Chapter 87
Gao Fei took two steps back, dodged Moon Son's tentacles to fight back, looked at the edge of the battle axe, and frowned secretly.

The battle ax in his hand was a refined weapon seized from Captain Kos back then. It was sharp enough but not enchanted.

Moonchild has "Damage Reduction Armor". When non-magic weapons strike it, 10 points of damage will be deducted automatically.

Even if he turned on the "Rage" power surge, but the weapon was holding back, it was difficult to cause fatal damage to this monster.

Fortunately, Gao Fei has a group of powerful teammates around him.

Jiang Feng activated the "Daylight Barrier" and rushed up from the other side. The three-combo attack of "Scorching Radiance" and "Sudden Brilliance Fist" caused a lot of damage to Moon Son and successfully forced it to give up chasing Gao Fei. The hatred was transferred to the On the monk.

Ayer and Wushi turned into black bears, roaring and pounced on them, assisting Jiang Nvxia to beat the son of the moon violently.

Eve also joined the siege with the flashing dog Munin.

Even the cunning astrologer Luna blasted out a "Frost Nova" from a distance, freezing Moon Son in the frost everywhere, and his movements became extremely slow.

"Haha! The Son of the Moon is easier to deal with than expected!" Jiang Nvxia made an optimistic prediction in the private chat channel, "Gao Fei, you can throw another 'taunt' and stabilize the monster. I will take care of the damage. If we continue at this pace, we will be able to finish this big octopus soon!"

"Oops?! Something's wrong... It's broken! It's broken! This monster seems to be casting a spell!"

Gao Fei didn't care about complaining about the surprise of the Jiang heroine, and threw "taunts" at the son of the moon as hard as he could.

Helplessly, the opponent's mental resistance is quite high. After passing the will save, ignoring his taunt, he freed up a tentacle and pointed at Al, who had turned into a bear, and shot a beam of blue light, unexpectedly firmly controlling the bear warrior, forcing him to He turned his back on the battle and turned to his companion beside him.

"Oops! Al got hit by the third-level spell 'Dominate Animals'!"

Eve saw through Moon Son's tricks, but unfortunately her spellcasting level was not high enough to help Al get rid of the control.

"Since this spell can only control animals, wouldn't it be good for Al to change back to human form?" Gao Fei asked.

"The problem is that he has lost his self-will now, and he can't calm down and think. Unless the rage time expires, he will never automatically transform back into a human form!" Eve stomped her feet anxiously.

At this time, Al, who was completely dominated by the Moon Son's spirit, rushed towards Wushi who was closest to him with red eyes.

Wu Shi missed friendship, and couldn't bear to hit his crazy old friend hard, so he got a bear's paw on his shoulder, and blood flowed on the spot.

Gao Fei hurriedly stopped Al, stomped his feet and launched an "earth shock", knocking the crazy black bear to the ground.

Ush seized the opportunity to pounce on Al, pinning him to the ground with all his strength, trying to stop him from going mad.

Just as the two black bears rolled into a ball, Moon Son had spread out a pair of pitch-black bat wings and soared into the air, suspended in the moon sky a hundred feet above the ground, calmly cast spells, and released the 4 rings towards the place where Gao Fei and the others stood. Confusion",
A smoky cyan mana burst out suddenly, covering the surrounding 15-foot space, including Gao Fei and the two bear warriors.

Ush couldn't resist the influence of the spell, fell into a state of "confusion", and fought with Al according to his instinct.

Relying on the mental resistance provided by "Frenzy" and "Iron Will", Gao Fei successfully passed the will saving throw and resisted the "Confusion Technique". What to do.

"You two big stupid bears, stop beating, lie down and sleep obediently."

Luna ran over, released the 3-ring "deep sleep", knocked down the two bear warriors who lost their minds and killed each other, fell into a deep sleep, and temporarily relieved the crisis.

Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and looked up at the Son of the Moon soaring under the moon sky, feeling a chill in his heart.

The monster waved its tentacles and cast its spells, creating howling winds in the clear night sky.

The strong wind blows sand, stones and fallen leaves head-on, and the sting on the face is unbearable, and breathing becomes extremely difficult. If you don't pay attention to your feet, you will be blown over by the turbulent airflow.

Gao Fei and others had to hide behind the half-collapsed wall of the observatory to avoid the wind, and got together to discuss countermeasures.

"Luna, can you fly spells?" Jiang Feng asked the astrologer.

"Sorry, this doesn't belong to my research category..."

"If you don't, just say no, and don't put money on your face!"

Jiang Nvxia snapped back angrily.

"I can turn into a bird like a crow." Eve hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But at my current druid level, I can't cast spells after turning into a bird, and my combat power is similar to that of an ordinary bird."

"Forget it, you will die faster if you turn into a bird." Gao Fei shook his head and smiled wryly.

"There is one thing I can't figure out." Mu Ning squatted in the corner, looking up at the Son of the Moon who was calling the wind and rain in the night sky, "That monster seems to be casting the 5th-level spell 'Controlling the Wind', but no matter how violent the storm he created, it is impossible What's the point of spending magic power to kill us directly?"

After hearing his question, Eve also looked up at the night sky, stared silently for a few seconds, and suddenly changed her face.

"Have you noticed that the Son of the Moon is extracting magic power, converting it into electrical energy, and storing it in his tentacles!"

Gao Fei observed carefully according to her instructions, and found that there were blue and white electric sparks flickering at the ends of the eight tentacles of Moon Son, and there was a crackling sound from a distance.

"This monster uses its own body as a battery to store electricity...Could it be to discharge it?" Jiang Feng muttered to himself, feeling a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

What Eve said next confirmed her hunch.

"The Son of the Moon is probably preparing to cast the 5th-level natural magic spell 'Summon Thunderstorm'. This spell can store lightning energy in the caster's body, and each attack will send down a thunderbolt." Eve couldn't help but shudder, and then said, "It is important to pay special attention...if you cast 'Summon Thunderstorm' in bad weather such as wind and rain, the destructive power of the lightning strike will be doubled!"

Her voice was still echoing in the air, and a dazzling electric light suddenly flashed in the air!

A thunderbolt accompanied by a rumbling roar, fell straight towards the hiding place of Gao Fei and the others!


At the critical juncture, Gao Fei tried his best to push away his companions beside him, and ran away from the lightning strike himself.

Just two steps away, he felt numbness in the soles of his feet, and the high-voltage current was transmitted against the ground, as if a whip had been lashed at his leg, and he fell to the ground involuntarily, rolling and crawling in embarrassment until he hit him head-on. Only after the wall stopped, my legs were painful and numb, and a large lump was swollen on my forehead.

At the same time, a series of system prompts came from my mind:

You are attacked by the 5th ring "Summon Thunderstorm"!
You pass your Reflex save and take 10 Electricity damage!
Your head hits the wall, taking 1 point of bludgeoning bruising!
(End of this chapter)

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