Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 332 Li Kangxi, Editor-in-Chief (for Subscription and Monthly Pass)

Chapter 332 Li Kangxi, Editor-in-Chief (for Subscription and Monthly Pass)
Inside the editor's office.

The furnishings here are full of the atmosphere of the times, Lee Jae-hwa seems to be in the 80s
The young prosecutor immediately recognized the man sitting behind the desk, who was one of the men behind the movie "The Insider".

Li Zaihua didn't dare to underestimate Li Kangxi, and quickly stepped forward to extend his hand to show his kindness.

The young prosecutor is no longer that little guy who always bows to everyone he sees.

Even if he saw Li Kangxi who was decades older than him, he barely had the qualifications to sit on an equal footing.

"Hello, Editor-in-Chief Li, I am Li Zaihua, Director of the Second Supervision Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. This is my first meeting. Please give me your advice!"

Li Kangxi looked at the extremely young procurator who claimed to be the youngest prosecutor since the founding of the peninsula, and immediately stretched out his palm.

Li Zaihua clenched his hands tightly, shook them a few times and then released them.

Li Kangxi stood up and said with a smile: "Minister Li, don't stand, please sit down!"

The young prosecutor was also polite, and sat down on the sofa.

Li Kangxi personally poured a cup of coffee and placed it in front of Li Zaihua.

"Minister Li, the greeting is not very good, please bear with me!"

The young prosecutor curled his lips secretly: "Editor-in-Chief Li is serious, I'm the one who took the liberty to disturb you!"

Li Kangxi smiled slightly.

"Minister Li, what can I do for you?"

Li Jae-hwa took out a folded newspaper from his pocket, unfolded it and handed it to Li Kang-seok.

"Editor Li, this report was written by a reporter from your newspaper!"

Li Kangxi took yesterday's "Zhongyang Daily", glanced casually, nodded and said, "That's right, it was indeed written by our newspaper reporter, is there any problem?"

The young prosecutor looked serious.

"Editor Li, can you call the reporter who wrote this article!"

Li Kangxi frowned: "Minister Li, you should understand the freedom of the press, our reporters have the right to interview."

"I have to be responsible to the reporters of the newspaper. If you don't speak clearly, I'm sorry I can't do anything!"

Li Zaihua touched the tip of his nose and pointed to the headline on the social edition.

"Editor-in-Chief Li, you are the editor-in-chief and chief commentator of "Zhongyang Daily", you must have read the "National Conditions Council Act"!"

Li Kangxi was taken aback.

"Minister Li, if you have something to say, you might as well speak up!"

Hearing this, the young prosecutor cut straight to the point: "Some time ago, the Second Supervision Department was ordered to investigate the corruption and bribery case of Fang Minzhu, director of the General Logistics Bureau."

"This case is classified by the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and the National Conditions Institute. You "Zhongyang Daily" reported it and touched the "National Conditions Institute Act."

"Yesterday, the National Intelligence Service launched an indictment, and the chief ordered me to find out the person who leaked the case within a week."

"The article written by the reporter of your newspaper is too detailed. We suspect that he has met the person who leaked the case, so we want to ask him for questioning."

"Editor Li, I hope you don't make things difficult for me!"

Li Kangxi was dumbfounded.

Because he personally read this article and agreed to publish it.

Li Kangxi said calmly: "So that's the case, no problem, our "Zhongyang Daily" will definitely cooperate with the investigation."

"Wait a minute, I'll call someone up immediately, if you have any questions, just ask!"

After speaking, he got up and walked to the desk, picked up the landline microphone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

"The social department!"

Li Kangxi said without hesitation: "Immediately order reporter Gao to come to my office!"
8 minute later.

There was a knock on the door.

Then a fat reporter pushed the door open and entered.

This person is a high reporter in charge of society and the legal system.

He often went to the prosecutor's office for interviews, and immediately recognized the young man sitting on the sofa drinking coffee.

Reporter Gao frowned secretly, wondering what Li Zaihua was doing here.

He didn't think about it anymore, and quickly stepped forward to bow and salute: "Editor-in-Chief, are you looking for me?"

Li Kangxi pointed to the sofa. Reporter Gao was a reporter he valued more.

"Sit down and talk."

Reporter Gao nodded and sat down on the sofa with half his buttocks.

Li Kangxi looked at the young prosecutor: "Minister Li, you can ask now."

Reporter Gao showed doubts.

Li Zaihua drank the remaining coffee in one gulp, fixed his eyes on Reporter Gao, and casually pushed the newspaper on the table to the reporter.

"You wrote this report!"

Reporter Gao looked down and admitted, "That's right, I wrote it. Is there a problem with Minister Li?"

The young prosecutor's eyes lit up, and his tone was a little anxious.

"Reporter Gao, who disclosed this case to you!"

Reporter Gao licked his lips, and said with a little resistance: "Minister Li, in our line of business, how could you expose your informant!"

Li Zaihua frowned and snorted coldly.

Looking at the indifferent eyes of the young prosecutor, Reporter Gao felt a chill rise from his feet.

"Reporter Gao, it seems that you still haven't understood the seriousness of the matter."

"This case belongs to the double secrets of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and the National Intelligence Service. You have violated the "National Intelligence Service Act" by disclosing it to the public without authorization."

"Even if our Supreme Prosecutor's Office does not hold you accountable, the National Intelligence Service will not let you go"

"And the National Intelligence Service reported to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office yesterday that you are suspected of leaking state secrets, and we have the right to arrest you!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Reporter Gao was so frightened that he froze and held his breath.

After a long time.

Reporter Gao said, "Minister Li, are you kidding me? What kind of secrets can be involved in an ordinary NIS bribery case!"

The corner of Li Zaihua's mouth raised slightly, and a slight sneer appeared.

"Reporter Gao, it's not up to you whether it involves confidentiality or not."

"It is the National Intelligence Service who said that you are suspected of leaking secrets, which means leaking secrets. Please cooperate with our work, otherwise we will take compulsory measures."

Having said that, the young prosecutor changed the subject and said again: "But for the sake of Editor-in-Chief Li, I will give you a chance."

"As long as Reporter Gao is willing to reveal who leaked the news, we are willing to let you go!"

Seeing what Li Zaihua said was so serious, Reporter Gao secretly beat a drum in his heart.

He glanced at Li Kangxi who was still there, thought for a moment and said, "Minister Li, can I not mention the informant's name!"

The young prosecutor frowned.

"Well, let me ask you a question, is your informant a prosecutor!"

Reporter Gao opened his mouth wide and said for a long time: "Minister Li, what are you talking about, how could the prosecutor be my informant!"

Li Zaihua was taken aback.

"Reporter Gao, isn't your informant a prosecutor?"

Reporter Gao replied: "Minister Li, what are you kidding, the prosecutor is an informant, I can't afford that much money!"

The young prosecutor frowned.

"You mean it wasn't the prosecutor who tipped you off?"

Reporter Gao nodded.

"That's right, it's not the prosecutor."

Li Zaihua gritted his teeth.

Immediately afterwards, the young prosecutor took out an investigation order signed by the Grand Court from his pocket.

"Reporter Gao, I'm subpoenaing you for leaking the secrets of the NIS, please come with us!"

Li Zaihua's attitude changed too quickly.

Li Kangxi and reporter Gao were a little confused.

"Minister Li, didn't you say to give reporter Gao a chance?"

The young prosecutor said with a serious expression: "Editor-in-Chief Li, the situation has changed. Do you think they are ordinary people who have access to confidential informants from the National Intelligence Service and the Great Prosecutor's Office?"

The voice fell.

Li Kangxi took off his glasses, thought for a while and said, "If Reporter Gao is willing to name the informant, can Minister Li be more accommodating!"

Li Zaihua took a deep breath.

Lee Kang-seok's status in the media world is self-evident, making friends with this kind of person is of great benefit to young prosecutors.

Li Zaihua thought for a while, then withdrew the investigation order again, a serious warning.

"Reporter Gao, think about it. This case is not as simple as it is reported in the report. Otherwise, the Supreme Prosecutor's Office and the National Intelligence Service will not double the secrecy."

"For the sake of Editor-in-Chief Li, I advise you to obediently speak up and make amends, otherwise."

The words are not finished, but the subtext is obvious.

Reporter Gao was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Minister Li, I can swear that I just met that informant not long ago, and he took the initiative to find me to break the news!"

The young prosecutor stared.

"You said that the informant took the initiative to break the news to you?"

Reporter Gao nodded desperately.

"Yes, three nights ago, when I was drinking in a bar, the other party approached me and asked me if I was a reporter from the social edition of Zhongyang Daily."

Crackling, he recounted what happened that day.

Li Kangxi next to him frowned.

Li Zaihua was also not much better.

From what Reporter Gao said, it was obvious that someone deliberately set up a plan to frame Reporter Gao.

However, the young prosecutor cannot listen to anyone.

Li Zaihua took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Without waiting for the other person to speak, the young prosecutor said first: "Prosecutor Fan, come in!"

It didn't take a while.

There was a knock on the door.

Fan Yuanzong pushed the door open and walked into the office.

He stepped forward quickly and bowed.

"Minister, what do you want from me?"

Li Zaihua pointed to reporter Gao.

"Reporter Gao, you immediately take Prosecutor Fan to the bar you mentioned to get the surveillance video!"

It's about me, so reporter Gao dares to delay.

"No problem, I'll take Prosecutor Fan there right away."

The young prosecutor said again: "Prosecutor Fan, go with Reporter Gao and call me if you need anything!"

Reporter Gao is also a reporter for the social edition of "Zhongyang Daily", and the ones who go in and out are definitely not ordinary bars.

Fan Yuanzong nodded and said, "Good minister!"

The two stood up and prepared to leave.

Li Zaihua suddenly stopped them from behind.

"and many more!"

Fan Yuanzong and reporter Gao turned around.

The young prosecutor took out the investigation order from his pocket.

"Prosecutor Fan, this is an investigation order from the Grand Court, it may be useful later!"

Fan Yuanzong thought about it for a second, and instantly understood.

He respectfully accepted the investigation order, turned and left the room.

After people leave.

Li Kangxi opened his mouth and said, "It's unreasonable. Minister Li is embarrassed. I didn't expect that our "Zhongyang Daily" would be used by others!"

Li Zaihua waved his hand.

"Editor-in-Chief Li, regardless of your "Zhongyang Daily", you are also victims."

"But this matter can't be left alone. As for Reporter Gao, you have to punish him."

"Otherwise, I can't explain to the chief!"

Li Kangxi smiled and said, "Minister Li, don't worry, I promise to give the Supreme Prosecutor's Office an explanation."

"Reporter Gao is suspended for one month and demoted to one level, what do you think!"

(End of this chapter)

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