Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 188: Chu Yunxiu Beats the Hooligan Tang Hao Violently!

Chapter 188: Chu Yunxiu Beats the Hooligan Tang Hao Violently!

"Good evening, audience friends! This is the scene of the semi-finals of the Glory Professional League!"

"Yanyu sits at the home court and faces the flourishing Hundred Flowers!"

"What is the outcome of this game? Let's look forward to this wonderful match!"

As soon as the camera turns, it is already the scene of the competition.

The atmosphere at the scene was very high,
The Yanyu fans in the main venue of Yanyu shouted in unison:

"Misty rain! Misty rain! Misty rain!"

Such voices filled the entire main venue, and Yan Yufan was extremely excited today, after all, this was the first time to advance to the semi-finals!

For Misty Rain, every step from now on is progress!

At this time, the narrator spoke again:

"Okay, the first single match is about to start, please come on stage."

Soon, the beautiful figure walking out of Misty Rain raised the atmosphere in the venue to another level!
"Chu team, come on! Chu team will win!"

That's right, Misty Rain's team leader Chu Yunxiu was the first to play!

At this critical moment, she stood up as the captain first!
You know, the first appearance is under tremendous pressure,

And Chu Yunxiu, who has always been criticized by people for being "soft in the competition", can sell this step today, which is enough to see her change!

Perhaps Chu Yunxiu's change was caused by her decision to leave.
However, at this moment, there is only one thought in her mind, and that is to win the game!
However, as a result, Misty Rain's tactics began to show. Chu Yunxiu played in the singles match, which meant that Misty Rain would most likely give up the group arena.
"It looks like it's about the same as I predicted."

Xiao Shiqin's eyes projected a hint of surprise, but he soon regained his confidence,
Before the match, he expected that Chu Yunxiu would participate in the singles match, but he thought that the opponent would be in the second or third place, but to his surprise, he was the first to play.

However, the problem was not serious, Xiao Shiqin was still full of confidence in his formation.

at the same time,

On the Hundred Blossoms' bench, a figure slowly stood up,
"Play steadily." Xiao Shiqin reminded him.


The few Hundred Flowers fans in the auditorium were all shouting in unison:

"Yi Tianming! Yi Tianming! Yi Tianming!"

When they saw the players clearly, the shouts about the three words "Yi Tianming" stopped instantly, and Bai Huafen was slightly taken aback, then changed his voice and shouted:

"Tang Hao! Tang Hao! Tang Hao!"

That's right, Xiao Shiqin has changed his formation.

The first person to represent Hundred Blossoms was Tang Hao!

Tang Hao, one of the Hundred Flowers Four All-Stars, now has a much better reputation in the Hundred Flowers group than at the beginning of the season.

At the beginning of the season, Tang Hao was not uncommonly criticized, but he did not perform very well at that time, and he always lost in embarrassment.

However, since being selected as an All-Star, Tang Hao's performance has become more and more stable, and Baihuafen's attitude towards Tang Hao has gradually changed.

And Xiao Shiqin arranged for Tang Hao to be the first to play in the singles competition, which was a change of formation.

During the regular season, Yi Tianming did all this work, which gave the big teams a signal that Yi Tianming is our Baihua's ace in singles...!
But for the playoffs, of course Xiao Shiqin had to change, not only for the present, but also for the opponents he might meet in the finals.

No matter whether it is against Blue Rain or Samsara in the end, the group arena of these two teams is a difficult one to crack, so Xiao Shiqin's plan is to let Yi Tianming gradually move closer to the group arena. He first familiarized himself with the rhythm of the group arena.

Of course, the finals are still a matter later,
back to the present,

Chu Yunxiu was slightly taken aback when she saw that Baihua sent Tang Hao first, obviously she also thought that Baihua would send Yi Tianming,
But Chu Yunxiu quickly regained her composure, whether it was Tang Hao or Yi Tianming, what she pursued was only those two words,

And for Chu Yunxiu, the winning rate against Tang Hao is higher than against Yi Tianming.


The two sides shake hands, enter the war room,

Insert the card and get on the computer.

Misty Rain: Chu Yunxiu, professional elemental mage, id Fengcheng Misty Rain,

Hundred Blossoms: Tang Hao, professional hooligan, id DeLillo.

Map, Autumn Wind Castle.

Loaded... 99%... 100%!

With the flash of the big screen, Fengcheng Misty Rain and DeLillo were refreshed on the two corners of the map respectively,

Misty Rain has the advantage of the original map at home.
And this picture, as the name suggests, the central building is a big castle with many bunkers inside, which is suitable for mid-range and long-range professional play.
As soon as the countdown ended, Misty Rain in Fengcheng rushed out towards the castle in the center of the map, without a trace of sloppiness, after all, it was the map I chose.
With his understanding of the map, Chu Yunxiu quickly boarded the central castle and found the most suitable high point for output.
Easy to defend but difficult to attack, advance and retreat can be defended.

Fengcheng Misty Rain has set up camp here, and the camera is quickly shown to the other side,
After DeLillo came out of the refresh point, he marched towards the center of the map at a moderate speed,
Tang Hao played more cautiously, which is exactly his growth this season, he became more cautious and mature,
After finding out the terrain, Tang Hao started to speed up. According to the name of this picture, it is not difficult to guess that there is a building like a castle. Although he knows that he spent a lot of time at the refresh point, it is unlikely to seize the opportunity, but Tang Hao still decided to give it a try.
Give it a go, panties become a coat.

After all, if you want to defeat Misty Rain in Fengcheng, the first step must be to get close, if you can't get close, then everything is out of the question.

DeLillo started running wildly,
Not long after, his figure appeared in the sight of Fengcheng Misty Rain...

call out…!
The first to ignite the flames of war was Fengcheng Misty Rain. The moment DeLillo appeared, it happened to be the best moment to release the skill. Chu Yunxiu did not hesitate, and threw a fireball at the opponent.
Sudden cold arrow!

The hot fireball streaked across the air with a red afterimage,

It's a pity that this blow failed to hit, Tang Hao's state was online, and the moment he sensed the danger, he rolled to the side, dodging the fireball by a tiny bit.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of purple light shone from the staff in Fengcheng Yanyu's hand,
Lightning went straight to DeLillo's foothold with a "sizzling" sound, and Chu Yunxiu showed her precise prediction ability.

Elemental Mage Skill - Lightning Penetration!
A bolt of lightning fell directly towards DeLillo's body, instantly blasting a deep hole in his position, and at the same time, DeLillo's figure was also submerged by the billowing yellow sand.

boom! ! !
Soon, the yellow sand dissipated,
But unlike the imagined picture, DeLillo was not struck by lightning, but appeared in front of the side!
It turned out that in just a split second, he dodged the lightning with a strong knee!

"Wonderful attack and defense!" The commentator shouted, "The two players on the field explained to us what a high-level duel is. I was very happy to see it, and I believe the audience friends are also the same!"

Judging from the current brief confrontation, both Chu Yunxiu and DeLillo played very well, and a balance of power was formed on the field for a while.
But Chu Yunxiu obviously won't let this balance of power continue,

She has to suppress her opponent!
Because once DeLillo was allowed to be close to him, even two lives would not be enough for Misty Rain in Fengcheng.

Looking back on the field,

call! !

A strong wind blew, and a sea of ​​flames appeared under DeLillo's feet and in front of him.
He is still three-quarters away from the castle, and this three-quarters distance is also Chu Yunxiu's opportunity to block it.

Now there are two roads before Tang Hao,
[-]. Retreat the same way to minimize blood loss.

[-]. Eat the opponent's skill damage and force a breakthrough.

In an instant, Tang Hao chose the second option,

Take it hard!

Open the bow without turning back the arrow!

Tang Hao naturally understands this reason. Although retreating now can reduce losses, it is undoubtedly a waste of this hard-earned quarter of the breakthrough distance, and he will have to break through again next time.
But facing an opponent of Chu Yunxiu's level, Tang Hao knew that he couldn't hesitate!

A layer of dark golden light shines from DeLillo's body,

Steel bones!

DeLillo quickly shuttled through the sea of ​​fire, minimizing the damage to him from the sea of ​​fire,
But Misty Rain in Fengcheng obviously won't let him break through so easily,
Ice Wall...Fire Wall...Thunder Doom...Ice Puck Fireball...!
Wave after wave of spells fell in DeLillo's direction, and DeLillo crossed left and right in this fierce spell attack, minimizing the loss as much as possible.


This is the final damage dealt by Misty Rain in Fengcheng,
And DeLillo finished close with 25% health.

After being close to the body, the offensive and defensive sides switched, and DeLillo became the main attacker, and Fengcheng Misty Rain was beaten.

But everything was in Chu Yunxiu's plan. She originally expected to knock out 70% of the opponent's HP, but the current 75% is the icing on the cake.

Even though she was close to her opponent, Chu Yunxiu remained calm in her heart, and methodically controlled Fengcheng Misty Rain to defend and evade, waiting for opportunities to counterattack.

DeLillo is desperately outputting, but the rogue's attack attribute is not outstanding, and the attacks he can cause are limited.
Obviously, rogues are more suitable to play a role in melee. Like this kind of head-on confrontation, its threat level is greatly weakened,
That's why Chu Yunxiu didn't panic at all.

In the end, DeLillo, who was close behind, knocked out 80% of the HP of Misty Rain in the Windy City, and then fell under the opponent's staff,
Tang Hao, defeated.

Misty Rain took the lead at home, 1:0!

"Yanyu must win! Yanyu must win!" The fans of Yanyu on the scene began to boil, being able to score the first point against the mighty Baihua,

Of course, Hundred Blossoms' counterattack will soon begin...

(End of this chapter)

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