Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 290 The Moment of Uprising (3)

Chapter 290 The Moment of Uprising (3)

But Dai Mubai wasn't worried at all.

"Do you remember how I taught you how to use it before you came here?" Dai Mubai distributed a few large-caliber revolvers and some lower-caliber pistols that he put in the storage soul guide to several girls, dignified asked.

"Of course, we have taken it to heart." Another girl said.

".Actually, you didn't have to come and accompany me on this dangerous journey, but since you came, you trust me, Dai Mubai. I don't want any of you to die here, on the eve of this dawn ,Understand?"

"Don't be a hero, do anything that you think you can expand the results of the battle through sacrifice, honestly call others for support when you encounter an incompetent enemy, and surrender directly if you are caught, don't feel it is a betrayal of me. Everything is strong."

Dai Mubai looked at the six girls in revealing clothes in front of him, he didn't have any instincts that a man should have in his heart, he just regarded them as his sisters.

Just imagine, Dai Mubai is a soul sect, not to mention assassinating the soul saint, after that, he may be besieged by an unknown number of soul emperors and soul kings.

Dai Mubai himself has soul guide armor, advanced weapons, and the newly captured Dragon Flame Cannon, and even has the power to fight against the enemy, but what about these girls?That is the chicken that fell into the tiger's flock. Once it fell into the enemy's hands, the consequences would be unimaginable given the degree of tyranny under the Earl's rule.

The girls were all moved by Dai Mubai's expression of true feelings, and nodded one after another: "We understand."

"Then, Mengdie and I will go to see the earl, and the others will be broken into pieces first, and wait for the opportunity."

"As ordered!"

The meaning of waiting for an opportunity is to find a hidden room to hide, wait for Dai Mubai to cause chaos, and start looking for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack.

When the upper floors of the castle are in chaos, those fixed defenders will definitely be called up. The original artillery positions will definitely be empty. At that time, there will be large-scale riots in the outer city. The guards must be in chaos.

Thinking in this way, Dai Mubai and Li Mengdie walked all the way to the earl's residence on the top floor of the castle.

Two tall guards stood at the door of the room, seeing Dai Mubai approaching with a girl, immediately stopped Dai Mubai.

"Commander Liu, the Earl is having a good time. It may take a while to see you, but you can leave him behind and come back later."

These two soul kings were very polite to Dai Mubai's disguised identity, and it was true if they were not absolute backbones, how could they be assigned a weapon like the Dragon Flame Cannon?
Dai Mubai inspected the two of them, and found that they were both soul kings, each holding a pulse rifle.

It seems that the earl is very clear that a soul master cannot allow him to achieve a higher status in the Star Luo Empire, only these advanced equipment from the Kyushu Empire are the foundation of his foothold.

"Go, bitch, serve your master well." Dai Mubai sneered imitating the tone of the chief guard, and pushed hard, Li Mengdie was caught off guard and fell directly to the ground.

Dai Mubai didn't care about asking, just turned and left.

The two guards seemed to be very happy to see such a beautiful woman suffer, and they couldn't help but look a few more times.

The next second, Dai Mubai who was striding away suddenly turned around, pulled out two large-caliber revolvers, shot them twice without hesitation, and directly blasted their heads.

The violent gunshots echoed in the castle, which quickly aroused the vigilance of many people.

"The plan is changed, be vigilant, I will come out soon." Dai Mubai stretched out his hand to pull Li Mengdie up, threw his two pistols over, then took out the Longyan Cannon he had seized before, and kicked open the door .

However, there was no figure of the earl in the room, only a woman tied to the bed.

The woman with disheveled hair and a desperate look, seeing Dai Mubai barging in, immediately shouted: "He's over there!"

Dai Mubai looked in the woman's direction, but there was nothing but air, but out of trust, he shot directly without thinking.

In the next second, a figure was instantly shattered into blood clots, and even the outer wall of the castle was shattered together, and flew out. This Earl, who had harmed so many people, didn't even have a chance to say a word, so he just let it go. die.

Dai Mubai glanced down, at this moment the lower part of the castle was completely in chaos, hundreds of inner city guards rushed in one after another.

Standing on the very top of this fort, Dai Mubai scanned the territory he saw, he speculated that the number of defenders in the entire fort might be several thousand people, relying on his own several hundred people, this is really extremely difficult.

But now, what choice is there?There is only one battle!
Looking at the bridge connecting the castle and the inner city, Dai Mubai took out a bazooka, aimed at the dozens of people around the bridge, and directly pulled the trigger.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the entire bridge collapsed, killing dozens of people along the way, but the guards in the inner city also discovered Dai Mubai's existence, and shot back directly.

Dai Mubai originally planned to use the pulse rifle he had just seized to kill some people, but this round of volley directly ruined him, so he never dared to show his face again.

He casually took out a pill and ate it, then he took out a pistol, threw it to the woman on the bed, and said: "Don't move here, or hide it, if we win, your life will be safe. If we fail, you can use this thing to get rid of the pain that will definitely come next."

After finishing speaking, Dai Mubai left the earl's room, and joined Li Mengdie.

Li Mengdie held a large-caliber pistol, but she didn't have Dai Mubai's strength, so she couldn't control the terrifying recoil, but after killing two elite guards with the advantage of the high ground steps, no one dared to go up for a while forward.

It was obviously not that these people were frightened, but that they were waiting for the weapons to be brought up from below to attack the fortifications, and this could be regarded as the calm before the storm.

Dai Mubai knew that he absolutely couldn't be trapped to death here.

Picking up the pulse rifles of the two guards, Dai Mubai casually replaced the bullets, and then stacked them neatly on the ground.

"Do you still remember what I taught you, when you are here, put this pulse rifle on the ground, suppress the firepower on the stairs on the lower floor for a while, help me deal with the backup, and I will take care of the rest."

"Press this to use a spiral missile with an explosive effect, but there is only one shot, so use it with caution."

Dai Mubai didn't know how many people gathered downstairs at this time, but he was not afraid.

"...Be careful." Li Mengdie didn't say much, but calmly changed the bullets for the revolver in his hand, and made all possible battle preparations.

Dai Mubai recalled the terrain downstairs when he came up, aimed the Longyan Cannon in the direction of the stairs on the lower floor, signaled Li Mengdie to back up, and then fired a shot towards the ground.

The terrifying dragon's breath shot out, and a large hole was instantly punched out in the ground of the castle. More than a dozen reinforcements who were going upstairs were killed by this sudden shot, and blood flowed into the originally clean and tidy lower stairs instantly.

Dai Mubai put away the Longyan Cannon, took out a bomb filled with blue electric light, and threw it down.

Blue lightning flashed throughout the lower floor, screams continued, and Dai Mubai directly possessed the martial soul and soul guide armor, rushing down to kill.

This is a weakened small-scale EMP bomb, which can effectively limit the soul power of a soul master, but it cannot restrict firearms.

However, the intense flashes of light would obviously also cause people to fall into a state of blindness, and people with insufficient strength would be directly hurt by it. Therefore, after Dai Mubai went down, what he saw was a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Holding the Wuxiang Tiangang sword in his hand, Dai Mubai quickly slashed out several sword qi, trying to quickly kill all the more than 50 people who had gathered here.

This is the most elite group of people in the entire earldom, and now, their spirit power has been restricted, they are no match for Dai Mubai at all.

Under the threat of life and death, many people forcibly opened their eyes, picked up the weapons in their hands, and launched a counterattack against Dai Mubai.

The weapons here are obviously not the kind of bolt-action rifles equipped for the outer guards, they are all fully automatic rifles of the modern level, but Dai Mubai is forcefully suppressing firepower, beheading everyone quickly.

After a battle, Dai Mubai was shot more than ten times, but this is not important, under the powerful recovery medicine, these are just minor injuries that can be recovered in just a few tens of seconds.

As for the key head and heart, they are equipped with the hardest armor, which cannot be pierced by ordinary bullets and attacks.

Before coming, Dai Mubai didn't understand the purpose of Leng Xiyue's arrangement.

Why did Leng Xiyue provide him with a lot of powerful equipment, but did not fully support his actions, so that he had to face various difficulties.

For example, if the whole body is covered with such armor, wouldn't it be directly invincible?
But now, he seemed to understand that this was an experience specially prepared for him, no matter for his mind or his strength.

Only under this huge pressure can he move forward all the way, and an easy victory will only make him gradually forget his heart, and with the support of Leng Xiyue, he will become self-willed and arrogant.

Li Mengdie upstairs obviously understood the essence of street fighting. She fought high and low without showing her head. She glanced at it from time to time and began intermittent fire suppression. It was her task to ensure that the people below did not dare to charge upwards.

Soon, Dai Mubai continued to sweep away all enemies on this floor.

After letting Li Mengdie down, Dai Mubai realized that there was another person behind her, who was helping Li Mengdie with the ammunition.

It was the woman who was left in the room by Dai Mubai, at this time she had recovered from the trance, and she knew very well that her only chance of survival was, so she decided to follow the two together.

However, she has not been educated, so she can only help Li Mengdie with simple ammunition replacement work.

"Let's go down with these weapons. These are relatively light and easier to carry."

The journey has not stopped, but the next battle has become much easier.

Dai Mubai no longer had any EMP bombs, but he still used the old trick again, directly using the Dragon Flame Cannon to rush into the lower floor and start killing randomly, while Li Mengdie also attacked the panicked enemy formation from the stairs, using those lighter automatic weapons to start firing. Kill the enemies who are aiming at Dai Mubai.

Repeating the old trick, Dai Mubai soon washed several floors with blood, and the other girls who were originally hiding in these floors waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack also saw the opportunity to join the battle, shot and killed one person and ran away.

This created an illusion for the enemy that there were enemies firing from all directions, and the originally fairly organized team panicked instantly, and these low-level soul masters who had already been killed by Dai Mubai were completely unable to stop Dai Mubai's advance.

The high-ranking people under the Earl almost died as early as the first wave. At this time, the organization of the remaining castle guards was not high. As the first person chose to flee, the rest began to retreat downstairs in a panic. Dai Mubaihao Kill all enemies without mercy.

At this point, the battle for the castle ended, Dai Mubai and his assault team won a complete victory and occupied the castle
In the hall on the first floor of the castle, several machine gun positions that were originally protected from the outside had turned their guns and aimed at any position that might go down the stairs. will be sieved.

The defenders of the inner city have also been stationed around the castle through other bridges, looking at the windows vigilantly. There are as many as 500 people around the castle.

And more people are still staring at the inner city outside the moat. These people are even more numerous, with a total of [-] people. They include both the original army from the inner city and people from the outer city. This also means that Dai Mu Bai has become a trapped beast, with so many people staring at him, he won't have any chance.

In this situation where the overall situation seems to be settled, no one is willing to die. If they participate in this battle where they are destined to die first, they don't know how many people are on the other side, and they don't know if they will be killed as soon as they go upstairs. Killed with one shot, so surrounding but not attacking became the best choice.

More importantly, when the earl died, his masters also died.

This is a doomed fact. No one knows who will succeed the earl, but the remaining officers all support themselves. Although they must carry the banner of revenge for the earl as their own legitimacy, everyone knows that A power struggle has quietly unfolded.

Li Mengdie hid behind the wall and quietly observed every move outside the window. Listening to the discussions and disputes of the guards, she immediately had an idea in her mind.

She ordered two people to stand guard at the stairs, hiding in a position where they could continue to retreat upstairs at any time, while she and the rest of the people went to the cells where the slaves were held.

With the depth of the castle today, there is already enough room for maneuver.

With five and a half of them, they can't defend this place even in street fighting. For now, the only way to do it is to take advantage of their split to recruit more soldiers who can fight.

There are not many people who can be recruited in the castle, and the composition of the previous slave team is similar. There are not only her trained and enslaved slaves and hard workers; Discarded, no training required.

(End of this chapter)

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