Become the Archbishop from Douluo

Chapter 292 The Moment of Uprising (5)

Chapter 292 The Moment of Uprising (5)

"So, do you know what we should do?" Dai Mubai clearly intended to test the school.

"Since the inner city and the outer city are not unified, then we should." Li Mengdie turned her head and looked at the artillery not far away.

To be honest, there are several sets of this thing on each floor, but Li Mengdie never thought of using it.

Because the number of people at that time was too small.

But now, if this giant cannon is used to attack the outer city, the outer city defense forces will be mobilized to bombard the fort
As Dai Mubai said, the guards of the outer city would never dare to bombard indiscriminately, as long as they prepare in advance in the castle, then the only ones who will be harmed will be the troops surrounding the inner city.

Dai Mubai pointed to the map of the castle: "I didn't dare to make such a crazy plan, but now, we can know from the map that there is a solid passage under the first floor of the castle, which can lead to any direction of the fort. Even going out of the city directly, these secret passages are only known to the castle guards, and after the battle just now, I don't believe they can guard all the exits."

"...Under the current battlefield situation, it is unlikely that they will really defend."

"If the artillery in the outer city does not dare to bomb, we will continue to bombard the inner city, but if the opponent counterattacks, the inner city army below will have to withdraw, and we will have the opportunity to take our most advanced large troops with the most advanced equipment. Breakout."

Li Mengdie nodded, she agreed with Dai Mubai's plan very much.

The castle is really too big. Although it is only made of stone, as long as it is near the central staircase area, the first few rounds of shelling should not hit them.

To be honest, after the previous brutal battle, this artillery was already an extremely terrifying thing in Li Mengdie's heart.

But in fact, Leng Xiyue is like a game planner, who has obviously considered many plot trends.

This artillery has not reached the level of a modern field artillery. It is still an antique from World War II. Yes, it is an 88mm anti-aircraft gun.

Of course, this is Leng Xiyue's specially made and improved version, all the 88 cannons have been changed to flat-firing anti-soul master cannons.

This thing is considered an antique of the Imperial Army. It was equipped in large quantities during the Northern War of Independence in the early days, and all of them used ammunition that did not explode very strongly.

Although there are high-explosive bombs here, they are not many, accounting for less than 5.00%.

The castle's ammunition reserve distribution is only these, Dai Mubai speculates that the number of high-explosive shells in the artillery positions in the outer city must not be many or even not allocated at all. It must be blown off.
In this way, compared to the expected stable retreat plan, it is more likely to use the castle fort and the outer city fort to bombard each other, and then the large troops in the outer city will launch a sneak attack, grab some forts and then turn the muzzle to attack the adjacent fort. , and then continue to occupy, so that the fish in the urn is completely completed.

At that time, I will set up a machine gun on the upper level of the castle and shoot at the bottom, and the artillery on both sides will attack the inner city army together, and the overall situation will be settled.

Soon, Dai Mubai formulated three battle plans, and sent them to Zhu Zhuqing using the communication device.

Li Mengdie was not idle either, he separated fifty people from the original guards, and searched for ten suitable artillery positions, and then Dai Mubai also began to teach them how to operate these artillery just like he had just taught machine gun positions, He also explained how to retreat to save his life, and then reload after the enemy has launched a round of shelling to ensure that it will not be affected by the enemy's bombing.

After everything was ready, Dai Mubai launched the first attack, aiming at the artillery positions in the outer city and directly firing a round of artillery salvo.

Such a sudden attack obviously caught most of the city guards off guard, so they quickly began to organize a counterattack, and various positions began to bombard the castle.

It has to be said that the Earl had thought of this long ago when he was defending the castle, so several buffer zones were built where the castle was equipped with cannons. Just scraped off a layer of the castle's skin.

Rolling rubble poured down from the cracked castle, hitting the inner city guard below one after another.

This was luck. In an unlucky southwest direction, a shell accurately fell into the crowd, directly taking dozens of people away.

"From the outer city! What's the matter with you!? Don't you know that we are under siege? How dare you launch an artillery attack?"

The supreme officer of the Inner City Corps, who was temporarily elected, hastily called the Chief Guard of the Outer City and cursed angrily.

"You bastards, how dare you talk about me? If you are really useful, you wouldn't have to subject us to such suppression!"

Before the words were finished, a cannonball exploded around. At this moment, the conflict between the two sides had intensified to the extreme.

An indestructible chain of suspicion was formed during such a trial. The people in the outer city believed that the inner city was besieged but not attacked in order to let the mob fight the outer city at a long distance, and finally reap the benefits of the fisherman; The people in the city felt that the people from the outer city wanted to take the opportunity to kill them and the thugs together, so as to win the supreme leadership of the earldom.

In this case, the two sides have lost the basis of trust, and they can only fight on their own. Soon, this communication will end.

The bombardment of the forts on the outer city wall continued, but the damage to the castle was minimal, and it was impossible to aim at the forts inside the castle at such a long distance. Similarly, it was difficult for the forts of the castle to shoot at the artillery positions in the outer city. But in fact, the people on both sides are not professional artillerymen, and the outer city troops have never used artillery in actual combat. Both sides are half-baked.

Therefore, the bombing of the outer city army posed a great threat to the inner city army, while Dai Mubai's bombardment was more like a provocation. , mainly shelling the inner city to disrupt the situation.

The commander of the inner city watched this scene. He knew that there was no longer any delay. He sent people to deliver letters to the people in the outer city while organizing the attack.

Only by taking down the castle can this situation of mutual distrust be changed.

Under the command of the commander, a 500-member assault team was quickly assembled.

Except for 300 who followed the main staircase and the two ladders for slaves in the castle, the rest would attack along the walls.

Soon, the 500 people started a crazy attack and rushed up at the same time.

Dai Mubai has sealed off all directions, including the windows and any places that can lead to the first floor. As soon as those people came up, they were swept into a sieve by the machine gun positions.

Each window has two rebels armed with fully automatic rifles firing alternately for cover, ensuring that there is intensive fire suppression at all times.

(End of this chapter)

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