Savior Simulator

Chapter 813 Guerrilla Camp

Chapter 813 Guerrilla Camp

"Along with the Papua independence movement, there is also the Papua Freedom Army who insists on seeking independence through armed struggle."

Tang Ning continued to talk about the turbulent situation on Irian Island.

"For more than half a century, the Papua Free Army has repeatedly broken out armed conflicts with the government forces. Both sides have suffered heavy casualties. The Papua Free Army has also been designated as a terrorist organization by the Batavian government."

After listening to Tangning's introduction, it was not difficult for Gao Fei to see that she was more sympathetic to the Batavian government and the rebels.

"Sister Tang, do you think the Papua Freedom Army is a terrorist organization?" Gao Fei asked cautiously, "We are on a business trip, representing the position of Tiangong. Do not cause diplomatic disputes."

Tangning pondered for a moment, then said reluctantly, "In all fairness, the Papua Freedom Army did launch terrorist attacks."

"One of the most famous incidents occurred on December 2018, 12. A group of Batavian construction workers in Nduga were attacked by more than 2 rebels on the construction site. 50 construction workers were killed. Kidnap."

"After the incident, the Batavian government quickly dispatched troops to suppress it. Four people were finally rescued, two were missing, and the rest of the hostages unfortunately died."

"This attack is one of the most notorious of the Papuan liberation movement in recent years, and the organization that carried out this the Papua Free Army."

"After the tragedy, Batavian President Joko ordered the military and police to arrest the perpetrators, claiming that these anti-government elements would have no place to stay."

"The army was ordered to go to the area of ​​West Papua where the guerrillas were active, burning houses and bombing villages. More than 39000 local residents were forced to flee their homes, and many died of hunger and disease in refugee camps."

"The Papua Free Army has also launched a more intense retaliation."

"In April last year, Brigadier General Nugraha, who was in charge of intelligence work in the Batavian military, was ambushed and killed by militants. Afterwards, the Papua Free Army declared responsibility for the incident."

Gao Fei nodded thoughtfully, but didn't make a sound.

Tangning didn't ask him what he thought of the "Papua Freedom Army".

As for whether to cooperate with this organization, the two had reached a tacit agreement while talking, and it was tacit.

The special police followed the guerrillas headed by Lieutenant Colonel Gail along the bank of the stream and went upstream.

Climbing up the hillside, the woods gradually become sparse, and there is a clear lake in the middle of the gentle slope, which is the source of the creek.

The temporary camp of the guerrillas was right by the lake, where sundries such as tents and ammunition boxes were piled up. A flag with a red background and white stars above and blue and white stripes below was erected.

There are a total of more than 300 guerrilla fighters in the camp, most of them are brown-skinned Papuan youths, and there are also a few whites and Chinese.

Out of curiosity, Gao Fei chatted with the Chinese guerrillas, and learned that they were all volunteers who had traveled thousands of miles to join the guerrillas, and their conversation seemed to be very educated.

The most outrageous thing is the military doctor of the guerrillas, who is actually a medical doctor who returned from studying in Europe. He claims to be a Trotskyist who admires Che Guevara, and he is really an "internationalist fighter".

Regardless of whether they agree with the political philosophy of the Papua Free Army, the young special police officers cannot help but be deeply moved by this noble and romantic spirit of internationalism.

Lieutenant Colonel Gale told the visitors to wait outside the camp and report to their superior, Colonel Waylon.

After a while, Lieutenant Colonel Gail came back and beckoned everyone to follow him.

Gao Fei and his party followed Lieutenant Colonel Gail across the camp and came to the highest point of the hillside.

A tall, thin man in a camouflage uniform stood on the hillside, looking down at the mine through a telescope.

The temporary station of the guerrillas is less than two kilometers away from the Hiti Gold Mine.

From here, you can see the chimneys billowing black smoke in the mine, and hear the roar of the machines in the workshop.

More importantly, the only road in and out of the mining area can be monitored from here.

The commander of the guerrillas, Colonel Willen, seemed to hear footsteps, put away his binoculars, turned around and walked down from the top of the slope.

Che Guevara of Irian Island, with a bushy beard, held a pipe in his left hand, smiled and stretched out his right hand, shaking hands with visitors one by one.

"Good afternoon, Batavia's Bird of Paradise, and welcome back to Parian Island!"

Colonel Waylon was about forty years old. He looked like a typical Papuan man, but his conversation was elegant and decent, and he spoke with a pure London accent.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Colonel, I didn't expect to meet you here again." Tangning shook hands with Colonel Willon, and introduced to Gao Fei: "Mr. Colonel graduated from Cambridge University, he is my old senior, a steadfast Marxist."

"Cambridge graduates, that's no wonder." Gao Fei joked casually, "Smart people in Cambridge have always had a tradition of voting for the Communist Party."

Colonel Waylon smiled knowingly when he heard this, and shook hands with this young man from the East vigorously.

"Colonel, I heard that you plan to take action against the Hitty Gold Mine?"

Tangning asked straight to the point.

"There is indeed a plan."

"I advise you not to do this!" Tangning said with a serious face, "There are at least [-] well-equipped van der Waals mercenaries in charge of security at the Hitty Gold Mine. The guerrillas storming the gold mine are just asking for trouble!"

"Ms. Bloom, I'm not so stupid that I know there's an iron plate erected on the opposite side, but I still want to hit my head against it." Colonel Waylon laughed, "There is our inside line in the mining area, and I'm more concerned about the security of the mining area than you are." To understanding."

"Since you know that Hitty's gold mine is a hard bone, why do you want to gnaw it?"

Gao Fei asked Colonel Waylon in half-baked English.

"Actually, we don't plan to directly attack the gold mine." Colonel Galen lowered his voice, "According to the information provided by the insider, a truck carrying gold will leave the mine tomorrow morning and drive to the wharf in Merauke. The purpose of the ambush here is to rob the trucks transporting gold, and use the money to supplement the scarce military expenditure.”

"For trucks transporting large quantities of gold, the number of armed escorts must be indispensable." Gao Fei said.

"If all the mercenaries come to escort the trucks, we will replace plan B, go straight to the defenseless Hiti Gold Mine, kidnap the high-level staff of the gold mine, and the Suharto family will have to pay ransom for these goons." Lieutenant Colonel Gail sneered. speak.

Gao Fei exchanged glances with his teammates beside him, and felt disapproving of the Papua Free Army's practice of kidnapping civilians for ransom.

(End of this chapter)

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