Chapter 458 Eagle Eye
"Well, congratulations to Tiny Herb for winning the arena competition!"

When these words were spoken at the end of the scene, the Tiny Herb fans at the scene instantly started to boil. However, their number seemed a bit small compared to the number of Whistling fans at home.
Different from the excitement of Tiny Herb fans, the Whistling fans at the scene were beating their chests one by one, and some even sprayed swear words in their mouths, as if they wanted to rush forward.

0:5, who can bear this?

However, there was an exception. Sitting in the crowd of Wuxi fans, they jumped up and cheered just like the Tiny Herb fans.

"Choke to death! That's right!"

The one who made this sound was "Li Xiaoyao". For him, he had already guessed half of the competition. As long as the nursing school won five points in the team competition, he would have guessed completely.You can take home the 17500 beans.

However, "Li Xiaoyao" didn't seem to notice that he was in the Wuxiao fan group, so he was overjoyed and overwhelmed with pride for a moment.

Feeling the unfriendly looks from the Howling fans around him, and even the looks that wanted to kill someone, "Li Xiaoyao" instantly calmed down.
What happened... I am in the Howling group...

The movement here even attracted the attention of the Tiny Herb fans on the other side.
"Hey, why is the Howling fan over there shouting too?"

"Could it be that we sent a spy?"

Noticing that so many eyes were all focused on him, "Li Xiaoyao" quickly changed his words:
"Ahem...Come on Wuxiao!"

"Li Xiaoyao" was afraid that one sentence was not enough, so he hurriedly shouted a few more words behind him.

"Come on Wuxiao! Wuxiao will win!"

"Howl wins the team competition!!!"

Li Xiaoyao shouted, his neck almost turned red, his lifelike look didn't look like he was just pretending.

After seeing this scene, those Howling fans looked away from their murderous gazes. If it weren't for the following words, they would have rushed up and wouldn't be able to spare him.

But talking about the matter, the last few words of "Li Xiaoyao" were correct. He really hoped from the bottom of his heart that Wuxiao would win the team competition, so that his guess of 5:5 would be correct, so that was the scene where he shouted "Red Neck".

So at that moment, he just said what he was thinking and expressed it.

Sure enough, a person's body can only react in its most primitive way if it does not go against his inner thoughts.

"Huh..." Seeing that no one was paying attention to him anymore, "Li Xiaoyao" let out a long breath,

"It was so dangerous, I almost got beaten."

"Keep watching the game."

Turning to the center of the stage, the players have just come on stage and the team competition is about to start.
After shaking hands, both parties entered their respective war rooms.

"Stabilize your mentality and win this team competition." Wang Jiexi said to his players.

"Yes!" "Understood! Captain!"

The morale on Tiny Herb's side is still quite high. After all, they already have a big advantage in the game. As long as they can win the team competition, the negative impact of their second consecutive defeat in this period will naturally be wiped out.

After all, there is no defeat that cannot be taken away from a 10-0 victory.

"Come on, Tiny Herb! Tiny Herb will win!!"

"Come on, Tiny Herb! Tiny Herb will win!!"

With such cheers, the entire Tiny Herb team entered the war room.

On the other side, Wuxiao also regained their morale and the whole team entered the war room.
For them, there is no way out now. If they cannot win the following team games, then their heads will be shaved by the opponent in this game.

This is not only a loss of face, but will also cause Wuxiao's ranking in the league to drop.
Wuxiao is currently ranked No. 8. It can be said that it is already wandering on the edge of the cliff.

Xingxin, who is ninth behind him, is eyeing this spot. Although everyone was not very optimistic about Xingxin's team's prospects at the beginning of the season, now that the season is in the second half, the facts are before our eyes. Xingxin is already ahead of many " Semi-rich families" performed better,
[-], Samsara, Yanyu...these three teams are all ranked below Xingxin.

Oh, by the way, Yanyu is currently ranked at the bottom. As expected, she is firmly in the position of being dropped this year.Of course, whether we can see Yanyu in the Challenger League next year is a question.

Naturally, Wuxiao didn't want to give up his spot in the playoffs. Behind him was Xingxin. Behind Xingxin was Samsara, and behind Samsara was [-].
If we fall out of the top eight, it will be much more difficult to break in.This season's reincarnation is a living example. This is not only related to the players' personal abilities, but also the players' mentality will be affected to a certain extent.

"We must win." Tang Hao simply told his teammates.


Enter the war room, players from both sides insert their cards, load the game, and the battle is about to begin!
Map: Eagle Eye.

The selection of the map for Wu Howl’s home stadium was modeled after an abandoned military base, so on this map you can see some huge signal-emitting network nests, as well as abandoned containers, high platforms, watchtowers, and signals. receiving station.

"Hawkeye... I haven't played much." At the same time, Yi Tianming, who was watching the game, said that this round of Hundred Blossoms games was staggered, and staggering the game time is common, except for the first round and the final round of the league. In one round, basically half of the teams’ game time will be staggered in each round.
This is not because the Honor official is deliberately looking for trouble, but for the sake of the ratings of the game. Just imagine, the audience group is limited after all. If the games of 20 teams in the league start at the same time, which game should the limited audience group watch?
If you choose to watch this one, you won't be able to watch the other one, which will also lead to a decline in the game's ratings.

Therefore, Honor officials thought of the fine-tuning of staggering the game time.

But Yi Tianming did not watch the game with the entire Baihua team. Instead, he stayed at home. It was just him, Chu Yunxiu, and a cat.

"5:0. It seems that Tiny Herb is very strong today. Wang Jiexi is serious about it." Chu Yunxiu glanced at the score of the game. They were just watching other teams' games.
Looking at the map name again, Chu Yunxiu was a little surprised, "Li Hua's King Map?"

"Wang Tu?" Yi Tianming was a little surprised.

Then Chu Yunxiu explained: "In the seventh season, in the last round of the regular season, Li Hua helped our Misty Rain advance to the playoffs on this team map. It was really dangerous at the time. In the end Defeated [-] in one round and entered the playoffs on the line." "And this story?" Yi Tianming tried his best to recall, but he was very vague about the seventh season. After all, he only played in the finals. , blurry is normal.

"Yeah... Since then, our team has called this picture his king picture. But it is also thanks to him that we were able to enter the playoffs that year, even though we were only in the first round." Chu Yunxiu shrugged. Shrugging his shoulders and smiling relievedly,

After all, it has been so long, and now that the champion is here, a first-round tour is not something that cannot be said.

"But after that, Li Hua didn't practice much on this map. It was only because of that game that we called it the King Map. As for whether he practiced more with the players of Howl, that's all. I no longer know."

"I see." Yi Tianming nodded, then called her over, "The game has begun."


"Okay, audience friends, the 26th round of the team competition of the Glory Professional League has officially begun! We can see that both sides are eagerly eyeing this 5-point team competition!"

"The players on Wuxiao's side have all refreshed. Of course, as the home team, they must be more familiar with this map."

"On Tiny Herb's side, it's a very conventional start. The whole team signs up first. They want to understand the characteristics of this map before making further plans."

"Oh? Wuxiao's troops have already been divided into two groups. Li Hua's Lin Ancao was surprised to be separated from the main force. It's not surprising that he would choose to divide his troops into two groups. After all, Ninja's single-player style is not It’s not uncommon, but this time point is a bit early. I personally feel that this is the beginning of the game, and he will break away from the main force, hiss..."

Time passed by minute by second, and the players from both sides were arranging their troops according to the arrangements of their respective commanders. This match was very crucial for both sides, but everyone remained calm. Tiny Herb did not suffer from the failure of the single-player event. Fighting hard for a big victory, but adopting a more conservative style of play.

"Isn't Tiny Herb playing a little too cautiously?" Yi Tianming, who was watching the game, suddenly said to Chu Yunxiu,

"Yeah, I feel the same way."

"If it were me, it might be easier to engage in a confrontation at this time." Yi Tianming said, there were only two of them here, so there was no need to mince words.
Playing too proactively is sometimes not a good thing.
Sometimes, if you take the initiative and fight, maybe the situation will be different.

In the single-player event, Tiny Herb defeated the opponent with a huge score of 5:0. In this case, the Tiny Herb players were very excited. The meaning of the two idioms of striking while the iron is hot and going all out couldn't be simpler.

On the contrary, the Howling players, who had just experienced a failure in the competition, are now feeling low in morale, and may even have temporarily lost the confidence to fight with their opponents.

Therefore, at this time, Tiny Herb choosing to attack might make the game easier, taking advantage of its low morale to defeat them in one go.

However, Tiny Herb chose a safe style of play. This style of play is more likely to appear in the playoffs, because everyone is cautious in the playoffs and the pace is slow, so in the team competition, it is more stable. It's also very common,

But the difference is that it is the regular season now, and the rhythm of the regular season is different from that of the playoffs.
What's more, Tiny Herb's overall strength is stronger than Wuxiao's overall strength.


Entering the game, the formations of both sides have been completely spread out, and they are ready for battle.
Wang Buliuxing was flying in the low altitude. He was still taking the lead on Tiny Herb's side, and the other four team members were following behind.

There is also a 41-point zone on Tiny Herb's side, but the difference is that the 41 on Tiny Herb's side is closer than the 41 on Wuxiao's side.

On Tiny Herb's side, as soon as Wang Jiexi notices something is wrong, the other four Tiny Herb team members can rush to his side within 10 seconds. On Wuxiao's side, the distance between Li Hua and his teammates is indeed huge. It's a bit far, about 1 minute away.

The main perspective is still on Tiny Herb's side.
After Wang Buliuxing passed by the container area, he immediately reminded his teammates behind him: "Pay attention to keep up, the opponent is likely to make a sneak attack here."

Upon hearing the command, the Tiny Herb team members immediately cheered up.

Mu En came to Wang Buliuxing's side, and Tiny Herb's two magicians flew together in case of emergency.

Pieces of containers are gathered here, as well as some large circular steel pipes.

It's a good ambush point.Wang Jiexi analyzed the terrain and found that both containers and circular steel pipes could hide people.

Wang Buliuxing and Mu En flew at low altitude in these complex terrains,

"No need to fly high, it's useless." Wang Jiexi reminded Gao Yingjie,

"Yeah." Gao Yingjie answered without thinking. After all, could the captain lie to him?
Wang Jiexi tried it when he first entered this area. There seemed to be a special magnetic field on this map that greatly weakened the magician's flying ability.

A picture specially prepared for yourself?
Wang Jiexi sneered in his heart, he would have to ask the Extinction Star in his hand.

At this time, the audience outside the venue held their breath because they saw Li Hua's Lin Ancaojing hiding in a container in this area.

No one dares to breathe,
Suddenly, a "dong" sound came, breaking the tranquility.
"There's some movement!" Everyone in Tiny Herb felt nervous. There was indeed an opponent ambushing nearby!
bring it on!Let me see how you prepared this picture!

Wang Buliuxing's speed increased sharply, and he rushed out towards the area where the sound had just been made. Mu En and other Tiny Herb team members followed closely behind, but their direction was slightly different from Wang Buliuxing's.

The entire Tiny Herb team moved like a quadrilateral, surrounding the area where the sound had just been made. Except for Duhuo and Cordyceps sinensis, which were together, the remaining three points were each covered by a character.
surrounded! !
The hearts of all the Wuxiao fans present were tense at the same time. Mainly because they didn't understand at all. What was the meaning of Wuxiao's fight like this?Or are there any special tactics?
Actually letting Li Hua face Tiny Herb and five people by himself?
Now it's good, I'm surrounded by opponents...

But Li Hua just seemed to have made the sound deliberately, and his current position was too close to the center of the boxing area. As soon as he made the sound, the other party could quickly determine his position and surround him.

The other four Wuxiao people were in front of a huge net nest, and they didn't care at all about the situation on Lin Ancaojing's side.
"Please call for help quickly..." Wu Xiaofen was extremely anxious. If he called for help now, the large army might be able to arrive at the scene before Lin Ancao was sent out.

However, Li Hua did not send any distress message.

Suddenly, Chu Yunxiu, who was watching the game, was surprised: "I remembered the characteristics of this picture...!"

(End of this chapter)

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