Savior Simulator

Chapter 794 The Queen and the Pope

Chapter 794 The Queen and the Pope

Tangning nodded, and said to Jiang Feng, "Beside Big Jacob, there is a giant mutated python. After taking the medicine, it can become bigger and stronger!"

"Big Jacob also installed a large laser launcher on the tail of the giant python. The laser beam emitted is powerful and has an extremely long range. You should be more careful!"

"Understood, this monster is the 'Snake Angel', right?" Jiang Feng asked.

"Yes, but for some reason, Da Jacob thought the name 'Snake Angel' wasn't cool enough, so he gave this giant python a new name, what's it called 'Wang Da Snake'-it's not as good as the slag. It's called 'Snake Angel'!"

It was rare for Tangning to complain, and Ma Tao, Ma Yun, Qi Tian and Wang Daqing all laughed out loud.

They also really felt that the name "Wang Da Snake" was ridiculous.

Only Gao Fei and Jiang Feng couldn't laugh.

The two looked at each other and thought of one thing at the same time.

A guy with a "secondary illness" in his head, an avid anime fan, would never name his bodyguard at will, there must be allusions in it.

Daya Ge became obsessed with playing cosplay and renamed "Snake Angel" "Wang Da Snake". Trouble!
"If the name 'Wang Da Snake' comes from the manga we all know, then the super power of 'Snake Angel'... I'm afraid it's more than what Sister Tang said!" Jiang Feng was worried.

"Don't talk about it." Gao Fei held his girlfriend's hand and shook his head lightly, "There's no need to scare people about the disappearance. It's not good if it misleads everyone. It's enough for me to know."

Jiang Feng nodded silently, put aside those wild guesses, and continued to listen to Tangning's sharing of information.

"The third-ranked apostle of the Holy Blood Knights, code-named 'Captain' Datai, a retired marine, the mercenary captain under Peter, and his most trusted old subordinate."

"After Da Tai took the hero medicine, he awakened a very rare mutant of the 'Possession Line'. It is said that he can possess the creature that comes into contact with running water, dominate the opponent's body, and make it his own puppet."

"Datai's attendant 'Mud Angel' is a large pool of intelligent slime-like monsters. It looks like a large slime and can also transform into a clay giant. As for whether it belongs to a slime monster or an elemental creature, there is a question. We don't have any more accurate information about the special ability."

"The second-ranked apostle is 'Queen Ant' Matthew, the only female apostle of the Holy Blood Knights."

Gao Fei keenly noticed that when Tang Ning mentioned the second apostle Matthew, his face became a little strange, and his eyes flickered.

She stopped, as if hesitating for something, and weighed it silently for a while before continuing.

"I am very familiar with Matthew."

"She is my college classmate, whose real name is Hiti Suharto, a member of the third generation of the Suharto family, her social status, the huge wealth she inherited from her elders, she is said to be the 'princess' of this country. Not an exaggeration."

"I really envy you for having such a noble and wealthy classmate." Gao Fei asked Tangning insincerely, "You and her are classmates and friends, but now you are in opposing camps, you must be very conflicted, right?"

"Confused? Haha, what's the point of being tangled up!" Tangning sneered, "It's true that Xidi and I are classmates, but I've never been her friend. To be precise, from the day I learned about her background , I couldn't help hating her, and regarded this woman as an imaginary enemy in my heart!"

Noticing that Gao Fei and the others were looking at her with doubts, Tangning calmed down her excitement and explained in a fair manner.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any personal grievances with Hitty. At least she is a good person on the surface. She doesn't put on airs as a lady. She often attends charity events and pays attention to creating a positive public image of herself."

"I hate her mostly because of her origins."

"For a Batavian Chinese like me, in the eyes of my family and friends, the Suharto family is the original sin. There's every reason to hate her!"

"The grievances here can be traced back to 98, or even the 60s... Hitty's grandfather, the bloody warlord tyrant, died well. It is really a satire of justice! Since then, I have been I no longer believe that good and evil will be rewarded in the end!"

Tangning let out a breath slowly, barely restraining the resentment in her heart.

"Sorry, I shouldn't say this. After all, this has nothing to do with our mission, and it involves political factors. It is too complicated and too sensitive to explain in detail. Let's stop here."

"Sister Tangning, that princess from the Suharto family, what kind of mutant is she?"

Ma Yun brought the topic back on track at the right time.

The corner of Tangning's mouth twitched slightly, and she replied reluctantly, "Like me, she is also a colony mutant. Her body can be decomposed into countless army ants, and she can also domesticate insects into servants, including mutated insects."

"The ant queen is always accompanied by many mutated giant ants, and the most dangerous one is the 'Ant Angel'."

Tang Ning didn't want to talk about Hiti Suharto, the old enemy, and quickly moved on to the next and last apostle.

"The founder of the Van der Waals security company and the Knights of the Holy Blood, Peter the Rock, is the number one apostle and is honored as the 'Pope' by the other apostles."

"Peter van der Waal, a Batavian of Dutch descent, was born on Irian Island in 1965 and was raised by his missionary uncle. He studied in a seminary in his youth."

"Although Peter failed to become a missionary as his uncle expected, the theological education he received and the influence he received from his uncle had a great influence on his thinking."

"However, it's hard for us to imagine that such a self-proclaimed pious Christian actually embarked on a bloody road that is diametrically opposed to the benevolent teachings of the Lord, and regards waging war as a business for profiteering!"

"From the late 80s to the early 90s, Peter van der Waals served in the French Foreign Legion. Later, relying on the contacts accumulated in the Foreign Legion, he pulled up a mercenary team himself, which was the predecessor of Van der Waals Security Company."

"In 98, Van der Waal's mercenary career ushered in a turning point."

"This spring, affected by the Asian financial turmoil, the political situation in the Republic of Batavia was in turmoil. The corrupt and brutal Suharto regime, in order to divert the anger of the people, pushed the Chinese and indigenous people as scapegoats. Shortly thereafter, the The 'Black May' tragedy that shocked the world."

(End of this chapter)

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