Savior Simulator

Chapter 816 Night Attack on Gold Mine

Chapter 816 Night Attack on Gold Mine
"The guerrillas have just been plotted against. Colonel Willen and more than a dozen guerrillas were sacrificed, and there are still many wounded. With your current strength, it is impossible to capture the mine guarded by Van der Waals' mercenaries, let alone the opponents. There are also apostles and angels from the Holy Blood Knights."

"Your rifles and grenades are no match for the superpowers of mutants. 'Postman' Matthias has just proved this with a bomb sent from thousands of miles away."

"I have to remind you that the rank of 'Hand of God' Jacob Jr. among the twelve apostles of the Holy Blood Knights is higher than that of 'Postman' Matthias, and there is an 'Ape Angel' by his side, you forcefully attack Gold mines will only die and become worthless."

"Even if you are not afraid of death, you should at least think about your lofty ideals and revolutionary cause. Think about Colonel Waylon. If Mr. Colonel is still alive, will he allow you to make such a meaningless sacrifice?"

Gao Fei's stern questioning seemed to have given Lieutenant Colonel Gail a blow in the head, and the fury on his face was gradually replaced by resentment and confusion.

"You're right, but we have already lost the spiritual leader of Colonel Waylon. If we give up revenge today and retreat with our tails between our legs, this team's morale will be dissipated. It's hard to say whether it can survive in the future..."

Lieutenant Colonel Gail sighed, and looked at Gao Fei and the others angrily: "I don't understand, you were almost killed by the bomb just now, why didn't you seem to care at all? Don't you guys feel angry and don't want to complain about the nearly killed?" Revenge for killing your bastards?"

Including Gao Fei, all the SWAT officers were deeply hurt by Lieutenant Colonel Gale's questioning.

They were almost blown to the sky, and they were all simmering with anger in their hearts. They only reluctantly contained their anger out of consideration for the overall situation, and did not burst out.

"Maybe we should help the guerrillas." Jiang Feng said coldly, "At first we rejected Lieutenant Colonel Gail's invitation because we didn't want to get involved in the conflict between the Batavian government and the rebels, but now St. The Blood Knights moved first, regardless of whether it was an accidental injury or not, we have already become victims anyway, and we have every reason to vent our anger on our behalf!"

Her words spoke out the hearts of everyone.

Gao Fei and Tang Ning discussed it and sent emails to their respective webmasters.

Not long after, the two received letters from Yaoguang and Kaiyang, authorizing them to assist the Papua Freedom Army in their personal capacity to deal with Van der Waal's henchmen, but there was a premise-the workers and civilians in the mining area must not be harmed.

"Lieutenant Colonel Gail, if you and your troops promise not to harm or kidnap the staff in the mine, we can assist you in dealing with the van der Waals mercenary team stationed in the gold mine."

Tang Ning offered Lieutenant Colonel Gail a condition.

"No problem!" Lieutenant Colonel Gail patted his chest and solemnly assured, "Colonel Willen's spirit in heaven can bear witness for me. In tonight's battle, we will never harm innocent people!"


In the Republic of Batavia, the corruption of the former warlord President Suharto and his family members is well known to all women and children, and the corruption of government officials under him is also common, which once made Batavia listed as a corrupt organization by the World Bank. among the most corrupt countries.

"Suharto has three sons and three daughters. Their children and spouses have shares in almost all major projects in this country, generally around 20%. Therefore, people call the Suharto family the '20.00% family' '."

"The Hiti Gold Mine is one of the iconic industries of the Suharto family, and it belongs to the third-generation leader of the family, Hiti Suharto."

"Peter van der Waals, the founder of the Knights of the Holy Blood, also owns 40% of the shares in the Hiti Gold Mine. He also has two companies stationed in the gold mine for security. The security captain is one of the Twelve Apostles. Little Jacob of the 'Hand of God'."

"Beside little Jacob, there is also a mutant gorilla who acts as a bodyguard. It has four arms and is very fierce. It is the 'Ape Angel' among the twelve angels of the Holy Blood Knights."

On the way to Xidi Gold Mine overnight, Tangning first introduced the general situation of the gold mine to his companions, and then proposed a battle plan.

"When I get to the periphery of the mining area, I will be in charge of luring the enemy. Using the supernatural music of the bard, try to attract the security personnel to an area far away from the dormitory of the mining area, so as not to cause accidental injury to the workers in the mine."

"Next, Lieutenant Colonel Gail will lead the guerrillas to launch a surprise attack."

When Little Jacob and the ape angel also appeared on the battlefield, it was our Tiangong special police's turn to take action. "

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Tangning unscrewed the lipstick and applied it twice on her lips to bless her with "Speaking Words" and "Sound Amplification".

Needless to say, the "Smart Words Technique", the effect of the "Sound Amplification Technique" was to double the loudness and propagation radius of Tangning's voice in the next period of time.

Sonic spells and supernatural abilities are also enhanced by "amplification," which includes "chanting" for bards.

Under normal circumstances, the supernatural music sung by the poet can only affect the listeners within 60 feet around. If the gain of the "amplification" is included, it becomes a radius of 120 feet.

Tangning put away her lipstick, gathered Gao Fei and the others and the guerrilla fighters around her, making sure that no one was more than 40 meters (120 feet) away from her.

Next, Tangning cast "Performance Casting" twice in a row, blessing herself and all her comrades with "Grace of a Delayed Cat" and "Protective Arrow".

With her current casting level, "Cat's Elegance" can increase the agility attribute by 6 points, thereby significantly enhancing the evasion rate and shooting accuracy of the subject.

The 2nd-level spell "Protection Arrow", also known as "Bulletproof Barrier", lasts for 1 hour/casting level, and provides the subject with damage reduction armor 10/magic for all long-range attacks.

The firearms equipped by the mercenaries in the mining area are absolutely impossible to be enchanted weapons. Everyone added a "bulletproof barrier" in advance, which can effectively reduce the damage received in the gun battle.

Gao Fei and the others also blessed their own buff spells and hid in the bushes outside the mine to wait for the opportunity.

Across a road, Lieutenant Colonel Gail led the guerrilla fighters to ambush in another bush.

Tangning took off her coat, and under everyone's gaze, her graceful figure wrapped in tights disintegrated into a flock of birds of paradise, flapping their wings and flying into the night sky.

Under the cover of night, the flock of birds quietly flew to the military camp one mile away, circling in the air.

Just below the flock of birds, two teams of gun-toting mercenaries were patrolling, a total of 42 people, plus 10 military dogs.

The flock of birds transformed by Tang Ning sang "Ecstasy" in the air like the howling night wind.

The patrols below, including the military dogs, were quickly fascinated by the mysterious magic power contained in the bird's song, and they stopped at the same time, staring blankly in the direction of the bird's song.


It’s almost the end of the month, please ask for two monthly tickets, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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