Chapter 235
During the two days of the weekend, He Xia could be described as singing, dancing and laughing, and there was an endless stream of activities such as fitness, entertainment, and outings with the contestants.

The interior of Pengcheng Sky Art Company is gloomy...

To be exact, there are dark clouds covering the board of directors, and the atmosphere is very tense. Other departments are still the same. Even if they know that the stock price has fallen, they don’t feel any difference. If you don’t hold shares, you won’t be affected.

One by one shareholders reduced their holdings within the scope of control, causing the stock price to fall like an avalanche, and the shareholders felt uncomfortable after the stampede.

Bai Zongwei wants to unite everyone again, but now it is no longer the beginning of the company's establishment. At the beginning, we share the joys and sorrows, and then return from joys to sorrows, but it is very difficult to be single-minded!
When the directors heard that everyone was going to sacrifice part of their interests to keep the company safe, they all shook their heads like rattles!
"Old Bai, if you don't let us sell stocks, it doesn't make sense for you, but it doesn't make sense for you!"

"In case the stock continues to fall, who will protect our interests?"

"You said that the stock price will rise, and I believe it will, but what about the time period? One year, two or three years, or three or five years?"

"In my opinion, this slump cannot be repaired in less than five years. I don't expect it. Old Hu has the foresight!"

At the board meeting, everyone's attitudes have changed.

It is even said that everyone is envious of Director Hu, who took the lead step by step and made the equity distribution in advance. When reducing holdings, there is no control, and he is very decisive. No matter how the stock price falls, he will directly clear it.

With hundreds of millions in cash, Director Hu and his family boarded a plane to Europe on weekends. The whole family immigrated to France and went happily!

Bai Zongwei was very depressed. In the end, he had no choice but to play the emotional card, hoping to keep everyone.

It's a pity that they are no longer the hot-blooded boys of Erlang's age. Not only do they not buy it, they even want to persuade Bai Zongwei to stand in front so that they have a chance to escape...

"Old Bai, if you really want to save Tianyi, take the stock away from us and keep it for as long as you want, and we won't care about it!"

"That's right, I still have a few million shares in my hand. Don't be too high. I will transfer them to you at the price of five dollars per share. Would you like it?"

"Me too, as long as you open your mouth, the price is easy to negotiate..."

Bai Zongwei kept everyone in order to win over contacts and share the risk. Of course, it is impossible to foolishly receive the stocks in everyone's hands into his own hands, and he doesn't have the money!

The board meeting broke up unhappily. Some people feel that this may be the last board meeting of Sky Art's board of directors...

On Monday afternoon, He Xia sat drinking in the garden bar on the top floor of the hotel. The clear sky had high visibility, and the view was far away. Although the scenery was not as good as the sea and dangerous peaks, it was better than the openness, which was not bad.

Shaking the golden liquid in the glass, He Xia remembered the content of the phone call with Siegfried the day before, and lawyer Zhang beside him was sorting out some documents and materials.

"Lawyer Zhang, according to your statement, since Sky Art is listed in the beautiful country, the stock trading needs to abide by the laws there, but the company is still in the Tianchao, and the acquisition needs to follow the legal procedures of the country, right?"

Lawyer Zhang was called over by He Xia from the capital on Saturday morning to work on the upcoming acquisition.

Hearing the boss's question, Lawyer Zhang stopped what he was doing, rolled his eyes, and said, "That's right, boss."

"Judging from the current situation, it is not realistic to buy so many stocks from the secondary market, so I can only buy from major shareholders, right?"

He Xia asked.

To achieve a sufficient number of shares to acquire, major shareholders must reduce their holdings in violation of regulations. This is obviously impossible, but there are other ways to do this, that is, transfer of equity in large transactions.

"Yes, Mr. He, there are no restrictions on the reduction of holdings in large transactions, and there is no need to even announce in advance. It is not part of shareholder information disclosure. Only when holdings are reduced through call auctions do they need to announce in advance and abide by the securities law."

Lawyer Zhang said slowly.

To achieve the goal in violation of the law and discipline is to cause sabotage, and it is not a skill.

Unless you have the energy to make the law open, that's another matter...

Under legal and compliant conditions, it is ability to make the other party helpless.

To do this, you need to have many conditions, such as money, and a thorough understanding of the rules.

He Xia leaned back and took a sip of the fine wine in the glass, and said, "Then it will be much easier!"

Large transactions are not subject to reduction restrictions, so you only need to consider an appropriate price. There is no unreachable transaction in this world, which is much simpler for him.

It is not difficult to guess that some shareholders sold a large number of stocks during the intraday session on Friday, but in the end they could not clear all their positions due to the rules of shareholding reduction. Since they have the desire to flee, they must give them a chance.

He Xia took out her mobile phone and dialed Jiao Tianming's number, hung up after two rings, and quietly waited for the caller to call back.

About 10 minutes later, the phone on the table rang.

When the phone was connected, he said to the face, "Mr. He, what's your order?"

Jiao Tianming could be heard panting slightly when speaking, as if he had run for a while.

"It seems that the environment where Manager Jiao speaks is not safe?"

"No, no, it's safe, I'm going downstairs to buy coffee, ho ho..."

Jiao Tianming gave a dry laugh, and was removed from the position of general manager, reduced to buying afternoon tea by himself, which seemed reasonable to other people in the company.

"Then let me make a long story short, I am planning to acquire the company you work for, and the current situation is like this..."

He Xia didn't do too much concealment, the matter had reached the point where nothing could be seen, there was nothing to cover up.

It was quite hot in September in Pengcheng, Jiao Tianming's hands and feet were cold after hearing He Xia's words, and beads of sweat oozed from his forehead.

He didn't expect that an inadvertent decision of the board of directors would cause several major shareholders to suffer heavy losses, let alone that the entire company would change its name and surname!
"Mr. He, I can try my best to help you lobby those shareholders on the board of directors, but I want a little benefit!"

Jiao Tianming thought it was time to negotiate terms.

"Speak, let me listen!"

He Xia did not refuse arbitrarily.

The bustle and bustle of the world is all for profit. He doesn't expect to bind Jiao Tianming for a long time by slander and rumors. At such a critical moment, it is absolutely human for the other party to make a request.

On the contrary, if Jiao Tianming agrees very happily, he should be careful!

"If Sky Arts can be successfully acquired, I hope to return to the position of general manager of the variety show department and continue to work for the company..."

Jiao Tianming could not care about what he lost, but the current situation is that the lost part is in the opponent's pocket, which makes him feel extremely uncomfortable, and he does have feelings for the variety show department.


He Xia pondered for a while, he didn't know what Jiao Tianming was thinking, he just thought that the other party was nostalgic for his former position, and the request was reasonable and not difficult.

If it is possible to acquire Sky Arts, it will definitely be merged into Summer Entertainment in the future. The scale of Sky Arts is much larger than that of Summer Entertainment, and just one variety show department has more people than the entire Summer Entertainment.

With so many people, it is natural to need people to manage.

Through this period of contact, He Xia's impression of Jiao Tianming is not bad, especially being able to take the initiative to admit the previous things, which makes He Xia feel a little different.

In addition to the previous attack on myself, it is completely different from the stand, and it is not against the person.

In short, this kind of person can be used.

"I will seriously consider it."

He Xia didn't answer directly, but just gave Jiao Tianming an ambiguous answer, hoping that the other party would work hard to do what he explained.

"Okay, Mr. He." Jiao Tianming didn't hesitate, as long as he has an attitude, he glanced at the direction of the elevator, and there was no situation, and then said: "I'm here to talk, you can discuss the details."

The price in the secondary market is only a reference for large transactions, and generally does not trade according to the current stock price. This requires negotiation between the two parties, and both ups and downs are possible.

"no problem."

He Xia responded simply, and then the two ended the call.

"It turned out to be such a big move, it's too scary..."

Jiao Tianming stood on the first floor of the building, holding the phone in his hand, unable to calm down.

He knew that He Xia would definitely take revenge on Sky Arts' board of directors. At first, he thought that he would discredit and slander the program, or attack the company's industries from some aspect, such as movie theaters.

I never thought that the other party would directly suppress the stock price and then buy it...

If you make me unhappy, I will buy you and make you unemployed...

If it's just unemployment, it's not a big problem. After all, the major shareholders have made a lot of money over the years, but the current situation is to suppress the stock price first, and then buy at a low price, which has caused a huge impact on the interests of major shareholders!

Wealth and status are different, attitudes towards things are different, and the results you want are also different.

Jiao Tianming held his phone and thought about it for a long time, and he already had a solution in his mind.

While He Xia was contacting Jiao Tianming to buy Sky Art at a low price, the project he was interested in was also being poached.

In the United Kingdom, autumn rains again and again, at [-]:[-] in the morning, in Cambridgeshire, in a coffee shop next to a rock climbing gym, Professor Smith, who is in charge of a genetic engineering experiment, is sitting opposite two men in suits and ties.

On the table, the coffee was steaming slightly, and there was a porcelain spoon beside the exquisite enamel coffee cup, revealing a pedantic elegance.

"Professor Smith, I heard from my friend that your laboratory will soon be moved from Cambridge College. Don't you really plan to reconsider my original proposal?"

There were two men sitting across from Professor Smith. Although they were both wearing straight suits and sitting in an elegant posture, they felt completely different.

The fabric, workmanship and fit of the clothes, the speaker is several grades higher than the other person, and at the same time, the speaker's behavior has a natural leisurely temperament, as if he was born with it.

It is easy to see from the details that the identities of these two people are one high and one low.

Professor Smith patted the old briefcase beside him, smiled and shook his head, and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Bolladon, and forgive me for not being able to accept the kindness of the Duke of Lenstermar."

In today's Britain, there are still 24 duke noble families, and there are more than 30 noble families with duke titles.

The man named Polarton by Professor Smith is the eldest son of the Duke of Lunstermar. The title of the Lunstermar family is hereditary, that is to say, once the Duke of Lunstermar goes to see Jesus, Boraton will inherit The title of Duke, becoming the new Duke of Lenstermar.

Boraton is almost fifty, but due to his good life, he is very well maintained, and there are almost no wrinkles on his face, which is better than the skin of those thirty-something female Communists in the coffee shop.

"My father very much hopes that you can serve the Lensterma family. On top of the previous commitment, you can add another 200 million pounds per year as personal remuneration."

Boraton said slowly, and lightly drew a "2" on the wood-grained table with his fingers.

The per capita GPD in the UK is only 200 pounds, and it costs [-] million pounds at a time, which shows the aristocratic atmosphere, and the most important thing is personal rewards!

It is difficult for ordinary people to hold on to such a generous salary, but Professor Smith is a little different, he shook his head with a smile.

"Boradon, I'm only a few years younger than the Duke of Lensterma. I'm very aware of my physical condition. I'm afraid I'll have to stay in the laboratory for the rest of my life. Do you think I still have a chance to enjoy the things you gave me while I was alive?" Wealth?"

The elderly see very clearly.

Boraton smiled politely, did not refute, nor was he annoyed, and continued to persuade.

"But professor, you have a family. Your daughter is a fashion designer in France. She is well-known and earns a meager income. She is still unmarried in her 30s, and all living expenses need to be borne by herself."

"Your son is engaged in overseas trade in Cyprus. I respect his behavior of selling domestic defective products abroad. However, due to quality accidents, consumers in that country complained, and you still paid to solve the compensation problem."

"Don't you plan to plan for your children? £300 million a year (there are already 100 million) is enough for them, and even their descendants, to live without worry!"

Professor Smith was not surprised by Boraton's knowledge of his family's situation. For a Duke family, it is too easy to investigate these things, and the main thing is not a secret that needs to be concealed.

Gently stirring the coffee in the cup, recalling Duke Lunstermar's conditions in his mind, and then recalling the content of the conversation with He Xia in Tianchao Capital, he shook his head decisively.

"Duke Lensterma's request is too harsh and unfair to me, as well as the students and assistants in my laboratory. No matter how much money you give me, I can't agree to it. Let's stop here. Thank you Duke Lenstermar for your kindness to me."

With the status of Professor Smith, the support of academic theory and the progress of experiments, no matter how many politicians and organizations criticize him, he will never be favored.

It is a pity that the conditions offered were unacceptable to Professor Smith.

Boraton pursed his lips, looked at Professor Smith with calm eyes, and said, "A large part of your refusal has something to do with your previous trip to the East, right?"

Even the situation of Professor Smith's children is known, and the whereabouts of Smith himself can't be hidden from him.

 Gradually numb, the environment makes people feel very insecure.intensified...

(End of this chapter)

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