Savior Simulator

Chapter 903 Captain's Team

Chapter 903 Captain's Team

The powerful shock wave was transmitted in the muddy water, setting off a muddy wave.

The sprawling monsters around were like small boats swaying in the raging waves, they were all overturned in an instant, and pushed far away by the waves.

Angel Mane was also impacted by the torrent, and the tree trunk, which was hit hard by Ma Tao's gun before, split in two with a click.

The upper half was floating on the water, but the body to which the lower half belonged was a blessing in disguise. It took the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement of Pep and Gao Fei, dived at a high speed, and plunged into the soft river bed.

Pep's reaction wasn't slow either. He immediately turned into a large earth elemental form, chasing the sprawling angels and sinking to the bottom of the water, diving into the depths of the mud layer.

Large-scale earth elementals are better at digging and escaping than the sprawling angels, and their power is two points higher than that of the sprawling monsters. They sneak under the sprawling angels first, grab the roots of the sprawling angels with both hands and push upwards, forcefully The top out of the river bed!

Man Angel was forced to suspend in the water, unable to reach the sky or the ground, he panicked!
In desperation, the monster became fierce and bent down to open the tree hole, intending to emit a lightning storm and bombard the large earth elemental below it.

Gao Fei was the first to throw out the vine, entangled the vine angel, strangled the tree hole closed, and forcefully held back a mouthful of lightning.

The scrambling monsters that were overturned by the shock wave had already got up and gathered here again.

Sensing the changes on the battlefield, Gao Fei knew that he had to fight quickly, so he immediately transformed into a red dragon form, activated "Righteous Qi Like a Rainbow", his body suddenly doubled in size, and his strength attribute soared to 46 points!
The dragon's claws hold on to the vine angel, and the high-flying wings take off!

Pep cooperates with Goofy underwater and pushes up the vine angel.

With two pushes together, Man Angel was forced out of the water, and was involuntarily lifted into the air by the red dragon, struggling desperately, but unable to break free from the powerful dragon claws.

Gao Fei soared over the swamp, found a relatively dry place, and threw the vine angel down, causing the tree trunk to crack and ooze bloody slurry.

The dying Man Angel collapsed on the muddy ground, unable to struggle.

Goofy landed and turned back into a human form.

Not long after, other teammates rushed over.

Ma Yun circled around the vine angel, picked a purple berry bigger than a fist from it, smelled it curiously, there was a faint fragrance, pinched it, the texture was relatively hard, and used the astrolabe After appraising it and confirming that it is not toxic, I want to stuff it in my mouth.

Jiang Feng hurriedly stopped Xiao Ma and warned her not to eat indiscriminately: "This kind of fruit is sour, astringent, and hard. It tastes like chewing wood. You'd better not try it!"

"Sister Feng, how do you know what the fruit of the vine angel tastes like?" Ma Yun asked suspiciously.

"I just tasted..."

"Oh! You really deserve to be Sister Feng!"

"Ahem...Xiao Yun, the vine angel is a mutated plant, and there is no blood to draw, what should I do?" Jiang Feng changed the subject awkwardly.

"That's not easy, just remove some parts from it!"

Ma Yun broke off a branch from Man Angel and sent it to Vader's laboratory, where all its data could still be analyzed.

While waiting for the laboratory to send back the analysis report, Gao Fei got in touch with the station manager, applied for permission, packed and sent the Man Angel to Tianji Station, and locked it in the Tropical Wetland Reserve.

There are still many sprawling monsters on the water surface, and they seem at a loss without their leaders.

Qi Tian was gearing up, calling on his teammates to beat up these motherless children and turn them into experience points.

Tangning waved her hand to stop Qi Tian, ​​and said after thinking, "Don't kill these creeping monsters, I have a better way to use them."

After all, she flew above the water, and finally she could sing "Song of the Wild" unhindered.

After singing the song, Tangning successfully charmed thirteen creeping monsters and led them to swim to an area with open water.

There were also seven creeping monsters that resisted Tangning's charm, but they also paid the price with their lives.

Pep put the magic boat on the water, chanted the spell to enlarge, called his teammates to board the boat, and continued to cross the ashen swamp, heading towards the direction of the Savannah Valley.

Tang Ning ordered sixteen sprawling monsters to escort the catamaran, and said to Gao Fei with a smile, "When we reach the Savannah Valley, let these sprawling monsters take the lead and attack the checkpoints entering the mountain to attract the attention of Van der Waal's mercenaries. We took advantage of the chaos to sneak past, and it can be regarded as maximizing the remaining value of the scrambling monster."

"Sister Tang, this is indeed a good idea, but it really doesn't sound like it came from a leftist progressive young woman who believed in Marxism. I even smelled the vicious breath of an unscrupulous capitalist." Gao Fei laughed Keep complaining.

Tangning rolled his eyes at him, and retorted confidently, "I treat my comrades as warm as spring, and my enemies as cruel and ruthless as capitalists. What's wrong with that?"

"That's right! You're absolutely right!" Gao Fei echoed with a smile.

At this time, there was a sudden roar of a motor ahead.

Across the swaying reeds, many military motorboats can be vaguely seen galloping, and there are no less than 20 of them by visual inspection.

In addition to the rider, there are four soldiers wearing camouflage uniforms and carrying submachine guns on each motorboat.

"Fuck! It's Van der Waal's mercenary team again, these guys are really haunted!" Qi Tian cursed.

"That's 'Captain' Datai's water patrol team!" Tangning stared at the water ahead and said in a deep voice, "Be careful, everyone, there is still a tough battle waiting for us!"

Ma Tao stood at the bow of the boat, smoking a cigarette, looking at the mercenary team riding the wind and waves from a distance: "Sister Tang, send out the group of sprawling monsters you charmed to entangle the Van der Waals mercenary team, and let's wait for the opportunity to take action, which can save a lot of money." A lot of strength."

"Wait a minute!" Ma Yun interrupted her brother's words, and said excitedly: "Everyone, don't rush to do it, let me give them a shot first!"

"The richest man, what bad idea did you come up with?" Gao Fei asked classmate Xiao Ma.

"Hey! I have a good stuff here, and it just comes in handy now. It's a big surprise for those mercenaries!"

Ma Yun dug out the "magic torpedo" left over from the previous bombing of the pumice fortress from the astrolabe, removed the fixed-depth lead block, put it in the water, and cast a spell to activate the propeller.

The blades hummed and rotated, pushing the torpedo disguised as a large piece of pumice to sail at high speed on the river, quickly approaching the oncoming water patrol.

Six motorboats cleared the way ahead.

The mercenary driving the boat noticed the trail of waves dragging behind the pumice, and hurriedly turned the rudder, trying to avoid the floating objects suspected of mines.

This area seems to have an open water surface, but it is actually very confusing. The river channel that is really safe for ships to navigate is less than 20 meters wide.

There are sparse aquatic plants growing on both sides of the river, the water level is very shallow, and thick sediment is deposited.

The motorboat driver only cared about avoiding suspicious floating objects, but rushed into shallow water, and the motorboat got stuck in the sand and couldn't move.

At the same time, the magic torpedo had drifted to the middle of the river, sensed the surrounding enemies, and exploded suddenly!
(End of this chapter)

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