Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 333 Ming Yingguang (Subscription and Monthly Pass Required)

Chapter 333 Ming Yingguang (Subscription and Monthly Pass Required)

Fan Yuanzong and reporter Gao left not long ago.

Li Zaihua didn't stay any longer and got up to leave.

Time passed quickly, and two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

11:23 am.

Fan Yuanzong and reporter Gao returned to the Great Prosecutor's Office.

The trip to the bar was as expected by the young prosecutor.

Especially in high-end bars, there are high-ranking officials, interpreters, celebrities, big companies or chaebol executives coming in and out every night.

To monitor the video is tantamount to exposing their privacy, how could the bar agree.

Fan Yuanzong had no choice but to take out the investigation order of the Grand Court and forcibly asked for the surveillance video of reporter Gao's time period that day.

Even so, the bar owner threatened the two of them that if they dared to disclose the surveillance video to the media, they would definitely sue Fan Yuanzong and Reporter Gao to the death of their families.

Grand Prosecutor's Office.

Supervision Department II, Minister's Office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Hearing the sound, Fan Yuanzong pushed open the door and entered, stepped forward and bowed quickly.

"Minister, I'm back!"

Li Zaihua raised his head with doubts in his eyes.

"Just you? Where's Reporter Gao?"

Hearing the inquiry, Fan Yuanzong immediately replied: "Minister, reporter Gao is in the interrogation room."

The young prosecutor nodded, this is an important witness.

"Give me the surveillance video, and I'll check it out myself."

Fan Yuanzong took out a USB flash drive and handed it to his minister.

Li Zaihua caught the USB flash drive, quickly inserted it into the USB port, and a folder popped up.

The young prosecutor operated the mouse and clicked on the video.

Li Zaihua glanced at Fan Yuanzong who was standing there, and said, "Prosecutor Fan, you probably haven't had lunch yet, so bring a takeaway for Reporter Gao by the way."

Fan Yuanzong touched his hungry stomach.

"Good minister, would you like to bring you a cup of coffee, you haven't slept since last night."

The young prosecutor was not sleepy, but to avoid unnecessary suspicion, he chose to agree with Fan Yuanzong's words.

Li Zaihua deliberately opened his mouth and yawned: "Well, that's good, please bring me a cup of coffee."

Fan Yuanzong bowed again, turned and left the office.

After people leave.

The young prosecutor turned on the super acceleration mode.

Time passed by minute by minute.

When Reporter Gao stepped out of the bar, the video ended.

The informant who revealed the case of the NIS was very clever, deliberately avoided the monitor, or would lower his head every time in front of the monitor, so as not to let the monitor take pictures of himself.

With such deliberate behavior, the young prosecutor concluded that the leak of the case had a very strong purpose, and it might be aimed at himself.

However, a hundred secrets are sparse.

The informant didn't notice the reflection of a piece of glass in the corridor, and happened to see the person's face clearly.

Li Zaihua pulled the progress bar to the position of 85 minutes and 37 seconds, and took a screenshot of the face reflected in the glass.

But after all, it is not professional, and the screenshot is very blurry.

The young prosecutor thought about it and decided to hand over the matter to the National Digital Science Center.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Fan Yuanzong pushed the door in with a cup of coffee.

"Minister, your coffee."

Li Zaihua pointed to the table.

Fan Yuanzong understood and put down the coffee.

"Minister, there are other things. If not, I will go out."

The young prosecutor pulled out the USB flash drive and said, "Prosecutor Fan, I found clues in the video. The time is 85 minutes and 37 seconds."

"You take the USB flash drive to the National Digital Science Center and find someone to enlarge the picture to make it as clear as possible."

"As soon as the photo comes out, immediately contact the police for arrest."

"Also, record a statement for Gao Ji."

After explaining everything in one breath, Li Zaihua raised his coffee and took a sip.

Fan Yuanzong didn't say a word, took the USB flash drive with a serious expression, turned around and strode out of the room.
14:55 PM.

Fan Yuanzong held a piece of A4 printing paper and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

Fan Yuanzong pushed the door open and entered, handing over A4 printing paper.

"Minister, this is the photo of the suspect, please take a look!"

Li Zaihua took it and saw that the people from the National Digital Science Center did have two brushes, and the appearance of the suspect was very clear.

The young prosecutor said with satisfaction: "No problem, you go and inform the police, this person is wanted all over the peninsula!"

After finishing speaking, Li Zaihua suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, make a few copies for me, I will use it!"
15:25 PM.

The young prosecutor took the full face of the suspect and went to meet the last five suspects.

Interrogation room.

Li Jae-hwa meets the No.1 suspect prosecutor, Prosecutor Ham.

Prosecutor Xian looked haggard. The moment he saw the young prosecutor, he said anxiously, "Minister Li, you have to trust me. I really didn't do it. I didn't leak the NIS case to the outside world!"

Faced with this situation, Li Zaihua showed a gentle smile.

"Prosecutor Xian, don't worry, I'll show you something."

As he spoke, the young prosecutor put the A4 printing paper on the table and pushed it in front of the other party.

"Prosecutor Xian, do you know this person?"

Prosecutor Xian picked up the A4 printing paper and looked at the frontal portrait of the informant with doubts in his eyes.

"Who is he, I don't know!"

Li Zaihua stared closely at Prosecutor Xian's facial expression, trying to judge whether there was a problem with the other party through micro-expressions.

Prosecutor Xian's dazed look must have indeed never seen the informant mentioned by Reporter Gao.

The young prosecutor's eyes moved slightly, and he continued: "Prosecutor Xian, please be patient, we are actively collecting evidence, and I believe it will not take long before you can be cleared."

"I still have something to do, let's go first, if you need anything, just mention it, our people will try their best to satisfy you, goodbye!"

Li Zaihua got up and left without hesitation.

After leaving the interrogation room, the young prosecutor went to the room of the second suspected prosecutor.

As usual, Li Zaihua showed the A4 printing paper to the other party according to his own method, and then observed the micro-expressions through questioning.

The result of the second suspect is the same as that of Prosecutor Ham, and nothing is known.

Soon the third and fourth prosecutors passed the screening of young prosecutors.

Li Zaihua came to the final interrogation room.

The young prosecutor pushed open the door and entered.

Li Zaihua read the information before he came. The name of this person is Ming Yingguang.

The young prosecutor habitually put A4 printing paper on the table.

The moment Ming Yingguang saw the face-on portrait of the informant, his pupils constricted suddenly, and the corners of his eyes twitched unconsciously several times in a row.

Li Zaihua's eyes lit up.

"Prosecutor Ming, do you know the person above?"

Ming Yingguang pretended to be calm and said: "Minister Li, I don't know this person, why do I have to ask?"

The young prosecutor smiled,
"Prosecutor Ming, just ask casually, there is no other meaning."

Ming Yingguang obviously didn't believe it, and there must be a conspiracy in taking out the frontal portrait of the informant.

"Minister Li, I was indeed wronged, can you let me go now!"

Li Zaihua said with a smile: "Prosecutor Ming, I'm sorry, your alibi is too weak, you have to stay and cooperate with our investigation for the time being."

Having said that, in order to make Ming Yingguang relax his vigilance, the young prosecutor changed the subject.

"However, Prosecutor Ming, I have read your statement. Although I don't have time to witness it, the problem is not serious. I believe I can leave soon."

Ming Yingguang was secretly delighted.

"Thank you, Minister Li. If you have any questions, just ask. I will definitely cooperate with the work of the Second Supervision Department."

Li Zaihua smiled slightly: "Prosecutor Ming, you should ask all the questions, and we need to investigate the rest by ourselves."

"What you said, we will ask your colleagues to inquire. If there is no problem, we will be able to leave almost tomorrow."

Ming Yingguang believed it was true, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Minister Li, I really don't know how to thank you."

The young prosecutor waved his hand.

"Prosecutor Ming, no thanks, this is what we should do"

"Actually, I don't want to doubt everyone, but the chief ordered a thorough investigation, so I can only bring you back!"

Li Zaihua pretended to sigh and put all the responsibility on Xu Zhenzai.

Ming Yingguang nodded in agreement.

In his view, without the support of the chief, it would be impossible for the Second Supervision Department to offend so many local prosecutors' offices at once.

Although the young prosecutor is a rising star in the prosecution system, he should also understand that more things are worse than less things.

Now that things are making such a big fuss, it is of no benefit to Li Zaihua at all, he will only set himself on fire.

"Minister Li, I understand your difficulties, everyone is doing things for the people above"

Ming Yingguang paused for a moment, then said: "There is a saying, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

The young prosecutor looked at Ming Yingguang with a smile.

"Prosecutor Ming, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Ming Yingguang opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

"Hey, Minister Li has something to say that doesn't sound good, forget it!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Li Zaihua almost couldn't catch his breath, and at the same time he believed that Ming Yingguang was the person behind the whole incident.

As for whether there is a bigger behind-the-scenes manipulator, the young prosecutor has plenty of ways to get him to speak when he has substantial evidence.

"Okay, Prosecutor Ming will take a break first, and I'll ask someone to bring you a cup of coffee, enjoy it slowly."
Leave the interrogation room.

Li Zaihua immediately called the prosecutor in charge of this person.

In the monitoring room.

The young prosecutor said: "Prosecutor Cui, help me retrieve the video of Ming Yingguang's statement."

Cui Zhongwen was startled, then frowned.

But he did not delay the work in hand, and quickly called up the surveillance video.

Sitting on a chair, Li Zaihua analyzed Ming Yingguang's every move through the video and using micro-expressions.

Cui Zhongwen seemed to have guessed something, and asked cautiously: "Minister, are you observing Ming Yingguang's micro-expression?"

The young prosecutor said without looking back: "That's right, I usually have nothing to do at home, and I like to study things in this area."

"The minister is amazing, no wonder he has achieved today's achievements, besides reading books, have you taken any relevant courses?"

Li Zaihua glanced at Cui Zhongwen from the corner of his eye.

The young prosecutor has been prepared for a long time, and the more he shows, the more he will naturally attract other people's ideas.

Li Zaihua reported the titles of several books, as well as the name of a professor of psychology at Seoul National University.

"Prosecutor Cui, if you have a deeper understanding of micro-expressions, I suggest you listen to this professor's course."

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you go out first, I want to watch the video..."

Although it has been determined that Ming Yingguang may be the person who leaked, it is necessary to find real evidence.

With a thought, Li Zaihua instantly thought of a solution.

(End of this chapter)

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