Chapter 974
Rebecca Wenders' "Spiritual Ritual" was published in the form of a bulletin on the headlines of the "Sun" newspaper. Once it was exposed, it immediately caused a sensation in the city.

Now, the central figure in this storm of public opinion is no longer Maxim Wenders, who was criticized before, but Jack Favre, the famous cavalry lieutenant colonel.

Although it has been criticized by the public, according to the laws of the Kingdom of Fizhen, "adultery" is not a felony, and Jack Feiffer doesn't even need to go to jail for it, it is nothing more than moral condemnation from the society.

According to ancient tradition, the husband who has been insulted can challenge his wife's lover to a duel.

Maxim Wenders himself is not capable of challenging the infamous "Sledgehammer" Fevre.

As his agent, Musk was deeply involved in the investigation of the case, and was deeply indignant at what happened to Mr. Wenders, so he asked Judge Colt to approve Lieutenant Colonel Feiffer's application for a duel that had not yet been revoked.

Jack Favre, who has been jumping up and down with the face of justice for his cousin, has concealed from the public his sinister intentions of having an affair with Rebecca, trying to have a child by surrogacy, and seizing the Wenders family property. If this scumbag Escaping sanctions, let alone Mr. Wenders, Musk himself can't swallow this breath!
Since this shameless man took the initiative to initiate a duel, let him experience what it feels like to shoot himself in the foot!

Musk acted with passion, and in effect posed a difficult problem for Judge Colter.

A private duel between two men is all right, but a public judicial duel is more troublesome.

Today is no longer the barbaric era of advocating "tit for tat" and "blood for blood", and courts usually will not approve such jealous judicial duels.

This kind of behavior is exactly the opposite of the cynicism of jurists, "in a wrong and dangerous way, trying to maintain the fragile self-esteem of male chauvinists."

Especially after a famous poet died in a judicial duel with his love rival, the country’s literary and artistic circle suffered heavy losses. In the past five years, all applications for duels caused by jealousy and affair have been rejected by the court.

If it is just commonplace jealousy in the social arena, the court will not change the practice.

However, the "Wenders Murder Case" is too big and has too bad influence, just like the "Dreyfus Spy Case" last time, it has become a public event that has caused a sensation in the whole country of Feizhen. It caused a strong backlash from the world, and even made the public lose confidence in the justice of the country's laws.

As the saying goes, "jurisprudence is nothing more than human feelings", the great law cannot be opposed to public anger, let alone the views of a group of jurists who study "spherical chickens in a vacuum" all day long, otherwise it will shake the foundation of governance and dig itself out. grave.

As the repercussions of public opinion became stronger, even His Majesty the King was alarmed.

At the court tea party held at the weekend, His Majesty George III specially chatted with the Minister of Justice, the Marquis Porter, about this case that has attracted the most attention nowadays.

The conversation between His Majesty and the Minister was recorded by the clerk, and after sorting out and polishing, it was published in the form of a dialogue on the front page of the "Avalon Daily" published the next day.

One of the conversations related to the "Rebecca case" is recorded as follows:
George III: Emily visited me yesterday afternoon with a basket of tea while I was doing farm work in the garden.

George III: Later we drank tea and had snacks under the tree, and saw an ivy entwined on the tree. My naive daughter thought that the ivy tightly entwined with the big tree was like a man and woman in love, worthy of poetry and praise. But I had to tell her that the green vine is a harmful plant parasitic on the big tree. By absorbing the nutrients from the big tree, it makes itself bloom beautiful flowers, just like a blood-sucking insect. If it symbolizes love, it is also a kind of establishment. A sick love above inequality.

George III: I didn't mean to say something to upset Emily, but at her age, it's easy to have unrealistic romantic fantasies about love, and you don't realize your naivety until you hit a wall in the face of cruel reality , I hope my daughter can mature and learn to be strong before suffering setbacks, so in front of her, I tore off the ivy wrapped around the tree.


*King George III of Fizen: He lived a simple life and loved doing farm work in his spare time. He was nicknamed "Farmer King".

*Princess Emily: The youngest daughter of King George III, and the most beloved daughter of His Majesty the King.


Marquess Porter: My lord, your insights are not only beneficial to educating children, but also inspired me, reminding me of the "Fever v. Wenders Murder Case" that has caused a sensation in the city recently.

George III: I have also heard about this case. With the progress of the investigation, the revealed inside story can be described as twists and turns, which is surprising.

Marquis Potter: My lord, don't you think the relationship between Lord Wenders and his ex-wife Rebecca is a lot like a tree and ivy?It is obvious that the latter is attached to the former, but cruelly oppressing her husband, sucking blood from him, and blooming bewitching and poisonous flowers that attract bees and butterflies.

George III: My love's words are very agreeable to me. Fortunately, the truth of the case has been clarified, and Lord Wenders can finally get rid of the lawsuit of killing his wife and restore his reputation.

Marquis Potter: Your Majesty, so far, it is not a happy ending. In this case, there is still a clown who has not been punished.

George III: Ai Qing refers to Lieutenant Colonel Favell who falsely accused Lord Wenders of killing his wife?
Marquis Potter: Your Majesty, please forgive me for being so wordy, some details must be clarified.

Marquess Porter: First of all, Jack Feiffer's cousin, Rebecca, is immoral and contrary to human ethics. She has been fired from the army, deprived of all titles and honors, and is no longer an active cavalry officer; secondly, although I despise Fei Foer's character, but there is no evidence that he sued Lord Wenders knowing that his cousin died in an accident, so he was not guilty of false accusation.

GEORGE III: In other words, we can't impose a harsher punishment on Favre other than removing him from the military?
Marquis Porter: From a legal point of view, I'm afraid so.

George III: What a pity!Maybe we should do something to prevent this from happening again.

Marquis Porter: Your Majesty, my colleagues in the legal department and I have the same plan. It is time for legislation to fill the loophole of "adultery".

George III: Darling, under the banner of the Constitution, it is inconvenient for me to give instructions on the legislative process of the Parliament. This topic is covered here. Let us return to the original topic. body?
(End of this chapter)

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