The girl who travels fast is equipped with a money-making system

Chapter 182 The Female General of the End Times (20)

Chapter 182 The Female General of the End Times (20)

It was only then that Xu Zhiyi realized that there were crystal nuclei all over the floor, and everyone had nowhere to go, so she hurriedly cleaned up with Song Shiwei and practiced so that Song Shiwei could learn to control the ability accurately.

Soon everyone knew that Song Shiwei had a new ability. The timing of this ability was so good that many people who did not have the ability began to study it, wanting to see if they could also have new abilities. , but the effect is not very good.

This day, Xu Zhiyi took Song Shiwei to the city for the first time. They needed new supplies and beat the zombies by the way. The task Xu Zhiyi gave Song Shiwei was to train and use the ability to accurately take out the crystal nucleus from the zombies.

Song Shiwei had been practicing this training for a while, and it was time to check the results.

Although Song Shiwei was nervous, he was more excited. Even when he was getting supplies, he used his abilities to exercise.

The supplies were loaded into the car, and Xu Zhiyi saw that it was still early, so he took a few people to fight the zombies together. Recently, because of their actions, the number of zombies in the city has indeed decreased a lot, but the remaining ones are all evolved zombies, and they have learned to avoid them , Xu Zhiyi and the others need to go to the streets to find them.

But the zombies didn't kill many, but they found Weris and Mo Xiaoqing, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, in the city. When she got older, whenever she saw the corpses of zombies on the ground, she began to vomit.

When they found out, Weris was on the verge of despair. Mo Xiaoqing kept throwing up. He couldn't concentrate on driving, so he had to stop to let Mo Xiaoqing relieve it. But the zombies here seemed to see them as if they hadn't seen each other for a long time. All the food rushed towards them quickly.

His ability has also been greatly weakened due to the recent lack of physical strength. If this continues, the family of three will die here, and they will not be able to support the future base at all.

At this moment, Xu Zhiyi appeared. Her fireball brushed Weris' shoulder and hit a zombie directly. The zombie fell to the ground and burned, and soon there was only one crystal nucleus left.

Everyone else came over, and the surrounding zombies started to escape, but were quickly wiped out.

Wei Lisi looked at Xu Zhiyi, she was still as high-spirited as the first time I saw her, looking at her eyes full of disdain, it was this look that made Wei Lisi want to conquer her at that time, and it was also this look that made Wei Lisi Determined to drive her out of the Guardian base.

Mo Xiaoqing was buried in Wei Lisi's arms, only excited, she was rescued, the God of happiness always took care of her, let her escape from death again and again, she was safe.

Then, Mo Xiaoqing fainted, and Weris quickly picked her up.

"Song Shiwei, collect the crystal nucleus. You take her to the car with us." Xu Zhiyi said concisely, and strode back after speaking. Finally, the plot came to this point. She glanced at Mo Xiaoqing's stomach, although she couldn't see much. It's been a month, but this is everyone's hope, she must take her back and protect her.

After everyone got into the car, Xu Zhiyi asked the driver to be careful, and then the car slowly drove back to the future base.

There were a few zombies along the road who didn't seem to give up. Xu Zhiyi raised his eyebrows when he wanted to catch them. This kind of thing is rare. Now the zombies in the city basically hide when they see their cars and dare not show up.

There was something strange, so she asked Wei Lisi: "Are there any zombies following you along the way?"

Wei Lisi nodded: "Yes, we didn't dare to stop along the way, for fear that if we stopped, there would be losers attacking us, especially Qingqing, those zombies seemed to want to catch her."

Could it be that the savior was in Mo Xiaoqing's body, so his smell attracted zombies?This was something that was not in the original plot, Xu Zhiyi was really not sure, but it was right to protect Mo Xiaoqing after all.

There were people behind who were driving Willis and his previous car. When they arrived at the future base, Willis saw it from the car window. This base was completely different from his previous base. The walls were very high and the power grids were densely packed. It's a zombie. I'm afraid it's not easy for a bird to fly over. The deep ditch at the door reminded him of the doctor who left the guard base with Xu Zhiyi. How much he despised his ability at that time. .

There is even water in the deep ditch. In their own base, everyone can't even guarantee drinking water, but there is water here that can be used to set up traps.Imagine that a zombie who fell into the water and then touched the power grid would definitely die,

People no longer have to check one by one when entering the door. There is an infrared device that quickly scans everyone's body. Whether there is an infection can be detected directly.

The base is very large and brightly lit. They don't seem to be afraid of zombies at all. This sense of security is really rare. No wonder everyone wants to come to this base, but I prevented the people in the base from coming, and then those people died in my own in the base.

Wei Lisi didn't dare to think deeply, he was afraid that if he continued to think about it, the guilt would make him so uncomfortable that he couldn't breathe.

"I can tell from the infrared light at the door that you have rescued a pregnant woman?" Cheng Siyou ran over, Wei Lisi looked up, and saw a doctor in a white coat and several people dressed as nurses coming over. And stretchers.

Xu Zhiyi nodded, and signaled Weris to hand Mo Xiaoqing to the doctor. Weris carefully put Mo Xiaoqing on the stretcher, and those people quickly took Mo Xiaoqing to a building marked with a red cross behind.

Xu Zhiyi took Weris into another office, and said to him: "Don't worry, our doctors here are all professional, and they will take good care of Mo Xiaoqing, can you tell us what happened to you?" ?”

In the office, Jiang Muye, Zhou Zhifang, and Meng Yan were all there. Wei Lisi saw Jiang Muye, looked at the man's still stern face, Wei Lisi nodded: "Our base does not have complete protection measures, and the evolved zombies secretly Sneaked in, everyone was infected, only me, Qingqing and Li Zongren escaped."

"I said long ago that your base is all shabby projects, and you don't need professionals. Sooner or later your place will be finished!" Zhou Zhifang said angrily. He still had some complaints about Xu Zhiyi's saving Weris, but he heard Mo Xiaoqing is pregnant, so she can only compromise.

"Yes, I thought it was too simple. I thought that as long as there was a wall, those zombies wandering without any thought would just wander outside and couldn't come in. But I didn't expect that hundreds of people in a base would all be killed because of me. It's gone." Weris lowered his head, looking sluggish.

"Didn't you say that Li Zongren escaped with you? What about the others?" Jiang Muye asked.

 Congratulations to Song Shiwei for obtaining a special ability.

  Ask for recommendation, ask for collection, ask for various tickets


(End of this chapter)

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