Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 459 Successor Gao Yingjie

Chapter 459 Successor Gao Yingjie
"There is a special box in these containers that can be transmitted to the location of the network via satellite...!" Chu Yunxiu recalled,

"In that case...Wuxiao is taking a gamble." Yi Tianming touched his chin, "Use Li Hua's position to make a big gamble and pull one or two Tiny Herb players to the net. The net nest has been occupied by four members of Wuxiao. As long as Li Hua’s plan succeeds, Wuxiao will be able to carry out a mass siege...!"

"Can it be successful..." Chu Yunxiu hesitated. After all, there is no absolutely unsolvable picture. Although the container can achieve large-scale transfer, it also has a time limit. If it is within the time limit, all Tiny Herb team members will go in. Yes, then Wuxiao's trip was in vain. After all, if it was a five-on-five head-to-head battle, it would be difficult for Wuxiao to get the upper hand.

"Then it depends on Li Hua. Didn't you say that this is his king picture?" Yi Tianming smiled. He now also wanted to see how Li Hua understood this picture and its actual effect.

However, one thing can be confirmed. Wuxiao must have planned to use this tactic for a long time, otherwise it would not be used in official games. As for the actual combat, it depends on Li Hua's performance at this point.


back to the game,

The hearts of all the spectators at the scene were in their throats, especially the Whistling fans, because they couldn't tell what the mentality of their own players was, and they actually used this suicidal style of play to seduce their opponents.
The situation on the Tiny Herb fans' side is better. After all, they surrounded their opponents. Some Tiny Herb fans even grinned to the base of their ears.
However, some more cautious Tiny Herb fans are still a little worried about what changes may occur. After all, if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. If the opponent uses this suicidal style of play, it always feels like there is some trap inside.

On the field,
The five people in Tiny Herb formed an invisible circle, tightly surrounding the place where the sound came from.
After confirming that each player's position was successfully settled, Wang Jiexi sent a signal on the team channel: "Speed ​​up!"

After a period of slow pace, Tiny Herb will take the initiative to speed up the pace.Perhaps Wang Jiexi realized the shortcomings of a slow tempo, and now he is moving the team's tempo to a faster pace.

But now there is a problem here, and that is vision.

Currently, Tiny Herb doesn't have any view of the opponent, so they don't know how many people are making the sound.

However, Wang Jiexi chose to charge directly. No matter how many opponents there were, he believed that his side would have the advantage.

Wang Buliuxing and Mu En were the fastest. They relied on the advantage of low-altitude flight to rush ahead quickly.
However, until now they have not been able to specifically determine which container the sound just made was.
Wang Buliuxing and Mu En took the initiative to put some distance between them, so as to expand the search scope.

At this moment, there was another sound, approaching Mu En!

Gao Yingjie instantly judged the blue container on his right!

Then Mu En accelerated and rushed in the direction he judged,
On the other side, Wang Buliuxing also rushed here.

Sure enough, a character walked out of the blue container, and Lin Ancao was shocked.

Is there only one person?
Gao Yingjie was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party would dare to assign one person to attract firepower here.

Is there a scam?
This was Gao Yingjie's first reaction, but Li Hua didn't intend to give him time to react.

Lin Ancao was shocked and took action immediately. The movements of his hands completed the seal at this moment.

Flame slash! !

A red flame burst out from his ninja sword and went straight to Mu En!

Mu En dodged in the air and barely escaped this skill.

Then, not to be outdone, he threw down a lava flask, which was currently at the opponent's feet.

However, Lin Ancaojing was already prepared for this. He threw a shuriken and shattered the lava flask while it was still in the air.

The next second, Lin Ancao turned around in shock and ran away. It seemed that he was not planning to get into trouble with the other party. He hid in a container next to him.
"Want to run?" Gao Yingjie's hands moved faster, and Mu En also changed from flying in mid-air to walking. Because the height of the container here is limited, the magician cannot fly inside.

Mu En began to glide from mid-air, and then took advantage of the inertia to rush into the container where Lin An and Cao Jing were.
Where to run!Mu En waved the broom and sprinted forward. An iron chain with lightning flew out from the broom.
Lightning chain! !
"Be careful!" All the Howling fans outside the field were exclaiming for Li Hua. They knew that if one person was caught at this time, the game would be completely hopeless.

Lin Ancao was startled and dodged to the right of the container. The ninja sword in his hand was thrust into the surface of the container, and he threw a blast of shuriken behind him, forcing Mu En to dodge.
"It's a ninja's rock climbing skill! Contestant Li Hua is indeed the number one ninja in Glory. He improvises the surrounding environment!" the commentator exclaimed, and the Howling fans at the scene also breathed a long sigh of relief.
However, the danger is far from over.

Lin Ancaojing used his rock climbing skills to avoid the opponent's lightning chain, but another problem faced him. The container would end soon. What else could he do after leaving the container?Then we can only hide in another container?But there are five people in Tiny Herb, no matter how hard you hide, you will be caught sooner or later...

Fans of Wuxiao slapped their thighs: What kind of tactic is this...! ?

At this moment, Lin Ancao jumped out of the container without hesitation. He even rolled and rushed into a gray container in front.

Just when Gao Yingjie regretted his carelessness, Wang Buliuxing appeared on the big screen. He locked Lin Ancaojing's position and rushed into the same container with him! !
"Wuhu!" Just as Tiny Herb fans were cheering outside the venue, something changed on the scene.

An arc appeared at the corner of Li Hua's mouth.

The gray container suddenly floated into the air, and everyone at the scene was confused. Which set is this?

Just when everyone was confused, the gray container disappeared from public view, and then Wang Buliuxing's health began to decline rapidly...

"What's wrong..." All the Tiny Herb team members felt nervous and immediately asked where the captain was, and then started running towards that direction desperately.

But it was still a step too late. Even though Wang Jiexi tried his best, he was helpless when faced with the siege of five people.When the Tiny Herb team members arrived, he only had less than 3% of his health left, and was eventually taken away directly.


Tiny Herb war room,

All Tiny Herb members sat in their seats and said nothing.Even team leader Wang Jiexi moved his chin with his hands and stared at the screen, motionless.

The team competition has ended.

The smooth start of the game was completely changed by the loss of the team competition. It could have been a perfect situation of 10:0, but now it still can only end in a draw of 5:5. Who should care about this feeling of disparity? I feel bad all over my body.

This scene was definitely not what the Tiny Herb team members wanted to see.In the end, it was captain Wang Jiexi who spoke first: "It's my problem. My carelessness caused the team to fail."

The other Tiny Herb team members looked at me and I looked at you, and they all said, "No matter the captain, we also have responsibilities..."

"My treatment was not in place. If it had been in place, it might have changed the situation of the battle." Yuan Boqing admitted generously that if the treatment he gave Wang Buliuxing at that time could have been a little faster, even if it was just one second faster, If Wang Bufeng's bloodline could be lifted back, the situation might really be different.

Gao Yingjie also spoke: "No, captain, the problem is mine. I was supposed to explore that point."

"I have a problem too."

"I also made mistakes..."

Seeing his teammates openly admitting their mistakes in some details of the game, Wang Jiexi smiled happily, but soon changed to a calm expression.

"Let's go and be interviewed."

Wang Jiexi inserted his hands into the big characters and was the first to walk out of the war room, followed by the other Tiny Herb team members.

Come to the press conference,
Kaka... Kaka... Kaka...

Many reporters have been waiting here for a long time, because the Tiny Herb team has been a hot news recently, and many people are paying attention to whether they can break the two-game losing streak. Therefore, this duel between Tiny Herb and Wuxia attracted a lot of attention. The eyes are not only the eyes of the audience, but also the eyes of reporters,
These reporters knew that no matter whether Tiny Herb won or lost, as long as they could ask such an important question after the game and write an article and publish it, they would surely gain a lot of popularity.

If Tiny Herb wins, then the title of the article is very useful: Team members work together to break the shadow of failure. This type of title,

And if Tiny Herb loses, it will be great luck for these reporters, because it means that Tiny Herb's losing streak continues, and the published articles will definitely attract more attention to this area. These reporters In the next round, you can also choose to interview Tiny Herb, a big traffic player.

But, Tiny Herb neither won nor lost this round.

It just happened to be...even.

This was not a good result for both sides, because Tiny Herb definitely wanted to use a victory, especially a big win, to clear away the haze of two consecutive losses.For reporters, the articles written by a draw will be less interesting, and the impact of not winning or losing will be greater on the readers.

But no matter what, it’s better to get an interview.

"Then, Captain Wang Jiexi, do you have anything to say about the draw in this game?" At the signal of the chief information officer, the first reporter to speak asked,
The order of questions at this kind of press conference is determined by drawing lots at the beginning, so as long as the chief press officer speaks, they can ask questions one by one in the originally determined order.

Wang Jiexi calmly brought the microphone to his mouth: "Of course our performance was very good in this game. I saw the hard work in the players, and I believe this hard work will continue into the next round. "

"Then why did the team fail?"

Wang Jiexi: "The failure of the team competition was my fault alone. I made a serious mistake in my tactical judgment before the game, which led to the entire team engaging in an extremely unreasonable fight because of my wrong command and wrong tactics during the game. In a team competition, under such unreasonable circumstances, there is no doubt that we will lose the game.”

Kaka... Kaka... Kaka...

Another burst of white light flashed, and when Wang Jiexi took all the responsibilities on himself, the cameras in the hands of many reporters never stopped.
It was not until the mobile phone news officer waved his hand that they reluctantly stopped taking pictures.

Gao Yingjie on the side was a little anxious. This is not what everyone said in the war room just now. Why should the captain take all the responsibility on himself...?
Wang Jiexi gave him a calm look.Only then did Gao Yingjie calm down, otherwise he would have even wanted to step forward and grab the microphone to say a few words.

"Second question, Tiny Herb has faced two defeats and one draw in the last three rounds. Captain Wang Jiexi, do you think Tiny Herb can win a long-lost victory in the next game?"

"Before the game is over, anything can happen, and that's how it is with Glory. What's more, the game hasn't started yet? No one knows what will happen in the game." Wang Jiexi paused, and then continued:

"But what I can be sure of is that in the next game, next game, and in all the remaining games this season, I, as well as our Tiny Herb team members, will go all out to strive for every victory!"

"Okay, third question..."


On the bus back,

The mentality of the Tiny Herb players has eased, and Wang Jiexi also said in public: There is no need to practice extra when I go back today, but I can't let down my guard. We must win the next round of the league no matter what!
As for the word "win", why didn't you say it to the reporters? The reason is very simple. After all, the game is not open. If you say in public that you want to defeat the opponent in the next round, it would be too disrespectful to the opponent. .

Therefore, in some scenes, you have to talk about the scene, and in other cases, you can talk a little more.

On the bus, Gao Yingjie leaned against the window, slightly dazed.
"Why...the captain takes all the responsibility on himself?"

Gao Yingjie asked himself, since he entered the professional league, Wang Jiexi has taken good care of him and truly regarded him as his successor. No captain of any team in the league treats his successor as well as Wang Jiexi. ,

This can be seen from the Rookie Challenge in the All-Star Season [-].I wonder which captain in the league can do that?

Therefore, Gao Yingjie always regards Wang Jiexi as the person he respects the most, a master and an elder.

But now he feels that his captain has too much responsibility.
When the team encounters public turmoil, Wang Jiexi always takes all the responsibility on himself. This is not the case every time...

It was like this before, it is like this today, and it will probably be like this in the future...!
This made Gao Yingjie feel deeply guilty in his heart. The captain took so much care of him, but he couldn't help the captain do anything...

"Am... am I qualified as a successor?" Gao Yingjie asked himself in his heart.


(End of this chapter)

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