Savior Simulator

Chapter 904 Air Cushion Gunship

Chapter 904 Air Cushion Gunship
With a loud noise, a large ball of fire suddenly exploded on the river, mud and gunpowder smoke covered the sky.

Four motorboats were blown up on the spot, and the mercenaries on board were either killed or seriously injured.

The two motorboats a little further away were not directly hit by the bomb, but were quickly swept by the waves stirred up by the shock wave and turned upside down one after another.

The mercenaries on the two motorboats climbed out of the boats upside down on the river and swam to the shallow water in a panic.

The overturned motorboat, the fuel tank was ruptured, and the leaked diesel oil spread on the water surface, reflecting the setting sun and showing colorful luster.

The dozen or so mercenaries on the river who were eager to escape by paddling were also covered with diesel oil.

On the catamaran, the special police officers seized the opportunity to beat the dogs in the water, and cast "burning fire", "sacred fire", "scorching rays" and "scorching rays" one after another to attack the van der Waals mercenaries on the river, and ignited the diesel on them by the way.

All the mercenaries who fell into the water turned into Pyromen, screaming and drifting with the waves, and eventually they could not escape the fate of being burned alive.

A "magic torpedo" sank six of the enemy's motorboats. Ma Yun was quite satisfied with the result at first, but after a short while she regretted that she shot too early - she should have saved the magic torpedo for the follow-up "Big Fish".

Through the diffuse gunpowder smoke, Gao Fei and the others saw a surprisingly large ship sailing towards this side. On the wide deck, there was even a turret covered with armor!

Around the gunboat, there were 14 motorboats escorting them, forming a fleet, approaching aggressively.

Wang Daqing watched the gunboat opposite through the binoculars, and couldn't help but swear.

"Grandma, bear! Van der Waals is really rich and powerful! It is too exaggerated to install a 127mm gun turret with a dual-purpose turret on the patrol boat!"

The majestic gunboat, with a visual tonnage of no less than 200 tons, ran across the swamp like a steel monster.

In contrast, the catamaran that Gao Fei and others took looked like a toy regardless of its tonnage or equipment level.

"Everyone, don't panic!" Qi Tianqiang tried to calm down, "The enemy's gunboats are too big and the draft is too deep. If they break into the waters where we are, they will immediately run aground in the mud and cannot move. There is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Xiao Tian, ​​you really..." Wang Daqing looked at Qi Tian speechlessly, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "Please open your eyes and take a closer look - that is a cute hovercraft! You actually expect the hovercraft to run aground in shallow water , I really don’t know what to say about you!”

"Ah? This..." Xiao Qi's face was full of confusion, "Maybe it's possible... I'm crowed again, does that mean?"

"It's not your fault." Gao Fei patted Qi Tian on the shoulder, and laughed at himself wryly: "To be honest, it's the first time I've seen a hovercraft with my own eyes today. I didn't expect it to be so huge, and it can also install a turret!"

"What's so special about installing a turret? The hovercraft can also install tanks!"

Wang Daqing also wanted to introduce the difference between the sidewall hovercraft and the full-lift hovercraft to the military blind around him. Now that he has no time to spare, he quickly blessed his teammates with "buoyancy blessings" and prepared to abandon the ship and run away.

At this time, the enemy gunboat, driven by the high-pressure airflow, flew almost close to the water surface, causing waves on the river surface, crushing the sand and aquatic plants, and rushing into the shallow water area with a domineering attitude, without affecting the speed at all.

The turret on the ship turned slowly, aimed at the catamaran, and could launch shelling at any time.

"Brother Pep, put the boat away!" Tangning said eagerly, "We need to find a place to hide."

Pep nodded, chanting a spell to shrink the catamaran, and everyone fell on the water.

Gao Fei turned on the "invisible ball", led his teammates to walk on waves, and got into a dense mangrove forest near the river.

At this time, the roar of a motor came from the sky.

Gao Fei looked up at the sky and saw four drones circling at low altitude, and the camera on the fuselage was flashing red.

"Damn! Infrared detector!" Wang Daqing looked at the drone hovering above his head, showing horror, and eagerly reminded his companions: "Invisibility magic can't fool the drone's thermal imaging lens, we'd better disperse and go on the spot Lie down, hide in muddy water, reduce the body's heat radiation level!"

Gao Fei didn't make a sound, but his heart was deeply touched.

In the game between magic and technology, this was the first time he realized that the latter could also have the upper hand.

Qi Tian made a gesture and ordered the spider angel to perform "Spider of All Things", using driftwood on the water and scrapped motorboats as materials, to create 12 large-scale spiders, and rush out to lure the drone away.

These poor cannon fodder were soon bombarded by gunboats.

Mahogany spiders or iron spiders are vulnerable to the indiscriminate bombing of 127mm two-battery naval guns.

The air-cushioned gunboat exerted fire suppression, and the motorboat troops marched in parallel. Under the guidance of the drone, they swept towards the mangrove forest where the special police were hiding.

Transforming into a flock of birds of paradise, Tang Ning flew into the sky, singing like a gust of wind, and commanded the thirteen creeping monsters she had charmed to form a line of defense to seal off the river.

The enemy's motorboat was temporarily blocked, but under the bombardment of the naval guns, the defense line formed by the creeping monsters could not last long.

"Let's split up and act!" Jiang Feng initiated a proposal in the Xingpan team channel, "Gao Fei and I tried to sneak into the gunboat and seize control, and the others stayed here to deal with the enemy."

"Sister Feng, in addition to the mercenaries, the third-ranked apostle 'captain' Datai of the Holy Blood Knights, and his partner Mud Angel, are probably also on that air cushion gunboat. You and Fei Ge are going to seize the ship too. Take the risk, I will go with you!"

Ma Yun volunteered.

Ma Tao glared at his younger sister, trying to persuade her not to die, but felt that saying such things at a critical moment would be too selfish.

He didn't want his sister to risk her life, so Gao Fei and Jiang Feng deserved to risk their lives?
Everyone is a teammate who was born and died together. You can't say that your sister's life is more precious than the lives of other teammates, right?

After a little hesitation, Ma Tao turned to Gao Fei and Jiang Feng and suggested that he also join the team responsible for capturing the gunboat.

Although he didn't admit it, everyone could see that Ma Tao volunteered to take care of his lively sister nearby.

Gao Fei opened the 10-foot "invisibility ball" around his body, and held Jiang Feng and Ma Tao's hands respectively.

Jiang Feng held Ma Yun with the other hand and nodded at her.

Ma Yun made a spell-casting gesture and recited a mantra that symbolizes "roads and passage".


A circle of silver halo rose from the ground, enveloped the four of them, and disappeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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