Savior Simulator

Chapter 815 Express Bomb

Chapter 815 Express Bomb

Judging from the destruction at the scene, at least 10 kilograms of CL-20 explosives were detonated.

Gao Fei naturally had a series of questions.

Looking back on the explosion afterwards, it was obvious that it was an elaborate conspiracy to assassinate the leader of the guerrillas, Colonel Waylon.

The guerrillas could not afford such high-end explosives. When was this CL-20 bomb placed in the camp, and who detonated it?

Gao Fei clearly remembered that when Colonel Willen was chatting with his party, he was still normal, and soon after leaving with the satellite phone, an explosion occurred.

Could it be that the satellite phone in his hand was actually tampered with, and a hidden time bomb would be activated as soon as he answered the phone?
This possibility is very high!
With doubts, Gao Fei opened the astrolabe.

The astrolabe of the Tiangong Special Police comes with a law enforcement recorder.

Every move during duty, what you see and hear, and even the wind and grass within a hundred meters of the surrounding area will be recorded by hidden cameras.

By playing back and slowing down the law enforcement video, Gao Fei could see exactly how Colonel Waylon was killed at the moment of the explosion.

The video shows that the explosion occurred within three seconds after Colonel Waylon answered the phone.

At first glance, it might seem that the problem is really with the phone.

However, when Gao Fei went back to the picture before the explosion and watched it again frame by frame, he found some weird details.

The moment Colonel Waylon answered the phone, a package-like cardboard box appeared out of nowhere in front of him, about one and a half meters above the ground.

The suspended package fell in a free fall, and finally hit the ground at Colonel Waylon's feet.

Judging from the dust splashed, the weight of the package is quite heavy.

In the video, Colonel Waylon was taken aback by the package that appeared out of nowhere, and instinctively took two steps back, his face full of confusion, as if hesitating whether to pick up the mysterious package.

Before he could make up his mind, the package exploded without warning.

After watching this short video, Gao Fei realized that things were not that simple, so he called Tang Ning, Jiang Feng, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing over, and slowed down the video before and after the explosion for his companions to watch.

"This is 'Online Express'!"

Tangning could tell something was wrong at a glance.

"The person who called Colonel Waylon is the No.12 apostle 'postman' Matthias of the Holy Blood Knights!"

"When Colonel Willen answered the phone, Matthias used his superpower 'Online Courier' to send a time bomb in a package, killing Colonel Willen!"

"Wori! I thought Matthias was just a tool man in charge of mailing hero medicine. I didn't expect his superpower to be used in such a perverted way!"

Ma Tao couldn't help wiping away his cold sweat.

"That's right! As long as this guy knows someone's phone number or email address, he can directly send bombs to him and carry out assassinations. It's almost impossible to guard against!" Wang Daqing also repeatedly exclaimed.

"If the target of Matthias' assassination this time is not Colonel Willen, but one of us, I'm afraid it will end up in pieces." Qi Tian said with lingering fear.

"Everyone has to be careful in the future. This bloody lesson warns us not to answer calls from strangers casually."

Jiang Feng looked at his phone and turned it off decisively.

"It's not safe just not to answer calls from strangers." Tangning said coldly, "Don't forget, Matthias is a highly skilled hacker. If he wants to assassinate someone, there are many ways to hack into the other party. Communication terminal, disguise the caller ID as the number of the other party's relatives and friends, such as the call from parents at home, don't you answer it?"

"Sister Tang, hearing what you said, I am really afraid that I will have a psychological shadow, and I will not dare to answer anyone's calls in the future."

Ma Yun's face was pale.

"For the sake of safety, at least during this duty period, we can no longer use conventional communication methods to communicate with the outside world." Gao Fei also turned off his mobile phone, "From now on, everyone will only use the astrolabe to transfer calls, send and receive emails, No matter how clever Matthias's hacking skills are, it is impossible for him to invade the magic communication network dedicated to Tiangong."

Everyone, including Tangning, thought this method was the safest and turned off their phones one after another.

"Just a few of us keeping the radio silent is not enough to ensure safety." Wang Daqing glanced towards the guerrilla camp, and whispered to his companions: "We can promise not to answer the phone, but we can't prevent people around from answering the phone." Well, if Matthias really wants to assassinate us, he can just call a passer-by nearby, and the bomb can be sent over."

"Then what should we do?" Ma Tao spread his hands and smiled wryly, "We can't stay away from the crowd in order to avoid assassination, escape into the deep mountains and old forests, and avoid contact with outsiders..."

Everyone looked at each other and fell into silence.

Before today's explosion, no one could have imagined that among all the apostles of the Holy Blood Knights, the "postman" Matthias, who appeared to be the weakest on the surface, turned out to be the most troublesome one.

While Gao Fei and the others were thinking hard about countermeasures, Lieutenant Colonel Gail walked over.

"The colonel was betrayed, and the undercover agent at the Hitty Mine betrayed us!" Lieutenant Colonel Gail, whose face was covered in blood, had hatred in his eyes, "We must pay back this blood debt with our own hands!"

"Calm down, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel." Tang Ning warned the Lieutenant Colonel Gail, who was clearly stunned, "Your camp is very close to the mine, and the sound of the explosion has already reached the mine. Van der Waals mercenary team There may be a search at any time, you must evacuate this place as soon as possible!"

"We want to leave the camp, but we definitely don't want to run away!" Lieutenant Colonel Gail said through gritted teeth, "I want to lead the guerrillas to raid the Hitty Gold Mine overnight to avenge the Colonel!"

"Please wake up, okay?"

Tangning's anger also rose, and she couldn't help raising her voice.

"The bomb that killed Waylon was sent by 'postman' Matthias, one of the apostles of the Holy Blood Knights. You should go to the Holy Blood Knights to take revenge and take the mine. Workers are picking on the wrong people when they are punching bags!"

"The Holy Blood Knights and the van der Waals mercenaries guarding the gold mine, aren't they the same group? Isn't the Hiti Gold Mine also owned by the Holy Blood Knights?"

Lieutenant Colonel Gail's rhetorical question left Tangning speechless.

In fact, Hitty Gold Mine has two major shareholders, "Queen" Hitty Suharto and "Rock" Peter, who happen to be high-ranking members of the Holy Blood Knights.

From the standpoint of Lieutenant Colonel Gail, it is reasonable to bloodbath the Hitty Gold Mine as revenge.

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I can understand your eagerness to avenge Colonel Waylon, but now is not a good time to attack Hitty Gold Mine."

Gao Fei took over the conversation and persuaded Colonel Gail to give up his irrational thoughts from another angle.

(End of this chapter)

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