Savior Simulator

Chapter 965 Daphne

Chapter 965 Daphne

Lawyer Cunningham had a look of disappointment in his eyes, as if he had realized that he couldn't extract anything more valuable from the young man's mouth, so he turned to strike up a conversation with someone else.

Early the next morning, as soon as Musk arrived at the office, Lisa hurried into his office with the morning newspaper.

After taking a look at the newspaper handed by his fiancee, Musk's face immediately darkened.

"According to a person in the legal circle who cannot be named, Mr. Musk Justice, who has recently risen to fame, believes that Maxime Wenders is highly suspected of murdering his wife..."

"Damn Cunningham! I never said that!"

Musk was so angry that he threw the newspaper on the table.

"Honey, maybe you should talk to Dad. He can give you some useful pointers in dealing with tabloid reporters and litigators...well, I mean in dealing with peers."

Lisa comforted her fiancé softly.

Musk nodded and hurried to the courthouse.

"Master, at the club banquet yesterday, you found out that Cunningham was uneasy, right?"

"Yes, my child." Judge Colter adjusted his reading glasses and looked at the young man calmly.

"Why didn't you remind me to beware of that slippery head in time?" Musk asked inexplicably.

"Because I want you to suffer." Judge Colt said calmly, "I was young too, and I know what young people think. Even if I tell you something by your ear a hundred times, you won't know it at all. Keep it in your heart, only when you have stumbled, you will know how deep the water in this industry is.”

"Teacher, please forgive my naivety for making such a stupid mistake!" Musk blamed himself and felt guilty.

Judge Colt patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you suffer a loss, just learn from it, Musk, the question Cunningham raised yesterday, I want to ask you again, if Maxim Wenders Mister asked you to be his dueling agent, will you take over this business?"

Musk thought about it carefully, and frankly expressed his true thoughts: "Teacher, unless Maxim Wenders completely clears himself of the suspicion of killing his wife, no matter how much money he pays me, I don't want to be with him. deal with people!"

Judge Colt nodded and did not continue the topic.

Musk originally thought that the matter would be exposed, but he never expected that the situation would develop in a more dramatic direction.

That afternoon, Miss Lisa walked into his office with a letter, with a strange expression on her face.

"Lisa, what's going on?" Musk asked his fiancée.

"My dear, you know that I am very interested in painting. I once studied in an off-campus studio for a while. At that time, there was a senior girl named Daphne in the studio. Not only was she outstanding in painting skills, but she was also a very kind person. She cared about painting and life. I am the only bosom friend I made in the studio."

Musk nodded and listened to her continue.

"Just now, I received a letter from Daphne, inviting me and you to attend a masquerade party at her house this weekend."

"It's a masquerade party again..." Musk couldn't help but recall the "Hellfire Club", and his face became a little weird.

"Honey, you don't want to accompany me to visit friends?"

"That's not true, Lisa, your friend is holding a dance, of course we have to join in, this Miss Daphne, which wealthy family is she from?"

If it weren't for a wealthy family, the family couldn't afford to hold a masquerade party.

"Daphne's family is not very rich, but she was lucky enough to marry a handsome nobleman, and now she has become the hostess of Mandali Manor. Of course, she has the capital to dominate the social arena." Lisa smiled. Said non-smilingly.

"Manderley Manor...wait a minute!" Musk stood up from the chair in surprise, "Isn't your studio classmate Maxim Wenders' new wife?"

Lisa nodded slightly and replied in a low voice: "I didn't know until today that Daphne, who is 19 years old, married Maxim Wenders, who is 20 years older than her and enough to be his father. Has become the second Mrs. Wenders."

Musk doesn't want to comment on other people's marriages, but deep in his heart he doesn't take this pair of "old and young couples" seriously. He is increasingly suspicious that Mr. Wenders loves the new and dislikes the old, and abandons his wife, while Daphne is a gold digger who wants to climb high.

This couple, one is greedy for beauty, the other is greedy to marry into a wealthy family, will they jointly kill Mr. Wenders' first wife, Rebecca?
This idea emerged from Musk's mind.

He raised his doubts to his fiancée in a more reserved way.

In fact, Lisa also had the same suspicion, but looking back on the time she spent with Daphne in the studio, she felt that Daphne, a kind and weak person, really didn't look like a femme fatale who could kill someone cruelly.

Of course, she also admitted that people can change, and Daphne, who married into a wealthy family, may no longer be the literary girl she was familiar with before.

Both Musk and Lisa were very interested in the mystery of Rebecca Wenders' death, so they decided to accept Daphne's invitation to visit Manderley Manor by taking the opportunity to attend the masquerade ball, and perhaps they could learn more from Daphne. More secrets about the case.

The next evening, Musk and Lisa came to Manderley Manor.

The night-shrouded manor was brightly lit, and it was indeed as luxurious and majestic as in the legend. However, not many guests came to the banquet tonight, and the huge banquet hall seemed a little deserted.

The new hostess of Mandala Manor, Mrs. Daphne Wenders, wore a gorgeous tunic evening dress and greeted the guests in person at the door of the living room, followed by a middle-aged woman dressed like the housekeeper of the manor.

After meeting, Daphne couldn't help running over excitedly to hug Lisa, which shows that she really regards Lisa as a bosom friend.

At this time, the housekeeper behind Daphne coughed heavily, as if reminding the host not to get too excited, which would be demeanor and decency.

Daphne heard her coughing, as if she had been shocked by an electric shock, she quickly let go of her hand, took a step away from Lisa, put on the airs of a lady in a serious manner, and welcomed her and Musk as a guest as usual, with the expression on her face The smile seemed a little stiff.

Musk has experienced the transformation from the bottom of society to the elite class. Similar life experiences enable him to understand Daphne’s mentality of “turning a sparrow into a phoenix” better than Lisa.

Musk can see that Daphne, a sparrow flying high, has not yet adapted to the change of role, and has to play the role of Mrs. Wenders according to the guidance of the butler, just like an actress with poor acting skills, she is still Lisa in her bones The weak and inferior literary girl I knew before.

(End of this chapter)

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