Savior Simulator

Chapter 89 Fighting in the Air

Chapter 89 Fighting in the Air

"Witch! You have such a thick skin... you are simply invincible!"

Jiang Feng had no choice but to bow down to Lu Na.

Luna blessed Gao Fei with an "anti-electric barrier", and rarely showed a trace of concern: "Brother Basaka, are you really going to challenge the Son of the Moon alone? Is this too risky?"

Gao Fei picked up the tomahawk, shook his head and smiled.

"Besides taking a risk, do we have any other options? If you can seriously consider the risk before summoning Moon Son, now I don't have to go out to find that stinky octopus!"

After all, he inspired the "flying spell" presented by Qiyun Aling, spread out a pair of translucent magic wings on his back, flapped his wings and flew out of the "shelter hut", facing the strong wind and lightning, and rushed straight to the moon at the fastest speed the son of!
Flying in the stormy night sky is not an easy task.

Every 1 minute, Goofy has to pass a DC12 "Athletic" skill check in order to maintain a high-speed and stable flight in the storm, otherwise he will be blown around or even fall down.

Fortunately, the berserker has its own "sports" skill, which is a +3 proficiency correction when checking. Gao Fei's strength attribute is as high as 24 after turning on "Rage", and provides a +7 correction for sports checks, as long as the twenty-sided die does not roll 1 point, must pass the test.

Gao Fei's luck wasn't too bad, he successfully passed the sports test, spread his magically transformed wings and soared upwards, continuously climbing the flying height, approaching the son of the moon.

Moon Son also sensed that someone was flying up from below, and stared at a pair of gloomy gray eyes. At the same time, he raised a tentacle filled with high-voltage electric energy, pointing at the berserker who was flying towards him from the air.

A flash of lightning tore through the night, followed by rumbling thunder.

Gao Fei was struck by the lightning emitted by the Son of the Moon, and suddenly felt his whole body tremble, his ears ringing.

The moment he was struck by lightning, a system prompt came in his mind:
You are bombarded by "Call Thunderstorm", fail your reflection save, and suffer 38 points of electric shock damage!
"Anti-Electricity Barrier" has absorbed 38 points of electric shock damage for you, leaving 32 points of electric shock resistance left!

"One more lightning strike!"

With peace of mind, Gao Fei continued to fly at full speed in the windy and thunderous night sky, and the straight-line distance from Moon Son had shortened to about 10 meters in a blink of an eye.

The Son of the Moon raised another tentacle that was accumulating electric energy, ready to release thunder and lightning to bombard the tiny creatures who dared to challenge him.

However, Gao Fei didn't want to be passively beaten this time, so he raised his left arm before Moon Son released the lightning, pointing at the alien monster hanging above his head, and aroused the magic power of the "Fire Djinn Gauntlet".

After completing the first-level synchronous gauntlets, 1 charges are automatically generated every day, and Goofy consumes 3 charge to convert the magic power into a "scorching ray".

call out!
A blazing red light flashed in the night sky.

The "Scorching Ray" hit the Son of the Moon one step ahead, burning a bowl-sized scar on the monster's face, emitting a puff of scorched black smoke.

The mere 10 points of burns were not enough to hurt the Son of the Moon, but the concentration of casting spells was interrupted by the piercing burning pain, and the lightning that was ready to go out on the tentacles was automatically dispelled.

Gao Fei seized the opportunity, fluttered his wings and flew up to Moon Son, holding up his battle ax with both hands and slashing down vigorously!
The battle ax strengthened by Luna's spell was temporarily transformed into a magic weapon, easily tearing the damage-reducing armor of the Moon Son, and splitting a shocking giant wound on the monster's face, a large amount of blood sprayed out, forming a A group of eerie violet mist slowly spread around.

Gao Fei knew that the opportunity was rare, so he struck while the iron was hot and launched an "offensive like a tide", forcibly grabbed an attack, and in the blink of an eye, he struck again with an axe, almost cutting Moon's son's huge head in half.

This is not over yet.

After two consecutive hits with the axe, Gao Fei added a "slash with the trend" without hesitation, determined to hit the Son of the Crescent Moon in one go!
Unfortunately, luck was not always on his side.

Moon Son's natural armor up to level 12 was not for nothing. Gao Fei's last ax was bounced off his blood-smeared, exceptionally slippery muscles, causing only negligible scratches.

Gao Fei couldn't help but his heart sank, knowing that it would be his turn to suffer next.

The series of violent storm-like attacks just now had exhausted his explosive power, and it was impossible to maintain the offensive endlessly, so he had to stop to catch his breath.

Just as he was panting, Moon Son's counterattack came.

The eight thick and long tentacles swung high and high from different directions. No matter how hard he swung his tomahawk to block it, he still couldn't avoid being caught by this big octopus in the end.

Many tentacles scrambled to wrap up, wriggling and tightening on Gao Fei's body.

"MMP! Luckily, I'm not a magical girl, otherwise, wouldn't my chastity be guaranteed!"

In fact, Gao Fei had long expected that he might fall into the predicament of being entangled by tentacles, so he asked Luna to enchant a spare weapon for him in advance.

The two sides fought flesh to flesh, and the long-handled battle ax could not be used. Gao Fei resolutely abandoned the axe, replaced it with an enchanted dagger, and stretched out his right arm forward.

The enchanted dagger dragged a ray of cold light, piercing through Moon Son's damage-reducing armor, and with a puff, it pierced deeply into the right eye socket.

Gao Fei gritted his teeth secretly, and stirred the dagger vigorously with his wrist, smashing the eyeball as big as a watermelon, and the broken lens was stuck on the dagger, as if it had been coated with a thick layer of thick paste.

Moon Son, who was blind in one eye, let out a shrill howl, twisted his body crazily, and all the tentacles worked together to strangle Gao Fei from head to toe!
After Gao Fei activated "Rage", his power attribute was 6 points higher than that of Moon Son, so it should not be difficult to get rid of its entanglement.

Helplessly, the opponent's body was much bigger than him, and he only had one pair of hands, while Moon Son had eight flexible tentacles. With this advantage, he evened out the power gap, and instead gained the upper hand in the fight.

For an ordinary person in this situation, at least half of his bones would be shattered, and his neck, which was tightly entangled by tentacles, would not be able to breathe normally.

Goofy Berserkers are no ordinary people, however.

The hard enchanted breastplate blocked the entanglement of most tentacles for him, the muscles and bones as strong as steel could withstand the pressure temporarily, as for the most fragile neck...

It is true that Gao Fei has been strangled and unable to breathe, but with the "adaptation necklace" worn close to his body, he can still maintain normal physiological activities in a state of suffocation.

Gao Fei poured all his attention and strength into the dagger in his right hand, stabbing the Son of the Moon in the face one after another.

Moon Son had some scruples at first, trying to avoid being stabbed by a dagger, but when Gao Fei pierced its left eye, driven by extreme pain and anger, it finally went completely crazy and ignored the stabbing knife. The dagger, concentrating on shrinking its tentacles, pulled Gao Fei towards him, intending to launch a fatal blow with its sharp beak, piercing through Gao Fei's head.

(End of this chapter)

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