Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 289 The Moment of Uprising (2)

Chapter 289 The Moment of Uprising (2)

Dai Mubai passed through the crowd, picked up the girl who created opportunities for him, could be said to be the savior, jumped up, and jumped onto a big rock.

Zhu Zhuqing and the other three puppet soldiers stood aside, everyone was waiting for Dai Mubai's instructions.

Seeing that the girl in his arms was not in danger of life, Dai Mubai heaved a sigh of relief, then raised his head to look at the surrounding slaves.

The eyes of these people are very complicated, the eyes of many women who did not join the battle are full of hope, and some people don't care about Dai Mubai at all, while the eyes of those who have just joined the battle are firm.

At this moment, Dai Mubai finally truly felt why Leng Xiyue had to change the chaos in the northern province in one fell swoop at the expense of studding all her family wealth.

Taking a deep breath, Dai Mubai slowly said:

"Everyone, this era has become so chaotic. You are clearly human, but your status is like pigs and dogs. Are you really willing?"

Said, Dai Mubai kicked the corpse on one side: "Look, is there really any difference between you and them? Then why, you are going to be enslaved, but they are able to stand high and enjoy being controlled by you?" Wealth generated by life?"

"In the past, master soul masters really had supreme authority over you, no matter how strong you are, you couldn't resist at all, but now, look at the guns in your hands, do you want to continue like this?"

"In no mood!"

"So, are you willing to follow me to overthrow this rotten world and create a brand new world for your wives and children, parents and elders?"

Those strong slaves who first stood up to resist looked at each other, and then they all knelt down to Dai Mubai.

"Willing to die for the son!"

Under the system of the Star Luo Empire, people actually don't think their lives are precious.

But now, there are three choices, either death is lighter than a feather, or death is heavier than Mount Tai, or it may not die at all.

But no matter what, they all identified Dai Mubai as the new commander.

Dai Mubai counted the number of people, and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were more than 100 of these strong men. If they were not suppressed by the soul power of the guards, they would definitely be called new forces wherever they were placed.

In the past, these people were kept in captivity in the farmland to do hard work every day, and their food was relatively good, in order to be sold at a high price to become real high-level servants. They are all above [-] gold soul coins, more expensive than those pretty girls.

But now, these people will become Dai Mubai's main force.

The use of firearms is not complicated, especially the batch of 'foreign trade' versions prepared by Leng Xiyue are so easy to understand that they can use them after just a few glances.

After distributing the seized weapons and equipment to these people, Dai Mubai began to count the number of people.

This earldom is the novice village that Leng Xiyue prepared for him, and it is also the first territory. Due to the reactions of the high-level officials from Tiandou and Wuhundian, within a few years, the Kyushu Empire will not give any public support. help,
Therefore, Leng Xiyue prepared a trading post outside the border in advance, and put a lot of advanced equipment in it. It can not only build an advanced army, but also have the latest nuclear fusion generators and other civilian facilities. Title Douluo's super sniper, and other laboratory-level weapons.

These are Dai Mubai's starting resources, but if he wants to inherit these, he must first capture the fortress of the Earldom.

Dai Mubai already has a plan, but the management after the occupation is also a big problem, he must mobilize all the first batch of people who follow him, just like Leng Xiyue, one person drives a group of people, and finally Make everyone aware of the cause he is doing and join in the struggle together.

Dai Mubai was full of longing for the scene where everyone worked hard for this goal together, but soon, reality slapped him hard in the face.

Seeing that Dai Mubai didn't make things difficult for them, and was even willing to untie the shackles for them, many people ran away directly.

Running away by one person will often stir up restlessness in the hearts of several people and make them run together. Therefore, more than 100 people ran away before the official start of the operation.

Dai Mubai didn't stop them, they were willing to leave, that was also their own choice, maybe they had their own family, after he solved the earl and ruled this land, they would still be the labor force under his rule.

And the remaining 200 people obviously understand Dai Mubai's thinking and are willing to contribute to it.

After further treatment, Li Mengdie woke up.

"You're awake." Zhu Zhuqing was hugging Li Mengdie, obviously very concerned about her injury.

"Am I not dead?" Li Mengdie looked around, at this time Dai Mubai was discussing the details of the next tactics with others not far away.

"Of course not, this is a miracle of modern medicine." Zhu Zhuqing reached out and brought a glass of water from the side, and fed Li Mengdie to drink it.

"Thank you very much for saving Mubai, I will always remember this kindness." Zhu Zhuqing said in a gentle voice.

"...not just to save him, but also to save myself." Li Mengdie tightened her clothes, and then looked around: "It seems that I have no choice but to join you."

"Of course not, you can choose to leave. In order to repay your kindness, I will use my relationship to send you to the Kyushu Empire, where you can get all the life you want." Zhu Zhuqing said.

"Kyushu Empire." Although Li Mengdie was just a slave who was locked up for training with other people, there were never many rumors about it.

For them, the Kyushu Empire is more desirable than any religious belief. Now that the other party is willing to help them go to the Kyushu Empire, this is like letting a devout believer see his god in person.

But in the end, Li Mengdie shook his head: "Do I have a better choice? In this world, some people die because of me, and some people I am willing to save with my life. If there is no chance, it's fine. Now With hope, I am willing to go all out.”

"Of course." Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have guessed Li Mengdie's answer a long time ago, and took out a thick book: "Mubai has already thought about it, if you have ideas, learn as much as possible from the above knowledge, Then, it can be our biggest help.”

Li Mengdie flipped through it, but saw that the book was full of advanced knowledge about how to manage, how to build a territory, and how to coordinate a country, all of which could never be dreamed of.

"...I understand, I will work hard."

Li Mengdie was not an ordinary slave. In the mouth of those nobles, she was undoubtedly a 'high-end product' that could be sold.

For a slave like her, physical training is not the main thing, more is learning, so she is literate, can read and write, and even knows rhythm, and knows calligraphy and painting, all of which are for better service future master.

She has learned so much knowledge at the age of 16, which is enough to show that her learning ability is very strong.

In other words, in that environment, those who were not strong had no value in continuing to cultivate, and were sold off as low-level slaves.

There is no doubt that she is a high-end product, not a slave purely for pleasure, she can be used by the master to welcome guests.

It's a pity that her future master, that is, the Earl here obviously doesn't pay much attention to this, and the arrangement for her is the lowest standard, so much so that the guards on the road dare to beat and scold her.

And these painful memories of the past, at this time, have become rare treasures.

While Li Mengdie was flipping through these books, Dai Mubai on the other side finally made a plan to gather the remaining 200 slaves who should be called the rebel army or rebel army at this time.

"Everyone, I already have a plan, but I need everyone's help."

"The earl's fortress is impenetrable to us, so we must rise from within."

"We only have 40-odd guns right now, so my plan is to re-disguise as a slave trade party and enter the fort."

"The earl is bloodthirsty, brutal, and greedy. It shouldn't be a particularly difficult problem to assassinate him. I will confront him head-on."

Said, Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing: "Zhuqing, I need you to sneak into the slave team to protect everyone, cooperate with other guards with guns to find the location of the arsenal in the fort, and send everyone Arm yourself."

"The opponent doesn't know much about hot weapons, and the battle is evenly matched. At that time, we will launch a sneak attack from the inside at night, occupy this fortress in one fell swoop, and use it as a base to march into the entire Earldom."

Everyone nodded, they understood Dai Mubai's plan.

Dai Mubai will disguise himself as the head of the guard, so naturally he has the status to meet the count.

In Xingluo, the Earl is already a Soul Sage, and the Marquis who are further up are generally powerful Soul Sages and Contras. As for the Duke, only Contras or Titled Douluo with outstanding military achievements can be named.

For Dai Mubai to face the soul sage and possible guards with a soul sect, and to assassinate them, this is undoubtedly a hell-level task.

On the other hand, ordinary people like them are actually not under that much pressure. All living beings are equal under firearms. These high-level weapons are enough to help them easily eliminate enemies below the soul emperor.

If the firepower is concentrated, the Soul Emperor will not escape death.

Soon, everyone became clear about their mission.

There is a clear division of labor. After the weapons are snatched, the remaining 100 unarmed strong men will be equipped first, and the remaining [-] people are basically women, who will be responsible for the logistical investigation.

The plan was completed, next, Dai Mubai prepared another disguise mask, and distributed it to all forty advance teams, allowing them to simulate the faces of the guards, so as to prevent anyone from discovering that something was wrong in advance.

Zhu Zhuqing re-tied the remaining people together in an easy-to-break way.

When everything was ready, the team started the journey again, but this time the team was no longer lifeless, but full of hope.

The earldom has a long history. As a warlord who made his fortune by selling slaves, he naturally has a huge fortress.

The outer wall of this fortress is as high as ten meters, and various large equipment such as bed crossbows and trebuchets are placed inside.

There is an inner wall outside the outer wall. Inside the inner wall live the Earl's relatives and absolutely trustworthy house slaves, which is a bit like a small city.

In the center of the entire fortress is a huge castle. For this era, this is definitely an extremely difficult war facility to conquer.

Of course, this has become a thing of the past. Now the earldom has been upgraded, and the armaments of the outer city have also become long guns and cannons. Dense forts have been built on the city walls, each of which is well-equipped, which is no better than the early Kyushu Imperial Army. Difference.

Dai Mubai even saw four different models here, a total of more than 20 tanks, ranging from the early T34 or Tiger imitation models to the latest main battle.

But now, these tanks are obviously not used by anyone, and their barrels are used to hang clothes. Obviously, the barbarians of Star Luo will not use this kind of high-end equipment.

In addition, there are many special tractors here, perhaps this is why these steel monsters can be transported here.

Dai Mubai didn't know how much effort Leng Xiyue had to make them bring these things over, but no matter what, it was an incomparably huge help.

After showing his warrant to the city gate guards, Dai Mubai led a group of people into the city.

The scene inside was as he expected, the war was too far away from this remote area, the Star Luo Central Committee would not manage this place, but instead regarded it as a cannon fodder warlord fighting against Tiandou, as expected, the people here were not strict The military discipline, gather together to play cards, but no one pays attention to them.

A group of people started to act according to the plan. The people who were regarded as slaves were locked in the cells first. Zhu Zhuqing easily subdued the original guards and replaced them with his own people.The others took off the shackles and waited for the opportunity to wait in the cell. The forty disguised guards waited for the opportunity to steal weapons and bring them back to arm the crowd.

There were more than 100 other slaves in the cell. During this period, they could still do ideological work for these people.

Dai Mubai led Li Mengdie and five other pretty girls through the inner city and into the castle.

Entering the castle usually requires a rigorous search, Dai Mubai has long been prepared, turning his storage soul guide into a jewel on the cuff, extremely inconspicuous.

However, Dai Mubai's preparations didn't come in handy, the head of the bodyguard he pretended to have a high status under the earl, the guard didn't dare to do anything to him, he let him go, and let Dai Mubai lead him A few people walked in.

After entering the castle, Dai Mubai was not in a hurry to meet the count, and looked around the castle.

There are four cannons placed on almost every floor of the castle, and there is even a machine gun position on the bottom floor. With him and the girls beside him, it is completely impossible to capture this place.

(End of this chapter)

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