Savior Simulator

Chapter 814 CL-20

Chapter 814 CL-20
Tang Ning also disagreed with the guerrillas' method of kidnapping civilians to raise military expenses. In order to cancel the plan of Colonel Willen and Lieutenant Colonel Gale, he had to disclose some information.

"This is not a good idea, two gentlemen. You must know that the most dangerous enemies in the gold mine are not those mercenaries, but the apostles and angels stationed here by the Holy Blood Knights."

"You have been active on Irian Island for so long, you should be very clear that since the outbreak of Silver Flash, the whole world has changed. Supernatural phenomena have frequently appeared in various places, and all kinds of strange mutant creatures have exploded."

The 'Apostles' and 'Angels' of the Order of the Holy Blood possess extraordinary powers and are more terrifying than all the mutant monsters you have encountered in the wild. "

"Frankly speaking, with just a few guns in your hands, it is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of the 'Hand of God' and the 'Ape Angel'. Attacking the gold mine rashly is tantamount to seeking death!"

Colonel Waylon frowned slightly, thinking with a pipe in his mouth.

Lieutenant Colonel Gail looked at Tangning and asked tentatively, "Ms. Bloom, you are also a mutant with extraordinary power. I guess your colleagues also have similar power. If you are willing to help deal with the apostles and angels of the Holy Blood Knights, The Colonel and I will not let your hard work be in vain."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, the employer of my colleagues and I don't want us to be involved in political turmoil. In order to keep my job, I can only refuse your kindness. Please understand!"

Tangning's resolute refusal made Lieutenant Colonel Gale feel a little embarrassed, and his face darkened.

Colonel Willon didn't seem surprised by Tangning's attitude, and smiled considerately.

"You don't want to meddle in this nosy business, and I don't force it, but considering the need for confidentiality, I will trouble you to stay in the camp for a while."

"Don't worry, my men and I won't make it difficult for you. You can spend the night here peacefully. Tomorrow morning, when we start the attack, you can leave freely."

"Mr. Colonel, are you not afraid that we will leak the secret?" Ma Tao asked.

"Ms. Bloom is an old friend of mine. Since you are all her friends, I have reason to trust you."

Colonel Waylon replied with a smile.

Gao Fei couldn't help being moved by his open-mindedness. If he hadn't represented Tiangong, it would be inconvenient to intervene in disputes involving national sovereignty, so he really wanted to help him.

At this time, an orderly ran over with a satellite phone in his hand.

"Sorry, excuse me."

Colonel Waylon answered the phone, smiled apologetically at Gao Fei and the others, turned around and walked towards a secluded corner of the camp.

Gao Fei looked at his back as he went away, and guessed that this confidential phone call was probably made by an informant placed inside the gold mine by the guerrillas.

"Guys, I have an idea." Ma Tao gathered his teammates around and said in a low voice: "Although it is inconvenient for us to publicly support the rebels like the Papua Freedom Army, it is still possible to help them by the way, and it is also a good idea." It can bring convenience to our own tasks.”

"Brother Tao, what are you going to do?" Qi Tian asked.

"Tomorrow morning, while the guerrillas are attacking the escort convoy and attracting the security personnel out, we will take advantage of this opportunity, sneak into the mine, and arrest the 'Hand of God' Little Jacob and the ape angel."

"But if the van der Waals mercenary team is dispatched, including Little Jacob and the ape angel, and they also go out to escort the convoy, is it necessary for us to go to the mine?" Wang Daqing questioned.

"In this case, of course we don't need to go to the mine." Ma Tao smiled, "Before the guerrillas do it, we will directly raid the escort and arrest Little Jacob and the ape angel. If the armed escort tries to stop us from enforcing the law, We can only be forced to protect ourselves, and if it causes accidental injury, it is not our responsibility."

"If Colonel Waylon wasn't stupid, he would have led the guerrillas to take advantage of the chaos to launch a surprise attack and rob the gold truck. Of course, this has nothing to do with us, it's just a coincidence."

"Brother Tao, your idea is so cheap! But I think it works!" Qi Tian smiled and handed Ma Tao a cigarette.

"Sister Tang, what do you think?" Gao Fei looked at Tangning.

Tangning hesitated for a moment, and was about to nod her head in favor of Ma Tao's proposal, when a roar came from behind her!
A huge fireball soared into the sky, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

The sand thrown up by the explosion, like a pot of boiling gruel, instantly engulfed the mountain.

A violent shock wave swept over without warning, blowing Gao Fei and the others away.

The moment he lost control of his body, Gao Fei grabbed Jiang Feng's hand without thinking.

Almost at the same time, Tangning was blown over by the storm.

Gao Fei had no choice but to free his left hand, embrace her in his arms, and lay down on the ground.

The roar in his ears, the flying flames, and the exclamation, mourning and roaring of the guerrillas made Gao Fei feel dazed, as if he was in a nightmare.

After an unknown period of time, the sudden explosion finally subsided.

Gao Fei climbed up with support, looked around, and saw a miserable scene like hell through the flames and gunpowder smoke.

The hillside where the people were, together with the trees on the hill, were flattened by the explosion, and the soil was still mixed with blood.

Jiang Feng and Tang Ning, who were under Gao Fei's arms, had regained their composure and got up one after another.

The two beautiful faces covered with dust showed the same astonishment and confusion.

Fortunately, the other members of the special police team, Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing, suffered only minor injuries in this unsuspecting accident.

The worst one was Colonel Waylon, who was at the center of the explosion, and was blown to pieces on the spot.

The camp of the guerrillas was also affected by the explosion.

The guerrillas were farther away from the explosion zone than Gao Fei and the others, but they were just a group of ordinary people without extraordinary physique, and they suffered more serious injuries.

After a hasty count, a total of 11 people were killed and 25 people were seriously injured.

Tang Ning led the young special police to assist the terrified guerrillas to clean up the explosion site, and used supernatural means such as "first aid", "qi therapy", "spontaneous healing" and "holy healing" to treat the injured guerrillas.

While busy saving people, Gao Fei took a look at the area where the explosion occurred. The ground was blasted into a huge crater that was two meters deep and about 15 meters wide.

The pit contained Major Willen's blood and fragments of his uniform, as well as the broken antenna of a satellite phone.

Gao Fei collected these residues and tried to use the astrolabe to identify the composition of the explosives.

The conclusion of the appraisal made him feel chills.

The culprit that caused the explosion was an organic compound called "hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane", commonly known as CL-20 explosive, with a relative TNT equivalent of 2.0. Among all military non-nuclear explosives, CL-20 explosives are the most destructive one.

(End of this chapter)

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