Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 332 The Fall of Emperor Xingluo

Chapter 332 The Fall of Emperor Xingluo

Seeing the Protoss Legion getting closer, Dai Yun's face was ashen.

Thinking back to the battle of the rise of the Wuhun Temple thousands of years ago, a certain ancestor of the Dai family also faced such a situation. After that, Xing Luo learned his lesson and began to prevent such things from happening, strengthening military discipline in a way that was almost brainwashed. , but under this battle damage ratio, this is obviously meaningless.

The protoss army marched straight in, feeling like they were in a deserted place among the tens of thousands of troops, and quickly reached the central military camp.

A kind of master around Dai Yun came out to fight, but soon, a large group of hunters flashed up and surrounded them, inexplicably it was a set fire.

The number of hunters is actually not very large, and they can't suppress the Contra and Title Douluo level masters like Xing Luo at all. Leng Xiyue knows this well, so soon, a warp prism in the sky flies Entering the battlefield, he dropped the two Immortals.

As soon as these two Immortals joined the battle, the situation immediately reversed, and the Title Douluo who were able to stabilize one end were no different from chickens, one shot at a time.

From the top to the bottom of the battlefield, no matter where the wars are fought, they are all experiencing disastrous defeats, and Dai Yun also knows that his doom is over.

"Your Majesty! Let's retreat! With the green hills left, one day we will be able to restore the empire again!" a Titled Douluo beside Dai Yun urged anxiously.

"Retreat? The Star Luo Empire is huge, but where else can we retreat? Where can we retreat?" Dai Yun said with a miserable expression.

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten that person?" the title Douluo reminded.

Dai Yun recalled.

After the last Soul Master Competition ended, the Kingdom of Victoria fell into a low-key state, hardly saying anything on international affairs, and changed the style of grabbing the market with the Kyushu Empire everywhere, and gave up all the cakes.

After that, the Victoria Kingdom put its focus on the Star Luo Empire, and sent a delegation from the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce to visit the Star Luo Empire, proposing to use the strong national power of the Star Luo to equip both sides with an advanced legion.

Of course, Dai Yun did not accept this proposal, otherwise the level of weapons and equipment of the Xingluo Army could go even further.

This is not a wrong choice. If you agree to this treaty, it means that the Star Luo Empire must control the lifeline of its military equipment in the hands of the Kingdom of Victoria, and deliver the raw materials continuously. Covered sea routes are transported here, but if one day the other party cuts off the supply, these armaments purchased at a large price will become rootless duckweed, a dilemma.

Although they didn't agree, the other party said a word without thinking.

"Then, if Your Majesty is about to conquer the kingdom one day, you can come to us with the White Tiger Jade Seal, and the Sun Moon Chamber of Commerce will provide you with shelter and send you to a safe place."

Thinking back now, Dai Yun didn't know if it was true or not, but it seemed that this was indeed the only way out.

Back then Xing Luo hadn't been in any danger, and Dai Mubai hadn't come to the Xing Luo Empire, but the Sun Moon Merchant Guild seemed to have expected this ending long ago. Thinking about it this way, the credibility of this matter is still very high. But His own future destiny is completely out of control.

Sit back and wait for death, or live under the fence?

It's almost a matter of choice.

"I, Emperor Xingluo, can only die standing up. There is absolutely no reason for me to steal my life. If they want to take my life and put that rebellious son on the throne, then let them do it."

Dai Yun stood up and said righteously.

But the next second, his chest was suddenly penetrated.

"It seems that this is your end, Your Majesty."

The Title Douluo who was advising him just now suddenly changed his face, and he found out from nowhere a shining sharp blade, which easily penetrated the body of Dai Yun, a level 96 Title Douluo .

"You..." Dai Yun was furious, and was about to fight back, but found that his soul power couldn't be mobilized no matter what.

Before other people came around, the Titled Douluo skillfully stabbed Dai Yun again, took out a stored treasure jade from his body, and after confirming the contents, he smiled: "Then , Your Majesty, you can die here with your empire, maybe you should thank me, at least you don't have to be humiliated by those people."

Dai Yun opened his mouth, but didn't say a word, and after that, his eyes were completely lost.

He didn't know why he, the selfish person who trusted him the most and stayed by his side even in this situation, betrayed him like this.

At this time, most of the masters in the Chinese military camp were on the battlefield, and no one could stop him. Soon, this Titled Douluo, who had no sense of existence from the beginning to the end, and who had never used a martial soul, quickly ran away, leaving this battlefield.

As soon as Emperor Xingluo died, the originally stable Chinese army suddenly became chaotic. The generals had their own agendas in this hopeless war. At this time, they had no one to restrain them. Find another way of life.

Leng Xiyue originally planned to capture Emperor Xingluo and give Dai Mubai to deal with stabilizing the situation, but Leng Xiyue only found his corpse.

After learning the truth of the matter from the surrounding imperial guards, Leng Xiyue couldn't help but wonder: "Is the White Tiger Jade Seal a very precious thing?"

".Yes, Your Majesty, the White Tiger Jade Seal is Xingluo's artifact. Apart from temporarily injecting the blood of the Holy King to greatly enhance one's own strength, it can also open the secret treasure of the royal family. There is a legacy of the Holy King and endless wealth. But apart from His Majesty, no one knows where it is." A Xingluo bodyguard said with a pale face.

"Heh, are the people from the Sun Moon Empire making trouble again? It seems that they are ready to take action." Leng Xiyue sneered, and couldn't help thinking.

Hu Liena knew about Leng Xiyue's encounter in Xu Baiyun's spiritual space back then, and she didn't express anything these years, but the Victoria Kingdom has indeed been very low-key in recent years, and has no longer resisted the deepening of the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce, plus the small team headed by Xu Baiyun Also under the surveillance of various secret sentries of the Kyushu Chamber of Commerce, her whereabouts were nothing special, and Leng Xiyue thought nothing happened.

The most important thing is that now the Kyushu Empire has been developing at full speed, and Leng Xiyue has reached the limit of the development speed.

However, the current combat readiness of the Kyushu Empire is indeed not ideal. If the Sun Moon Continent already has a comprehensive air defense system, then it shouldn't be left behind.

Then, it's time for this Douluo Continent to enter a brand new chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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