I earn really hard money

Chapter 236 I Don't Need Evidence To Do Things

Chapter 236 I Don't Need Evidence To Do Things

"I really don't like this kind of life without privacy, please show respect."

Professor Smith did not answer any questions directly, but expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart, and then countered: "The scandal that was broadcast on the news last month made Duke Lenstermar very unhappy. I wonder if it has been dealt with?"

Polarton pursed his lips slightly after hearing Professor Smith's words.

The status of the duke family is respected, but the status cannot be spent as money. They still have to make money. People in the duke family can do any kind of business. The wealthiest duke family has tens of billions of pounds in assets, and the poorest ones have millions of pounds in their accounts every year... …

The Lenstermar family has a large fiefdom in the UK, and earns hundreds of millions of pounds every year from renting out real estate. The previous Dukes of Lenstermar didn't do anything serious.

In this generation, the Duke of Lenstermar, after inheriting the title from his parents, thought that he could not just rely on the inheritance handed down from his ancestors to eat and wait for death. He must do something, so he established a charity foundation dedicated to helping animals Named "Ark Charitable Foundation".

The foundation is committed to protecting endangered animals, and in some areas will also adopt abandoned pets.

Many members of the family are members of charitable foundations, and speaking, soliciting donations and managing animal rescue stations have become their main jobs.

The charitable fund established by the nobles has an extremely positive impact on the society. Coupled with sound management and planning, the government, individuals and enterprises are willing to donate generously.

In particular, several large companies with a long-standing reputation in Europe donate part of their proceeds to the Ark Charity Foundation every year.

In the past ten years, the Ark Charity Foundation has raised an average of 5000 million pounds in annual donations. This is only direct donations from the outside world and does not include other operating income.

The foundation has established more than [-] animal rescue centers, [-] shelters for stray pets, and three wildlife protection areas in more than ten countries around the world.

While providing help to animals in various places, it has also provided more than [-] direct jobs and [-] indirect jobs for various places, which has considerable influence!
Facts have proved that the initiative of the Duke of Lenstermar to establish the Ark Charity Foundation was very successful, which raised the reputation of the Lenstermar family to a higher level and was recognized by the public.

When everything was going in a good direction, suddenly a report appeared in the British street tabloids!
"The Ark Charitable Foundation Suspected to Be an Umbrella to Evade Inheritance Tax"

In countries with high inheritance taxes, it is an open secret to avoid such taxes by establishing charities. Most people don’t care about this phenomenon, because in order to avoid taxes, the rich do need to make certain contributions to society.

Moreover, it is the country that ultimately suffers the loss, and it will not have a direct impact on ordinary people, so not many people care about it.

But the Ark Charity Foundation is a bit different. Nobles do business unlike ordinary capitalists. They rely on the influence of their image, reputation and identity. Once these aspects are damaged, the subsequent business may not be so easy to do.

Within two weeks after the news was released, more than [-]% of fixed fundraising companies indicated that they would re-examine, and private funds also showed signs of shrinking...

One month has passed, and the matter has ceased to ferment. Coupled with the active handling of the Lensterma family, it has gradually faded out of people's sight as time goes by. If there is no accident, there will be no other disturbances in the future.

Boraton took a sip of the coffee in front of him, and laughed: "We sat here chatting for half an hour, and with my observation ability, I found three people secretly taking pictures. Public figures are so helpless. Even if there is no problem, others will Frame the blame."

"The unscrupulous media publishes secrets that everyone knows to attract attention, just like a child shouting at the gate of the courtyard, my mother shaves her legs at home, which lady doesn't shave her legs, but shouting out will make people feel bad Weird, isn't it?"

Professor Smith stopped talking, with his mouth curled up. He couldn't say anything about Polarton, who had received special education since he was a child. He stirred the coffee irritably and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Polaton, I'm sorry, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the laboratory, excuse me!"

Seeing Smith get up, Boraton quickly followed suit. Even though he was rejected by the other party, he still maintained a good demeanor and made a gesture of invitation.

"It's still the same sentence as before. I hope Professor Smith can reconsider my father's suggestion. After all, we belong to the same country!"

Professor Smith's mouth twitched slightly.

the same country?
That time at the conference, before politicians and scientific researchers from other countries spoke, people from their own country fired at themselves first, and that scene is still vivid in my memory.

What he wants to do is to promote the development of science and technology and benefit the entire race. He has nothing to do with the country and political parties. He doesn't ask for help, as long as he doesn't get in the way, he is satisfied!
Professor Smith nodded perfunctorily, then left the cafe with his bag.

"Your Excellency Boraton, I feel that this conversation has failed again."

The man who had been by Polarton's side spoke.

Polarton looked at Professor Smith's old back, with a smile on his mouth, nodded and said: "It's a long time, as long as his experiment is successful, we will always have a chance, Wittenson, are you right?"

Is it a long time?
Wei Tansen thought about the old body of the Duke of Lenstermar, and shook his head secretly.

But he didn't know that Boraton's so-called long time was aimed at himself, not the Duke of Lenstermar.

After all, only after the contemporary Duke of Lensterma bathed in the holy light can the title of the Duke continue to be passed down...

He didn't want to be the son of a duke for a lifetime, but he was very willing to let his son be the son of a duke for a lifetime.


A weekend passed, and Sky Arts made frequent moves. It is true that the shareholders sold off collectively, but they will never sit still.

You can see positive reports about Sky Art from many media in the beautiful country.

Bai Zongwei even specially invited several directors with good relationship to hold a press conference to express his confidence.

Of course, this kind of news meeting has no effect, the scale itself is small, and both the media and the audience are their own people, the acting is a little exaggerated, and it can only deceive a small number of people...

Naturally, Siegfried was not idle here, and made targeted revelations. Whenever Sky Arts published positive articles, he disclosed some scandals...

He is now someone in the Sky Art Company. Although it is not an important position, he can always find out some messy things.

For example, the company's unscrupulous overtime requirements for employees do not comply with laws and regulations. For example, a leader is suspected of subordinating the unspoken rules. Another example is the serious internal division of the company and the formation of cliques. From all aspects, the atmosphere is gloomy, gloomy, and confidence is lost...

Some things that usually look like farts are exposed at this time, like magnifying a hundred times with a microscope, which aroused very bad repercussions.

This made Sky Art's efforts almost in vain. Beautiful things can never cover up ugliness, and suddenly more people saw the dilapidation and dilapidation of this company.

It can be seen from the public opinion that the situation is not optimistic.

On Tangcheng's side, from afternoon to night, He Xia didn't receive a call from Jiao Tianming, let alone a shareholder of Sky Art contact him.

No matter how pessimistic the situation is, there will always be a glimmer of hope.

"A group of old foxes are probably waiting to see how the market opens."

He Xia glanced at his wrist, it was 10:[-], and there were still [-] minutes to open.

Zhou Shiliu didn't come over tonight, and went back to the capital to attend grandpa's birthday party.

He Xia originally wanted to give some gifts, but Zhou Shiliu politely declined because of his sensitive status, saying that now a carton of milk every week is a gift, which is just right.

A few minutes passed quickly. When the trading started, the stock price of Sky Art opened lower without any suspense. It closed at 2.65 dollars last weekend, and when it opened on Monday, it was only 2.52 dollars left!

What may seem like a paltry thirteen cents is actually down five percent because the price is already so low.

There are not too many transactions in the handicap, and each transaction is basically within a thousand shares. Sell orders of this size are generally retail investors, thinking that there may be a turnaround after waiting for a weekend.

As a result, the turning point did not appear as expected, but a worse reality came!

A typical fire at the gate of the city will bring disaster to the fish in the pond. When the gods are fighting, the best choice is to stay away...

He Xia temporarily stopped the operation, neither buying short nor buying long, and quietly watched the stock develop freely. There are really too few bargaining chips in the market, so few that he doesn't like it at all.

Just like the tsunami receding, the remaining sewers on the streets.

"Is this still calm?"

He Xia couldn't help muttering in his heart, maybe the chairman of Sky Art had stabilized the other members of the board of directors, so he didn't take any action.

Nothing special happened, and Sky Art’s stock price was slowly recovering, starting a self-healing market. One point, one point, it was very difficult, but it was still climbing.

Half an hour after the market opened, when the stock price rose slightly to 2.62, a million-share sell-off suddenly appeared!

"Damn, here we come..."

One million shares is 100% of the total share capital. In a market that is slowly recovering, there is such a huge selling pressure suddenly, it is like giving an arm to a patient in the ICU, and the rapid decline comes as promised!

The most important part is the retail investors who watched the stock price rise and were hesitant to hold positions, and followed this big order and threw it out...

He Xia didn't make an acquisition. According to what Siegfried told him, if nothing unexpected happens, the stock price will still have a strong drop. Don't worry, hold your breath!
One percent of the shares will not play a key role in the acquisition, and a little intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans.

The suggestions from insiders were really worth listening to. As Siegfried expected, the stock price fell sharply again, falling below the fuse line, to $2.35.

After the circuit breaker time ended, less than a quarter of the previous million-level sell-off was digested, and another 50-level sell-off was placed on the market...

Adding insult to injury is not enough to describe the tragedy of Sky Art stock at this moment. He had already crippled one leg, but now someone kicked that good leg violently, and he couldn't survive!

After the circuit breaker again, He Xia couldn't stand it anymore, and closed the 300 million short positions in his hand, which instantly raised the stock price by seven or eight points.

The 300 million short positions started to be held at around US$[-], and they had already earned enough, so if they continued to hold them, He Xia was worried that there would be no chance to close the position later.

Sky Art's market was messed up and scattered.

He Xia didn't care about that, and happily made $1000 million...

Although there are not many, but they are sent to people who make trouble for themselves, so I am very happy!
Unexpectedly, someone in the market followed his actions and also sold out the empty orders!

"I'm afraid this is the institution that shorted last time... It's quite vigilant, and it can be regarded as closing when it's good. You're lucky!"

According to his and Zhou Shiliu's judgment, if the empty order is not settled, there will be no chance to escape after the fundraising battle officially begins, and a short squeeze will form.

As a result, the opponent chose to take a profit and leave the market when the situation was uncertain, very experienced!

He still doesn't know that this empty bill is actually written by Bai Zongwei...

In Pengcheng, Bai Zongwei didn't feel anything when he looked at the profit of nearly ten million dollars on the book, because his loss was far greater than the ten million dollars!

This empty order can be regarded as the only bright spot in this battle, which slightly restored his confidence, so he planned to have a good talk with the other party.

In the middle of the night, He Xia's cell phone rang, especially loudly. When he picked it up, he saw that it was an unfamiliar Pengcheng number.

He slightly raised his eyebrows, pressed the answer button, and then put the phone to his ear, but did not speak.

The other side was also very quiet, and did not speak immediately.

The two sides remained silent for about four or five seconds, and the other end of the phone finally couldn't help it.

"Are you shorting my company's stock?"

A muffled voice.

He Xia's heart tightened, the attitude of this question was a bit unusual!
It shouldn't be wrong that the other party is someone from Sky Arts, but asking such a question doesn't seem like they are here to discuss equity delivery!

"Who are you?"

He Xia planned to find out the identity of the other party first.

"Bai Zongwei, the largest shareholder of Sky Arts!"

Bai Zongwei did not conceal his identity, and his tone was obviously angry.

He Xia showed a clear expression, it turned out that this is the one who plotted against her before...

"It turned out to be Director Bai, nice to meet you!"

"Don't be polite, He Xia, you are too young, you are too ruthless!"

Bai Zongwei scolded angrily.

During the weekend, Sky Art's public relations department was dealing with the adverse effects, while Bai Zongwei appeased other shareholders and held a press conference, and arranged many people to investigate this short-selling event.

In the end, all the evidence points to the Grizzly Bear Research Institute in New York, a beautiful country!
Continuing the investigation along this line, Bai Zongwei spent a lot of money to find hackers from the beautiful country, investigated Siegfried's private phone communication records, and finally locked the target.

The owner of Beijing Summer Entertainment, He Xia...

Bai Zongwei never imagined that the guy who almost ruined his company's stock was actually a colleague who he didn't even look up to before, that inconspicuous little rich second generation?

It can be seen that his previous investigation of He Xia was totally inaccurate!
He contacted Lao Xu to learn about He Xia's real situation, and learned that most of He Xia's properties were overseas. Only then did he know that this young man is not as simple as it seems on the surface!
I know I know, but unfortunately it's a little late!

He Xia frowned slightly, thinking that the other party would use some clever tricks, but the result was incompetent abuse?

"I'm very polite and don't like to cause trouble. If someone hadn't smashed up my recording hall, sent people to attack me and my company on the Internet, and tried every means to make things difficult, I wouldn't have made a big fuss. As for ruthlessness, in my opinion It doesn't seem to count!"

"What I do is at least in line with the regulations and obeys the law, which is much better than someone's behavior!"

Bai Zongwei gasped for breath, and then said: "I admit that what happened on the day you opened the recording is related to me, but other things are not! You must pay attention to evidence in everything, and if you have no proof and no certificate, don't take shit. Know who you have offended, don't frame it on me!"

The matter of smashing is really not on the table, Bai Zongwei is embarrassed to confess, as for the attack on the Internet, he knows it is Jiao Tianming's handwriting.

"There are some things that only you know in your heart. After all, they are all done by people from Sky Art, and they have nothing to do with you!"

Of course He Xia said that on purpose, he couldn't have confessed his pawns foolishly, he really didn't have physical evidence in his hand, and he didn't bother to look for so-called evidence.

No need to seek protection, no need to provide evidence, he has his own way to fight back!

Bai Zongwei raised his head speechlessly. Before, he had praised Jiao Tianming's deeds in his heart. Looking at it now, he really didn't know what to say. What if it was the last impetus to create this incident, he wanted to cry without tears!
"Things have come to this point, don't you plan to stop?" Bai Zongwei asked.

"Director Bai, you are too old to continue to take charge of the company, which has delayed the company's bright future."

The other party was not polite at all, and didn't even feel that there was anything wrong with making things difficult at the beginning, so I don't need to be scruples anymore, just pay back a hundred times!
(End of this chapter)

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