Full-time master's opening dragon rises!

Chapter 187 Deng Fusheng Retires!Xu Bin got off the tree!Tiny Herb's official announcement in a

Chapter 187 Deng Fusheng Retires!Xu Bin got off the tree!Tiny Herb's official announcement in advance!
On the eve of the battle between Misty Rain and Hundred Flowers,

At 8 o'clock in the evening, on the Honor official website,

Tiny Herb officially released an announcement:
Deng Fusheng retired.

Very brief official announcement, just like Fang Shiqian's last year.

Deng Fusheng made his debut in the third season. This year is his sixth year in the professional arena. At his age, retiring means goodbye to the professional arena forever. Because the mandatory condition for retiring and returning is a one-year interval, so what a comeback? It's whimsical, not everyone is Lao Ye.

After all, Deng Fusheng is not a talented player. Although he has the title of "No. [-] Knight of Glory", after all, it is only crowned on the character card, not given to him personally.

Deng Fusheng's achievements today are due to his own hard work and persistence.

It's a pity that this hard work and persistence did not allow him to touch the championship trophy. Lao Deng joined Tiny Herb in the sixth season, that is to say, he did not catch the last train of Tiny Herb to win the championship in the fifth season.

The highest honor in his career is the runner-up in the sixth season with the team.

Very helpless, but also a pity.

Deng Fusheng could feel that his competitive level and vitality were slowly passing away, and this overtime match against Blue Rain completely made him firm in his belief.

It's time to step down from this stage and give way to young people.

In fact, with Deng Fusheng's current level of competition, it's no problem to start in Tiny Herb, and even if it's not enough to join a small and medium team, it's a proper main force.

But this is not what Deng Fusheng wants,
Tiny Herb introduced him in the first place to strengthen the lineup and compete for the championship.
But now, Deng Fusheng is very aware of his own level, which is already far below the peak. If he wants to help Tiny Herb win the championship, he must...


So quit,
It was his best choice.

Of course, Wang Jiexi and other team members also tried to persuade Lao Deng, but they were all declined.

Deng Fusheng, who usually has a good personality, becomes very stubborn when he is determined to do something.

Not long after Weicao's official announcement, Deng Fusheng also posted on social platforms:

Thanks to Tiny Herb, thanks to the team leader, and thanks to everyone who supports me, the future is long, goodbye! @许斌, young people are awesome, come on!

The first half of this passage is the official farewell between Deng Fusheng and Weicao.

And in the second half, it was a response to the rumors of discord with Xu Bin. After all, there were always people who compared him with Xu Bin before, and used this to belittle Deng, saying that he was not worthy of the number one knight of glory.

To be honest, Lao Deng was also disliked towards Xu Bin in his heart, but this bad mood should dissipate with his retirement. This post can be regarded as Deng Fusheng's official farewell to the past years of fighting.
At the same time, he was relieved that he was able to encourage younger generations as a senior on social platforms, which is enough to prove this point.

So far,

The veteran Deng Fusheng who made his debut in the third season, the former No. [-] Knight of Glory, officially bid farewell to this stage.

Afterwards, the vice-captain of Team Tiny Herb in Deng Fusheng's personal profile also made minor adjustments, becoming "former vice-captain of Team Tiny Herb, now retired."

Idol retired, and Deng Fusheng's fans were crying, leaving messages like "Reluctant" under the official announcement,
Even the small portion of Tiny Herb fans who usually don't like him very much, at this moment, they still send a "best wishes".

Similarly, Wang Jiexi and a group of Tiny Herb teammates also sent their blessings.

Retirement is always sad.

It can be said that Tiny Herb has been surrounded by this tragic atmosphere for the past two years. Last year it was Fang Shiqian, this year it was Deng Fusheng, who will it be next year?

do not know.

But one has to look ahead,

About half an hour later, people gradually recovered from the news of Deng Fusheng's retirement.
Soon, people noticed clues from the news posted by Deng Fusheng's personal account.
He @许斌 in the second half of the sentence!
Could it be that Deng Fusheng was implying that Xu Bin would transfer to Tiny Herb and take over the solo job! ?
You know, Xu Bin is also a knight player, and there have been rumors that Tiny Herb is going to poach him to take over the account card of the first knight solo player.

But the people at that meeting thought that Tiny Herb had Xu Bin and Deng Fusheng take turns playing, but they never expected that it would be like this today, with one person retiring and the other taking over.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Bin also posted on his personal social platform:

Thank you senior, I will!

Respond positively!

If this is not enough to explain anything, then the official Tiny Herb team liked Xu Bin's post and sent an intriguing smiley emoji,
Enough to prove everything!
Xu Bin's transfer rumors are down!The next stop will most likely be Tiny Herb!

But this is also very reasonable. Xu Bin, who has the ability to take over the account card of the first knight, had a quarrel with [-] once last season, and it coincided with Deng Fusheng's retirement.
So Xu Bin transferred to Tiny Herb and took over the first knight's independent life, which was expected and reasonable.

as predicted,

At 12 o'clock in the evening, Tiny Herb officially announced in advance: [-] Xu Bin will officially transfer to Tiny Herb in Xia Chuang!
This time it really fell off the tree!

Although the summer window has not yet opened, this does not prevent the team from making an official announcement in advance. Generally, as long as the two sides have negotiated, the official announcement will be the same whenever the official announcement is made, and the Glory official will not care whether you make an official announcement in advance.

Generally speaking, when a player transfers, the old club will send some blessings.

But what is intriguing is that the [-] degrees official said nothing, as if Xu Bin was an outsider,
This shows the extent of the conflict between Xu Bin and [-] Degrees.

Immediately afterwards, [-] also issued an official announcement, but it was not about Xu Bin, but about Li Yihui,

The original text is as follows: Team Tiny Herb player Li Yihui will officially transfer to [-] in Xia Chuang.

From this point of view, Tiny Herb and [-]st have completed the exchange of players.
Li Yihui was exchanged for Xu Bin! !

Of course, there was no so-called conflict between Tiny Herb and Li Yihui, they sent him away purely because of tactical incompatibility.
So not long after the official announcement of [-] Degrees, Tiny Herb sent blessings to Li Yihui.

But today is really "bad news" for Tiny Herb fans. In less than a day, Deng Fusheng was gone, Li Yihui was gone, and two All-Star players were lost!

Tiny Herb Powder's current mood is the same as eating a spicy egg!

Xingxin Network Club,

Su Mucheng, Ye Xiu, Wei Chen and the others were sitting in a group, reporting to the group for a transfer.
"It makes sense." Ye Xiu said calmly, and then began to analyze:
"It can be seen from Tiny Herb's team formation in the playoffs that Li Yihui, an all-star player, has always participated in the team competition as the sixth player, which is enough to show that he cannot integrate into Tiny Herb's current tactical system."

"The addition of Qiu Fei and Gao Yingjie this season has brought subtle changes to Tiny Herb's tactical system."

"Then... What is the specific reason why you can't blend in?" Chen Guo asked seriously.

"Then you have to ask Wang Jiexi." Ye Xiu smiled slightly, "How could I know Tiny Herb's secret?"

The words are not rude, but the lady boss is a little embarrassed.

Chen Guo was so "old" by this sentence that she blushed, and seeing the suppressed laughter of the group of people around her, she hurriedly thought of changing the subject.

Taking a glance from the corner of the eye, I happened to see the game screen on the big electronic screen.

"Ahem... everyone, look, the semi-finals are about to begin!"

"Alright, alright, everyone listen to the lady boss." Under Ye Xiu's leadership, they sat up around the big screen,
Both sides of the game:

Misty Rain VS Hundred Blossoms!

(End of this chapter)

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