Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 291 The Moment of Uprising (4)

Chapter 291 The Moment of Uprising (4)

Li Mengdie didn't choose to fight for the latter, because it's useless to fight for them. They are the same as those who chose to escape before, except for dragging their legs and crying and screaming, they have no effect.

And the former, no doubt, can become the staunchest fighter with a little mobilization.

Among them, many guards pretended to be hard laborers in order to escape their lives.But it's a pity that people like Li Mengdie have all come out of suffering. They can easily tell whether these people are the real oppressed or not, and shoot all those who pretend to be oppressed.

What I have to say is that compared to the almost brainwashing method of taming slaves in the Northland, this Earl is still far behind. Basically, he relies on violence to make people submit. This is indeed extremely effective, but at this time, their suppressed The monstrous anger will also completely erupt in the heart.

Soon, Li Mengdie pulled up a team of more than 120 people in the castle by means of speeches and mobilization, most of them were women, but their workload made them much stronger than ordinary people, so they couldn't be more powerful. As for not even being able to hold a gun.

The enslaved people here, no one is willing to give up this opportunity for revenge, followed Li Mengdie to the upstairs, began to clean the battlefield, equipped all the best automatic rifles, and counted some of the ammunition storage in the castle to ensure that everyone has an advantage in equipment.

Some strong laborers also lifted up the two heavy pulse rifles, but after all, they were just ordinary people, and they couldn't control them by themselves. They could only be in groups of three, with two resisting the guns and the other aiming and shooting. Heavy weapons were also used.

Li Mengdie quickly taught these people how to use weapons, and these smart people also quickly learned, ready to go into battle.

It seems that the next defense battle will become extremely comfortable, but she didn't act too hastily, and directly put everyone on the battlefield, but sent about [-] people to the second floor to strengthen the defense, while the rest were concentrated on logistics Work, concentrate all the weapons and ammunition on the third floor of the castle.

There are a lot of strange equipment in the arsenal that Li Mengdie doesn't understand. Maybe even the Earl himself doesn't know what it is for, so he didn't see it in the battle just now.

But it doesn't matter, she just dragged the rifles, pistols, shells, grenades she knew, and about a dozen heavy machine guns that she didn't know how to use all downstairs, and when Dai Mubai came back, she could teach them.

And what is Dai Mubai doing right now?He came to the roof of the castle alone and put down a small device.

A ripple swayed, covering the entire fortress, and all the enemies have been turned into symbols one by one, projected on the screen of the panel.

This is a tactical radar that can automatically detect arms and convert them into different icons. For example, the enemy's artillery positions, infantry, machine gun positions, and soul master squads are all marked with different icons.

And such panels have already been distributed by Dai Mubai to the large troops in the outer city, that is to say, from now on, all of them are equivalent to opening the eyes of the sky, able to detect all the enemy's tactical arrangements.

After finishing all this, Dai Mubai went back downstairs, surprised to find that Li Mengdie had armed so many troops at this time, and in his heart, he had a higher confidence in this war where a few hundred fought a few thousand .

Dai Mubai made four people form a machine gun team, and then modularized the work of this team, allowing everyone to perform their own duties and complete their own work, so that everything can proceed in an orderly manner.

Soon, the ten heavy machine gun positions temporarily formed by Dai Mubai set up the machine gun positions in a place that was convenient for defense in the castle, and at the same time selected the most advanced five improved light pulse rifles with extremely strong battery life from the weapon pile It was distributed to Li Mengdie and the others.

Immediately afterwards, Dai Mubai began to disperse the grenades into each position.At the same time, arrange the troops for cross-fire cover to ensure that they will not be attacked by the enemy through the window.

After the formation was formed, the sense of urgency of being surrounded by the army suddenly eased a lot, Dai Mubai sent some people to find some food in the castle, and distributed it to everyone, obviously preparing to fight here for a long time.

"My lord, I found a strange thing." Li Mengdie sat on the ground, and Dai Mubai surrounded a topographical map of the fort that was found in a high-rise room, pointing to the artillery camp near the outer city.

"Obviously they only need to turn their guns around and start bombing the fortress, we will have nowhere to escape, and there will be no chance of turning around at all, but why don't they do this?"

Dai Mubai chuckled lightly: "If such a situation happens, do you think I will take the risk to come here? Do you know what is the most precious thing in this earldom?"

"The earl's title?" Li Mengdie scratched her head, she could only think that the following people were fighting for the leadership of the earldom, which gave them a chance.

"It's the weapon in your hand. You still don't understand the importance of these things. These are the most advanced weapons and equipment of the Kyushu Empire. Not to mention that it is the most advanced thing in the entire world."

"If we don't have these weapons and equipment as a background, then this place will soon be targeted by other greedy nobles, and they will eat it in one go."

"The people downstairs will not retreat, and they dare not attack by force, but they will definitely not give up this place to the troops led by others, and the troops in the outer city control the artillery positions, but they dare not bomb, because it means People downstairs must retreat to avoid being affected by artillery fire, and also bear the consequences of destroying all arsenals in the castle."

Li Mengdie looked at the pulse rifle in her hand, and she understood.

During this day, she seemed to have gone through hundreds of years.

At the very beginning, the guards were still using traditional bolt-action rifles, then the large-caliber pistols used by Dai Mubai and the terrifyingly powerful Dragon Flame Cannon, and then the heavy pulse rifles used by the earl's personal guard And those lighter fully automatic rifles, and the heavy machine guns that are now the main force of the enemy and friendly forces.

But now, what she holds in her hand is a more terrifying weapon. It is more powerful than a fully automatic rifle, has a faster rate of fire, has no recoil, and has an amazing battery life. A pulse ammo bottle can continuously fire hundreds of rounds. Now Looking back at the earliest bolt-action rifles, she felt that everything was still in a dream.

"If the Queen of the Kyushu Empire took out such a gun and offered a reward for the earl's head, I'm afraid the whole world would be shocked and flock to it. This is the horror of the empire, do you understand?"

".I understand." Li Mengdie lowered his head. This is not difficult to understand. I am afraid this is why the earl only equips bolt-action rifles in the dispatched team, and other weapons are in his base camp. They are used by cronies or simply not For the sake of sending it out.

(End of this chapter)

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