Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 330 National Uprising

Chapter 330 National Uprising
At this point in his thoughts, Dai Mubai's mood did not improve. He was no longer worried that the royal family would not be defeated. He was only worried that they would jump over the wall and start poisoning indiscriminately, turning all the main cities under his rule into the same human world as Gengxin City In purgatory, let hundreds of millions of souls be buried with the Xingluo royal family.

As soon as the news came out, the entire territory of Xingluo was bombed. Many people actually wanted to fight against the Xingluo royal family, but they still wanted to stay dormant for a while, and wait for the victory of Xingluo and Dai Mubai's coalition forces to decide, so as to avoid sending them away in vain. Killed.But now, everything is over, if you don't revolt and welcome Master Wang at this time, when will you wait?
A desire for freedom swept across the entire Xingluo in an instant, setting off a prairie fire. All over the country rebelled against Xingluo's rule, raided warehouses, and cut off its supply lines. Some people were local officials and aristocrats who wanted to speculate in this war. There are also various classes of ordinary people who have been oppressed, and there are also a large number of serfs and slaves organized into peasant armies.

Dai Mubai's previous peace policy was of course not just for compromise, as the trade progressed, he also spread his idea of ​​freedom to the villages, towns and cities around the trade route. To live in a form never imagined.

These 'anti-thieves' all over the star Luo only need a reliable signal to rise up, and now, this signal has come.

In an instant, the wave of rebellion turned into something that spread faster than the plague. Beacons were ignited everywhere, and they launched an attack on the official army of the Star Luo Empire. They captured the supply station of the empire, looted the communication line, and cut off the front line. With the supply of the army, the emperor of Xingluo had to mobilize manpower to go to the rear to fight the law and order war, but most of the Xingluo officers and soldiers could not distinguish between obedient people and rebellious people, so they could only massacre the areas with rebels, but this would only lead to greater resistance.

The Tiandou Empire's reinforcements have also arrived, and they will start a confrontation with the Star Luo Empire's million-strong army. If that's the case, Dai Yun doesn't have any worries, but the Kyushu Empire is a sharp knife hanging over his head. Falling. This is the scariest thing.

The Xingluo Frontier Army stood ready and waited for the Kyushu Empire to launch an attack every day, but for three days in a row, the riots almost burned all over the country, and the Kyushu Empire did not show any signs of marching.

Thinking about it, the Kyushu Empire is a long way away, and they need to travel across the entire Heaven Dou Empire if they want to come here. Looking at it this way, it may take a week or two to arrive and assemble.

"Oh, so it was just solidarity? A few weeks is enough for me to wipe out this traitor!" Dai Yun sneered, and then began to mobilize the army to prepare for the attack.

The Xingluo million-strong army is already on the border of Chen Bing's three provinces, and they are already ready to attack. If they attack with all their strength, under the suppression of nearly four times the strength of the enemy, they can definitely drown the enemy's 30 people!
Emperor Xingluo picked a noon, and began to forcibly cross the river to start a decisive battle with the Dai Mubai-Tiandou coalition forces.

Only then did Dai Mubai realize that his father was not as stupid and useless as he had imagined, and he was so overjoyed.

Xingluo Black Armored Knights undoubtedly have certain advantages in terms of firearms, but don't forget that this is just a side division that ranks outside the top ten and has no special abilities. Xingluo's real royal army has far more technology than this black Armored knights are even more terrifying.

Black armor is a correct research direction. Star Luo's armor builders have continuously improved on this basis in recent years, and finally made some armor with a special magnetic field that can deflect bullets and shells. Everyone didn't know that Xingluo had such advanced equipment in the world. Suddenly, the coalition forces relying on firearms were completely unable to hit these griffin cavalry.

The overwhelming griffin cavalry advanced in a formation of sharp knives, rushed directly to the position unscathed, then drew out their long swords and lances, and wantonly slashed and killed the enemies below.

At this time Dai Mubai finally knew why the Xingluo army had surrounded but not attacked a few days ago, they were waiting, waiting for a chance to directly kill him and the Tiandou reinforcements together, and this opportunity had obviously arrived.

The development of science and technology has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No one will organize melee troops that have no practical value anymore. In this situation where all long-range weapons have failed, the new army they are proud of has become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. Fish on a chopping board.

Times have changed, but now, times seem to have changed back
Because of the trust in hot weapons, there are not many soul masters in Tiandou in the original book, and everyone in the Griffon Knights is a soul master, and they ride pure-blooded griffins with thousands of years of strength. In the case of being unable to resist, even those steel chariots will be quickly cut and annihilated.

The Griffin Legion quickly split the defense line of the coalition forces, followed by the army of the Star Luo Empire, and the unruly black armored cavalry rushed in like a tide.

At this moment, three figures came from the sky and rushed directly into the Griffon Legion.

It was the three Title Douluo sent by the Heaven Dou Empire to accompany the army, besides the two Title Douluo who were loyal to the royal family, Bone Douluo also followed.

After the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School was destroyed, because Ning Fengzhi was taken away, Sword Bone and other titled Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School also declared their surrender, and are now working for the Heaven Dou Empire.

Ning Rongrong was sent to the Kyushu Empire and Oscar together. Similarly, although the sect was destroyed, it was the work of the Heaven Dou Empire, not to mention that Ning Fengzhi was not dead, and there was no hatred for Leng Xiyue. , lived in the Kyushu Empire with peace of mind.

The three Titled Douluo started to kill the Griffin Legion. For a while, no one was invincible, but soon, Xingluo sent four Titled Douluo to stabilize Tiandou.

The two sides fought fiercely in the air, with various soul rings and soul skills flashing in the air. In this level of battle, everyone was of the same strength, but Xing Luo had one more person than Tian Dou, and the final result was not surprising. It ended with the defeat of Tiandou and Dai Mubai's coalition forces.

This time, no one could stop the Xingluo army's advance, and the air-ground combined with the long-distance new army's several major legions advanced all the way, rushing straight to Huanglong with the intention of rushing directly to the coalition's base camp to capture Dai Mubai.

Just when Emperor Xingluo thought that the overall situation had stabilized, a personal guard ran into the camp of the Chinese army in a panic.

"It's not good! Your Majesty! Star Luo City has fallen!"

Dai Yun's heart trembled, as if he had thought of something, he tremblingly picked up the memorial.

(End of this chapter)

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