The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 181 The Female General of the End Times (19)

Chapter 181 The Female General of the End Times (19)

"Willies, wait for me!" Li Zongren yelled, his speed was very fast, but still not as fast as the car, he could only run and shout.

Wei Lisi concentrated on driving the car and didn't see the back, but Mo Xiaoqing saw it, and also saw the losses behind Li Zongren. She didn't remind Wei Lisi, and could only look at Li Zongren sadly.

The moment Li Zongren was caught by a zombie, he saw Mo Xiaoqing's expression, she saw herself, but she didn't let Willis stop, she just watched herself being besieged by the loss.

At that moment, Li Zongren suddenly despaired. The girl he had been protecting had betrayed him and wanted him to die. Didn't they agree?Let him be the child's godfather, let him help take care of the child?

He even thought out all the ways out for them regardless of past suspicions, but he was never included in their plans, and they would not come back to save him.

Li Zongren stopped and stood there, waiting for the zombies...

"Qingqing, I seem to have heard Li Zongren's voice just now." Weris said suddenly.

"No, I was looking back just now, and I didn't see him, has he already..." Mo Xiaoqing's voice began to choke.

Wellis didn't dare to stop, these zombies had been hungry for too long, and they wouldn't let them go easily.

Wellis didn't stop until he drove far outside the city. He said sadly: "How could this happen? We walked all the way. Li Zongren's skill is so good, how could he be lost..."

Mo Xiaoqing comforted him: "He is for us. When the child is born, we will tell the child that he has such a godfather."

Wei Lisi hugged Mo Xiaoqing's hand tightly, and finally cried in Mo Xiaoqing's arms.Such a tall man, crying like a child.

Mo Xiaoqing felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't like Wei Lisi's state, he was too weak like this, so she said: "Wei Lisi, we have to move on, for the sake of our children, for our future life, we don't have time cry here, you know?"

Wei Lisi looked up at Mo Xiaoqing. There were tears in her eyes, but her expression was extremely firm. Her hand was still stroking her stomach.

Willis stood up, got back into the car, and restarted the car.

Along the way, they didn't talk, they just moved forward silently, they didn't stop anymore, they were afraid now that if they stopped, they would lose someone again, no matter who they lost, they didn't dare to take such a risk anymore.

After several days of continuous shooting, Xu Zhiyi and the others got enough material, and soon discovered that all the evolved zombies actually eat the same kind, as long as they eat the crystal nucleus of the same kind, they can evolve.

The zombies seem to have gradually discovered this problem and began to fight internally. This is a good thing and a bad thing for them. This can greatly reduce the number of zombies, but at the same time, the crisis brought by the evolution of zombies will also be great. .

"It seems that we can't sit still and take action. Only if we have enough crystal nuclei in our hands can there be fewer evolved zombies. I really can't imagine what kind of creatures will appear if the zombies evolve again. At that time, will our base be able to withstand the attack of zombies?" Meng Yan said worriedly.

So, everyone started to divide into teams. Zhou Zhifang and his new weapons had already produced a batch, and people with good physical fitness participated in it. Everyone began to line up day and night to fight zombies, and to ensure that the dead zombies were killed. If the crystal nucleus is brought back, this time it is not only a weapon, but if the crystal nucleus falls into the hands of other zombies, it will also be a threat.

General Xu Zhiyi's demeanor once again showed, her fire ability is really domineering, different from Jiang Muye's precise attack method, when she makes a move, there will be a lot of casualties.

Now everyone's powers have progressed, and even Kong Jialiang, who has light powers, can use light powers to kill zombies.

One day, Song Shiwei who lived next door suddenly called Xu Zhiyi to his room.

Xu Zhiyi didn't know, so he followed, and Song Shiwei said cautiously, "Zhiyi, I found something that I'm not sure about, so I want you to help me find out."

Xu Zhiyi smiled, Song Shiwei is a very interesting girl, she is bold and enthusiastic, and likes to fight, but she feels uncomfortable because she hasn't had supernatural powers for a long time, but she is not jealous when she sees others with supernatural powers, and she will give others advice.

She sat on Song Shiwei's bed, looked at her, and said, "Okay, let me take a look for you."

Song Shiwei shook her arm nervously, and said, "Get ready, take a good look!" After she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand, and pointed at a cup on the table. Soon, the cup actually floated up.

Xu Zhiyi stood up, a little incredulous, what is this?Magneto?But it's a plastic cup.

Song Shiwei was a little excited and continued to slowly move the cup towards him, and the cup floated towards her little by little, until Song Shiwei held the cup steadily, looked at Xu Zhiyi proudly and said, "I call this teleportation. "

"New ability? How did you find it?" Xu Zhiyi walked over and took a closer look at the glass. It was indeed not Song Shiwei's magic show, and there was still half a glass of water in it.

"Probably, I also discovered it by accident. I was not very comfortable that day. I looked at the water on the table in the distance, thinking that if I could just reach out, I would be fine, and then I pretended to reach out. The water It actually ran into my hands." Song Shiwei said with a smile.

"Have you ever tried to hold something heavier? Or more things." Xu Zhiyi continued to ask.

Song Shiwei shook her head. She herself had only discovered it not long ago, so naturally she hadn't done the experiment yet.

Xu Zhiyi took her to the laboratory, pointed at the crystal nuclei, and said, "Take them all up."

Zhou Zhifang and Meng Yan looked at them inexplicably. These two people have always had a good relationship. Why did Xu Zhiyi come to torture Song Shiwei today?There are at least tens of thousands of crystal nuclei here, how did Song Shiwei pick them up?
But Song Shiwei's expression was very excited. She stretched out her hands, and then a scene that surprised several people appeared. Those crystal nuclei actually floated up. Although not all of them floated up, more than half of them did. Leaning towards Song Shiwei, he suddenly slammed into Song Shiwei.

Song Shiwei knelt down with his head in his arms, and Xu Zhiyi smiled beside him, "It's okay, it looks better than you imagined, but you still need to practice, so that you can take you to kill zombies and grab crystal cores in the future."

"Really?" Song Shiwei excitedly said, Xu Zhiyi nodded, and she immediately jumped up like a child.

The rest of the people were stunned. Zhou Zhifang came over and asked, "Is this a new ability?" Xu Zhiyi nodded.

Zhou Zhifang said with satisfaction: "This ability is good, and it can save a lot of trouble, but now you two should clean up our laboratory first."

 Monday is the third shift, do you like the third shift or the fourth shift?
  Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for this kind of ticket


(End of this chapter)

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