Savior Simulator

Chapter 966 The sparrow turns into a phoenix

Chapter 966 The sparrow turns into a phoenix

If Daphne and Mr. Wenders murdered Rebecca together, then Daphne should be an ambitious, possessive, and determined woman. Power, when facing the friends you made before your prosperity, you must at least show a sense of superiority that is not what it used to be, or even complacent.

Yet Musk sees no such emotion in Daphne.

She is not yet psychologically prepared to become the hostess of Manderley Manor, and she seems to be in an ignorant state of drifting with the crowd and being pushed away by others. Such a little woman like a marionette does not meet the requirements of the "little three superior" "The general image of the femme fatale.

Did I guess wrong, Daphne was not involved in the murder of Rebecca?

Musk couldn't help but cast doubt on his own judgment.

Lisa didn't have such complicated thoughts as him, and was more interested in how a girl from a commoner family like Daphne married into a wealthy family.

Under her curious questioning, Daphne shyly revealed her love history with her husband.

"Lisa, you won't believe it. My acquaintance with Maxim was completely due to a misunderstanding. In retrospect, I feel so ridiculous!"

"This summer, I was sketching by the sea as usual, and I saw a handsome middle-aged gentleman standing on the headland cliff, staring straight at the choppy sea, motionless for a long time, like a statue with a gloomy face .”

Lisa smiled embarrassingly, her eyes revealed the dreamy brilliance unique to women in love.

"At first I thought he looked handsome. Think about it, a well-dressed gentleman with steep cliffs and rough seas at his feet. Isn't this a living masterpiece of romanticism? So I picked up my sketchbook and Draw this scene."

"However, when I was painting, the model, who knew nothing about my little thoughts, suddenly took two steps forward, the toe of the shoe almost touched the edge of the cliff, looking up from where I was, his whole body It seems to be suspended in the air, and may slip and fall down at any time!"

"At that moment, I suddenly realized that this man was not the protagonist of any romantic painting, but a real person! Judging from his gloomy expression, his heart is obviously full of sorrow!"

"He stood on the cliff looking at the raging sea, not to put on a handsome pose for me to paint, but more like thinking about one of the most serious issues in the world: whether he should jump off the cliff to end his life and distressed!"

"I was terrified by the thoughts that popped up in my mind. I quickly dropped my paintbrush and ran up the cliff like a madman. While running, I called out to the strange man, begging him to calm down, and don't commit suicide hastily!"

"I ran to the cliff out of breath, comforted him out of breath, and tried to persuade him to give up the urge to commit suicide."

"The man turned around and silently listened to me say a lot of childish and ridiculous nonsense. His tense expression finally loosened and he showed a smile..."

"After that, he said his name, oh, my dear Maxim Wenders, and invited me, a silly little girl, to a restaurant by the sea for coffee."

"So you just got acquainted like this, and you came and went and developed feelings?" Lisa said with emotion from the bottom of her heart, "Daphne, this is really a romantic encounter, and it can be put on the stage of drama without modification!"

"Oh, Lisa, my dear friend, I also hope that the love between myself and Maxim is as beautiful as a drama, but our life is not a drama, and there will always be various unsatisfactory places in reality, such as Maxim proposing to me At the time, I didn't know that he was the owner of Manderley Manor."

"I guess he wanted to surprise you," Lisa said.

"For me, however, it was more of a shock."

Daphne sighed, her expression complicated.

"I thought my lover was just an ordinary person, but I didn't expect it to be... Sigh, it is not easy for a pair of lovers with disparity in social status to cross this gap and get married. On stage, it often ends in tragedy."

"It can be seen, Mrs. Wenders, you haven't fully adapted to the change of status, just like Cinderella who just walked into the palace."

Musk interjected.

Daphne nodded sympathetically, and was about to vomit bitterness on this issue, when suddenly there was a heavy coughing sound behind her.

She turned her head in a panic, looked at the housekeeper with a gloomy expression, couldn't help shivering, and quickly swallowed the thoughts that came to her lips.

"Daphne, may I ask who is this lady...?"

Lisa looked curiously at the middle-aged woman behind Daphne.

She is about 40 years old, thin and tall, wearing dark black clothes.High cheekbones, sunken eye sockets, and a pale complexion make him look like a vampire.

"Oh! Lisa, look what a fool I am! I forgot to introduce you and Mr. Justice. This is Mrs. Danvers, the steward of Manderley Park. Thanks to her careful attention, I have overcome those problems. A bad habit that will embarrass her husband in the social arena." Daphne said.

"You are flattering, ma'am, I am just a dutiful servant, and I dare not teach you how to do things." Mrs. Danvers said coldly, "As for the taste in dressing, the etiquette of entertaining guests, and the most important The sense of proportion, these are the training that upper class women receive from childhood, and for a real lady, it is as natural as breathing."

"Of course I am not a lady, but I have had the honor of being by the side of Rebecca Danvers for 20 years. Her refined taste is impeccable. Now I pass on this valuable knowledge to you, and I am doing my best. obligation."

"You are too modest, dear Mrs. Danvers! Everyone praises you as the most capable woman in Manderley Manor. If you lose your management, the whole manor will be paralyzed like a carriage whose axles have been pulled out! Daphne's face flushed with excitement, "I will make up for my missing noble education as soon as possible, maybe one day you will find that I can do as well as Rebecca was alive, or even better!"

"I hope so."

Mrs. Danvers appeared to be well-behaved in front of the hostess, but Musk still noticed that there was an imperceptible sneer of contempt at the corner of her mouth.

"Madam, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you to entertain distinguished guests. The ball is about to begin, and I have to prepare your outfit for tonight."

"Thank you, Mrs. Danvers. I will accompany my friends to the gallery and appreciate the famous paintings collected by the Wenders family. To be honest, I can relax more there than in the living room."

(End of this chapter)

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