Savior Simulator

Chapter 793 Anime House

Chapter 793 Anime House

"The seventh apostle of the Holy Blood Knights, code-named 'Steel Nail' Philip, a professional mercenary under Peter van der Waals, originally from Kyiv, a veteran of the Azov Battalion who participated in the 'Donbass War' in 2014, hardcore* **molecular."

"After Philip took the hero drug, he awakened the superpower of the 'kinetic department', and could manipulate the magnetic field around him to attract or repel metal objects at will."

"This person carried a large number of sharp steel nails with him, and fired the steel nails by manipulating the magnetic field, which was as powerful as a machine gun bombardment!"

"It's no exaggeration to say that 'Steel Nail' Philip is a walking humanoid super-railgun!"

Good guy!What a modified version of Misaka Mikoto, now it's beeping...

Gao Fei complained secretly.

"Philip's attendant, 'Angel', seems to be a big beetle. I don't know how it mutated. It is said that it is as big as an elephant! Apart from its exaggerated size, what special abilities does 'Angel' have, which is currently unknown. Know."

Tangning paused for a moment to think about it, then introduced the sixth apostle.

"'Blade' Ximen, the sixth-ranked apostle of the Holy Blood Knights, formerly known as Phanigutas, is an Asmat warrior from Hulu Village."

"This person is a mutant of the 'Armed System'. His super power is just like his nickname. He can turn his own bones into sharp blades, eject them from any part of the body, and use his steel wire-like muscle fibers to control the bone knives, killing people out of body!"

"My colleague 'The Beastman' Pep once fought against 'Blade' Simon once."

"I heard from Pep that in addition to manipulating the sharp blade transformed from the ribs, Simon can also spray blood and shoot the opponent like an arrow."

"What's even more frightening is that the blood droplets ejected by Ximen still contain the owner's evil will. After leaving the body, they can still be manipulated by Ximen within a certain distance, and go straight to the heart along the blood vessels of the injured, causing cardiac arrest. .”

"We all know that the Asmat people were known as cannibals in history. Today, the vast majority of Asmat people have given up the habit of cannibalism."

"However, I have to remind you that Ximen, a pervert, is not only an out-and-out cannibal ghost, but also trying to restore the tradition of headhunting and cannibalism in the entire Asmat region!"

"Pirion Village, where Pep was born, has often fought with Xiulu Village under Ximen's rule in recent years. Several villagers were beheaded by Ximen and eaten raw flesh and blood!"

After hearing Tangning's warning, Gao Fei and the others couldn't help but feel a chill.

Tangning took a sip of water, and continued, "'Blade' Ximen is always accompanied by a big dog with a dark blue coat and a hideous face. It is his attendant, 'Dog Angel'."

"I don't have much information about the 'Angel Dog'. I just heard from Pep that this strange dog is very cunning and can use magic. On the surface it is a servant of Ximen, but in fact Ximen asks it for everything. Because it is much smarter than Simon, a savage whose mind only knows about killing."

"The fifth apostle, 'Crocodile' Andre, is also the leader of the Asmat tribe. His original name was East Bowie. He was born in Pirion Village like Pep. They are still cousins."

"Andre's super power belongs to the 'transformation system'. Taking a hero drug can transform him into a giant crocodile, or a hybrid form with a crocodile head and a human body."

"Pep tried to dissuade his cousin from joining the Knights of the Holy Blood, but unfortunately he failed, and there was a dispute between brothers and sisters."

"In the confrontation that broke out not long ago, Pep injured Andre the 'crocodile', but something happened that shocked him."

"Andre's wound healed on its own. Even if his arm was cut off, a new arm would grow back, as if he were immortal!"

"Pep couldn't find a way to completely defeat Andre. After Andre summoned his bodyguard 'Crocodile Angel', Pep had no chance of winning, so he had to flee his hometown."

"Until now, Pep is still investigating the strange things that have happened in Pirien Village and Xiulu Village in recent years."

"He couldn't figure out why Ximen and Andre, both members of the ranks of the Holy Blood Knights, hated each other and often led their clansmen to attack each other's villages and massacre the villagers."

"Peter van der Waal knew that the two generals under his command were having internal strife, so why didn't he intervene?"

"When we arrive at Agatz and meet Pep, we can learn more about 'Blade' Simon and 'Crocodile' Andre from him."

"Next is the fourth-ranked apostle of the Holy Blood Knights, Jacob the Great, known as the 'Son of Thunder'."

"Jacob the Great is the elder brother of Jacob the Little. Both brothers awakened to superpowers after taking the medicine. This is very rare."

"Big Jacob is even weirder than his younger brother. It is said that he is an avid anime fan. He always likes to dress up as a ninja and say weird things like 'make the world feel pain'."

Tangning shrugged her shoulders and spread her hands, expressing that she couldn't understand Da Jacob's mentality, and even felt that there was something wrong with this person's mind.

Gao Fei and Jiang Feng looked at each other, hesitated to speak.

They are also game anime geeks, they can somewhat understand Brother Jacob's mentality, but they are too embarrassed to say it in front of Tangning, for fear of being laughed at by her.

"Don't look at Big Jacob as a severely elderly secondary illness patient, this guy's strength is no joke!"

Tangning put away her smile and spoke solemnly.

"In terms of combat power alone, James the Great is likely to be the second only to 'Rock' Peter among the Twelve Apostles!"

"This person belongs to the 'kinetic department' mutant, and his specialty is manipulating the air. There are three main ways to use it."

"One is to fly against the wind. Da Ya Ge named this trick 'Dancing Kongshu'. It is said that it is a trick in a certain comic book."

"The palm of Da Jacob's left hand can absorb air and form a wind tunnel to forcibly suck people in front of him. This trick is called 'Wanxiang Tianyin'."

"Contrary to his left hand, his right palm can launch highly compressed air, bombarding the enemy like a cannonball, and at the same time make a thunderous thunder—the nickname 'Son of Thunder' comes from this."

"Big Jacob also gave this move a name, what's it called..." Tangning raised her hand to her forehead, frowning in thought.

"Shenluo Tianzheng?" Gao Fei couldn't help answering.

"That's right! That's the name! How did you know that?" Tangning looked over in surprise.

"This is also a move in the comics, I happened to read it."

Gao Fei pretended to be nonchalant on the surface, but in his heart he complained about "Son of Thunder" Jacob, who was also the second child.

"Sister Tang, does the Great Jacob have a guardian angel?"

Jiang Feng saw that his boyfriend didn't want Tangning to know about him, but he was actually an "old middle school sophomore", so he quickly changed the topic.

(End of this chapter)

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