Savior Simulator

Chapter 964 The Wife Murder Case

Chapter 964 The Wife Murder Case
The police invited a forensic doctor to do an autopsy, and they came to an even more shocking conclusion—the deceased was three months pregnant.

While the police were still investigating the case, the news was published by the newspaper and immediately caused a sensation in the city.

Not long after, new developments in the case appeared in the newspaper.

Although the woman's body had been soaked in seawater and her body was swollen, with the efforts of the forensic doctor and the police, her face was restored, and she was convinced that she was Mrs. Rebecca Wenders who disappeared at sea alone two months ago. !

Mr. Wenders was notified by the police and went to identify the body, which he admitted was indeed his missing ex-wife.

However, just as Mr. Wenders was about to take his dead wife's body back home for burial, a tall man in military uniform suddenly broke into the morgue, accusing Mr. Wenders of murdering Rebecca with a face full of indignation, and asked the police to stop her. He took the corpse away to prevent this cold-blooded wife murderer from destroying the corpse!
The man who accused Mr. Wenders was actually a frequent visitor to Manderley Manor.

His name was Jack Favre, an active-duty cavalry lieutenant colonel nicknamed "Sledgehammer," and a cousin of Rebecca Wenders.

Lieutenant Colonel Feiffer showed the officer a letter written to him by his cousin more than two months ago.

In this letter, Rebecca revealed that she was pregnant and was very happy that Manderley Manor had an heir, and invited her cousin to the manor as a guest.

However, not long after Lieutenant Colonel Feiffer received this letter, he learned that his cousin was missing in a boat alone at night, and he became suspicious in addition to his grief.

As we all know, Rebecca was an excellent sailing athlete during her lifetime.

It is true that she loves adventure, but she also pays great attention to maintaining her body. It is absolutely impossible for her to take the risk of sailing alone on the sea when she has already had a pregnancy reaction.

This is not only a joke about your own health, but also a huge risk to the unborn baby in the womb, and no sane woman would do such a stupid thing.

What's more, Rebecca also confessed in the letter to her cousin that because she is pregnant, she will have to spend the next half a year on raising a baby, and it is a pity that she has to miss this year's sailing championship.

Now that he has decided not to participate in the competition, why is it necessary to take the risk of sailing out to sea alone in the middle of the night for training?

From this, Lieutenant Colonel Feiffer deduced a conclusion: Mr. Wenders was lying, and there was something else hidden about the death of his cousin!
Although he has already become suspicious, after all, there is no evidence and no evidence, so it is inconvenient to publicly accuse Mr. Wenders, so he can only investigate secretly.

Until he read the report about his cousin's body in the newspaper, and learned that her sailboat had been tampered with and her body had fatal trauma, Lieutenant Colonel Favell finally couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed to the police station to report the case for her. Cousin redressed.

Lieutenant Colonel Favell's complaint turned Rebecca's death into a public event.

Under the pressure of public opinion, the police refused to allow Mr. Wenders to take away his dead wife's body, and restarted the investigation.

The impulsive Lieutenant Colonel Fevre couldn't wait for the law to bring justice, and decided to seek justice for his cousin, so he submitted an application to the court, requesting a judicial duel with Mr. Wenders.

At the legal club's dining table, Musk sat next to Judge Colter, listening intently to his peers discussing the case.

At this time, a lawyer turned around and asked Judge Colt: "Sir, I heard that Lieutenant Colonel Feiffer's application for a judicial duel has been submitted to the court. Will you approve this duel?"

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Cunningham, I have to study it carefully with my colleagues, and it's hard to say at the moment." Judge Colt prevaricated skillfully.

Cunningham shrugged disappointedly, and suddenly turned to look at the young Musk: "Mr. Justice, what do you think of Rebecca's death? Do you think it was an accident or murder?"

Musk is very clear that as a newcomer, he should be cautious in his words and deeds on such occasions. However, affected by the atmosphere of heated discussions at the dinner table, he finally couldn't hold back.

"Mr. Cunningham, based on the current clues, I am more inclined to believe that Rebecca died in a murder."

"Excellent, Mr. Justice, I think so too!"

Mr. Cunningham laughed happily, as if he was very relieved to find a soulmate.

"Mr. Justice, have you noticed that Maxim Wenders remarried just two months after his wife disappeared, and married a young and beautiful female college student? Is the behavior of the husband in it? Obviously not!"

"I also think Mr. Wenders is too anxious to find a new love. Of course, we can't rule out the possibility of love at first sight." Musk replied cautiously.

"Compared to love at first sight, I suspect that Mr. Wenders and his new love have been in contact for a long time. Only because his wife found out that he was cheating on him, he murdered his wife cruelly. He faked the murder scene and lied that she went to sea alone at night and disappeared. .”

"It does exist, Mr. Cunningham, and your reasoning is very convincing."

Musk agrees with Cunningham's lawyer's speculation, but there is no conclusive evidence to accuse Mr. Wenders of killing his wife.

"Think of poor Rebecca, with a baby in her belly, and a dead body and two lives! What a crime!" sighed Cunningham. "Mr Custis, do you think there is such a thing?" Perhaps, when Mr. Wenders' little lover learned that Rebecca was pregnant and was about to give birth to a young master for Manderley Manor, even if she gave Mr. Wenders a son in the future, it would only be an illegitimate child without inheritance rights. "

"In order to reverse this unfavorable situation and replace Rebecca as the legal mistress of Manderley Manor, she has sufficient motivation to instigate her lover to murder her pregnant wife, and she may even be involved in the murder."

"Both the adulterer and the adulterer have blood on their hands, and they are holding each other's handles tightly. Then they must get married in a flash!"

Attorney Cunningham laughed.

Musk also forced a smile. The more he thought about the case, the more he felt a chill down his spine, and a wave of righteous indignation came from the bottom of his heart.

"Mr. Justice, as far as I know our venerable Mr. Wenders is a thin lame man, and his opponent, Jack Favre, is a known duelist. If Judge Colter Favre's duel application is approved, and Mr. Wenders intends to ask you to be his dueling agent, are you willing to accept this commission?" Lawyer Cunningham asked with great interest.

"Honestly, I don't want to get involved..." Before Musk could finish his sentence, Judge Colt's cough suddenly sounded in his ear, and he was shocked, and quickly turned around, "Well, let's see the situation before we talk about it." .”

(End of this chapter)

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