Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 460 The Battle of Tianwang Mountain (1)

Chapter 460 The Battle of Tianwang Mountain ([-])

"It's so cool!" Li Xiaoyao walked out of the main venue of Wuxiao with a satisfied look on his face. Looking at the numbers on the screen of his mobile phone, he couldn't help but reveal a knowing smile.

17500 beans!
Got it right again!

"One step closer to getting a signed photo!" Li Xiaoyao nodded with satisfaction,

More than that, a draw between Tiny Herb and Hundred Blossoms was acceptable to him. In this way, the point difference between Tiny Herb and Hundred Blossoms would further widen.

"Go back and take a nap, and watch Baihua's game tomorrow!"


The next day,

The main Baihua venue was crowded with people.
Li Xiaoyao, who was still at the main venue of Wuxiao yesterday, suddenly changed his identity and came to the main venue of Baihua, and even reserved a VIP position.

As a big fan of Baihua, he naturally placed bets on this game.

However, this time "Li Xiaoyao" did not choose the score, but defeated Baihuaying alone.
"The first two times were random guesses, so be careful this time." Li Xiaoyao thought about it in his mind, and randomly pressed the guess button, and 17500 guess beans flowed into the system.
As for whether these beans can produce more beans, it depends on the specific direction of the live competition.

"But... the odds of winning by single pressing are really small... 1:1.2, that is to say, 17500 beans can only become 21000..." Li Xiaoyao shook his head helplessly. If you press like this, it will only increase by 3500. The beans are growing far less quickly than in the previous two guesses.

However, Li Xiaoyao quickly stabilized his mentality and kept telling himself not to be impulsive and to be careful about sailing the ship of ten thousand years.His investment of 17500 is still ranked first in the player list, and the second one is only 5000 beans. The difference between the two is several times.

The reason why the odds are so low is because there are too many people betting on Baihua. No one believes that Baihua will lose. No matter how low the odds are, most people will not do such a loss-making business.
The more people buy, the natural odds will be very low.

Of course, there are still people who are not afraid of death.The odds of winning if you buy the opponent are as high as 1:20. Such astonishing odds can always seduce some "gamblers", who expect that the vocational high school will turn around in one game.

However, the ending for such people generally does not end well.

In about an hour...

"Li Xiaoyao" once again walked out of the main venue with a satisfied look on his face,
Got it right again!

Baihua won this round with a score of 9:1!
However, everyone feels that big scores like 9:1 are already commonplace. After all, it happened to Baihua, and the opponent was a team in the middle and lower reaches of the league. Under such circumstances, if Baihua did not win with a big score, then it would be It's jaw-dropping.


The 27th round of the Glory Professional League will start soon.

And the focus of this round of battle is between Baihua and Samsara.
The popularity of these two teams has attracted the attention of many viewers.

However, everyone is generally optimistic about Overlord Baihua's outcome in this round.
After all, in the first round of the competition between the two teams this season, Baihua slapped Samsara hard with a score of 9:1 in Samsara's away game. Even others can score such a big score at home.

Now that we have returned to Baihua's home court, everyone is predicting whether Baihua will be able to have a bald head in reincarnation?
In the pre-match guessing session, the majority of those who beat Hundred Blossoms were in the majority, but after all, Samsara fans also have a certain size, and they will definitely beat their own team, although they themselves are not very optimistic about Samsara...

This season's reincarnation is really hard to describe, but for other teams, this is acceptable. After all, if it is a complete reincarnation, it will definitely be a big threat.

Samsara is currently ranked 10th in the league, which is relatively close to the playoff area. They definitely hope to enter the playoffs, and Samsara players are also working towards this goal.

However... if they fall to 13th or 14th place, where they can't move up or down, then the mentality of the Samsara players will be seriously affected.

happy club,
"Everyone, come here quickly, the match between Baihua and Samsara is about to begin!" The boss lady Chen Guo shouted in the training room, and the Xingxin players took off their headphones one by one.

If there is any boss in the league who has no airs, it is Chen Guo. After all, Xingxin has just transferred from an Internet cafe to a club. Chen Guo has not yet fully adapted to the change in her status. She always talks like an Internet cafe proprietress.

What's more, which of the other 19 teams doesn't have a club manager? Only Xingxin still adopts this original boss-directed system.
Of course, the reason is simple, lack of funds...

"Let's go, everyone."

Ye Xiu stood up, followed by Wei Chen, Tang Rou, and Su Mucheng, and they all came to the conference room. There was a large screen projection here to better watch the game.

Xingxin failed in this round. Their match is scheduled for tomorrow, but their opponent is a mid-to-lower team. Just treat it with caution and don't be too nervous.

What really made Xingxin nervous was his opponent in the next round, Baihua.

Even Ye Xiu was a little amazed at the current Baihua. In his image, this kind of dominant team seemed to be only as good as the Baihua during the bloody scene in the third season. This kind of team had never appeared in the league in other times. A team that went all the way in the regular season.

Not even Excellent Era in the second season. Because the Tyranny team led by Han Wenqing obstructed the second season, Excellent Era cannot achieve the same dominance in the league as Baihua does now...

"The team competition is not very nutritious. Just focus on the single player competition." Ye Xiu said to the Xingxin players before the competition officially started.

"Yeah." "Understood!" All the players nodded. After a year of hard work in the Challenger League and half a year of hard work in the professional league, those recruits already have a certain understanding of Glory tactics, so they were very concerned about Ye Xiu's words. I soon understood.

But... Chen Guo, the boss lady, is still a little behind in this aspect. Seeing the big guy nodding, she hasn't figured it out yet.
In Chen Guo's image, isn't reincarnation very powerful?After all, they are the runner-up team in front of them, and they also had a semi-final record last year. How come such a team has no nutrition in the team competition...?
Quietly approaching Ye Xiu, Chen Guo asked in a low voice: "Um...why do you say the team competition is not nutritious?" Ye Xiu glanced at her and smiled: "Samsara ranks tenth this season, which explains the problem. Judging from their game scores this season, they can score points against weak teams in the team competition, but they have no resistance against strong teams. Therefore, instead of watching their team competition, it is better to compare Tyranny and Blue Rain , take out the video tapes of Tiny Herb’s companies and watch them. We can’t expect any wonderful cooperation between the Samsara Big Three and a few newcomers, right?”

"Oh, so that's it..." Chen Guo nodded in sudden realization, then pointed to the screen,
"Look, the game has begun."

Then everyone's attention shifted to the competition field.

"So, the battle list for the first single match has come out. Baihua sent Zeng Xinran, while Samsara sent their vice-captain, Jiang Botao...!" Commentator Li Yibo said, today's commentary is by He is in charge, and at the same time, Xiao Yuer is beside him as his partner.

"Samsara, are you trying to steal the singles match?" Chen Guo asked again. I'm afraid she has the lowest tactical literacy among the people here, but that's normal. After all, she is the boss behind the scenes, not a player on the field.

"Well... it's possible, but not necessarily." Ye Xiu analyzed, "There is not much hope in the team competition, so Samsara naturally has to work hard on the single player competition. The most reasonable way of playing should be in the single player competition. Arrange one in the tournament, and put the other two giants in the ring competition."

"However... considering that the opponent is Baihua, this arrangement may change. Samsara may even put the three giants in the singles match to keep the three points in the singles match."

"Is it so stressful to fight against Baihua...?" Chen Guo asked doubtfully.

"Sister, Baihua is the hegemon of the league now. Do you think they have lost a game now? Since last season, Baihua has not had a losing record in the main game. This not only requires them to stand firm in the team competition. On the contrary, at the same time, they are also very strong in the single player competition. Among the 19 teams in the alliance, which one does not have a headache..." Ye Xiu smiled bitterly. He really felt a headache for the opponent Baihua.
Although Baozi and Tang Rou on our side have made very fast progress, they are still far behind Baihua's group of three consecutive champions...

As for Ye Xiu's next round against Baihua, he also set his goals very low, trying his best to keep a tie, and every point he could get was a point.
Ye Xiu wasn't worried that losing points to Baihua would cause his team's ranking to drop, because he expected that there would be no good results if Baihua reincarnated today.


Zeng Xinran was quickly defeated. Although Yi Tianming placed high hopes on him, he was still too young compared to Jiang Botao.

"Then, congratulations on Samsara winning the first single-player match!" Li Yibo shouted, but he was not worried about Baihua's next situation. After all, Baihua's strength is recognized by everyone. He only said the first point, and what happened next The game will soon catch up.

He thought so, Xiao Yuer next to him thought so, and so did the vast majority of the audience.
Li Xiaoyao in the audience nodded, "Don't worry, we will tie the score soon."

However, the second singles match that followed greatly boosted the morale of the reincarnation fans present.

Sun Xiang came on the field and won another game at an overwhelming speed, helping Samsara gain the second point!

In this way, Samsara can be regarded as breaking through themselves. After all, they only got one point from Baihua in the first match this season. Now they have two points, which is a big improvement for their morale.

"Reincarnation! Reincarnation! Reincarnation!!" The reincarnation fans at the scene started shouting crazily as if they had been given blood.

The Baihuafens all calmed down and said in their hearts: "Let you be arrogant for a while, and I'll show you later!"

happy club,
Wei Chen touched his chin and took a breath of cold air, "Hey... is Samsara going to leave all the main force in the singles competition? No more group competitions?"

So far in the competition, the Big Three of Samsara have sent out two, leaving only the last one, Zhou Zekai. Judging from the current situation, Xiao Zhou will not stay in the arena. After all, it will be difficult for him to hold on alone. As for the group competition, it would be better to compete in the singles competition.

Ye Xiu smiled. It seemed that his pre-match guess was good. Samsara really put all his wealth on the single match. This almost "risk-on" tactic was really...

After a short break, when the commentator said those words, the atmosphere at the scene was completely pushed to a climax.

"Then, please invite the combatants of the third single-player match to come on stage, Samsara, Zhou Zekai, Baihua, Yi Tianming...!"

"Oh! Since both sides have sent their own captains! Is this a tacit understanding?" Li Yibo made a joke to the audience,

The audience at the scene also instantly became excited. Baihua cheered for Baihua, and Samsara did not show any weakness. The two points just provided them with enough confidence, and this battle between the two captains was like a fire. It was like pouring oil on the scene, completely igniting the atmosphere of the scene.

The Battle of Tianwang Mountain...?
The current top player is undoubtedly Yi Tianming, and just last year, he successfully pushed Zhou Zekai off the altar and ushered in his own dominance.

It turns out that Zhou Zekai could still say something before and after the eighth season. After all, Samsara had just won the runner-up at that time, and Zhou Zekai's playing style was brilliant.

But all this was completely wiped out with Baihua's three consecutive championships. There was no way, the power of the three consecutive championships was too great. Coupled with Yi Tianming's unique style of play, his popularity directly overwhelmed all the veteran gods. , Zhou Zekai also completely fell from the altar.

The three consecutive championships have given Yi Tianming and Baihua a good time.
However, the Honor officials behind the scenes are indeed a little restless. Although the three consecutive championships have made Baihua's limelight break through the sky, and it has indeed brought a wave of new players to Honor, this is not a long-term solution.

A single family is never what game officials want to see.
For example, the ag team of a certain domestic shootout game nz won seven or eight championships in a row, which directly caused the game's professional league to completely stagnate. In the end, almost no one paid attention to the entire game.

Because when one team wins without any suspense, fans of other teams will lose confidence in the league and the entire competition will lose hope.
It's like one team has exhausted the potential of all other teams.
Therefore, Honor officials naturally do not want the opportunity for a dominant player to appear. Although the Honor game is currently in a prosperous state, if Baihua is allowed to continue to be the dominant player and cannot even lose, then The Glory League will come to an end sooner or later...

back to the game,

Today's direct conversation between Zhou Zekai and Yi Tianming has awakened fans' long-lost memories. They seem to have returned to the year when Ah Ren competed for the No. 1 honor.
"Yi Tianming! Yi Tianming!!"

"Zhou Zekai! Zhou Zekai will win!!"

Amid bursts of noisy cheers, the Battle of Tianwang Mountain officially began...

(End of this chapter)

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