Chapter 234

"Old Hu, your surname is Hu, you can't talk nonsense!"

Bai Zongwei suppressed his anger and said: "Yesterday, an organization was shorting the company's stock. I have already sent people to investigate. I learned that the other party is in New York. There will be news soon, but I don't know the specific situation yet!"


Everyone recalled yesterday's market. Although it fell, it stabilized later. Even if there were short institutions entering, there were also long institutions scrambling for funds. Today is different, with a unilateral decline, and the situation is scary...

"Old Bai, let me tell you something, today's situation is even more different than yesterday..."

"That's right. It fell a lot yesterday, but finally stabilized. Today, we can't see the end at all. The announcements issued by our company seem to have no effect on boosting confidence at all!"

"The financial advisor told me that retail investors are very panicked from the market, and are scrambling to sell out. In my opinion, there is no bottom!"

"New York is so big, there are not [-] or [-] short-selling institutions. You should figure out which one. Let's talk to each other!"

Several directors talked to each other, and the huge curtain was messy.

Bai Zongwei pinched his brows and said, "Everyone, don't say that the wind is the rain. When I find out which short seller is causing trouble, I will actively contact them. I believe this matter will pass and the stock price will slowly rise. Retail investors who run away consider themselves unlucky!"

"Old Bai, I heard you say it so confidently. Could it be that the person you are looking for is deliberately playing tricks?"

Finally, the director still expressed the initial guess in his mind, and then said: "Besides, it was said yesterday that there was an institution selling short, and that was also said by the company's financial advisor. I remember correctly, the company's financial advisor was also arranged by you Bar?"

After the voice fell, the video conference was suddenly quiet and needles could be heard.

The interactive words awakened many people, and many things cannot withstand scrutiny and suspicion...

From the perspective of the camera, all the directors were looking at the screen, and they should all be staring at Bai Zongwei.

The corners of Bai Zongwei's wrinkled eyes trembled, hehe sneered, and said, "Old Hu, there are some personal grievances between us, so you can't slander me in front of big right and wrong!"

Bai Zongwei had a conflict with Director Hu after the company was founded because of the issue of equity. Since then, there will always be some small friction between the two, and occasionally eccentricities, anyway, they don't deal with it very well.

Director Hu didn't have much expression on his face. After a long silence, he waved his hand and turned off the video conference without saying a word!
"This...hey, what does this mean, old Hu?"

"Speak slowly if you have something to say. It's nothing to leave suddenly. I'll make a phone call to persuade him. Think about it for a while."

"Hey, you guys think that Lao Hu won't...won't he wait for the opening of the market to directly reduce his holdings and cash out?"

"Hey, it's really possible to say that! You know that Lao Hu's situation is special, and it's really possible that he will do something that is not conducive to stabilizing the stock price!"

According to the Securities Law of the Beautiful Country, major shareholders are defined as having a shareholding ratio higher than [-]%. Such people cannot reduce their holdings by more than [-]% annually, otherwise they need to disclose it more than three months in advance.

On the surface, Director Hu took [-]% of the shares of Sky Art, but in reality he split the [-]% into three shares, one in his own hands, and the other two in the hands of his son and daughter!

In other words, Director Hu can directly clear all Sky Art stocks in his hand without any regulatory restrictions!
It was precisely because of this incident that Bai Zongwei and Director Hu had a very unpleasant quarrel at first, and then Bai Zongwei quickly revised the equity agreement, otherwise every shareholder would do this, and it would be too unstable.

"Old Bai, hurry up and persuade Lao Hu, if he wants to sell his stocks at this time, the stock price will be over!"

A director said eagerly.

"What can I do if the surname Hu wants to come here, not to mention that I don't deal with him in the first place, and trying to persuade him may be counterproductive. Whoever has a good relationship with him should persuade him, otherwise everyone will be a victim, or we will pay him together. You can also buy the stocks in your hand."

Bai Zongwei will definitely not try to persuade Director Hu, because today's drop is in itself a good show arranged by him, in order to keep these directors and prevent them from cashing out and leaving!

The directors have basically been friends for many years, and some even have been friends for half their lives.

To say how good the relationship is, not necessarily, but they must know each other very well.

After someone said last night that they were going to reduce their holdings, Bai Zongwei noticed something was wrong. Immediately after that, he found a trader team through a financial consultant, and directly used the prepared 2000 million US dollars to take advantage of the trend to short!

In order to keep these "old friends", Bai Zongwei also took great pains.

He is not afraid of losing money, and even wants to make a fortune with short-selling institutions, but he has to do a good job of keeping it secret, otherwise it will be very troublesome for the outside world to find out...

Major shareholders secretly short their own companies. This kind of thing happens occasionally. Once it breaks out, it will be a scandal that cannot be cleaned up!
Putting money aside, what Bai Zongwei wants to do most is to retain the company's current personal connections and tie multiple shareholders into one boat, so that they can help each other and force them to help each other...

Regarding Bai Zongwei's proposal to buy Director Hu's stock with money, other directors either shook their heads or waved their hands...

There has always been only chasing ups and downs, no chasing ups and downs, three times a circuit breaker and a sharp drop. At this time, all shareholders are thinking of reducing their holdings and cashing out. Who would dare to take the risk of buying it!

The one who said to call Director Hu before left never came back, and he didn't know what he was up to.

After that, the directors made excuses to leave the camera, and the atmosphere of the video conference became more and more treacherous.

If He Xia knew that the person he wanted to be grateful for was the one he wanted to deal with, he wouldn't even know what to think!
Time passed quickly, and it was the opening time of the beautiful country in the afternoon, and it was already midnight on the Tianchao side.

The old god He Xia was sitting in front of the computer, and suddenly he could understand why Zhou Shiliu only went long and stopped short.

Shorting will face limited profits and unlimited losses, especially when there are too many enemies on the opposite side. Almost everyone except short sellers hopes that stocks will rise. It takes a lot of courage and psychological endurance to single out a group of people.

It feels much better to be long, especially if you want to buy enough stocks to buy directly.

As soon as the market opened, the expression on He Xia's face became brighter. She was a little tired, but she became energetic in an instant!
Sky Arts in the first half of the night was scary enough. It was blown out three times and it went directly to the local news, but it was not a well-known company itself, and there were only so many people who followed it.

In the middle of the night, it's even more scary...

More than 1000 million shares of sell orders were placed on the market, and the series of numbers seemed to be endless!
"What's wrong?"

He Xia didn't dare to operate casually, thinking that there was an error such as data delay, and with such a delay, the stock price fell from more than four yuan to more than three yuan...

"What's the problem, there must be shareholders and institutions selling it, why are you in a daze, hurry up and buy it!"

Zhou Shiliu reacted faster, urging while operating.

"Buy, hurry up, run forward, if you slow down, you won't be able to buy it!"

He Xia suddenly realized that he was stuck on the line of raising cards and frantically accumulating money. At the same time, Siegfried also called, meaning the same as Zhou Shiliu, if you want to buy, buy it quickly!
The sell-off of Sky Art’s shareholders triggered a chain reaction, and retail investors also fled one after another, creating a tragic scene where the wall was overthrown by everyone...

It doesn't matter how the Nasdaq index is. If there is a problem with individual stocks, it will not be affected by the market at all.

By the time the market closed, Sky Art's share price had fallen to US$2.65, swallowing up all the gains made in one or two years in one night!
"The market opened at US$6.38 and closed at US$2.65. It plummeted by more than 58 points. It was a veritable cut in half. The best flash crash on Nasdaq this year is none other than Sky Art!"

Zhou Shiliu leaned back on the chair and said weakly, she just found out that spending money to buy stocks can be so tiring...

He Xia was very energetic, and while counting the account situation, he said: "This wave of sharp decline can be ranked among the top stock markets in the world, right?"

Zhou Shiliu smirked and shook his head: "It's so far away! Not to mention, the stock market on Hong Kong Island has a lot of monster stocks that have fallen by more than 90.00% in one day, or even more than 90.00%[-]!"

"I'll wipe it!" He Xia turned her head to look at Zhou Shiliu, and said with a surprised face: "It's so exaggerated, it's true..."

"Of course it's true. At the opening of the market, it was RMB [-], but the volume plummeted, and when the market finally closed, it was only [-] cents and [-] cents!"

"Six cents and seven cents..."

The corner of He Xia's mouth twitched, what a strange unit name, only appeared in books, never seen in reality!
"That's why it's miserable, dozens of times worse than Sky Art!"

Zhou Shiliu sighed and shook her head, she knew that someone chose to end their lives in that disaster.

People make money and birds die for food. When all the gold is gone, it is the end of life...

"50.00% eight and 90.00% five, the difference is only 30.00% seven, you tell me dozens of times miserable?"

He Xia felt that Zhou Shiliu was exaggerating.

"Of course it's dozens of times!" Zhou Shiliu said earnestly: "For example, if 100 yuan is also dropped, one stock has 42 yuan left, and the other stock has 100 yuan left. Tell me, you have to go up again. Returning [-] yuan, how much will it increase respectively, don't talk about money, talk about percentage!"

He Xia did some calculations and said with a grin: "That dozens of times is exaggerated, it's clearly only a dozen times..."

From 42 back to one hundred, an increase of 130%, and five yuan... an increase of [-]%!

"Rebar..." Zhou Shiliu glanced at He Xia.

"90.00% five, tsk tsk, it's really wearing a mink to enter, leaving a bitter tea..."

He Xia laments that the financial market is too scary. In the future, none of his companies plan to go public. One of the most important purposes of going public is to raise funds, and he doesn't plan to raise money either.

If the acquisition of Sky Art is successful, it will be safe to control a large number of stocks in its own hands and reduce liquidity.

"That's it..." Zhou Shiliu closed his notebook and said, "Yes, tomorrow is Saturday, so I can rest for two days!"

He Xia was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I have to wait for two more days... I can't wait to get Sky Art over as soon as possible!"

Zhou Shiliu shook his head helplessly, and said: "The directors of Sky Arts should know that it will become like this, and they probably wouldn't come up with bad ideas to deal with you..."

He Xia raised the corner of his mouth: "I think I'm easy to bully, so I'll take [-] million to play with him and see who is the best!"

"Brother, you said that you need to bring money to the unit. Two hundred million is a US dollar. The company's total market value is only seven hundred million. No, that was yesterday. Today, there is only a market value of more than two hundred million. It has been ruined!"

Seven listed companies with a market value of [-] million, hundreds of millions of short-selling funds, coupled with negative research results and their own dirty buttocks, it is difficult not to fall sharply.

"As long as there are no accidents, Sky Art will be mine next week. Hey, do you still want to play "Struggle, Boy?"

He Xia asked shyly.

Zhou Shiliu yawned a lot, and said, "I don't know, why are you so energetic, I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to sleep, good night..."

After finishing speaking, I found a bed and fell asleep.

He Xia didn't sleep, and continued to work. After sorting out, he found that he was holding more than 2000 million shares of Sky Art!
As long as there are 1000 million more shares, that is, 30.00% of the total share capital, the conditions for forced acquisition are met!
Of course, if He Xia initiates a forced acquisition, Sky Arts has the right to fight back, especially since Bai Zongwei still holds a lot of bargaining chips, as long as he doesn't give up, he can still make some resistance.


He Xia sorted out the situation and quickly fell asleep.

Some people can't sleep, and Bai Zongwei is one of them. Because of the director's shareholding reduction, he was so worried that he stayed up all night!
At first, his idea was very simple. He followed the short-selling agency to suppress the stock price and retained several shareholders in this way, but he didn't expect to be disrupted by someone...

First, the news that the directors wanted to reduce their shareholding was leaked, which is not critical, and strictly speaking, it helped him a bit, but he never expected that the board members would rather cash out in the midst of the plunge.

Bai Zongwei blamed Director Hu for this incident, thinking that it was because of his rhythm that he became what he is now.

Through his friends, he learned that Director Hu has become a thing of the past, and now he has basically emptied the shares of Sky Art in his hand, and he is the culprit of the huge selling pressure!
Due to the regulatory mechanism, other board members can only sell a part, otherwise they will be investigated and punished!

Bai Zongwei, who is exhausted physically and mentally, will not know that a bigger storm is already on the way, tailor-made for him.

The next day was the day of recording the program, the troublemakers were already too busy to take care of themselves, everything went very smoothly.

Wu Lei, who He Xia recruited from the bodyguard company, was going to participate in the show, and He Dawei and Wang Hongxia even ran over to help out.

The result lived up to everyone's expectations, Wu Lei successfully became the tripod lifter of the second period, and will participate in the final duel!

Another female finalist is a physical therapist. Her daily job is to provide patients with rehabilitation training, physical therapy massage and other services. There is a certain amount of exercise during work, and more long-term triathlon training after work. .

Physical fitness is very strong.

Looking at the four female contestants who participated in the finals, no one can dare to say that they will definitely become the season champions. They are all very strong, and the slightly weaker one is Ji Hongying.

The male tripod lifter is a construction worker, and the other finalist is a gold medal firefighter.

The family and life of the two are ordinary, and the work is also very ordinary, but it has considerable social significance!
All eight finalists have been announced, but the second episode of the program will not be available on the video platform until three days later.

(End of this chapter)

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