Savior Simulator

Chapter 88 The Refuge Cabin

Chapter 88 The Refuge Cabin
Gao Fei clutched his swollen forehead, and quickly calculated, the lightning created by "Summon Thunderstorm" can each cause 5d6 electric shock damage, and with the blessing of strong winds, the damage is doubled to 10d6 (10~60).

The moment he was struck by lightning, he dodged in time, passed the reflex save test, and the damage was halved. In the end, he only suffered 10 points of electric shock damage, which can already be called good luck.

Another flash of lightning flashed in the air, frightening Gao Fei to run away with his head in his arms - he would not dare to say that he would still have the good luck just now if he was struck by lightning again!
Fortunately, the target of the lightning strike was not him, and the rolling thunder echoed over the observatory.

"Brother Basaka! Come hide here!"

Through the thunder, Gao Fei faintly heard Eve's sister's urgent call.

Turning his head and looking at the reputation, a hemispherical luminous shield was propped up at the gate of the observatory, and Eve's call came from inside.

Gao Fei guessed that it was the "refuge hut" temporarily created by Eve using the protection spell presented by Qiyun Aling, and hurried over.

On the way, I saw Al and Wushi who were still sleeping, one in each hand, picked up the two big bears and carried them on their shoulders, and rushed straight into the "shelter hut".

In addition to Eve and Mu Ning, there are Jiang Feng and Luna who just hid in the shield.

The diameter of the hemispherical space is about 13 meters. Six people plus a dog can hide in it without being crowded.

Through the one-way transparent force field shield, Gao Fei saw how strong the wind was blowing outside the house.

The Son of the Moon unfolded a pair of pitch-black bat wings, suspended in the middle of the night sky like a demon god, and the octopus head and twisted tentacles looked more ferocious and terrifying under the moonlight.

Not long after, the Son of the Moon discovered the "refuge hut" where everyone lived, spread his wings and flew over, hung a hundred feet above the hut, guided the electric energy, and blasted down a thunderbolt.

Lightning fell from the sky, like a huge sharp sword slashing on the ceiling of the hut, causing a violent tremor.

Including Gao Fei, everyone in the room was trembling with fear.

Fortunately, the "shelter hut" was strong enough to survive a lightning strike without any damage, and it still stood where it was, protecting the people in the house.

"The 'House of Refuge' can resist most magic." Luna said happily, "Fortunately, Moon Son is not good at teleportation magic, nor can he cast 'Dispel' or 'Disintegrate', so he can't penetrate our shield .”

"The 'Refuge Cabin' lasts for up to eight hours. If the Son of the Moon can't get in, will it disappear automatically when the summoning time expires?"

Eve looked at the astrologer expectantly, but what she got was a wry smile.

"When I summoned the Son of the Moon, I used a scroll of 'Oath from Another World'. The monster summoned in this way has no time limit. Since I can't control the Son of the Moon, it is completely free. I want to talk to us here. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, and you can go wherever you want.”

"If the Son of the Moon can't break through the 'shelter hut', will he simply leave here, fly to the town or the wharf and other crowded areas, and vent his anger on innocent passers-by?"

Jiang Feng asked worriedly.

"I can't rule out this possibility, but it's none of our business. Passers-by who are used as a punching bag by Moon Son can only blame themselves for being unlucky." Luna said lightly, "I'd rather this monster go to the town and start a killing spree. Make it a big deal, so that the turtle druids and monks on the island will have to deal with it, which can be regarded as helping us solve a big problem."

"It turns out that what you were planning to kill with a borrowed knife is really insidious!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but despise the witch in person.

"Don't dare to be, dare not be, it's just a little survival wisdom." Luna smiled nonchalantly.

Gao Fei has to admit that Luna's calculations are very shrewd, but this will also involve himself and his companions into a whirlpool of trouble.

Luna has no footsteps on the island. After getting into trouble, the worst thing is to pat her butt and walk away, but Gao Fei can't run away.Elder Quick’s commission has not yet been completed, and the treasures of Dragon Tooth Valley have not yet been explored. The Turtle Clan tracked it down afterwards, but they couldn’t catch Luna, the culprit who summoned monsters and caused riots. disposal.

It sounds a little unfair, but not completely unfair.

Elder Quake commissioned Gao Fei to investigate Yue Naga's intentions, in fact, to let them prevent the astrologer from acting out of his temper.

Gao Fei had a chance to prevent Luna from summoning the "Moon Son", but it was because of a sudden curiosity, he wanted to see what the "Moon Son" looked like. scene.

It's too late to regret now, if he wants to avoid mission failure, Gao Fei can only try to kill the monster before the Son of the Moon hurts the innocent.

Looking up at the night sky again, the wings of Moon Son reminded Gao Fei of the "flying curse" cast on him by Qiyun Aling.With this ward, he can fly for up to 30 minutes.

However, just flying out like this is obviously looking for a dead end.

Gao Fei thought for a while, then turned to ask the druid girl: "Eve, can you cast a spell to protect against electric shock?"

Eve shook her head in shame, she hadn't comprehended such spells yet.

"Protect against electric shock, right? I will do this!"

Luna cast "Mage Hand", pulled out a scroll from the storage bag hanging around her neck, and swung it high.

"I have a 'Electric Barrier' scroll here, what are your plans?"

Gao Fei opened the astrolabe and appraised Luna's scroll.

It is indeed a third-level spell "Electricity Barrier". When it is blessed on the subject, it can absorb a total of 3 points of electric shock damage. It is not a big problem to resist 70 to 2 lightning strikes, and it should be enough.

"Luna, I can fly out to attract Moonchild, and try to tear it out of the air, wait a minute, you bless me with an 'anti-electric barrier', and if you have an enchanted weapon, lend me it, my battle ax is very difficult Penetrate Moonchild's damage-reducing armor."

"I don't have magic weapons, but I can cast spells to help you strengthen your weapons and temporarily turn them into enchanted weapons."

Luna skillfully shook the tip of her tail, replaced her hands with a spell-casting gesture, and blessed Goofy's battle ax and dagger with 1 ring of "enchanted weapons", turning them into +1 enchanted weapons temporarily.

"Vampy girl, although your character is not very good, your spellcasting skills are quite reliable, and you don't pull your hips at critical moments." Jiang Feng teased with a smile.

Yue Najia gave her a charming glance, pouted and said: "Master Su, you are prejudiced against me because you don't know me well enough! After a long time, you will know that I am actually quite thick. , anyone who can't get along with me should reflect on himself and find the reason in himself!"

 Thank you book friend: tce, reward 300 starting coins this week

(End of this chapter)

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