Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 331 The Final Battle

After losing Dai Mubai as a competitor, Davis became the prince of Xingluo logically. He acted as an agent of state affairs during his imperial conquest and commanded 20 imperial troops to guard Xingluo City.

After the Kyushu Empire declared war, the 20 imperial guards with relatively backward equipment stood guard around the city until a large densely packed warp prism flew over.

The people of Xingluo knew nothing about air defense. Now that all the elite soul masters were out, the defense of the imperial capital was empty. When the elders of several big families found out and were about to attack, the warp prism had already unfolded overwhelmingly in the air.

On this day, all the citizens of Star Luo City saw a golden rain, and countless golden light spots fell from the sky, condensing into human shapes on the ground, and then rushed out.

The army of legionnaires and stalkers spread all over the city quickly. These units that could fight against the level of Soul Sage and above were thrown out as if they didn't need money. The entire city was also occupied by the speed of light. one strike.

As soon as the titled Douluo who stayed behind in Xingluo City went out, they were hunted and set on fire by a group of hunters. They were beaten half to death and then captured. The people of each family were no exception. All the nobles with dignity were brought to the Xingluo Palace. .

The Xingluo Palace was naturally the first place to be occupied, and the level of resistance here was far from that of the Forbidden Army on the outskirts. Diehard.

Davis and Zhu Zhuyun were pushed over in embarrassment, and Leng Xiyue also came here, looking at Davis and the star-robed princes with a smile.

"Long time no see. I really didn't expect that Xing Luo would have the courage to challenge the order of the mainland."

"Bitch, have we provoked you at Xingluo? Everything is a conspiracy that you have anticipated! It is to destroy us!" Davis said hysterically.

"You didn't provoke me." Leng Xiyue was not angry, but just shook her head: "But you don't seem to understand that this world is no longer as barbaric as it used to be, and everything about a soul master is nothing to me If you want to survive in this new world, you need to abide by a basic law."

"Tian Dou is already moving in this good direction, and Xing Luo, I can't see any hope, so this is the end that you have long been doomed."


Davis looked slumped. He knew exactly what happened to Xingluo. In a country that created a policy of killing brothers, how could there be any possibility of reforming?
Even if he intends to change, those ministers decided not to let him realize these ambitions. Perhaps, his father came here in the same way back then, and finally became like this.

But anyway, it's over.

Leng Xiyue jumped over dozens of probes this time, and specially built a prisoner-of-war camp for these nobles. It was made of spiritual shields and special steel plates to ensure that these powerful nobles could not escape. .

Of course, this living environment is not beautiful. To be precise, the bed and everything are made of pure steel, but these soul masters should not mind, after all, it will not be long before the situation in Xingluo is stable.

After temporarily militarizing Star Luo City, Leng Xiyue led his army northward.

Xingluo's land area is very vast, larger than Tiandou and Kyushu Empire combined. After all, the ratio of Xingluo and Tiandou occupying the mainland is 6:4.

However, at this time, Xingluo was riddled with holes and riots everywhere, and there was no organized resistance at all. Leng Xiyue dispersed her Protoss Legion, and one legionary soldier was enough to pacify a small city. There are at most ten people in a province.

And her main army was all mounted on the warping prism, directly smashed into the yellow dragon, and rushed towards the base camp of the Star Luo Empire Army.

In the face of this super army with the strength of soul saints per capita, all calculations and plans seemed so meaningless. Dai Yun racked his brains, but he didn't know how to escape in this situation.

My own national conditions are different from Tiandou, if nothing unexpected happens, I will probably die in a disgraceful manner.

So the only way to deal with it now is to give it a go!

After ensuring that Dai Mubai's coalition forces had been dealt a devastating blow, Dai Yun began to defend against Leng Xiyue's attack from behind.

Leng Xiyue didn't have the slightest strategy, and more than 1 protoss troops directly rushed up.

In the end, the two sides met in the central plain of Xingluo and launched the final decisive battle.

Plain terrain is the most suitable terrain for cavalry charges and infantry formations. In a decisive battle here, there will never be any fluke or accidental changes. Only hard power can determine everything.

The quantity ratio between the two sides is almost 1:100, but the overall strength ratio is close to 10:1.

No matter how strong the black-armored knight is, his strength is just that of a strong ordinary person, and it is completely worthless in front of the soldiers of the Protoss Legion. Those backward guns can only be scraped, not mentioned at all.

The Xingluo cavalry charged forward bravely, and the legionnaires also activated the charge unit, and charged forward rapidly. In the end, the two sides fought to the point that they burst into scarlet.

The legionnaires started a brutal massacre, cutting off all armor and people with a single blow.

An efficient massacre ensued, and even though the Star Luo army almost completely engulfed and surrounded it, it did not hinder its advancing speed at all. Dai Yun was horrified and immediately sent the Griffin Legion and the Ten Thousand Beast Legion to besiege, but nothing happened. role.

The black-tech armor of the Griffin Legion and the Beast Legion has no effect on the laser weapons of the Stalker. After all, it is based on the magnetic field, so how can it defend against energy weapons?

These elite troops of Dai Yun were also slaughtered indiscriminately like cutting melons and vegetables, and the ending was not the slightest different.

Although the millions of troops at the core of the Star Luo Empire are well-disciplined and loyal to the royal family, they may appear to outsiders as elite troops who will never retreat, but in fact, this is because they have not fought tough battles.

When the attrition rate of each unit reaches more than [-], will these people still be willing to die one after another, against an enemy that is completely unable to deal with it?

An unstoppable large-scale retreat finally happened. The front army began to retreat in chaos, and the army behind began to lose order. Countless people broke away from the army formation and began to flee, and the army of millions suddenly became a mess.

This is also the effect that Leng Xiyue wants. Compared with gentle amputation, it is better to slaughter wantonly, so that the enemy will be completely terrified and start to flee in all directions!
After reaching this point, the protoss army stopped hacking, ignored the surrounding routs, and charged directly at the middle barracks where Dai Yun was. (end of this chapter)

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