Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 189 Yitianming 1 vs 3 in the group arena!All cheers!

Chapter 189 Yitianming [-]v[-] in the group arena!All cheers!
In the blink of an eye, the lively cheers from the main venue of Yanyu stopped, and the fans of Yanyu who were still cheering just now fell silent, replaced by another small group of audience applauding and cheering,
These are potpourri.

And the reason they cheered was: Hundred Blossoms overtook Misty Rain 2:1.

With Tang Hao losing a point first, the generals of Hundred Blossoms did not lose their morale.
On the contrary, Xiao Shiqin and Zhu Xiaoping, who were sent by Hundred Blossoms follow-up, won two games in a row, helping Hundred Blossoms to achieve a comeback.

Anti-customer-oriented! 2:1!

And in the next group arena, there are two great gods "Double Flowers" sitting in the Hundred Flowers Formation!Compared with Misty Rain's staffing,

Totally tulle!
The Hundred Flowers fans in the audience had already started cheering. They were a little panicked after losing a round, but now it seems unnecessary, the game has entered the rhythm of Hundred Flowers!

Originally there was only Zhang Jiale alone, and the Hundred Blossoms were very stable in the group arena, but now with one more Yi Tianming, it would be a certainty that Hundred Blossoms would win the group arena.

On the contrary, the fans on Misty Rain's side were downcast one by one. Their mood was like riding a roller coaster. From the excitement at the beginning to the frustration now, after seeing the opponent's list of players in the group arena, they stepped into it with one foot. despair...

Hundred Blossoms Competition roster: Yi Tianming, Zhang Wei, Zhang Jiale.

Yi Tianming takes the lead!

This point surprised Baihuafen. They originally thought that Yi Tianming would appear as a general defending the ring, but they did not expect to appear as a vanguard general.
But it's all the same, Falling Blossoms is the vanguard, Hundred Blossoms is defending,
Nice lineup.

For such a lineup, Misty Rain can only watch helplessly. When it comes to staffing, Misty Rain is still a notch lower than Hundred Blossoms. This has to be admitted.

As for Misty Rain's list for the group arena: Sun Liang, Lu Yining, Li Hua.

In contrast, the starlight dimmed a lot.

"Okay, enough nonsense, the first round of the group arena officially begins!"

"Yi Tianming's mad swordsman vs. Sun Liang's boxer, who is better! Let us wait and see!"

As soon as the camera turns, the characters of both sides have appeared on the field.
The picture was chosen by Misty Rain, and there are quite a lot of bunkers on the map, which is suitable for wretched play, but for Sun Liang's boxer, there is not much map advantage.
After all, Boxers and Berserkers are melee characters. After a confrontation, there is no possibility of retreating. According to Yi Tianming's style of play, as long as he fights, he will stick to the opponent.
Besides, Sun Liang wasn't playing obscenities, and Fang Rui's words might shine in this picture, so Sun Liang didn't need it, he knew he wasn't the type to do it.


Not long after the game started, Yi Tianming found the opponent's position through careful searching.
Afterwards, Luohualangchao threw the heavy sword at the opponent, and the boxer was forced to fight.

At the beginning, Yi Tianming's hand speed was very steady, and he used a not too fast attack rhythm to eat away at the opponent's defense in an orderly manner.
Sun Liang can still barely hold back this time,
But with the passage of time, Yi Tianming gradually accelerated his hand speed, and his operations became faster and faster, and the attack rhythm was not chaotic at all, but the speed of eating away at the opponent's defense line was faster!
The true level of Glory's No. [-] Berserker was gradually revealed,
The slow pace at the beginning was nothing more than a smoke bomb that Yi Tianming put on the opponent, the purpose was to confuse the opponent and paralyze the opponent, and at the same time spread out his own offensive perfectly.
When the offensive was in full swing, Yi Tianming used another wave of explosions to make the opponent unable to keep up with his own rhythm, thus completely taking over the game and grasping the initiative of the game.

This move can be regarded as Yi Tianming's signature move, through the change of rhythm to confuse the opponent, so as to win,
Of course, the transition from slow to fast that he showed here is only a relatively simple one.

And Yi Tianming's control over the opponent's speed and rhythm has reached a level of perfection, and his hand speed can be perfectly utilized.In comparison, Tiny Herb's "hand speed maniac" Liu Xiaobie pales in comparison...

False hand speed maniac... real hand speed maniac...

As for Yi Tianming's style of play through rhythm changes, other teams have studied it and all players know it, but what can they do...?
Even if you know that Yi Tianming is going to speed up in the next step, even if you prepare in advance, you can't keep up, and you can't stop him from speeding up, it means you can't stop him and you can't resist,

Two words,
Difficult to do.

Just like Sun Liang now, the more he beats, the more uncomfortable he is.

Yi Tianming's hand speed is getting faster and faster, and the attack rhythm is also getting faster and faster.

This made it more and more difficult for Sun Liang to parry. Under such a strong oppression, he could only choose to defend passively. The final outcome was obvious, and that was a total loss...

Eventually lose the game.

As Luohualangchao's last heavy slash fell, Sun Liang's boxer fell into a pool of blood,

The first group arena also came to an end.

Sun Liang walked out of the war room with his head bowed, having knocked out 16% of his opponent's HP.

Misty Rain fans are obviously not satisfied with this result, because according to this efficiency, 16 times 3 is only 48, and Misty Rain and the three of them together can't even knock out half of the opponent's health...

However, you can't do it by asking them to boo. After all, Sun Liang did his best, but it's a pity that the strength of his opponent is very different.

And Baihuafen is still enthusiastic. According to Yi Tianming's situation in the first game, it is very likely that there will be a one-for-three!

You know, this is Yi Tianming's first appearance in the group arena!Such a situation was played!
The Hundred Flowers fans in the auditorium were discussing a lot,

"You guys said, will there be a one-wearing-three?" "Looking at this posture, it's very possible!"

Then Baihuafen shouted in unison: "One wears three!! One wears three!! One wears three!!!"

Amid such cheers, Yanyu's No.2 contestant stepped onto the stage,

Lu Yining, sharpshooter contestant,

This map with a lot of bunkers has more opportunities for him. After all, it is a long-distance job.

But if Luo Blossoming Chaos is close to her body, she will be doomed.

Misty Rain probably didn't expect to overthrow Yi Tianming by sending him on the field, but just hoped that this sharpshooter player could consume as much of the opponent's HP and stamina as possible.

By this time, Yan Yufan also gradually realized the reality, knowing that wanting to win two points in the group arena is like a fantasy, so her mentality gradually calmed down,

However, every one of Baihuafen seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, and kept shouting during the game:
"One wears three!! One wears three!!"

Yi Tianming did not disappoint the fans, and ended the battle in 6 minutes and 08 seconds.

36%!This is all the damage caused by Lu Yining. With the cover on the map, this sharpshooter player can be regarded as playing well. At least he has improved. Compared with the previous Sun Liang, he hit 20% more damage.
The current damage received by Blossoming Chaos: 36%+16%,

Health remaining: 48%.

In this way, Yan Yufen seemed to see a glimmer of hope again,

Of course, it doesn't mean the hope of winning the group arena, but the hope of defeating Yi Tianming,
Although Blossoming Chaos had less than half the blood to trigger the passive, but his own general guard may not have no chance of winning in this map with many bunkers!

"Come on, Li Hua! Li Hua Chong!!" Yan Yufan started shouting again with her last hope.

Amid such cheers, Misty Rain's only second all-star player, Li Hua,

Step onto the stage slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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