Savior Simulator

Chapter 973 Autopsy Report

Chapter 973 Autopsy Report
In order to eliminate the suspicion of the Wenders couple colluding in the confession in advance, Lisa also intervened to ask questions from time to time, taking the opportunity to use the professional ability of the "Judger" to "lead the confession".

In addition, Lisa also blessed herself and Musk with a 3-ring magic spell "discerning lies", temporarily adding two insurances.

Under the double supervision of "leading the confession" and "identifying lies", there is still no sign of Mr. Wenders lying.

In terms of probability, the possibility of Maxim Wenders fabricating his confession is basically ruled out.

This result was somewhat beyond Musk's expectations.

Is Maxime Wenders really innocent?

With doubts, the two continued to insinuate.

As the conversation progressed, Mr. Wenders' resistance gradually disappeared, revealing an important detail that even Daphne didn't know:

Rebecca had several lovers during her lifetime, one of which was her cousin Jack Fever.

In fact, long before Rebecca married Maxime Wenders, the brother and sister had an affair, and they still maintained an affair after marriage.

Hearing this, Musk's heart suddenly brightened!
It is no wonder that after Rebecca's death, Jack Feiffer's reaction was the most violent, and he was the first to jump out to defend his cousin. It turned out that it was not only out of family affection, but mainly because of adultery.

Leaving the detention facility, Musk and Lisa returned home, and at the dinner table, reported to Judge Colter the outcome of their conversation with Maxim Wenders.

The judge calmly sliced ​​the confit duck breast, listened silently to his daughter and son-in-law, and gave the young man a suggestion.

"Musk, Lisa, if you want to clarify the truth for your friends, it is not enough to rely on the person's one-sided words. I suggest you talk to the forensic doctor, as well as the Holy See officials in charge of judicial psychic ceremonies. More reliable evidence support."

"Oh! Dad, you are so great! One sentence woke us up!" Lisa excitedly hugged her father and kissed him on the face.

Musk also looked at the teacher with a look of admiration, and had to admit that Jiang is still old and hot!
The next morning, Musk and Lisa went to the morgue.

After showing his lawyer's license and Judge Colter's recommendation letter, he successfully met Dr. Carter, the forensic doctor in charge of the "wife murder case".

Dr. Carter entertained the two young visitors and provided a detailed autopsy report.

An autopsy confirmed Mr. Wenders' statement was true. There were no gunshot wounds on Rebecca's body, and the fatal wound was in the back of the head.

With years of experience in the field, Dr. Carter concluded: "The deceased was probably knocked down by the recoil of the shotgun at the moment of shooting, and the back of his head happened to hit a sharp wooden wedge, resulting in his accidental death."

"Doctor, I heard that the deceased was pregnant?" Lisa asked a question she was most concerned about.

"Yes, I dissected the fetus. It was just three months pregnant. It was a boy. Alas, this poor little creature..."

Dr. Carter sighed and said casually: "I heard that Mr. Wenders was traveling abroad at that time, and the boy in her wife's womb should not be his own flesh and blood. I guess this is the cause of the conflict between the couple. Torch."

"Doctor, I'm sorry to hear that..."

"Miss, if you are also in my line of business, you won't be surprised by this kind of thing!" Dr. Carter said with a wry smile.

"Doctor, can you use technical means to find out the identity of the father of the fetus in Rebecca's womb?" Musk noticed that Dr. Carter frowned, and quickly explained: "I have no intention of inquiring into the privacy of the deceased, but in order to investigate the truth, Had to ask this potentially offensive question."

The doctor glanced at him, pondered for a long time before speaking.

"Mr. Lawyer, please forgive me for my ignorance and lack of knowledge, so I can't help you with this."

Musk felt a chill.

In fact, he could see that the doctor was not incapable of helping, but because of professional ethics, it was inconvenient to do so—unless a special order from the court was obtained.

However, since Rebecca died by accident, there is no so-called murderer in this case. It has nothing to do with the facts of the case to trace the identity of the father of the illegitimate child in the deceased's womb. The criminal court is not a tabloid. Gossip?
Just when Musk and Lisa were deeply disappointed, Dr. Carter smiled and hinted casually.

"What our forensic doctors can't do, the Holy See can easily handle. By the way, Miss Colter, I heard that you are a student of the venerable Mother Teresa?"

"Uh... I took her class in seminary and she was a very tough and good teacher."

"If I were you, I would talk to Mother Teresa. During the investigation of criminal cases, if you need to perform magical operations on the corpse, such as 'spiritualism', you must obtain the authorization of the Holy See, otherwise you will get a testimony Not recognized by the court, Mother Teresa is in charge of this, you know what I mean?"

"I understand! Doctor, thank you so much!" Lisa beamed with excitement, "I know what to do next!"

The next day, in the name of Maxim Wenders' defense lawyer, Musk formally issued a written application to the court and the Holy See, requesting to perform "spiritualism" on Rebecca's body, recall her soul back to the yang world, and let her The answer is that she died by murder or accident, and the fetus in her stomach, whose species is it?

The court and the Holy See approved the psychic ceremony, and the psychic ceremony was presided over by Lisa’s mentor in the seminary, the famous female abbot, and the chief inquisitor of the West End Cathedral, Mother Teresa. Lisa was also honored to be invited Serve as an assistant to the instructor.

This psychic ceremony was carried out under the supervision of officials from both the court and the Holy See.

Mother Teresa personally set up an altar and cast spells, successfully summoning the ghost of Rebecca Wenders, and asked several questions that only Rebecca herself could answer.

During the psychic ceremony, Rebecca's ghost admitted that she was indeed killed by accident, but she insisted that her husband's rough attitude towards her was the direct reason for her to raise the shotgun.

In addition, Rebecca's ghost also confessed that she had maintained a long-term underground relationship with four men during her lifetime, including her cousin Jack Feiffer.

Who is the father of the fetus in her belly?

Even Rebecca herself was not sure about this question.

Due to frequent promiscuity during conception, she is also afraid to say who the father of the child is.

Most likely Fevre, but never her husband's blood - Maxime Wenders was traveling abroad at the time and had separated a year earlier and had never been married to her since. relation.

(End of this chapter)

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