Savior Simulator

Chapter 975 Franchise Duel

Chapter 975 Franchise Duel
Marquess of Porter: I am afraid not, my lord, the law is not retroactive, this is an unshakable principle.

George III: Is there no other way to deliver justice and appease popular anger?
Marquis Porter: It's not that there are no solutions, it's just that there are disputes.Lord Wenders has commissioned his attorney to apply to the Circuit Court for a judicial duel with Jack Favre to settle the grievances between the two parties.But, as you know, the legal profession has always hated judicial duels, especially duels between litigants over jealousy.

George III: A husband who was insulted and hurt was almost framed by his wife's lover and imprisoned, and his title and property were almost stolen by his illegitimate son. How could it be described lightly as "jealous"?I don't want to listen to academics' empty talk, but I'm more interested in how pragmatic judges view this matter.

Marquess Porter: As I understand it, Judge George Colter, presiding judge, and his colleagues, intend to vote on whether this case should be particularly accommodating and allow a judicial duel between the parties involved.

Marquis Porter: Your Majesty, please allow me to explain that even if the judges pass this motion with a majority vote, due to its special nature, it cannot be cited as a case in similar cases that may occur in the future, otherwise we will revise the adultery law. Article is meaningless.

George III: I understand your painstaking efforts, my love. If the court approves a judicial duel, I think Feiffer, as a former cavalry officer, would fight in person if he still has a sense of shame and honor. As for Lord Wenders, he is just a thin and weak literati with a disability, so it may be inconvenient for him to fight in person.

Marquis Potter: In fact, Lord Wenders has hired a dueling agent, the young and famous Mr. Musk Justice.

George III: Ai Qing, you mentioned this young man's name in front of me, you must be very optimistic about him.

Marquess of Porter: Frankly speaking, my lord, I don't know Mr. Justice, but he is a friend of my son Paul, who admires his business ability and noble character very much.

George III: I hope your son is not mistaken.

(The conversation between the monarch and his ministers ends here)
The transcript of the conversation between His Majesty the King and the Minister of Justice, once published in the newspapers, has already indicated the tendency of the court and the cabinet.

Should the surrogates of Jack Favre and Maxim Wenders be given special approval for a judicial duel?
After a full day of intense discussions in the Avalon Circuit Court, thirteen judges participated in the vote.

The final result was seven votes to six, and the judicial duel was approved.

Judge Colter, cast a crucial affirmative vote.

On the second day after the voting results came out, Musk was in his office looking at the comments of major newspapers and periodicals on the matter. At this time, Lisa walked into the office with a flower basket in her hand.

"Oh! Honey, thank you for sending me the flowers!" Musk took the flower basket from his fiancee, "I am very touched, but also feel the pressure. If I lose the duel on the weekend, wouldn't I be sorry for this loving and loving dog?" A basket of blessings."

" are just so sentimental!" Lisa sighed, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, "Honey, I'm so sorry, I didn't buy this flower basket."

"Ah? This..."

Musk looked astonished, and quickly lowered his head to check the flower basket, and took out a letter and a card from a large clump of sunflowers.

The signature on the envelope was the Little Marquess of Porter.

The card reads "I wish the Musk brothers a successful start", and the signature is: all my colleagues in the club.

"Musk, don't you think it's strange that this flower basket was given to you by a certain club without specifying which club?" Lisa smiled and said pointedly: "Unless this club Ah, I can't see the light."

Musk has only joined two clubs in total, one is the "Avalon Legal Club" and the other is the "Hellfire Club" with Paul Porter as the referrer.

The Legal Club is a typical elite circle, its members are all well-known figures in the legal industry, and they have certain influence in the judicial and even political circles.

Becoming a member of the Legal Club is a kind of honor and a symbol of social status. It can be printed on the business card generously, wishing to be known by everyone, how can it not be seen?

On the contrary, the "Hellfire Club" will be out of the question.

Although most of the members of this club are from the powerful class, and their influence is even higher than that of the Legal Club, but the main purpose of the club is to engage in pornography, drink heavily, and mock current affairs, which is not tolerated by secular morality, and of course it is inconvenient to publicize it.

"I guess... this flower basket was probably sent by friends from the Hellfire Club." Musk said bravely.

"The Hellfire Club's favorite activity is to gather those dissolute aristocratic men and women together to have sex?" Lisa sneered and mocked, "The 'Adult Club' will attack an adulterer who used to be one of them, will Won't you be too ungrateful?"

"Honey, you can't say that." Musk bit the bullet and defended: "The Hellfire Club is indeed promiscuous, but these activities that violate world morality must also be based on the principle of what you like and what you want. They are all playing their own game, and there is no element of deceit or betrayal, and the affair between Feffer and Rebecca broke this unspoken rule."

"What is even more intolerable is that Fevre and Rebecca tried to use their illegitimate son to steal the title and property of the Wenders family and cut off the bloodline inheritance of the Wenders family. This is the most hated thing in the upper class. conspiracy."

"The dignitaries of the Hellfire Club will break out in a cold sweat when they think that the same conspiracy may happen to them. Of course, they are willing to use my hand to clean up the house."

"What you said is not unreasonable, but I remember that since you stood up for Captain Dreyfus last time and defeated Henry Frame, a member of the Hellfire Club, in the duel field, you have offended this circle. Why did they suddenly change their position and show their favor to you?" Lisa asked suspiciously.

Musk thought for a moment and guessed: "Probably Paul Porter said some good things for me in the club, which made everyone change their views on me."

"First of all, I have to admit that Lord Potter is a very good friend. If he hadn't spoken well for you in front of his father, the Minister of Justice, your name would not have appeared in the conversation between His Majesty the King and the Minister of Justice. When it was published in the newspaper, it immediately became a popular celebrity."

"But having said that, I really hate the sensual circle of the Hellfire Club! My dear, even if they throw an olive branch at you, you don't want to go to that kind of dirty party anymore, okay?" Li Sha held her fiancé's hand, her eyes full of anticipation.

(End of this chapter)

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