Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 329 Hell on Earth

Xing Luo didn't have any tactics, and he didn't have a teacher to guide him, but he still knew the basic tactics. The artillery bombarded the city wall earlier, and after paying a terrible price, the city wall of Gengxin City was blown out a huge crack.

Subsequently, tens of thousands of black armored knights also began to charge.

The shelling fell on the charge formation of these black-armored knights, but the effect was very insignificant. Usually, one shell could only kill three or four people. Compared with the current number of people, this benefit is undoubtedly too low. The giant cannon that Lou Gao personally forged can produce the expected profit ratio of the cannon, and can kill dozens of people with one cannon.

The black-armored knights charged with their guns and quickly reached the breach in the city wall. Just as they were about to rush over in one go, dozens of heavily armored soldiers holding big swords stood in front of them.

Of course, Lou Gao is not a person who fully embraces the new era. As one of the best blacksmiths in the world, his armor collection can be said to be the best in the world. These armors are more expensive than the equipment of the black armor knights. It was even more advanced and directly blocked the gap in the entire city wall. For a while, these knights who had rushed up were caught in a dilemma.

Relying on the advantages of high buildings and low walls in the city, the defenders continued to pour firepower downwards, attacking the vulnerable places of the black armored knights as much as possible.

"Damn it! This Lou Gao really turned his back on him a long time ago, and even hid his hand!" Looking at the battlefield where he had invested a lot of troops but had no actual effect, Dai Hua said angrily.

In this battle, the Emperor Xingluo will personally lead the battle, so it is impossible for the command of the various ministries to fall into the hands of others. The highest command of each legion must belong to the Dai family of the royal family.

Dai Hua is a member of a branch of the Dai family. Because he has read military books since childhood and is proficient in suppressing bandits, he was also promoted to the commander of a 5-man army during this all-out war.

The military exploits on the battlefield are undoubtedly the biggest temptation, not to mention the impression that Gengxin City gives people is a group of blacksmiths, who would have thought that it would have such fighting power?Dozens of people can block an attack route of hundreds or thousands of people?
"General Dai! At this time, you must not be greedy for merit. You should withdraw your troops and start a long-term battle, otherwise you may be in danger of being attacked by the enemy." A general dissuaded with a sad expression.

Dai Hua looked at the map. On one side of Gengxin City, it was close to the ore-producing mountains. It was too narrow for the army to retreat. To the north was a big river, but to the south was a large plain. The Xingluo army had no defense against it.

This is the strategy of encirclement, three releases, and one in the art of war. Not encircling the dead means that there is a possibility of escape. Once the war ends for a long time, the morale of the army will be dispersed, and these people will flee along the south gate. The offensive line formed by the Luo Empire army.

Besiege and not attack, put enough pressure, this is indeed the best strategy, but this is Gengxin City, and to the northeast is Dai Mubai's occupied area, if Dai Mubai's army is besieging the city while taking advantage of Xingluo If the main force directly raided the headquarters before reaching the front line, it would probably end in annihilation of the entire army.

Withdraw in desperation?How can His Majesty be satisfied?For the present plan, the only way is to break through Gengxin City quickly, so as to form a corner with Xingluo's main force, here to resist the attack of Dai Mubai's armored army.

"Impossible. If the army withdraws, it will certainly be able to resist possible sneak attacks, but have you ever thought about how we will respond if we don't continue to attack and the two sides merge? Are we going to go back to His Majesty in a thousand miles? "Dai Hua slapped the table fiercely: "For now, the only solution is to massacre the city!"

Hearing this, the surrounding generals fell silent.

This massacre of the city does not mean killing and plundering the people wantonly after entering, but the meaning of throwing viruses to ensure that all living beings are killed.

A long time ago, Xing Luo didn't have such excellent equipment, and he could fight against Tian Dou only by relying on his ability to control beasts, among which, naturally, those highly poisonous things were indispensable.

If those poisonous insects could be projected into Gengxin City, causing the terrifying plague to spread, the city would be considered destroyed.

"General, this matter must not be done. The Wuhun Palace and the Nine Provinces Empire are the most hypocritical. If we don't give them a chance, we can't intervene in person. But if we use such cruel methods, then the Nine Provinces Heavenly Army will end in person. Our Xingluo country is about to perish!" The general who dissuaded Dai Hua before heard that he wanted to poison him immediately knelt down and said in tears.

"Enough! Do you have any tricks up your sleeve? If not, then do as I say! If the Gengxin City area can be stabilized, His Majesty will definitely not blame it for it!" Dai Hua was a little flustered, but he still insisted on his decision .

For him, if the battle cannot be won quickly, or if the army is defeated and flees, with the strictness of the Emperor Xingluo, even if he does not die, he will have to lose half his life, so it is better to fight to the death!
Although the generals complained about this beastly behavior, but the other party was the highest officer of the No.12 Legion, so they also went down to prepare.

This poisonous attack strategy has always been one of Xingluo's methods of attacking cities and territories, and this war is no exception. If the frontal battlefield does not gain an advantage, the Emperor Xingluo will not mind turning these three provinces into a purgatory on earth. .

The emperor thinks so, so each legion has a backup. These poisons are now encapsulated in special shells, and the purpose of poisoning can be achieved as long as they are fired over the destination, which can be regarded as replacing the original trebuchet.

Lou Gao used great malice to figure out how the Star Luo Empire Army might launch an attack, but he still failed to predict this move.

In his opinion, even if the army is defeated in the end, the blacksmiths should be taken away. As long as he kills them, most of the followers will not be affected, because the empire still needs them.

But it was obvious that the people in Xingluo were extremely frenzied. In order to prevent them from succeeding, they did not hesitate to directly wipe out hundreds of thousands of people in Gengxin City.

As for the poisoning, the people of Xingluo are obviously very handy. In addition to arranging people to bombard the entire Gengxin City from multiple angles to ensure that the entire Gengxin City is polluted, Dai Hua also sent a team of cavalry to poison the upper reaches of the river north of the city, directly cutting off the poison. main water source.

After finishing these, the Xingluo Army retreated with gold, and began to encircle the entire city without attacking, and watched Gengxin City be destroyed.

The facts are indeed as expected by Dai Hua. Gengxin City's medical system is extremely backward, and there are very few soul masters of the healing department. They are vulnerable to Xingluo's various poisons that have been purified for thousands of years. It spread rapidly, and many people were infected with these poisons.

At the beginning, they were weak and unintentionally preparing for battle, but within two days, large-scale deaths began to appear, and corpses are the best carrier for the spread of the plague. Soon, the shadow of death shrouded the entire Gengxin City. Except for soul masters with strength above the king who can try to offset it, no one can be spared.

But how many soul masters above soul king are there in Gengxin City?

"Teacher, I'm afraid we can only stop here."

An atmosphere of panic spread everywhere in Gengxin City. The shortage of medicines and the intensity of poisoning made every place look like a purgatory on earth. In order to curb the spread of the plague, they could only adopt the policy of burning.

The lack of water and food is also a huge problem. Most of the water sources of tens of thousands of people have been polluted in one day, and only a few wells are still clean. However, under the pollution of some crazy people dying, it is drinkable Well water is also getting scarcer.

"There is no other way. Organize the people and blacksmiths who can still move to retreat. We are more familiar with the mountains in the west of the city, and the Xingluo army is difficult to pass through. If we can bypass this place, we can cross the river to Dai Mubai's territory. There is hope of survival." Lou Gao said sadly.

It's easy to say, but the mountains in the west are dangerous places, even the elite of the Star Luo Empire can't get through, let alone weak refugees like them?I am afraid that three out of ten will pass in the end.

Of the [-]% who survived, [-]% must be soul masters, which shows how difficult it is.

But besides this, there is no other way.

The news spread quickly, but there were only a few followers. Just as Lou Gao thought, people in Gengxin City depended on mining and metals for a living, so they naturally knew the dangers there. Compared with it, It would be better to die in your own home and dig a grave for yourself in advance, which is considered decent.

However, there are about 1 ordinary people who are still healthy and willing to embark on this difficult and dangerous road with Lou Gao.

After delivering a hopeless speech in the city, Lou Gao set off from the west of the city and entered the deep mountains with his followers and those who were willing to leave together.

After they set off, this unsupervised city also ushered in the most desperate moment. People who were seriously ill and lost their water sources were dying in large numbers every moment, or in other words, those who could survive the two God is already very strong.

Another half day passed, and the bustling city was completely reduced to a dead city. There was no longer any life, and there were corpses everywhere. Even the crows and mice that liked to surround the corpses could hardly survive under the poison. The city is suffocatingly quiet.

The tens of thousands of Xingluo army with the antidote successfully moved into Gengxin City, occupied it, began to disperse the plague here and dispose of the corpses, trying to eliminate his bestiality, as everyone knows, all of this was seen by Dai Mubai Clearly.

"Damn it! How dare these bastards do such insane things!" After receiving the report from his subordinates, Dai Mubai slammed the table violently, extremely angry.

For him, war can be cruel or bloody. He can accept all of these, but the only thing he can't accept is attacking innocent civilians. He feels that this should be a pure battle A confrontation of military power.

Dai Mubai, who had learned correct values ​​and war concepts from Leng Xiyue and Nishizumi Miho, couldn't accept the slaughter of a city for a staged victory.

But he can only watch, there is absolutely no way, even if his current medical strength is completely enough to eliminate such tragedies, but the military strength is still a lot worse, and now the star Luo millions of troops are coming one after another, forming a huge Under pressure, he could only disperse the armored divisions and form a defense line along the mountains and surrounding rivers to prepare for the defense in advance. He couldn't organize enough teams to rescue Gengxin City, so he could only sit back and watch the tragedy happen.

Tiandou's 30 troops are still on their way, if these 30 people fill in the line, his armored division like sharp knives can completely penetrate left and right, and deal severe blows to the enemy.

Standing beside Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing said softly: "I heard that Master Lou Gao has led a team to cross the Gengjin Mountain Range and come to our side. I have already organized a medical team and guards to meet them. It should be possible to reduce casualties.”

That being said, the mountain roads are rough and difficult to navigate, and the mechanized troops cannot move at all, and the troops who go to support can only rely on walking. In this way, how high can the rescue efficiency be?

Dai Mubai sat slumped on the chair, of course he knew this, he didn't hold much hope in his heart, he just waved his hands, unwilling to think about the scene of these refugees dying on the road in despair.

The war will continue, and the situation is still not optimistic. The Beast Legion of the Star Luo Empire has not yet been dispatched. The mobility of this army is no worse than his armored division. There is also a legion composed entirely of griffins. The army can completely attack any place behind Dai Mubai, and the tragedy in Gengxin City made him even more worried about whether these people would carry out the task of poisoning and massacre the people behind him.

At this moment, Li Mengdie walked over with an excited expression: "My lord! We have won!"

Dai Mubai raised his head blankly: "Victory? Which side of the army repelled the enemy's attack?"

"No, no, it's this war, the war has already been won!" Li Mengdie excitedly placed a projection device on the table in front of Dai Mubai, and then, Leng Xiyue in formal attire appeared on it.

"Everyone, the problems of the Star Luo Empire can no longer be resolved through mediation. The Pope and I have appealed to all parties to exercise restraint, but just today, a tragedy happened in the Star Luo Empire."

"Gengxin City is a city mainly composed of merchants, craftsmen, and miners. The people here are hardworking and willing to work hard, and they still maintain an enviable vitality under the strict system of the Star Luo Empire. But at this time, this The people of the city no longer exist."

In the picture, Leng Xiyue stretched out her hand and angrily yelled at the camera: "The people of Xingluo dared to risk the disgrace of the world by using poison gas warfare to massacre hundreds of thousands of people. Such evil deeds are all indignant, and they are even more disrespectful to our Kyushu Empire and the Wushu Empire!" The huge provocation of the joint announcement of the Hall of Souls regards the Continental Convention as waste paper, and in order to repay such beastly acts, the Kyushu Empire will formally declare war on the Star Luo Empire!"

"This battle will avenge hundreds of thousands of souls, and completely wipe out the Xingluo royal family, without dying!"

Dai Mubai understood.

No wonder Li Mengdie was so happy. If Sister Xiyue ended up in person, then this war would not last long.

If the Star Luo Empire army could still fight with Dai Mubai and the Tiandou Empire reinforcements, then facing the army directly sent by the Nine Provinces Empire, the ending would be nothing but being crushed. (end of this chapter)

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