Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 331 Two-pronged approach to the newspaper office (seeking subscription and monthly pass)

Chapter 331 Two-pronged approach to the newspaper office (seeking subscription and monthly pass)
Bringing back more than a dozen prosecutors at one time completely alarmed the Great Prosecutor's Office.

Although it is not clear what happened for the time being, it is very rare to find so many of them.

Interrogation room.

Li Zaihua stared at Wu Zhongyuan expressionlessly.

"Prosecutor Wu, may I ask who you met or where you went on the day you left the NIS!"

Wu Zhongyuan said calmly: "Minister Li, I can swear to God, since we left the NIS, we have been busy with work."

"I commute to get off work normally every day, and I haven't gone out to play for a long time. Even if Minister Quan asked me, I didn't say anything!"

The young prosecutor obviously didn't believe it.

"Prosecutor Wu, you said you didn't say it, who can prove it for you."

"Besides, maybe you were drunk and accidentally leaked the NIS case to reporters!"

Wu Zhongyuan was furious.

"Minister Li, don't swear. My girlfriend can prove what time I go home every day."

"By the way, there is a monitor in the corridor of my house, you can find someone to call it out and have a look."

"I have a dash cam in my car, he can prove where I've been these days!"

Hear this.

Li Zaihua had already begun to believe that Wu Zhongyuan was not lying.

But to be safe, some things must be done.

The young prosecutor said to Wen Jinghao who was taking notes: "Investigator Wen, you heard everything, go and invite Prosecutor Wu's girlfriend."

"In addition, take back the surveillance video of the corridor of Prosecutor Wu's apartment, as well as the driving recorder!"

Wen Jinghao got up and bowed.

"Okay, Minister!"

With evidence, Li Zaihua suspended the interrogation.

"Prosecutor Wu, wait for your girlfriend and the surveillance video, dash cam to prove your innocence before you can leave"

"You take a break first, I'll ask someone to buy you a cup of coffee!"

The suspect cooperated so well, there was no need for the young prosecutor to make things difficult for him.

Li Zaihua got up and left the room, and ordered a staff member of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to buy coffee.

Then the young prosecutors went to other interrogation rooms one by one to observe the interrogation of the prosecutors from the Second Supervision Department.

Wen Jinghao hurried back to the Supreme Prosecutor's Office with a young woman, the surveillance video of the apartment, and the driving recorder.

After briefly questioning Wu Zhongyuan's girlfriend, Li Zaihua returned to the office with the surveillance video and driving recorder.

The young prosecutor inserted the USB flash drive into the USB port, and first watched the surveillance video provided by the apartment.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Li Zaihua checked all the surveillance video and driving records in one and a half hours in a super fast-forward manner.

Wu Zhongyuan did not lie.

The young prosecutor left the room and came to the interrogation room.

At this moment, Wu Zhongyuan is comforting each other with his girlfriend.


The door of the interrogation room was pushed open.

Li Zaihua walked into the room, and then ordered Wen Jinghao who was watching from the side.

"Investigator Wen, uncuff Prosecutor Wu."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Jinghao came to Wu Zhongyuan with the key.


A soft sound.

After the handcuffs fell, Wu Zhongyuan rubbed his red-marked wrist.

"Minister Li, have you checked it out?"

The young prosecutor nodded: "I have watched the surveillance video and the driving recorder, you are indeed fine, you can go now!"

As soon as this word comes out.

Wu Zhongyuan and his girlfriend looked happy.

However, Wu Zhongyuan was obviously not reconciled, and it was not a good feeling to be a suspect.

"Minister Li, is there anything I can do to help?"

"Although I don't know which guy leaked the case, but I'm very upset now, I must have a good looking guy!"

Li Zaihua shook his head.

"Prosecutor Wu, we have enough manpower. Instead, I want to say sorry to you and hope you can forgive me!"

Wu Zhongyuan waved his hands again and again.

"Minister Li, everyone is working for work. If someone leaks a confidential case, you should doubt us."

The young prosecutor smiled.

"Thank you, Prosecutor Wu, for your understanding. Hurry up and go back and have a good rest."

Wu Zhongyuan no longer insisted.

"Okay, let's go first."

After speaking, he led his girlfriend and strode out of the room.

After people leave.

Li Zaihua was not idle either, and led Wen Jinghao to shuttle through various interrogation rooms.

Time flies.

The sun gradually rose.

A ray of morning light came through the window and fell on the eyelids of the young prosecutor.

After one night of interrogation, seven of the twelve prosecutors except Fan Yuanzong had time witnesses and complete whereabouts records.

As for the remaining five people, either they have no time evidence, or they cannot explain their daily whereabouts.

8:25 am.

The prosecutors of the Second Supervision Department yawned while waiting for the meeting.

It didn't take a while.

Li Zaihua walked into the room carrying a stack of documents.

Seeing his minister, everyone in the conference room immediately sobered up.

The young prosecutor looked around the room and threw the documents in his hands onto the table.

Wen Jinghao picked them up and distributed them to everyone present.

"Everyone, these are the files I retrieved from the system."

"I didn't want to do it at first, but they bullied people too much."

"You guys continue to take turns interrogating, don't let them rest."

"In a while, I'll go to "Zhongyang Daily" to see if I can find the reporter who published the article!"

Li Zaihua decided to do both.

However, what the young prosecutor said in his mouth, in fact, he didn't have much confidence in his heart that he could find someone.

Since it involves a confidential case of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, the reporter who published the article should be very aware of the consequences, and it is normal to run away or hide temporarily.

Hearing the young prosecutor's order, the prosecutors of the Second Supervision Department barely cheered up.


Li Zaihua nodded, and said again: "Okay, everyone is tired all day, I invite everyone to have breakfast, today I treat you!"

The voice fell.

The prosecutors immediately lifted their spirits and shouted: "Thank you minister!"
9:55 am.


"Zhongyang Daily" headquarters.

An MPV stops.

Door pulls open.

Li Zaihua, Fan Yuanzong, Wen Jinghao, and several police officers got out of the car one by one.

Someone was wearing a police uniform, and the security guard of "Zhongyang Daily" stepped forward and stopped them.

"Who are you!"

Fan Yuanzong took the initiative to say: "We are the prosecutors of the Second Supervision Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. May I ask if your editor-in-chief is here?"

Hearing the origin, the security guard was startled.

By this moment he had recognized the young prosecutor.

There is no way, Li Zaihua is too dazzling, it is impossible to know him or not.

But the security guard did not dare to call the shots, and took out the walkie-talkie to contact the captain.

A moment of effort.

The security captain rushed over with a dozen security guards.

Seeing this, Fan Yuanzong's expression sank.

"What do you mean, treat us as prisoners!"

When the security captain heard this, he hurriedly said to the surrounding security: "What are you doing, spread out, don't surround yourself here!"

The security guards breathed a sigh of relief and obediently hid aside.

Fan Yuanzong said again with a cold face: "We want to see your editor-in-chief, is he there?"

"Sorry, I need to ask."

At this time, Li Zaihua glanced at the sign in the lobby.

"Okay, you don't have to ask, we'll go find it ourselves!"

The young prosecutor jumped over the gate and walked straight towards the elevator.

Fan Yuanzong and Wen Jinghao looked at each other, followed closely behind.

The security captain wanted to stop him.

The young prosecutor suddenly turned his head, his eyes as cold as the moon shone with an icy light, his brows were frowned, and there was a hint of irritability in his tone.

"I advise you to stay still, or you will bear the consequences!"

All of a sudden, the security captain and the security guards stopped, they didn't dare to take Li Zaihua's words as a joke.

Fan Yuanzong, Wen Jinghao and several police officers successfully crossed the sidewalk turnstile.

The security captain had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and dial the number.

Ten seconds later, the call was connected.

Editor-in-Chief Secretary Office.

The voice of the security captain came out.

"Secretary Guo, it's not good. Prosecutor Li Zaihua from the Supreme Prosecutor's Office brought people up. They want to find the editor-in-chief!"

Secretary Guo thought he had heard wrong.

"What, say it again!"

The security captain repeated: "Secretary Guo, prosecutor Li Zaihua brought people up, they are looking for the editor-in-chief!"

Secretary Guo stared.

"Idiot, why don't you stop me!"

The security captain quibbled: "Secretary Guo, it's not that I didn't want to stop, but I didn't. Prosecutor Li brought a lot of people, including the police!"

Secretary Guo was startled, stopped listening to the nonsense of the security captain, and hung up the phone directly.

Hearing the beeping sound from the mobile phone, the security captain breathed a sigh of relief.

Secretary Guo walked quickly to the editor-in-chief's office.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Secretary Guo pushed the door open and entered, bowing and saluting.

"Editor-in-Chief, Prosecutor Li Zaihua, Director of the Second Supervision Department of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, rushed in with someone and seemed to be looking for you!"

A man wearing glasses and a white shirt looked up.

This person's name is Li Kangxi, the editor-in-chief and chief commentator of "Central Daily".

In fact, he is the head of the political department of the Peninsula BS faction media.

He believes that language is power, and it is also power. He often uses public opinion to manipulate the development of the situation, and he is one of the behind-the-scenes of many major events.

Li Kangxi said unhurriedly: "Are you sure it's Li Zaihua from the Supreme Prosecutor's Office?"

Secretary Guo nodded.

"That's right, what did the security captain say!"

Li Kangxi's eyes flickered, and he said calmly: "I see, when Minister Li comes up, don't stop him."

"Good editor!"

Secretary Guo understood, turned and walked out of the office.

She just left the room.

Ding Dong!

The elevator door opens.

Li Zaihua, Fan Yuanzong, Wen Jinghao, and several bailiffs came over.

Secretary Guo recognized the person at a glance, and couldn't help but bow and salute.

"Minister Li, you are here!"

The young prosecutor frowned lightly: "I want to see Editor-in-Chief Li, I don't know if it's convenient!"

Secretary Guo secretly rolled his eyes, looking at the posture of the people in front of him, how could he stop it.

"Minister Li, the editor-in-chief has been waiting for a long time, and he told you to come up and go in directly!"

Li Zaihua's heart moved, he turned his head and said, "Prosecutor Fan, Investigator Wen, you guys stay outside and wait for me!"

As one of the three major newspapers in the peninsula, "Zhongyang Daily" holds the power of public opinion.

Fan Yuanzong and Wen Jinghao didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"Good minister, we are waiting for you outside!"

(End of this chapter)

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