The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 180 The Female General of the End Times (18)

Chapter 180 The Female General of the End Times (18)

At the future base, after Xu Zhiyi went out, she brought back the crystal nucleus of the evolved zombie for the first time. The crystal nucleus of the evolved zombie had changed. The original green crystal turned blue. After she took a few crystal nuclei back , went straight to Zhou Zhifang's laboratory.

Zhou Zhifang put the crystal nucleus into the instrument and detected more powerful energy. Everyone was shocked, so while the zombies are evolving, their energy is also getting stronger.

"It seems that the evolution of zombies should have a certain law. We need to find the law. Letting them evolve like this is dangerous for us." Zhou Zhifang said seriously.

Everyone fell into silence, and Jiang Muye said, "Starting tomorrow, Meng Yan and I will observe the zombies, and try to see if we can find the law of their evolution from their behavior."

Xu Zhiyi suddenly thought of something, and took out several mobile phones with a sly smile: "No one needs to observe, we just need to find a suitable observation position, turn on the camera function of the mobile phone, and after the recording is over, retract the mobile phone, and we can observe .”

Xu Zhiyi hid these mobile phones in the space bracelet. This world is very strange. It seems that all communication technologies have returned to more than ten years ago. The mobile phone is still the most primitive button mobile phone, and the resolution of the camera is extremely low.

Zhou Zhifang looked at the phone in her hand and sighed, "Your photos are really clear. This saves manpower and is safe, not bad."

Xu Zhiyi handed over a dozen mobile phones to Jiang Muye, and said, "Then I will leave this important task to you!" The others looked at the two of them and laughed.

Now everyone knows that the two are a couple, but Xu Zhiyi is very strange, what is it that does not protect her boyfriend, but makes Jiang Muye rush to the front line in any danger, what about Jiang Muye?He didn't think it was wrong at all, and he obediently let Xu Zhiyi take command.But everyone can also see that Jiang Muye is the leader in many things, but he is willing to let Xu Zhiyi call the shots.

After the decision was made, Jiang Muye and a few supernatural beings first learned how to use the mobile phone camera, adjusted it to automatically save the video when it was turned off, and then set off together before dawn to find a place to fix the mobile phone. The camera just provided their location, they fixed all their mobile phones, and returned to the base again before dawn.

Mo Xiaoqing finally slept through the night, and the sky was gradually getting dark. Li Zongren said: "Before you and Xu Zhiyi were not very happy, I am afraid that after you go, they will not treat you very well. We Do you want to find some supplies before you leave, so that even if they don’t give you supplies at that time, you can ensure that you have enough food. You can still get some supplies that others need in exchange for food.”

He thought a lot for Mo Xiaoqing and the others. Wei Lisi thought about what he did before, and now he regretted it very much, but Li Zongren's considerations were also very realistic.

"Then before we leave the city, we'll find another supermarket, go in and get some supplies." Wei Lisi said.

Before leaving the city, they stopped in front of a large supermarket, probably because the supermarket was far away from the city center, and the things in it hadn’t been taken away too much. The three of them packed two shopping carts and put the car back up. Box full.

Li Zongren noticed that this supermarket seems to have its own power supply equipment, and there seems to be some frozen meat in the refrigerator. This item is really rare. If they get it, they may be treated differently when they arrive at the future base.

The frozen things didn't have the smell of meat, so the zombies didn't notice.

The three of them came to the supermarket again. Li Zongren asked Wei Lisi to hide with Mo Xiaoqing, and he took a shopping bag to pack it. He also needed some ice cubes, lest the smell of rotting meat would make the zombies chase after them.

Li Zongren packed the meat, asked Wei Lisi to hold it, and then turned back to pack ice cubes.

Mo Xiaoqing originally hid, but it seemed that this supermarket was extraordinarily safe. She poked her head out to look over, but saw a few zombies not far from her, grabbing and biting fish in the pool, and the pregnant woman's The pregnancy reaction made her feel sick, and then she threw up.

This smell quickly attracted several zombies who were eating fish, and they followed the smell. Wei Lisi, who was helping Mo Xiaoqing to pat his back, looked up and saw the approaching zombies, and quickly shouted: "Run!"

After speaking, he dragged Mo Xiaoqing out, and Li Zongren realized that they had been discovered when he saw the zombies behind them.

The ice cubes in his hand were heavy, hindering Li Zongren's movements, but he still insisted on holding them and followed behind Weris.

While running, Weris used his abilities to force those zombies back, but because of the too much movement, more zombies surrounded him.Li Zongren finally threw away the ice, took out his gun, and shot at the zombies closest to Mo Xiaoqing.

The zombies were attracted by Li Zongren, turned around and chased Li Zongren, Li Zongren quickly shouted: "Take Mo Xiaoqing and leave first!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Wei Lisi quickly ran towards the car with Mo Xiaoqing in his arms, while Li Zongren ran in the other direction with the zombies.

After Wei Lisi and Mo Xiaoqing got into the car, they didn't see Li Zongren's figure for a long time. Wei Lisi became a little anxious, kept looking back, and finally let Mo Xiaoqing sit in the back seat, and he sat in the driver's seat , always ready for Li Zongren to drive away after getting in the car.

But Li Zongren didn't wait, but saw a large wave of zombies coming from another direction. They seemed to be evolved zombies, lined up in an orderly manner, and they also had some weapons in their hands.

Mo Xiaoqing could see clearly from behind. She hurriedly climbed to the front seat and said anxiously, "Weiss, there are a large wave of evolved zombies behind us. Let's go, or we won't be able to leave if we don't."

"Wait a minute, wait a moment, Li Zongren is very skilled, he will definitely come back, let's wait for him." Naturally, Wei Lisi also saw it, but he couldn't give up Li Zongren.

Seeing the wave of zombies getting closer and closer, Mo Xiaoqing rubbed her belly and became more and more anxious, but Li Zongren never appeared in front of her.

"Let's go, Weris, please, let's go, nothing will happen to our child." Mo Xiaoqing began to lose control of her emotions, and she cried in fear.

Wei Lisi said silently in his heart: "Wait another minute, if Li Zongren still doesn't come out after 1 minute, then I have to leave with Qingqing."

During the 60-second countdown, Willis' nervous palms began to sweat, but when the countdown reached 3, Li Zongren still did not appear.

"Weilis, we are going to die and become zombies. Our children will not be able to see the future." Mo Xiaoqing's words successfully made Weris step on the accelerator.

The car was heading out of the city like an arrow leaving the string. At this moment, a figure ran over from behind.

 When the second half of the novel is written, it seems that the pressure will increase. I hope everyone will continue to support me. Writing free is a laborious task.

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(End of this chapter)

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