Savior Simulator

Chapter 905 Mud Angel

Chapter 905 Mud Angel

"Any Door" sent Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, and Ma Yun collectively to 320 meters away, and the landing point was located in the aquatic plants.

The teleportation magic didn't break the invisibility effect, nor did it alert the van der Waals mercenaries patrolling nearby in motorboats.

Ma Yun opened the "Any Door" again, and took Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, and Ma Tao to teleport for more than 200 meters. This time, the landing point was on the deck of the enemy gunboat.

Unexpectedly, the deck was empty, and even the turret stopped firing immediately after everyone boarded the ship, falling into a strange silence.

All kinds of abnormal signs made Gao Fei a little uneasy.

I and my three companions are still under the protection of the "Invisibility Sphere", and there is no drone monitoring nearby, so there should be no signs of exposure. Why did the naval gun suddenly stop firing?

Is it just a coincidence.

Gao Fei looked around, but couldn't even see a mercenary.

"Let's split up, I'll control the turret, and you take Brother Tao and the richest man to raid the cabin." Gao Fei whispered to his girlfriend.

"The quietness on the boat is abnormal. There may be an ambush. Be careful."

Jiang Nvxia, who had a well-developed perception, also had an ominous premonition, told her boyfriend, and left with the Ma brothers and sisters.

Gao Fei walked to the turret alone, put on the "mage mask" and "thief mask", used the thief skills to pry open the hatch, and first sprinkled a handful of "flash dust" in.

Under normal circumstances, no matter whether the mercenaries in the turret are blinded by the "flash dust", at least they will react, such as exclaiming or shooting back.

However, to his surprise, there was deathly silence in the turret.

no?Not a single ghost, what's the situation? !
Goofy felt inexplicably terrified.

Gathering his mind, he peeked into the turret with his head.

There was no one in the cramped cabin.

There was a layer of shimmering dust on the empty floor, seats and sights, and there was no trace of someone staying there.

This is strange.

There is not even a gunner in the turret. Who fired the gun before?

Gao Fei glanced at the fire control radar that was still in operation, and thought to himself, could it be that someone fired the gun remotely, just like the ground personnel controlling the high-altitude drone to launch missiles?
He doesn't know whether such military technology exists in reality, and he can only guess like this until he finds a more logical explanation.

When he was wondering secretly, Xingpan sent a communication reminder.

"Gao Fei, how is your situation?" Jiang Feng asked.

"There's not even a ghost in the turret." Gao Fei replied.

"It's the same on our side. The cabin is empty. Except for a door leading to the engine room that is locked, there is no one in the rest of the cabins. Is this just an empty ship?" Jiang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Wait a minute, I'll go and have a look."

Gao Fei hurried to join his teammates, and as soon as he entered the door, he heard Ma Yun's exclamation.

"Sister Feng! Come back quickly! There is a magical reaction behind the door!"

Jiang Feng, who was prying open the door, also sensed the threat, and without thinking about it, he folded back a series of beautiful somersaults and retreated to his companion.

The door of the engine room was slammed open, and a large mass of viscous gray matter, like cement mortar that had not yet solidified, poured out slowly.

"Wori! What the hell is this?" Ma Tao pointed his gun at the mud wriggling on the floor.

"It looks like some kind of ooze or earth elemental creature."

Gao Fei stepped forward and stood side by side with Ma Tao, looking at the mud monster that came out of nowhere.

"It may also be an alien demon like the Mud Witch." Jiang Feng looked at the astrolabe, with disappointment in his eyes, "I can't find this guy's background in the database of Tiangong."

"Sister Tang said that 'Captain' Datai's partner is called 'Mud Angel', and it should be this monster."

Ma Yun held the gun in her right hand, controlled the activated tower shield suspended in mid-air with her left hand, and looked at the clay angel curiously.

"This lump of mud-like monster doesn't look very smart, so it shouldn't be able to drive this gunboat entirely by itself, right? Let's look for it carefully, maybe Datai is also hiding in a hidden corner of the ship."

The mud angel seemed to be irritated by classmate Xiao Ma's comment that "it doesn't look very smart". The body flat on the ground suddenly shrank into a sticky mud ball with a diameter of about three meters. It looked like a huge slime slime .

The angry mud angel, with four thick pseudo-legs extending from its hemispherical body, viciously raised its middle fingers at the four intruders, sending out silent provocations!
"Ha! Don't tell me, this guy is pretty cute!"

Ma Tao smiled and pulled the trigger, and fired two shots at the ugly and cute clay angel opposite.

The sound of gunfire echoed in the cabin, sounding extremely dull.

Two shotguns hit the clay angel's body, and countless lead particles fell into its body, like a hornet's nest.

In a blink of an eye, the densely packed bullet holes were smoothed out by the mud oozing from the body of the mud angel, and they were restored to their original state.

"When you were dealing with the Mud Witch back then, your broken gun was useless. The Mud Angel obviously has a similar bulletproof physique to the Mud Witch. How come you didn't learn a lesson at all!"

Ma Yun complained about her elder brother and shot the clay angel at the same time.

Ma Tao turned his head and glared at his younger sister: "You also said that I didn't teach you a lesson, so didn't you shoot yourself?"

Before the words fell, the No. 2 bomb that Ma Yun shot at the mud angel suddenly exploded, and the "thunder wave" infused with the warhead was violently released, shaking it away from Ma Tao, turning it into a large pool of mud on the wall.

Ma Tao was stunned for a moment, then resentfully closed his voice.I have to admit that Ma Yun's little head is indeed smarter than her elder brother.

Jiang Feng seized the right moment and blasted a "Yang Yan Palm" at the mud angel stuck on the wall, scorching the mud until it smoked.

Light-type martial arts can cause double damage to mud monsters, but mud angels don't seem to belong to the category of mud monsters. They withstand the impact of Yang Yan's palm and gather into groups again, but due to the large amount of water in their bodies evaporating, they look like Drier, with fine cracks appearing on the body surface.

Goofy also joined in the siege of the Mud Angel, unleashing the "Frost Nova" with his wand, freezing the monster to the deck.

After being hit by the "two heavens of ice and fire", the mud angel finally launched a counterattack.

With surprisingly dexterous movements, the four pseudo-legs pulled four balls of mud from his body, twisted them into projectiles the size of watermelons, and threw them at Gao Fei, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao and Ma Yun respectively.

Ma Tao raised his hand and shot, smashing the mud ball flying towards him.

Ma Yun remotely activates the shield and blocks the mud ball that hits her.

Jiang Feng started the "Flying Steps", stepped on the bulkhead, and floated up to the high place, easily avoiding the bombardment of the mud ball.

Gao Fei also wanted to dodge the mud ball, but suddenly his feet tightened, and he couldn't move his feet!

The incident happened suddenly, and he had no time to think about it. His waist was leaned back, almost parallel to the ground.

The whistling mud ball flew past the tip of its nose and came out through the window.

Gao Fei stood up abruptly, resumed his standing posture, hurriedly lowered his head, and was surprised to find that a pair of palms suddenly appeared on the floor under his feet, clutching his ankle tightly!

(End of this chapter)

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