hit the opponent's gun!

Because... what Xingxin separated from was Fang Rui's Boundless Sea!
Although the qigong master's explosiveness is not very strong, the priest who is unable to restrain the chicken alone is still making mistakes.

Not only Pan Lin, but also all the fans at the scene broke into cold sweats.

In the team competition, the priest was sent out first. Everyone knows the seriousness of this situation...

On the field.

"Come back quickly!" When seeing that there were only four opponents, Chu Yunxiu hurriedly reminded on the team channel.

But, it’s on the public channel! ! !

"Are you in a panic and choosing a way out?" Pan Lin asked doubtfully.

"Or...is this a trap?" Li Yibo added.

Yes, if this news appeared on the team channel, there would be no problem, but this news appeared on the public channel, which makes it difficult for people not to wonder whether this was a deliberate move by Baihua.

This question also appeared in Ye Xiu's mind, but he still made a decision quickly.

Start playing!
Regardless of whether the opponent's "news" was a deliberate trap or not, this local area was four against four, with the same number of people.

Although the opponent had one more attacking point, Ye Xiu still chose to start the fight!
After receiving the order, Tang Rou responded quickly.

Han Yanrou was like a sharp knife, inserted into the opposite formation.

Fulong Xiangtian opened the way, and a giant blue dragon carved a huge hole in the ground.

It seems menacing.

However, Tang Rou's ultimate move is no secret in the league, and this style of play can be easily solved by hiding.

The four Baihua people quickly dispersed their formation, leaving a gap in the middle, and the blue dragon rushed out from this gap.

No harm.

Just when Baihua and the other four were about to adjust their positions and return to their overall formation.

Lord Grim is here.

For Xingxin and Ye Xiu, not to mention how invincible the opening move of the team competition is, it must be meaningful, otherwise Ye Xiu will not let it appear in the game.

Just like Tang Rou's ultimate move just now.

Although it didn't hit, the meaning of Ye Xiu's move was not to let it hit, but to use this skill to open a path.

Will Baihua avoid it?
Ye Xiu thought he would avoid it, and the facts proved that he was right.

The formation of Baihua's four people spread out in just an instant, and they haven't had time to "close up" yet!
Chance! As long as Baihua has no time to gather, or the time point for their gathering is postponed, Xingxin can gain a lot of output space! !
Moreover, Baihua has no healer on the field now! At this time, reducing Baihua's blood volume as much as possible is definitely the most correct choice!

I saw.

Lord Grim threw a flash bomb, which happened to be in the area between the four Baihua people.

The meaning is very simple.

If you want to gather together, eat this flash bomb!

Although flash bombs do no harm, what happens after a flash bomb? Yi Tianming didn't need to think too much to know that Mu Yuchengfeng's artillery bombardment, Han Mist Rouge's tactics, and Lord Grim's changeable small skill combos.

These are definitely not to be eaten forcefully.

"Don't gather yet." Yi Tianming spoke, but this time it was not on the public channel, but on the Baihua Team internal channel.

"It seems that this flash bomb has stopped Baihua's idea to a great extent!" Li Yibo continued, "It will be difficult for the four of Baihua to gather together in a short time."

"Yes, then in this case..." Pan Lin said.

"Disperse the attack!"

After the words fell, the four Baihua people on the field made the same move.

The fallen flowers were in a mess, the windy city was full of mist and rain, the air was rushing through the clouds and water, and the tides were rushing out in four directions.

Since we can’t meet at the starting point, we must meet at the end point!
Our side has four attackers, while the opponent has three attackers and one healer. If we attack head-on, our side will definitely have the advantage! !
Camera shift.

Luohua Langxi drew his sword to clear the way and faced Lord Grim directly in front of him.

This was a tactic prepared by Baihua before the game. Yi Tianming came to deal with Ye Xiu.

The other three people rushed towards Xingxin and the other three, targeting each other one on one and defeating them one by one!

"Get ready to gather." As soon as Ye Xiu said these words, Luo Hua Xiangshai came to the door.

Lord Grim could only be forced to accept the challenge. Before he had time to escape, he was forced to join the battle.

Ye Xiu definitely didn't want to "get entangled" with this opponent. After all, the other three teammates were still in an unsafe state, especially his own priest. If he was attacked one-on-one by Baihua, his own priest would definitely suffer. of.

However, it was too late to pull away now. Luo Hua Lang Cha was already in front of him.

"This sword slash came very quickly!" Li Yibo exclaimed.

The next second, Lord Grim transformed into a shield with his Thousand Planes Umbrella, and actually blocked the sword-drawing strike within a fraction of a second!
"Oh! Ye Xiu's reaction speed is so fast! Is this a human reaction?" Pan Lin opened his mouth in surprise.

Yes, the skill of Drawing a Sword is released very quickly, with almost no forward movement. Even in this situation, Ye Xiu reacted in time and blocked the Drawing Slash completely.

The next moment, the shield was put away, but Lord Grim did not use the cover of the shield to attack, but pulled back.

Still want to retreat.

"Ye Xiu wants to escape now, but I think it will be a little difficult." Li Yibo said.

"Yitian Ming won't let him go easily!" Pan Lin also said.

Looking again, Luohua Langsha used his three-stage slashing skill to instantly get closer to that person.

After all, the three-stage slash has been used in previous single-player matches, so there is no need to hide it, just use it when it's time to use it.

Three cuts to close the distance.

"It's pretty fast." Ye Xiuxin said.

Immediately, the movements of his hands quickened. While Lord Grim turned sideways to avoid the sword energy, he drew his right hand into the handle of the Thousand Chances Umbrella, and a sword-shaped weapon appeared immediately.

Draw your sword and chop!
It was also a collision of swordsmen's skills, but Lord Grim was definitely at a disadvantage because the skills he used had relatively lower damage.

Luohua Langxian started to block, and the moment the weapons of the two sides collided, a crisp sound of metal collision resounded throughout the venue.

This collision can be said to be a mutual test between the two sides.

The damage and judgment of drawing a sword are not strong, and blocking is not an attack skill, so the two sides have not really used it yet.

In the next moment, both sides made similar choices.

Silver light falling blade! !
Mountain collapse! !

Lord Grim used the Silver Light Falling Blade skill, while Luohua Luoshan chose the Mountain Collapse Strike.

These two skills really have a lot of similarities: they are both attacks launched from top to bottom.

But the differences are also obvious.

The judgment of Mountain Collapse Strike is stronger than that of Silver Light Falling Blade, and the damage is higher.

Therefore, Ye Xiu decisively canceled the skill release.

War spear!

The Thousand Planes Umbrella transformed into a war spear form in an instant, and Ye Xiu chose a safer fighting method. Although he also had considerable attainments in the swordsman form, compared to Yi Tianming, who was proficient in the mad swordsman form, Still a little bit at a disadvantage.

Therefore, use your most proficient profession to compete with him!

The battle spear was launched without any fancy movements. Lord Grim just swung the battle spear in mid-air, Domineering! !
The war spear collided with the heavy sword, and the powerful impact caused Luo Hua's messy body to stay in the air for a short while, and it was this short moment that once again gave Ye Xiu room to operate.

Dragon Teeth, Sky Strike...

Four consecutive stabs in the air! !

Ye Xiu used skillful techniques to show it in front of everyone. Even though he no longer has a main strategy, his combat skills are still among the best in the league! !

Even Yi Tianming didn't take any advantage in this wave of four floating stabs!
Some wounds appeared on Luo Hua's messy body, and blood burst out from these wounds. These were all the work of Lord Grim just now.

Ta da da...ta da da...!
After using his tactics to gain some advantage, Ye Xiu did not hesitate, but very decisively transformed the Thousand Chance Umbrella into the gunner form, and then used Gatling guns and anti-tank guns.

Ye Xiu is still very aware of Yi Tianming's strength. He was able to gain the advantage just now because of a surprise. If Yi Tianming regains his strength and attacks in turn, it will be difficult to resist with the low-level skills he can use. opponent's attack.

Therefore, quickly transform the weapon into gunner form, and then use the skill to kite to create a chance for yourself to escape.

Although the situation was urgent, Ye Xiu still did not forget what his real purpose was, which was to stay away from Luohua Langsha and not get too entangled with Luohua Langsha. After all, his own treatment was still waiting for him to save him! If you struggle here too much, it will be difficult to deal with it later!

However, Yi Tianming will be relaxed when he leaves...?

(End of this chapter)

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