Crazy, you call it a prosecutor

Chapter 330 Hands-On (Seeking Subscription and Monthly Pass)

Chapter 330 Hands-On (Seeking Subscription and Monthly Pass)
(Thank you, woofer gave me a big reward)

Supervision Department [-], conference room.

The prosecutors had already finished their meal, and cleaned up, and the smell was gone.


Li Zaihua returned to the room with a stack of newspapers, and then threw the newspapers on the table.

"One copy per person, take a fancy to Zhongyang Daily, the headline on the social page!"

Prosecutors have the habit of reading newspapers every day, mainly to understand some current events.

And "Zhongyang Daily" is one of the must-read newspapers every day.

Fan Yuanzong was busy all night last night, like the young prosecutor, he didn't read today's newspaper.

At the same time, because of the Second Ministry of Supervision, most people don't know about the NIS. After reading the report this morning, they sighed.

Fan Yuanzong looked at ten lines at a glance, and his face changed drastically after reading the headlines on the front page.

"Minister, I have never been interviewed by reporters. I definitely did not do this matter. Please believe me!"

Li Zaihua waved his hand: "Prosecutor Fan, I know you didn't do it, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here!"

Hearing the conversation between the two, others immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

Xu Xiangmin said, "Minister, what happened?"

The young prosecutor gritted his teeth.

"Prosecutor Fan, come and talk to them."

Fan Yuanzong explained: "The case of the National Intelligence Service is classified, and the minister has issued repeated orders not to disclose it to the outside world."

Crackling, he spoke out what he had learned.

The voice fell.

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air.

No one expected that the case behind the NIS case would be so complicated.

After Fan Yuanzong finished speaking, Li Zaihua's face was instantly covered with dark clouds, and the rain poured down.

The handsome and handsome face of the young prosecutor became more and more indifferent and stiff, like a piece of cast iron or cement, nothing could melt it.

"Fan Yuanzong, do you still remember the names of the prosecutors involved in the case?"

Fan Yuanzong nodded: "Remember, we need to bring them all back for investigation!"

Li Zaihua pursed his thin lips, and the corners of his cold lips became colder.

"Fan Yuanzong, write down all the names and units of the prosecutors participating in the investigation!"

Fan Yuanzong was in trouble: "Minister, I remember their names, but I don't know where they work"

"It's just a temporary call. Where should the secretariat have files!"

The young prosecutor said without hesitation: "Okay then, I'll call the director of the Bureau, you go and get the file, and copy it to everyone later."

After speaking, Li Zaihua took out his mobile phone and dialed the number.

After 1 minute, the call is connected.
the other side.

At this time, the director of the bureau was having dinner with several ministers outside.

He looked at the caller ID curiously, wondering why this upstart from the Great Prosecutor's Office called him.

The voice of the young prosecutor came out.

"Director Kang, the list of prosecutors temporarily mobilized some time ago is still in your office!"

As the director of the Bureau, Director Kang attaches great importance to mobilizing more than a dozen prosecutors to Seoul at one time.

Although it is not clear what exactly happened, it has been concerned.

It wasn't until he read the headlines on the front page of "Zhongyang Daily" this morning that he finally understood that the prosecutors dispatched from all over the place were originally going to carry out secret missions.

"That's right, it's still in the Bureau."

Li Zaihua said bluntly: "Director Kang, I need that list now, can you transfer it to me."

Chief Kang hesitated for a moment.

"No problem, you will send someone to my office to get it later!"

Temporary transfer of more than a dozen prosecutors is a secret of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office, and this list is naturally kept in the safe of the director's office.

The young prosecutor breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you Director Kang, I'll treat you to dinner another day when I'm free!"

After the two finished talking, Director Kang glanced at the half-eaten meal.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, I have to go back first."

Hear this.

Someone grabbed Director Kang and asked, "Old Kang, what happened to make this Minister Li very anxious."

Director Kang opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything in the end.

He guessed that the young prosecutor's nervousness must have something to do with today's report.

"Okay, don't inquire about other people's affairs, and be careful not to cause trouble!"

Facing Director Kang's warning, they immediately realized something and shut their mouths.
1:45 PM.

Supervision Department [-], meeting room.

Fan Yuanzong distributed the list to everyone.

Li Zaihua took the list and looked it over, making sure there was no problem, and began to assign tasks.

The young prosecutor put the list on the slide projector, and an enlarged list appeared on the big screen.

Holding a red pen, Li Zaihua stroked the list.

"Prosecutor Fan, you go to Gaoyang."

"Prosecutor Xu, you go to Fuchuan."

"Prosecutor Lin, you go to Suwon."

ten minutes later.

After the task was assigned by the young prosecutor, his angry eyes were as menacing as a millennium's ice, and everyone present was caught by these terrifying eyes and dared not speak out.

"I want everyone on the list to appear in the Second Supervision Department tonight, do you understand?"

The prosecutors' hearts sank, knowing that Li Zaihua was completely angry, they couldn't help but speak in unison.


The young prosecutor nodded in satisfaction.

"Very good, call home right away, tell me that I have a mission tonight, and then leave immediately!"

After finishing speaking, Li Zaihua turned around and walked out of the meeting room.

There are a total of 12 people in the second supervision department. Li Dongxu went to Zhenhai City and has not yet returned, and the young prosecutor has to go out in person.

Due to the sudden incident of the NIS case, the subordinates were temporarily transferred, and they were all from various local offices and branch offices near Seoul.

The farthest from them is only two hours away. If you start now, you can return at night.
14:55 PM.

Seoul Eastern District Prosecutors Office.

Li Zaihua led Wen Jinghao and several staff members of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office to the investigation department of the Eastern District Prosecutor of Seoul.

The young prosecutor is currently the most prominent prosecutor in the peninsula, almost everyone knows it.

Coupled with Li Zaihua's current department, the prosecutors of the Eastern District Prosecutor's Office were shocked when they saw the young prosecutor.

Wen Jinghao pushed open the door of one of the offices of the investigation department.

The Eastern District Prosecutor's Office is not as good as the Grand Prosecutor's Office or the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office. The two prosecutors share a room.

Li Zaihua strode into the office, casually glanced at the door number of the room on the right.

Wen Jinghao understood, stepped forward and opened the door to enter.

inside the room.

Wu Zhongyuan, who was working, frowned and said, "Who are you? Who let you in? Get out!"

Wen Jinghao hides aside, and the young prosecutor enters the office.

Seeing the person coming, Wu Zhongyuan was startled, stood up immediately, and asked with a puzzled face: "Minister Li, why are you here?"

Without saying a word, Li Zaihua threw a copy of today's "Zhongyang Daily" on Wu Zhongyuan's face.

"Prosecutor Wu, look at today's Zhongyang Daily!"

Wu Zhongyuan frowned lightly, flipping through the newspaper page by page.

When he turned to the headline on the front page of the social page, "The Supreme Prosecutor's Office strikes hard, the National Intelligence Service's big tiger is arrested, and Director Nam Sung-jun voluntarily resigns."

Wu Zhongyuan's expression changed suddenly, and he suddenly raised his head and said, "Minister Li, I didn't do this, I have never been interviewed by reporters!"

The young prosecutor snorted coldly.

"Prosecutor Wu, if you have anything to say, tell me in the Prosecutor's Office!"

Wu Zhongyuan still wanted to struggle.

It's a pity that Li Zaihua didn't give him a chance at all.

Wen Jinghao and two staff members of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office stepped forward to subdue Wu Zhongyuan.

"Prosecutor Wu, don't make unnecessary resistance. When it is found that it has nothing to do with you, you will naturally be released. Come with us now!"

The voice fell.

The young prosecutor turned around and walked out of the room.

Wen Jinghao and the staff of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office firmly controlled Wu Zhongyuan from left to right.

Wait for them to come to the door.

At this time, a figure blocked the way.

This person is the Minister Quan of the Investigation Department of the Eastern District Procuratorate.

Minister Quan made a head start.

"Minister Li, what do you mean, randomly arresting our eastern district inspectors!"

Li Zaihua said with a blank expression: "Minister Quan, this matter is related to the secrets of the Supreme Prosecutor's Office. You have no right to intervene. Please step aside!"

Minister Quan sneered several times.

"Minister Li, this is against the rules. Do you have an arrest warrant or an investigation warrant from the Supreme Court?"

The young prosecutor took a deep breath: "The matter is urgent, and it is too late to apply for an investigation order"

"If you have any doubts, you can go to the chief in person!"

Li Zaihua overwhelmed others with power.

Minister Quan was furious, how dare he confront Xu Zhenzai.

"Minister Li, you are going too far, I want to file a complaint against you with the Supreme Prosecutor's Office!"

Li Zaihua was unmoved: "Please go ahead, I hope your subordinates are fine, otherwise, your minister may also be implicated!"

Minister Quan couldn't help but look at his subordinates.

Wu Zhongyuan smiled wryly: "Minister, one person does the work and the other is in charge. Besides, I have never done it, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Don't worry about me!"

Hearing what his subordinates said, Minister Quan was secretly startled.

He knew that Wu Zhongyuan had disappeared for a while, although he asked, but the other party kept his mouth very strict and did not reveal any information.

Based on this alone, Minister Kwon believes that his subordinates are fine.

Thinking of this, he stopped blocking, and at the same time pushed the surrounding subordinates.

"Okay, I believe Prosecutor Wu is fine, everyone should leave!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The people from the Eastern District Prosecutor suddenly began to discuss in a low voice.

However, they still gave way to a passage according to Minister Quan's order.

Seeing this, the young prosecutor showed a smile on his face: "Thank you Minister Quan for your understanding, goodbye!"
Time flies fast.

After several hours passed.

Local offices and local branch offices around Seoul were raided by the Second Supervision Department.

All the prosecutors who had contact with the NIS case were all arrested, not a few of them.

However, the process was not smooth sailing, and the prosecutors of the Second Supervision Department encountered a lot of trouble.

It is impossible for local bureaus to watch their own people being taken away by the Supreme Prosecutor's Office.

As a result, the prosecutors of the Second Ministry of Supervision have been hindered from doing their work.

When encountering such a situation, all the prosecutors of the Second Supervision Department collectively asked their own ministers for help.

Fortunately, Li Zaihua was right. With the contacts of Zheng Xiqing and Xu Zhenzai, the young prosecutor made a few phone calls and obediently let him go.

Therefore, the prosecutors of the Second Supervision Department saw how powerful their minister was, and they were convinced from then on.

(End of this chapter)

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